Is there an elegant way to parse a text file *backwards*? [duplicate] - ruby

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to read a file from bottom to top in Ruby?
In the course of working on my Ruby program, I had the Eureka Moment that it would be much simpler to write if I were able to parse the text files backwards, rather than forward.
It seems like it would be simple to simply read the text file, line by line, into an array, then write the lines backwards into a text file, parse this temp file forwards (which would now effectively be going backwards) make any necessary changes, re-catalog the resulting lines into an array, and write them backwards a second time, restoring the original direction, before saving the modifications as a new file.
While feasible in theory, I see several problems with it in practice, the biggest of which is that if the size of the text file is very large, a single array will not be able to hold the entirety of the document at once.
Is there a more elegant way to accomplish reading a text file backwards?

If you are not using lots of UTF-8 characters you can use Elif library which work just like just load Elif and replace with'read.txt', "r").each_line{ |s|
puts s
This is a great library, but the only problem I am experiencing right now is that it have several problems with line ending in UTF-8. I now have to re-think a way to iterate my files
Additional Details
As I google a way to answer this problem for UTF-8 reverse file reading. I found a way that already implemented by File library:
To read a file backward you can try the ff code:
File.readlines('manga_search.test.txt').reverse_each{ |s|
puts s
This can do a good job as well

There's no software limit to Ruby array. There are some memory limitations though: Array size too big - ruby
Your approach would work much faster if you can read everything into memory, operate there and write it back to disk. Assuming the file fits in memory of course.

Let's say your lines are 80 chars wide on average, and you want to read 100 lines. If you want it efficient (as opposed to implemented with the least amount of code), then go back 80*100 bytes from the end (using seek with the "relative to end" option), then read ONE line (this is likely a partial one, so throw it away). Remember your current position via tell, then read everything up until the end.
You now have either more or less than a 100 lines in memory. If less, go back (100+1.5*no_of_missing_lines)*80, and repeat the above steps, but only reading lines until you reach your remembered position from before. Rinse and repeat.

How about just going to the end of the file and iterating backwards over each char until you reach a newline, read the line, and so on? Not elegant, but certainly effective.

I can't think of an elegant way to do something so unusual as this, but you could probably do it using the file-tail library. It uses random access files in Ruby to read it backwards (and you could even do it yourself, look for random access at this link).

You could go throughout the file once forward, storing only the byte offset of each \n instead of storing the full string for each line. Then you traverse your offset array backward and can use ios.sysseek and ios.sysread to get lines out of the file. Unless your file is truly enormous, that should alleviate the memory issue.
Admitedly, this absolutely fails the elegance test.


How to split a large csv file into multiple files in GO lang?

I am a novice Go lang programmer,trying to learn Go lang features.I wanted to split a large csv file into multiple files in GO lang, each file containing the header.How do i do this? I have searched everywhere but couldnt get the right solution.Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Also please suggest me a good book for reference.
Thanking You
Depending on your shell fu this problem might be better suited for common shell utilities but you specifically mentioned go.
Let's think through the problem.
How big is this csv file? Are we talking 100 lines or is it 5G ?
If it's smallish I typically use this:
However, this package also exists:
Regardless - let's return to the abstraction of the problem. You have a header (which is the first line) and then the rest of the document.
So what we probably want to do (if ignoring csv for the moment) is to read in our file.
Then we want to split the file body by all the newlines in it.
You can use this to do so:
You didn't mention but do you know how many files you want to split by or would you rather split by the line count or byte count? What's the actual limitation here?
Generally it's not going to be file count but if we pretend it is we simply want to divide our line count by our expected file count to give lines/file.
Now we can take slices of the appropriate size and write the file back out via:
A trick I use sometime to help think me threw these things is to write down our mission statement.
"I want to split a large csv file into multiple files in go"
Then I start breaking that up into pieces but take the divide/conquer approach - don't try to solve the entire problem in one go - just break it up to where you can think about it.
Also - make gratiutious use of pseudo-code until you can comfortably write the real code itself. Sometimes it helps to just write a short comment inline with how you think the code should flow and then get it down to the smallest portion that you can code and work from there.
By the way - many of the packages have example links where you can literally run in your browser the example code and cut/paste that to your own local environment.
Also, I know I'll catch some haters with this - but as for books - imo - you are going to learn a lot faster just by trying to get things working rather than reading. Action trumps passivity always. Don't be afraid to fail.
Here is a package that might help. You can set a necessary chunk size in bytes and a file will be split on an appropriate amount of chunks.

How do I delete data/characters from a file? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I insert and delete some characters in the middle of a file?
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm writing a program to edit a txt file.
But I found that the windows API WriteFile can only add data/characters to a file, but not deleting data from files.
The only solution I've come up is to read the whole file into a buffer using ReadFile, and then use a loop to shift the data one by one, then replace the old file with the new file. But I think this will probably make my program really slow.
Can anyone help please
If you're trying to delete from the end of the file it can be very fast with truncate() and ftruncate().
Where are you trying to delete the data from? If it's from the middle, you'll have to use fseek(): If the file contains "ABCDEFG", and you want to delete "DEF", use fseek() to get to G, copy "G" into a buffer, fseek to where "C" is, then write() what's there. Then truncate the file to the correct size with ftruncate().
If this really becomes a performance issue for you, you'll want to either design your file in a way that accounts for this or use a database of some kind. You may also want to use memory-mapped files, but usually this is better done by a database that someone else wrote instead of reinventing the wheel.
Files are linear streams of data. If you want to remove content from a file, you must re-write all the content of the file that follows the part that you have remove. So, unless the content to be removed is at the end of the file, you will need to perform some writing. In the worst case scenario, in order to remove the first byte of a file, you need to re-write the entire file apart from the byte that you removed.
FWIW, Raymond Chen wrote a nice article on this subject: How do I delete bytes from the beginning of a file?

Can one move back up a text file in VB6?

I have a program that is reading a text file, and owing to the vagaries of the file definition and the definitions of the objects the data has to be shovelled in to, I appear to have a need to move the read pointer of the file back up the file for a line, in a manner roughly analagous to the FORTRAN BACKSPACE statement.
Is there any method of doing this, either with native VB6 statements or with VB6 FileSystem objects?
I'm pretty sure VB6 provides a seek() function to do this.
Otherwise, if the file is relatively small you could read it all into memory and use the split() function to separate it into lines. These could then be accessed however you want. Obviously if the file is large this is not a good idea though.
The FSO only lets you read forwards.
There isn't a way to do this in VB6. What you could do is to either read the whole file, a line at a time, into an array and then iterate through the array as needed. Or if that caused memory issues, then create a data structure and use Input to read a line into an instance of the structure based upon the line number.

Prepending to a multi-gigabyte file

What would be the most performant way to prepend a single character to a multi-gigabyte file (in my practical case, a 40GB file).
There is no limitation on the implementation to do this. Meaning it can be through a tool, a shell script, a program in any programming language, ...
There is no really simple solution. There are no system calls to prepend data, only append or rewrite.
But depending on what you're doing with the file, you may get away with tricks.
If the file is used sequentially, you could make a named pipe and put cat onecharfile.txt bigfile > namedpipe and then use "namedpipe" as file. The same can be achieved by cat onecharfile.txt bigfile | program if your program takes stdin as input.
For random access a FUSE filesystem could be done, but probably waay too complicated for this.
If you want to get your hands really dirty, figure out howto
allocate a datablock (about inode and datablock structure)
insert it into a file's chain as second block (or first and then you're practically done)
write the beginning of file into that block
write the single character as first in file
mark first block as if it uses only one byte of available payload (this is possible for last block, I don't know if it's possible for blocks in middle of file chain).
This has possibilities to majorly wreck your filesystem though, so not recommended; good fun.
Let the file have an initial block of null characters. When you prepend a character, read the block, insert the character right-to-left, and write back the block. When the block is full, then do the more expensive full rewrite in order to prepend another null block. That way, you can reduce the number of times by a large factor that you have to do a full rewrite.
Added: Keep the file in two subfiles: A (a short one) and B (a long one). Prepend to A any way you like. When A gets "big enough", prepend A to B (by re-writing), and clear A.
Another way: Keep the file as a directory of small files ..., A000003, A000002, A000001.
Just prepend to the largest-numbered file. When it's big enough, make the next file in sequence.
When you need to read the file, just read them all in descending order.
You might be able to invert your implementation depending on your problem: append single characters to the end of your file. When it comes time to read the file, read it in reverse.
Hide this behind enough of an abstraction layer and it may not make a difference to your code how the bytes are physically stored.
If you use linux you could try to use a custom version of READ(2) loaded with LD_PRELOAD and have it prepend your data at the first read.
See for implementation inspiration.
if you mean prepend that character to the start of the entire file, one way
$ echo "C" > tmp
$ cat my40gbfile >> tmp
$ mv tmp my40gbfile
or using sed
$ sed -i '1i C' my40gbfile
if you mean prepending the character to every line of the file
$ awk '{print "C"$0}' my40gbfile > temp && mv temp my40gbfile
As I understand, this is handled on the file system level, meaning if you prepend data to a file, it effectively rewrites the file. This is the same reason why the ID3 tags in MP3 files are zero padded, so that future updates don't rewrite the entire file, but just update those reserved bytes.
So whichever way you use will give roughly similar results. What you can try is do some tests with a custom copy function, that reads/writes in bigger chunks than the default system copy, say 2MB or 5MB, which might improve performance. Ultimately your disk I/O is the bottleneck here.
The absolutely most high-performance way would seem to be to get down into the level of sectors and how the file is actually stored. I'm not sure if the OS then becomes a factor, but the target platform might, anyway it's useful for us to know what you run on.
I think this is a case where C is the obvious choice, this kind of low-level stuff is exactly what a systems programming language is for.
Can you tell us what you end up doing, would be interesting.
Here's the Windows command line ("DOS") way:
Put your 1 char into prepend.txt
copy /b prepend.txt + myHugeFile fileNameOfCombinedFile

manually finding the size of a block of text (ASCII format)

Is there an easy way to manually (ie. not through code) find the size (in bytes, KB, etc) of a block of selected text? Currently I am taking the text, cutting/pasting into a new text document, saving it, then clicking "properties" to get an estimate of the size.
I am developing mainly in visual studio 2008 but I need any sort of simple way to manually do this.
Note: I understand this is not specifically a programming question but it's related to programming. I need this to compare a few functions and see which one is returning the smallest amount of text. I only need to do it a few times so figured writing a method for it would be overkill.
This question isn't meaningful as asked. Text can be encoded in different formats; ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, etc. The memory consumed by a block of text depends on which encoding you decide to use for it.
EDIT: To answer the question you've stated now (how do I determine which function is returning a "smaller" block of text) -- given a single encoding, the shorter text will almost always be smaller as well. Why can't you just compare the lengths?
In your comment you mention it's ASCII. In that case, it'll be one byte per character.
I don't see the difference between using the code written by the app you're pasting into, and using some other code. Being a python person myself, whenever I want to check length of some text I just do it in the interactive interpreter. Surely some equivalent solution more suited to your tastes would be appropriate?
ended up just cutting/pasting the text into MS Word and using the char count feature in there
