Ruby Regular Expression: Setting $1 variable in a hash - ruby

Everything in this code works properly, except the contents of the $1 variable aren't being properly displayed. According to my tests, all the matching is being done properly, I am just having trouble figuring out how to actually output the contents of $1.
codeTags = {
/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/m => "<strong>#{$1}</strong>",
/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/m => "<em>#{$1}</em>"
regexp ={Regexp.union(codeTags.keys)})/)
message = (message).gsub(/#{regexp}/) do |match|
codeTags[ {|k| match =~}[0]]
return message.html_safe
Thank you!

As soon as you do this:
codeTags = {
/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/m => "<strong>#{$1}</strong>",
/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/m => "<em>#{$1}</em>"
The #{$1} bits in the values are interpolated using whatever happens to be in $1 at the time. The values will most likely be "<strong></strong>" and "<em></em>" and those aren't very useful.
And regexp is already a regular expression object so gsub(/#{regexp}/) should be just gsub(regexp). Similar things apply to the keys of codeTags, they're already regular expression objects so you don't need to
I'd change the whole structure, you're overcomplicating things. Just something simple like this would be fine for only two replacements:
message = message.gsub(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/) { '<strong>' + $1 + '</strong>' }
message = message.gsub(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/) { '<em>' + $1 + '</em>' }
If you try to do it all at once you'll have problems with nesting in something like this:
message = 'Where [b]is[/b] pancakes [b]house [i]and[/i] more[/b] stuff?'
You'd end up having to use a recursive gsub and possibly some lambdas if you wanted to properly handle things like that with a single expression.
There are better things to spend your time on than trying to be clever on something like this.
Response to comments: If you have more bb-tags and some smilies to worry about and several messages per page then you should HTMLify each message when you create it. You could store only the HTML version or both HTML and BB-Code versions if you want the BB-Code stuff around for some reason. This way you'd only pay for the HTMLification once per message and producing your big lists would be nearly free.


How to have ruby conditionally check if variables exist in a string?

So I have a string from a rendered template that looks like
"Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
All those variables like {{user_name}} are optional and do not need to be included but I want to check that if they are, they have {{ in front of the variable name. I am using liquid to parse and render the template and couldn't get it to catch if the user only uses 1 (or no) opening brackets. I was only able to catch the proper number of closing brackets. So I wrote a method to check that if these variables exist, they have the correct opening brackets. It only works, however, if all those variables are found.
here is my method:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
text = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
text.all? do |variable|
next unless template.include? variable
template.include? "{{#{variable}"
It works, but only if all variables are present. If, for example, the template created by the user does not include user_name, then it will return false. I've also done this loop using each, and creating a variable outside of the block that I assign false if the conditions are not met. I would really, however, like to get this to work using the all? method, as I can just return a boolean and it's cleaner.
If the question is about how to rewrite the all? block to make it return true if all present variable names have two brackets before them and false otherwise then you could use something like this:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
variables = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
variables.all? do |variable|
!template.include?(variable) || template.include?("{{#{variable}")
There are multiple ways to do this, but the easiest way I can think of is to simply prefix/postfix a regular expression with the escaped characters used by Mustache/Liquid, and using alternation to check for each of your variable names within the template variable characters (e.g. double curly braces). You can then use String#scan and then return a Boolean from Enumerable#any? based on the contents of the Array returned by from #scan.
This works with your posted example, but there may certainly be other use cases where you need a more complex solution. YMMV.
Example Code
This solution escapes the leading and trailing { and } characters to avoid having them treated as special characters, and then interpolates the variable names with | for alternation. It returns a Boolean depending on whether templated variables are found.
def template_string_has_interpolations? str
var_names = %w[user_name company_name company_phone_number]
regexp = /\{\{#{var_names.join ?|}\}\}/
Tested Examples
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
#=> true
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear Customer,\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\nCompany, Inc.\r\n(555) 555-5555\r\n"
#=> false

How to go through a loop and create a new object with each iteration Ruby?

I saw several variations of this question but did not really find a solid answer.
So I have an array of URLS. I want to loop through that array and for each individual URL, I would create an instance of class WebPages.
So if array URLS has 5 urls in it, then I would create 5 objects of WebPages. I tried to use eval() to do this but quickly learned that the instances made by eval have a very local scope and I cannot use those WebPage objects after.
string_to_eval ={|x| "webpage#{urls.index(x)} ='# {x}')"}.join(';')
puts string_to_eval
String_to_eval prints out:
webpage0 ='');
webpage1 ='');
webpage2 ='');
webpage3 ='')
How else can I make an object with each iteration of the loop in Ruby? Is there a way around this?
Why not just this?
webpages = { |url| }
It is generally a bad idea to have webpage0, webpage1... when you can have webpages[0], webpages[1]... (Also, the array way does not require the Evil of eval.)
In this situation I would forgo unique variable names and instead simply leave the resulting objects in an array. In that case the code would look like this:
=> [WebPage(''), WebPage(''), WebPage(''), WebPage('') ]

Ruby: How to generate lines of code inside a program?

I am developing a parser in Ruby using the parslet library.
The language I am parsing has a lot of keywords that can be merged into a single parsing rule like this:
rule(:keyword) {
str('keyword1') |
str('keyword2') |
str('keyword2') ...
Is there a good way to generate this set of lines of code dynamically, by reading a text file with all the keywords?
This would help me keep my parser clean and small, making it easier to add new keywords without modifying the code.
The pseudo-code of what I want to embed inside the rule(:keyword) would be somethings like this:"keywords.txt").each { |k| write_line " str(\'#{k}\') "}
So far, the workaround I have found is to have a separate ruby program loading the parser code as:
keywords = ["keyword1", "keyword2","keyword3"]
subs = {:keyword_list => keywords .inject("") { |a,k| a << "str('#{k}') | \n"} }
eval("parser.rb") % subs)
where the parser code has the following lines:
Is there a more elegant way to achieve this?
You can try something like this:
rule(:keyword) {
File.readlines("keywords.txt").map { |k| str(k.chomp) }.inject(&:|)
In this case, you don't really need to "generate lines of code". As #Uri tried to explain in his answer, there's nothing special about the contents of that rule method; it's just plain Ruby code. Because of this, anything you can do in Ruby you can do inside that rule method as well, including read files, dynamically call methods, and call methods on objects.
Let me break down your existing code, so I can better explain how a dynamic solution to the same problem would work:
rule(:keyword) {
# Stuff here
This code right here calls a rule method and passes it :keyword and a block of code. At some point, parslet will call that block and check its return value. Parslet might choose to call the block using instance_exec, which can change the context the block is being executed in to make methods not available outside the block (like str, perhaps) available inside it.
Here, inside the context of the rule block, you are calling a method named str with the string "keyword1", and getting the result. Nothing special here, this is just a normal method call.
str('keyword1') | str('keyword2')
Here, the | operator is actually just a method being called on whatever str('keyword1') is returning. This code is equivalent to str('keyword1').send(:'|', str('keyword2')).
str('keyword1') |
str('keyword2') |
Same as before, except this time we're calling | on whatever str('keyword1').send(:'|', str('keyword2')) returned. The result of this method call is returned to the rule method when it calls the block.
So now that you know how all this works, you can perform exactly the same operations (calling str with each keyword, and using the | method to "add up" the results) dynamically, based on the contents of a file perhaps:
rule(:keyword) {
File.readlines("keywords.txt").map(&:chomp).map { |k| str(k) }.inject(:|)
rule(:keyword) { # Call the rule method with the `:keyword` argument, and pass
# it this block of code.
File.readlines("keywords.txt"). # Get an array of strings containing all the
# keywords
map(&:chomp). # Remove surrounding whitespace from each keyword in the array,
# by calling `chomp` on them. (The strings returned by
# `File.readlines` include the newline character at the end of
# each string.)
map { |k| str(k) }. # Convert each keyword in the array into whatever is
# returned by calling `str` with that keyword.
inject(:|) # Reduce the returned objects to a single one using the `|`
# method on each object. (Equivalent to obj1 | obj2 | obj3...)
And that's it! See? No need to generate any lines of code, just do what the real code is doing, but do it dynamically!

Rails String Interpolation in a string from a database

So here is my problem.
I want to retrieve a string stored in a model and at runtime change a part of it using a variable from the rails application. Here is an example:
I have a Message model, which I use to store several unique messages. So different users have the same message, but I want to be able to show their name in the middle of the message, e.g.,
"Hi #{}, ...."
I tried to store exactly that in the database but it gets escaped before showing in the view or gets interpolated when storing in the database, via the rails console.
Thanks in advance.
I don't see a reason to define custom string helper functions. Ruby offers very nice formatting approaches, e.g.:
"Hello %s" % ['world']
"Hello %{subject}" % { subject: 'world' }
Both examples return "Hello world".
If you want
"Hi #{}, ...."
in your database, use single quotes or escape the # with a backslash to keep Ruby from interpolating the #{} stuff right away:
s = 'Hi #{}, ....'
s = "Hi \#{}, ...."
Then, later when you want to do the interpolation you could, if you were daring or trusted yourself, use eval:
s = pull_the_string_from_the_database
msg = eval '"' + s + '"'
Note that you'll have to turn s into a double quoted string in order for the eval to work. This will work but it isn't the nicest approach and leaves you open to all sorts of strange and confusing errors; it should be okay as long as you (or other trusted people) are writing the strings.
I think you'd be better off with a simple micro-templating system, even something as simple as this:
def fill_in(template, data)
template.gsub(/\{\{(\w+)\}\}/) { data[$1.to_sym] }
fill_in('Hi {{user_name}}, ....', :user_name => 'Pancakes')
You could use whatever delimiters you wanted of course, I went with {{...}} because I've been using Mustache.js and Handlebars.js lately. This naive implementation has issues (no in-template formatting options, no delimiter escaping, ...) but it might be enough. If your templates get more complicated then maybe String#% or ERB might work better.
one way I can think of doing this is to have templates stored for example:
"hi name"
then have a function in models that just replaces the template tags (name) with the passed arguments.
It can also be User who logged in.
Because this new function will be a part of model, you can use it like just another field of model from anywhere in rails, including the html.erb file.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more description.
Adding another possible solution using Procs:
#String can be stored in the database
string = "->(user){ 'Hello ' +}"
proc = eval(string) #=> "Hello Bob"
gsub is very powerful in Ruby.
It takes a hash as a second argument so you can supply it with a whitelist of keys to replace like that:
template = <<~STR
Hello %{user_email}!
You have %{user_voices_count} votes!
Greetings from the system
template.gsub(/%{.*?}/, {
"%{user_email}" => '',
"%{user_voices_count}" => 5,
"%{release_distributable_total}" => 131,
"%{entitlement_value}" => 2,
Compared to ERB it's secure. And it doesn't complain about single % and unused or inexistent keys like string interpolation with %(sprintf) does.

magento _redirect with parameters that have + or /

seems like a call to
does not properly escape the arguments
so if
$myargs=array(p1=>'string that has + or / within it')
the created URL will be something like:
causing the getParams collection on the action to have
p1 with value 'string that has or ' <- plus sign missing and value broken and
' within it' with no value or something similar.
is there any standard way I should handle the arguments before passing them to _redirect ?
Yes, there are two standard ways.
Pass all your params as route params, but encode them with php urlencode() func:
foreach ($myargs as $key => $val) {
$myargs[$key] = urlencode($val);
$this->_redirect('*/*/myaction', $myargs);
Pass your params as query params
$this->_redirect('*/*/myaction', array('_query', $myargs));
You'd better take second approach, because your params logically are not route but query parameters. Magento is made with a lot of architecture thinking, so it usually points better ways to do stuff - that's why in your case it's easier to send params using second way.
Notice: _redirect() internally uses Mage_Core_Model_Url, so everything said in this answer is true for all other url-forming routines and all usages of Url model.
refer to and read the section "Reserved characters"
