How to rearrange class members using Coderush Express - visual-studio-2010

I've installed coderush express for visual studio 2010 and can't figure out how to rearrange my class members so that they are arranged by convention.
How can i do this?

The free CodeRush Xpress does not allow you to rearrange class members out-of-the-box. This can be done using the Member Organizer feature shipped in the CodeRush Pro version. The Member Organizer is an open source plug-in, so you may install it into CodeRush Xpress later. You might also ask DevExpress Support Team to send this plug-in to you.


VS2013 Professional or Premium?

I need to ensure that the version of VS2013 I get allows me to do Office development. I understand that Premium allows me to do that, but can't seem to work out if Professional also allows me to do that?
Does anyone know where I can get this info? this link makes no mention of office type development.
The chart of Visual Studio features does indicate that VS Professional supports Office 365, Office and SharePoint development. You can see this bullet point under section named 'Development Platform Support'.
If you are not convinced by the chart you can always download the 90 day trial of VS 2013 Professional to see that it supports Office development. I think it is one of the options to select during install.

How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio editor for C++?

hello I have Visual Studio 2008 Express edition, I found some add-ins like metalscroll and rockscroll and even installed, but I can't find how to use those add-ins, I thought it might be automatically, I mean highlighting, but it doesn't work for my version, any ideas why? thanks in advance
Quote from metalscroll's home page:
The add-in works with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (Express versions
not supported, since they don't allow add-ins). VS 2010 will not be
supported, but Microsoft has released an add-in pack called
Productivity Power Tools which provides the same functionality.
You can forget about installing add-ins in Express editions of Visual Studio. They simply are not supported. Money spending time :-)

Difference between Addin and VSPackage in Visual Studio extensibility?

What's diff in term of functionality are there between addins and Visual Studio Packages ?
This article is a good place to start:
VSPackages are the 'first class citizens' in the IDE. Much of the core IDE functionality is actually supplied via packages. This is how Microsoft itself adds functionality to Visual Studio (i.e. new tools, languages, etc...).
Addins are limited in what they can do. Generally, they are restricted to using only the DTE automation object model to accomplish their tasks. The advantage is that it's usually simpler to do what you need this way, and the templates are included "in the box".
In general, we recommend that folks extend the IDE via VSPackages for new projects. You'll need to download the Visual Studio SDK to get started.

Visual Studio identification for plug-in development purposes?

Where does Visual Studio identify its version. E.g. As Express, Standard, Professional, etc?
For example, the Express version does not support extensibility through add-ons. How do add-on authors prevent against their product being integrated with the Express version?
If you're talking about a VSIX plug-in, then see e.g.
The VSIX manifest declares the editions it can be installed into.
How do add-on authors prevent against their product being integrated with the Express version?
They don't need to. Microsoft have disabled the functionality that looks for plugins. So even if it gets installed the Express version doesn't go looking.
There may well be hacks you can do to get the Express versions to load plugins, but if that's the case people will probably try to hack your plugin too.

Problem after install CodeRush and ReFactor

I have installed CodeRush and ReFactor package but i don't see any changes on my Visual Studio 2010 ide. I check add-in and extension manager but i don't see anything belong CodeRush or ReFactor. Do i have to do some extra settings for it ? How can i understand it is installed on Visual Studio 2010 ?
Is it possible that you've installed CodeRush Xpress instead of the full CodeRush?
CodeRush Xpress has no 'DevExpress' menu and as such it may well look like nothing has changed.
Check this by using the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O shortcut. If CodeRush is functioning, then this should launch the options menu.
It is also possible that the install did not complete correctly for some reason.
I recommend, uninstalling and reinstalling as a first measure.
If this does not succeed, then I recommend contacting support directly via either or better yet, by filing a bug report in Support Center.
