Create Outllook appointments from ASP.NET MVC applications -

I'm working on ASP.MVC 3 web site and need to automatically create Outlook appointemnts, events, reminders etc from it. I've googled a bit and read some posts here and find the following options:
1) Create iCal files and ask users to execute them. Not acceptable for me because appointments can be created via Web Interface from any device (e.g. Android, iPhone etc) with no Outlook installed.
2) I'm not sure it can be realized, but if my users will login to my site via their domain password (SSO) will I be able to create appointment for logged in user via Outlook App installed on the server or via exchange server somehow?
3) Alternatively can I use some predefined exchange user that will create tasks, appointments and events in outlook for logged in used?
4) Any other options can be here?

On account of the fact that this works: and this works: then I would say that option 2 is definitely doable.
iOS 3 and above lets iCal files work, they don't on Android though, as you say.


Errors accessing Shared/Room Calendars through Microsoft Graph API

I'm making an application that requires access to the shared/room-resource calendars in an Office 365 instance, using non-admin accounts. I've registered an app (in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal) using the V2 endpoint and Auth Code Grant. This successfully allows me to log in, and gives me a functional token with the Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared scope. With this token, I can retrieve my own calendars, and calendars that have been explicitly shared with me (and therefore added to my list of calendars). All of this is doable with just the normal Calendars.ReadWrite scope.
However, I get errors when requesting access to any other shared calendars, like the room calendars. Here's an example. If I make a GET call to it successfully returns a list of my calendars. If I make a GET call to I get a 404 (Not Found) Error. The same error occurs for any other user, not just meeting rooms. Note that I can see these calendars when I'm logged into Office 365 online with the same account.
A different error occurs if I ask for events not calendars. If I make a GET call to, I get a 500 (Internal Server) Error.
I've checked all the other threads I can find on the issue, and this one from November How to access shared calendars from Office REST API? says there's some kind of blocking issue on Microsoft's end. It's using the Office REST API rather than Graph, but on the back-end the APIs call the same stuff. Is this issue still about? Alternatively, am I missing some further permissions? I tried adding quite a few different permissions on top of Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared, but none of them fixed it. Is there a correct combination?
Thanks so much for any help, and let me know if any other info would be useful for diagnosis.
So if anyone else happens to be interested in this, I figured out a way to access room resource calendars without using the Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared permission. This allows you to use just the Calendars.ReadWrite permission to access the room resources, by moving them into the list of calendars of the email you're authenticating with. However, it will only work for specific accounts that you share the calendars with, so won't be usable in apps that have to work for any account. This is good enough for my use-case, but may not be for yours.
First, find or make an account that is a delegate to, and has full access to, the room resource calendar you want to use. On that account click 'Open another mailbox' in the dropdown list under your profile image.
Open another mailbox location
In the pop-up that follows, put in the email address of the room resource calendar that you want to use.
Then, on the new page that opens (which should be the Office account of the room resource calendar):
Navigate to the calendar page
Click 'Share'
Share the default calendar with the account you plan to authenticate with.
Then log into that 'authentication' account, check its email for the notification of the shared calendar, and click 'accept'. What this will do is move the calendar into the authenticated account's list of calendars, meaning you can access it with just a call to the endpoint. You'll have to repeat it for every calendar you want to be able to access, sadly.

How to create an account in outlook programmatically

I wanted to create an account in standalone application like in Outlook.
Have gone through MAPI interfaces Click here! but can't find anything useful.
Also looked for the Account Manager Api Click here!
But here you can only view already added accounts. If you want to create account using Account Manager Api , it will prompt a dialog box for adding an account. Which is of no use for me because I want a code for the same.
Please let me know if there is any solution.
The parts of the IOlkAccount interface related to creating new accounts are not documented. You can use MAPI to add Exchange and PST accounts.
If using Redemption is an option (I am its author), it allows to add POP3/SMTP accounts using RDOAccounts.AddPOP3Account.

How do you get Yammer to treat registered app as a user

In messaging platforms like Slack and HipChat you can integrate apps that can post messages to groups without them being sent from a user e.g.
Defect Management System: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Instead of:
John Smith: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Is it possible to do the same thing in Yammer?
There are two options available for you:
1 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want (e.g., "Defect Management System" with a snazzy avatar), then take the user's OAUTH token and use it to impersonate that user programmatically. This is fine for quick development.
2 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want, then register a new app on Yammer to get a permanent token and client ID, then use those to impersonate that user programmatically. This is the right way to do it. You can read more about how to do this on
This is an example of a user that we impersonate. It is a bot on our network. It is a separate account in AD and is registered as an app in Yammer and interacts with Yammer automatically.
You are always impersonating a user in Yammer via the API, there isn't a way to impersonate a group, in the way that Slack does (i.e. being able to override the username displayed and replace it with a bot for example in your payload)
If this app is for internal use, you could consider creating a dummy user as a bot to post defects, and then using Custom Object Types & Actions in Open Graph to further customize the messages. Obviously there are some business & administration considerations in doing that, not just development ones.

Google Apps Marketplace app installation callback

We've migrated our app from the old marketplace to the new one. After a few days we've received an email that we don't comply with an SSO policy - the user is not recognized after he installs the application.
In the old app we had a specific setup link, that was opened for the user after he installed the app - thus making him recognizable. Is there such a function in the market? Is there some sort of a callback for the installation event in the new marketplace?
P.S. the guy from Google told me to post technical questions on Stackoverflow and that "Our developer relations team monitors that forum and will be able to assist you."
There's the Additional app setup link in this after-installation popup (which clearly no user will click):
Is there a way to call the URL that of the Additional app setup in the background, without needing the user to click an obscure link?
That was an intentional design change which is different than how it used to work in v1 of the marketplace.
If you need interactive setup, best thing to do is put in a check on login to see if the domain has been configured. You can use the licensing API to check for a marketplace install record or directory API to check user permissions if those matter for your use case.
If you just need to run a background task, you can periodically poll the licensing API to detect new installations of the app. This shouldn't be done too often, so if you need to do things before a user logs you're still better off going with a check on login to route them to the setup flow as needed.

WP7 - regarding submission policies - confidential user details

I'm looking to publish an app which gives users the ability to register and login using my hosted database. The user will supply their name, email and password.
I'm wondering what I need to do in order to get the app certified for the marketplace - what disclaimers/notices must I ensure the user agrees to before the app is certifiable? I'm presuming if I don't handle this, it will be picked up by policy 2.8.
Have you many more tips for getting an app published to the marketplace? First time user, really want to have my app up and running within the next month!
