Problem with passing non-literal text to the Html.Partial() extension method -

I would like to pass the file name of a partial view as data retrieved from the viewbag as such:
<div id="Zone1">#Html.Partial(ViewBag.ZoneControl1)</div>
Where the "ZoneControl1" property of the ViewBag is the name of the desired partial view retrieved from elsewhere (i.e. database, web service, etc.). If I include the text as a literal string i.e.:
<div id="Zone1">#Html.Partial("Controls/MyPartial")</div>
It works just fine. If I pass that literal string as a property of the ViewBag from the controller, or even just create a variable in the consuming view, i.e.:
#{string zone1 = "Controls/MyPartial";}
<div id="Zone1">#Html.Partial(zone1)</div>
It doesn't work. The page appears to be loading but never displays anything in the browser. Again, this works fine if I hardcode the partial view name, but not if it is passed as data from a variable or property. Anyone know why this is happening? If this is intended or unavoidable behavior, is there a workaround?

You can't use dynamic in Html.Partial (which is what ViewBag is) because it accepts only strings. One quick way around this would be to cast your ViewBag.ZoneControl:
As for the second part (zone1 = "Controls/MyPartial") I was unable to duplicate that.
The following code is what I wrote to test it and it works just fine.
#{ string zone1 = "Controls/MyPartial"; }
I assume the answer with casting the ViewBag is what you're really looking for in this case.

Well, I have it working now and I'm not exactly sure what fixed it. I copied the razor code\markup and deleted that view and created a new view and pasted in the old code. The only difference was that when I created the new view, via the wizard, I specified to NOT use a master page and the resulting page had code to specify:
Layout = null;
The original page was created using a master page and then I changed my mind and took out the layout directive entirely. Anyway, after making those changes, it WORKED! So, I initially surmised that the reason was that a view must specify "layout = null" if not using a master page. BUT, I then took out the "layout = null" code in this new page and it still worked! So... not sure what went wrong, but to sum up:
As #BuildStarted correctly noted, you can use a property of the ViewBag object as the partial view path, but you must cast it as a string for it to work properly. So, the premise for this question was incorrect and something else was mucking things up. Just not sure what.


Clarification needed in using Ajax forms and Partial Page

I am newbie to MVC and Web App.
Recently I have went through the article
It uses the Ajax Form, to do the partial update towards a particular region alone..
But I have a doubt in that example...
I have seen the partial Page inside the Div with Id "AllTweets"....
<div id="AllTweets">
#Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model) ***** (XXX)
And also in the controller action,
return PartialView("_AllTweets", viewModel); **** (YYYYY)
Now my question is,
They are returning the partial view along with the data from the action in the controller.
Whatever the data returned from the controller, the engine will place that data, inside the target div with id "AllTweets"...
But still, why I have to have the statement, #Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model) inside the Div, since already I am returning the data from the controller...
And also in some of the examples, i have seen the same kind of the code..
But, even if I have removed the code "#Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model)" inside the div, the code still works fine, and without any problem and i can able to post the data to the action in the controller.
I got totally stuck at this point.
May I kindly know, what is the reason behind it and why so.... So I can understand it more better.
Thanks in advance...
But, even if I have removed the code #Html.Partial("_AllTweets",
Model) inside the div, the code still works fine, and without any
problem and i can able to post the data to the action in the
Yes it will work fine. The Html.Partial("_AllTweets",Model) renders the partial with the specified model on every page load. After page is loaded, then ajax is used to fill the div with id AllTweets.
Html.Partial("_AllTweets",Model) is usefull when you want to display, for example, already saved tweets from your database to user when the page first loads. And then ajax takes care of later updates.

Ember: Specify a target action view for an action helper, other than the containing or parent view

In Ember, if you want an action to be handled by a view, it's easy to achieve this using
<button {{action 'something' target='view'}}>
`{{view App.targetView}}` // this is the view in which the 'something' action ought to be handled
If you wanted the parentView to handle this, then target='view' gets replaced with target='parentView'
Fair enough, my problem is that I want a childView to handle and simply stating 'childView' yields
'Cannot read property 'send' of undefined '
I could choose to specify the name of the view in here, like :
{{view App.targetView viewName="targetView"}}
that did not work. Neither did
target ='views.targetView' nor 'childViews.targetView'
Please don't guide me to change the semantic structure of my app by stating that the button with this action needs to be within the App.targetView template because that to me is a hack and messing with the semantic structure of my app.
What I do need to know is how I can use the target property to specify a specific view, not just the containing or parent view :) ?
To be honest, my instinctive response is "eek, don't do that". But, I'm going to suspend disbelief and stipulate that you have a good reason for wanting to do this.
The reason your approach did not work is that the target property path is evaluated in the template's context (which by default is the controller). Solution: use the view keyword in the property path and chain the viewName of the target view.
<button {{action "foo" target="view.targetView"}}>Click me</button>
{{view App.TargetView viewName="targetView"}},js,output

Change layout in controller depending on url

I have controller PlayerController and actions inside: View, Info, List.
So on urls "/Player/View" i get result with default Layout.
I want to get result with different Layout on request "/External/View".
How can i achieve this?
Although you can override the layout from the controller as has been suggested in another answer, in my opinion this means the controllers are getting just too involved in determining what the UI will be. Best to leave this purely to the Views to decide.
The closest to what you're asking is to do this in your current "~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml":
if(Context.Request.Path.StartsWith("/External", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Layout = "~/Views/_ExternalLayout.cshtml";
Layout = "~/Views/_Layout.cshtml";
Where "~/Views/_ExternalLayout.cshtml" is your alternative layout.
Might want to check the leading "/" is correct on there, I can't remember if it is.
If you put this in the existing _ViewStart, then any view that is being rendering in response to a url starting with "/External" will use this new layout, otherwise the 'normal' one will be used.
Another approach is to use the routing table to add a route value that can be used here to make a layout decision; but I've gone for this approach to keep it simple.
You can specify which layout should be used when returning a view inside your 'ExternalController' controller action.
return View("View", "~/Views/Shared/_AnotherLayout.cshtml")

Is it possible to use a custom html helper editor template without tying it to the model?

So normally I am doing something like this:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.MyDateTime)
Then I have a custom template DateTime.cshtml that is used as the editor.
Whatever the date value of Model.MyDateTime is will be displayed as expected, and as expected the name of the field on the next POST will be MyDateTime.
My desire is to use the custom template in the Html.EditorFor WITHOUT binding in the model object, instead I wish to give it a form field name to be POSTed but have it start out blank.
However I can't find an override of Html.EditorFor() that will allow me to not specify a model object, so I can only specify the template to use and the html form field name so it starts empty.
Note: I tried #Html.EditorForModel("DateTime", "MyDateTime") but just got an error so I think that I misunderstood what that is for.
(I know I could just have MyDateTime be null coming back from the controller but that is not what I am asking here.)
Why would you want to use an EditFor that is going to edit nothing (no model passed)? Instead of going down that road, you should probably look at using a View or PartialView which do not require having a Strongly-Typed model.

HTML.SelectListFor selectedValue never gets set

I have the following partial view which renders a drop down list:
#model MartinDog.Core.Models.Section
, new SelectList(Model.Dock.DockTemplate.Columns,
"Id", "FriendlyName",
, new { #id = "ddlb_dockTemplateColumns" +
I render it on my page like so:
#{Html.RenderPartial("_Admin_Page_DockTemplateColumnDropDown", Model);}
The partial view is rendered once for every Section object. A Section object one I've created and is editable in a jquery dialog box (change the name, display order, dock template column, etc.)
On the test page I am using, this Section dialog box is rendered four times (as there are four of them in my parent object).
The problem:
*The SelectedValue in the SelectList for the drop down never gets set* - that is to say, the correct item in the drop down list is never selected when the dialog is displayed and I can't quite work out why.
I thought it might be because the drop down is rendered four times, so I tried rendering it for just one of the 'Sections' but still the same problem.
Anyone know what I can do?
Not sure if I'm doing it in a sucky way. I had thought of building the dialog just once with jquery and json but I'd prefer to do it this way as it just feels cleaner.
I do this:
In controller action (Edit for example):
ViewData["ProvinceID"] = new SelectList(dc.Provinces.OrderBy(p => p.NameAr), "ID", "NameAr", factory.ProvinceID);
and Markup:
<%: Html.DropDownList("ProvinceID") %>
See? so it is a list of factories and it has a Province field and what I want you to notice is the 4th parameter in the SelectList constructor, I passed factory.ProvinceID so the DropDownList knows which option to be set on. Otherwise the DropDownList will show the default value (the first one).
P.S: It is your job to change to Razor syntax; I don't use it.
Hope that helps.
Doh... fixed - totally my own fault.
I had set up my html.dropdownlistfor like so
When it should've been like so:
Setting the first argument to x=>x.DockTemplateColumn.Id (which uniquely identifies the items in my list) instead of x.Name fixed the issue straight away.
Just thought I'd post it here in case someone else makes the same mistake I did.
Found the answer here:
C# mvc 3 using selectlist with selected value in view
