Performance Zend Soap Service on LAMP - performance

I have developed 2 soap webservices in my zend application. In my development environment (MAMP on mac 8 GB ram i7 processor) the performance is really good. When I deploy it on my Ubuntu LAMP server (1 GB RAM 1 processor) the performance decreases a lot. Its more than 10 times slower.
I have a java client (eclipse autogenerated client from wsdl) The problem is that the first call is always 4 times slower than the second one. This goes for both my MAMP and LAMP.
- First call 400 ms
- Second call 100 ms
- First call 2 000 ms
- Second call 400 ms
I simply duplicate the request so the request is exactley the same for the first and second call.
If I manually run the LAMP client several times the first call will be done at around 900 ms. It feels as if the Zend application has to "startup" something during the first call.
Does anyone have any clue on how I can get around this? What I've tried:
Make sure the wsdl is cached
Installed xcache (not shipped with LAMP)
Read tunings tutroials
Thanks in advance!

This performance issue often occurs when you use Zend_Soap_AutoDiscovery for wsdl generation. If that is the case for your code, you should consider storing your generated wsdl as a separate xml file and load it in the Zend_Soap_Server constructor.

This looks like a problem with opcode cache. Without opcode cache, Zend's really slow. And it gets a ncie boost when using it.
I'd look for Zend Optimizer, eAccelerator, or simillar...
That would be why it slows down after some idle time (classes/files are wiped from IO cache).


Yii2 basic application page - load testing with apache jmeter freezes server

I had configured yii2 basic application template in windows server (Dual core processor, 8 GB RAM) No extra code written other than just installing it.When testing with apache jmeter with 100 concurrent users in 10 min CPU usage get hit 99% and the server freezes.Normal static PHP page would work without any issues under the same test, if placed outside the framework.It take around 2-3 percent of CPU utilisation.
If you're allowing to run 100 concurrent PHP processes on 2-core CPU, this is more like issue with your server configuration - each process gets less that 1% of your CPU, which makes everything really slow. You should limit number of PHP processes (in php-fpm config for example) and queue them at webserver level - it is better to process 20 concurrent request at the same time and do it fast, than process 100 and do it slow.
You should start from guide tutorial about Yii optimization.
Definitely disable debug mode.
Use more efficient backend for cache (like APCu or redis/memcache) and session.
Disable Yii autoloader and use optimized autoloader from composer:
You may also look at application prepared for basic benchmark and compare configs.
As per Patrick comment, you're comparing a simple PHP page with a more complex framework.
There are tons of possible reasons for your issues:
misconfiguration of YII2
Unrealistic JMeter test, you don't give any information on it
Issue in YII2

Remote API server slowiness

In our server we reach and use REST API of Twitter. Until 3 days ago we had no problems. But since that time we have slowiness problem.
Regarding to Twitter API status page there is no problem. But we have very big delays.
We make 350-400 requests per minute.
Before, we had a performance of 600-700 ms. per request. (Snapshot image)
But now it became 3600-4000 ms per request. (Snapshot image)
It doesn't look like a temporary slowiness because it remains nearly for 3 days.
What did I check:
- I didn't make any big code change in our repo. Also when we make minimal reuqests with just one line of request, we still get this slowiness.
- I check server speed with Ookla's speedtest. It looks good. 800 Mb/s download, 250 Mb/s upload.
- We don't have any CPU, RAM or disk problem. CPU average is 30%, RAM is 50% loaded, disk IO is nearly 4-5%.
So what would be the probable causes ?
I can check them and update question.
(Centos 6.5, PHP 5.4.36, Nginx 1.6, Apache/2.2.15, Apache run PHP as PHP module, XCache 3.2.0)

ASP.NET MVC lost in finding botleneck

I have ASP.NET MVC app which accept file uploads and has result pooling using SignalR. The app hosted on Prod server with IIS7, 4 Gb Ram and two cores CPU.
The app on Dev server works perfectly but when I host it on Prod server with about 50 000 users per day the app become unrresponsible after five minutes of running. The web page request time increase dramatically and it takes about 30 seconds to load one page. I have tried to record all MvcApplication.Application_BeginRequest event call and got 9000 hits in 5 minutes. Not sure is this acceptable number of hits or not for app like this.
I have used ANTS Performance Profiler(not useful in Prod app profiling, slow and eats all memory) to profile code but profiler do not show any time delay issues in my code/MSSQL queries.
Also I have tried to monitored CPU and RAM spike problems but I didn't find any. CPU percentage sometimes goes to 15% but never up and memory usage is normal.
I suspect that there is something wrong with request or threads limits in ASP.NET/IIS7 but don't know how to profile it.
Could someone suggest any profiling solutions which could help in this situation? Tried to hunt the problem for two week already without any result :(
You may try using the MiniProfiler and more specifically the MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package which is specifically created for ASP.NET MVC applications. It will show you all kind of useful information such as the time spend for different methods in the execution of the request.

asmx web service slower after upgrade

I am transferring a C# asmx web service to windows 2008 and iis7 (64 bit), from ii6 (32 bit). I got an approximate web method performance time of about 160 ms before. On iis7, I'm now getting about 320 ms, even after reducing the web method down to almost no code to execute. I realize there is a compilation time on the first call. This timing is after about 20 calls and the time seems has stabilized.
I would like to reduce the time to run the web method from 320 ms to under 200 ms. This is to help handle the case where several calls would need to be processed. Another problem is when I ramp up 20 calls in 1 second, once in a while one of the calls will take about 3 seconds. This is also not desirable.
I've tried compiling in release mode and removed a debug compilation from the web.config. The .asmx file just references the class to load in the dll binary.
Something that is different is that iis7 is configured to show more detailed error messages to help with setup. However, since this is only when an error occurs I don't see how it could be slowing a regular call down.
I've tried both integrated pipeline mode and the classic pipeline mode and still get similar times. I've also tried setting the default compilation language to C#. I've tried checking the ping time to verify it is not the network. IIS has some database connections setup from the time when there was code in the web service method, but now that it does basically nothing I don't believe that should be an issue.
fyi - The problem was not asmx, iis7, iis6, debug mode, or the pipeline mode. The new IIS7 64 bit server started off with an internal ip address and then graduated to a public ip address. The ip address made a difference due to differences in network routing. The IIS6 test case was based on a public ip. Once I used the public ip for the IIS7 server the times were reasonably similar.

How can I optimize MVC and IIS pipeline to obtain higher speed?

I am doing performance tweaking of a simple app that uses MVC on IIS 7.5.
I have a StopWatch starting up in Application_BeginRequest and I take a snapshot at Controller.OnActionExecuting.
So I measure the time spend in the entire IIS pipeline: from request receipt to the moment execution finally gets to my controller.
I obtain 700 microseconds on my 3GHz quad-core (project compiled Release x64), and I wonder where the bottleneck is, especially hearing some people say that one can get up to 8000 page loads per second with MVC.
How can I optimize MVC and IIS pipeline to obtain higher speed?
The tool "IIS Tuner" may be helpful. It is an open source tool and you may investigate the tricks that application made. the tool is available at codeplex
I obtain 700 microseconds on my 3GHz quad-core (project compiled Release x64), and I wonder where the bottleneck is, especially hearing some people say that one can get up to 8000 page loads per second with MVC.
Note that a result of 700 µs in the pipeline is not incompatible with getting throughput of 8,000 requests per second. (You may be confusing response time with throughput.) If 8,000 people simultaneously made requests and each one was fulfilled less than one second later, that would be 8,000 requests per second regardless of whether the response time was 1 µs, 700 µs, or 700 ms.
Is 700 microseconds too long for IIS+MVC pipeline to run on every page load?
Not necessarily. You'd have to evaluate whether or not you're actually getting saturated with requests.
The tool "IIS Tuner" may be helpful.
And makes WCAT not works. Any views?
more details as below,
D:\Program Files\IIS Resources\WCAT Client>wcclient.exe localhost
wcclient.exe 5.2.3652 - Web Capacity Analysis Toolkit Client.
Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Compiled May 29 2003, 16:28:20
Connecting main client thread...
Waiting for Config Message: Connecting Dead controller thread...
IP version requested for testing is unspecified
Receiving script header message: Done.
Receiving string table: Receiving 1 script pages ...
Fail to resolve server address for IP supported by the client: localhost
Connecting client abort notification...
Failed to resolve server address(es).
Have you looked into:
- async controllers? ASP.NET processes are limited to 12 threads (or 12 threads per CPU) not sure which.
- there are a bunch of micro-optmization tricks (for example, MVC loads all the view engines...when you only need Razor remove the others)
So, there are definitely ways to improve performance and you have full control over the HTML in MVC as well (no viewstate, obstrusive markup, unecessary postbacks etc)
