How random is random when using different RNG mobile implementations? - random

Just a foreword: I'm not exactly clear on how a RNG actually works.
If I write a simple routine to randomly pick a number between 0 and 1, and run this n number of times, I would expect a certain, relatively random distribution of numbers that should approach 50/50, give or take with some variance - i.e. a delta of x percent skewed one way or the other.
By looking at this variance, am I going to be able to see any meaningful patterns across a population of different devices?
For example, if I have a large population of iPhones running this routine simultaneously, would they all see a similar variance compared to running them on different days or compared to running a large batch of Android or WP7 devices? Or will the variance truly be random and be all over the place regardless of device or time or any other factor that would affect the randomness of the distribution?

This completely depends on several important factors in the PRNG. A PRNG (Pseudo-Random-Number-Geneator) is an algorithm, which can only simulate random numbers, and is initialized with an input state.
PRNGs are measured with their periodicity (how soon until it loops around), their distribution, and how easy is it to derive the next value from previous values or a known seed. All of these properties are very important to PRNGs used for cryptographic purposes.
So in short, it completely varies upon the algorithm in use by any of those devices. Provided the input state and algorithm are the same, the output can be expected to be the same.
If you want to test the quality of a PRNG, you can use the guidelines in FIPS-140-2, or use the DieHarder test suite.
Also refer to the Wikipedia page.


What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system?

What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system? Can you offer advantages and disadvantages for each method, and/or some factors that might make you choose one method over another?
First, you have to ask a fundamental question: do you need unpredictable random numbers?
For example, cryptography requires unpredictable random numbers. That is, nobody must be able to guess what the next random number will be. This precludes any method that seeds a random number generator from common parameters such as the time: you need a proper source of entropy.
Some applications can live with a non-cryptographic-quality random number generator. For example, if you need to communicate over Ethernet, you need a random number generator for the exponential back-off; statistic randomness is enough for this¹.
Unpredictable RNG
You need an unpredictable RNG whenever an adversary might try to guess your random numbers and do something bad based on that guess. For example, if you're going to generate a cryptographic key, or use many other kinds of cryptographic algorithms, you need an unpredictable RNG.
An unpredictable RNG is made of two parts: an entropy source, and a pseudo-random number generator.
Entropy sources
An entropy source kickstarts the unpredictability. Entropy needs to come from an unpredictable source or a blend of unpredictable sources. The sources don't need to be fully unpredictable, they need to not be fully predictable. Entropy quantifies the amount of unpredictability. Estimating entropy is difficult; look for research papers or evaluations from security professionals.
There are three approaches to generating entropy.
Your device may include some non-deterministic hardware. Some devices include a dedicated hardware RNG based on physical phenomena such as unstable oscillators, thermal noise, etc. Some devices have sensors which capture somewhat unpredictable values, such as the low-order bits of light or sound sensors.
Beware that hardware RNG often have precise usage conditions. Most methods require some time after power-up before their output is truly random. Often environmental factors such as extreme temperatures can affect the randomness. Read the RNG's usage notes very carefully. For cryptographic applications, it is generally recommended to make statistical tests the HRNG's output and refuse to operate if these tests fail.
Never use a hardware RNG directly. The output is rarely fully unpredictable — e.g. each bit may have a 60% probability of being 1, or the probability of two consecutive bits being equal may be only 48%. Use the hardware RNG to seed a PRNG as explained below.
You can preload a random seed during manufacturing and use that afterwards. Entropy doesn't wear off when you use it²: if you have enough entropy to begin with, you'll have enough entropy during the lifetime of your device. The danger with keeping entropy around is that it must remain confidential: if the entropy pool accidentally leaks, it's toast.
If your device has a connection to a trusted third party (e.g. a server of yours, or a master node in a sensor network), it can download entropy from that (over a secure channel).
Pseudo-random number generator
A PRNG, also called deterministic random bit generator (DRBG), is a deterministic algorithm that generates a sequence of random numbers by transforming an internal state. The state must be seeded with sufficient entropy, after which the PRNG can run practically forever. Cryptographic-quality PRNG algorithms are based on cryptographic primitives; always use a vetted algorithm (preferably some well-audited third-party code if available).
The PRNG needs to be seeded with entropy. You can choose to inject entropy once during manufacturing, or at each boot, or periodically, or any combination.
Entropy after a reboot
You need to take care that the device doesn't boot twice in the same RNG state: otherwise an observer can repeat the same sequence of RNG calls after a reset and will know the RNG output the second time round. This is an issue for factory-injected entropy (which by definition is always the same) as well as for entropy derived from sensors (which takes time to accumulate).
If possible, save the RNG state to persistent storage. When the device boots, read the RNG state, apply some transformation to it (e.g. by generating one random word), and save the modified state. After this is done, you can start returning random numbers to applications and system services. That way, the device will boot with a different RNG state each time.
If this is not possible, you ned to be very careful. If your device has factory-injected entropy plus a reliable clock, you can mix the clock value into the RNG state to achieve unicity; however, beware that if your device loses power and the clock restarts from some fixed origin (blinking twelve), you'll be in a repeatable state.
Predictable RNG state after a reset or at the first boot is a common problem with embedded devices (and with servers). For example, a study of RSA public keys showed that many had been generated with insufficient entropy, resulting in many devices generating the same key³.
Statistical RNG
If you can't achieve a cryptographic quality, you can fall back to a less good RNG. You need to be aware that some applications (including a lot of cryptography) will be impossible.
Any RNG relies on a two-part structure: a unique seed (i.e. an entropy source) and a deterministic algorithm based on that seed.
If you can't gather enough entropy, at least gather as much as possible. In particular, make sure that no two devices start from the same state (this can usually be achieved by mixing the serial number into the RNG seed). If at all possible, arrange for the seed not to repeat after a reset.
The only excuse not to use a cryptographic DRBG is if your device doesn't have enough computing power. In that case, you can fall back to faster algorithm that allow observers to guess some numbers based on the RNG's past or future output. The Mersenne twister is a popular choice, but there have been improvements since its invention.
¹ Even this is debatable: with non-crypto-quality random backoff, another device could cause a denial of service by aligning its retransmission time with yours. But there are other ways to cause a DoS, by transmitting more often.
² Technically, it does, but only at an astronomical scale.
³ Or at least with one factor in common, which is just as bad.
One way to do it would be to create a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence, just a train of zeros and ones, and read the bottom bits as a number.
PRBS can be generated by tapping bits off a shift register, doing some logic on them, and using that logic to produce the next bit shifted in. Seed the shift register with any non zero number. There's a math that tells you which bits you need to tap off of to generate a maximum length sequence (i.e., 2^N-1 numbers for an N-bit shift register). There are tables out there for 2-tap, 3-tap, and 4-tap implementations. You can find them if you search on "maximal length shift register sequences" or "linear feedback shift register.
HOROWITZ AND HILL gave a great part of a chapter on this. Most of the math surrounds the nature of the PRBS and not the number you generate with the bit sequence. There are some papers out there on the best ways to get a number out of the bit sequence and improving correlation by playing around with masking the bits you use to generate the random number, e.g., Horan and Guinee, Correlation Analysis of Random Number Sequences based on Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Generation, In the Proc. of IEEE ISOC ITW2005 on Coding and Complexity; editor M.J. Dinneen; co-chairs U. Speidel and D. Taylor; pages 82-85
An advantage would be that this can be achieved simply by bitshifting and simple bit logic operations. A one-liner would do it. Another advantage is that the math is pretty well understood. A disadvantage is that this is only pseudorandom, not random. Also, I don't know much about random numbers, and there might be better ways to do this that I simply don't know about.
How much energy you expend on this would depend on how random you need the number to be. If I were running a gambling site, and needed random numbers to generate deals, I wouldn't depend on Pseudo Random Bit Sequences. In those cases, I would probably look into analog noise techniques, maybe Johnson Noise around a big honking resistor or some junction noise on a PN junction, amplify that and sample it. The advantages of that are that if you get it right, you have a pretty good random number. The disadvantages are that sometimes you want a pseudorandom number where you can exactly reproduce a sequence by storing a seed. Also, this uses hardware, which someone must pay for, instead of a line or two of code, which is cheap. It also uses A/D conversion, which is yet another peripheral to use. Lastly, if you do it wrong -- say make a mistake where 60Hz ends up overwhelming your white noise-- you can get a pretty lousy random number.
What are typical means by which a random number can be generated in an embedded system?
Giles indirectly stated this: it depends on the use.
If you are using the generator to drive a simulation, then all you need is a uniform distribution and a linear congruential generator (LCG) will work fine.
If you need a secure generator, then its a trickier problem. I'm side-stepping what it means to be secure, but from 10,000 feet think "wrap it in a cryptographic transformation", like a SHA-1/HMAC or SHA-512/HMAC. There are others ways, like sampling random events, but they may not be viable.
When you need secure random numbers, some low resource devices are notoriously difficult to work with. See, for example, Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices and Traffic sensor flaw that could allow driver tracking fixed. And a caveat for Linux 3.0 kernel users: the kernel removed a couple of entropy sources, so entropy depletion and starvation might have gotten worse. See Appropriate sources of entropy on LWN.
If you have a secure generator, then your problem becomes getting your hands on a good seed (or seeds over time). One of the better methods I have seen for environments that are constrained is Hedging. Hedging was proposed for Virtual Machines where a program could produce the same sequence after a VM reset.
The idea for hedging is to extract the randomness provided by your peer, and use it to keep you secure generator fit. For example, in the case of TLS, there is a client_random and a server_random. If the device is a server, then it would stir in the client_random. If the device is a client, then it would stir in server_random.
You can find the two papers of interest that address hedging at:
When Good Randomness Goes Bad: Virtual Machine Reset
Vulnerabilities and Hedging Deployed Cryptography
When Virtual is Harder than Real: Resource Allocation Challenges in
Virtual Machine Based IT Environments
Using client_random and a server_random is consistent with Peter Guttman's view on the subject: "mix every entropy source you can get your hands on into your PRNG, including less-than-perfect ones". Gutmann is the author of Engineering Security.
Hedging only solves part of the problem. You will still need to solve other problems, like how to bootstrap the entropy pool, how to regenerate system key pairs when the pool is in a bad state, and how persist the entropy across reboots when there's no filesystem.
Although it may not be the most complex or sound method, it can be fun to use external stimuli as your seed for random number generation. Consider using analogue input from a photodiode, or a thermistor. Even random noise from a floating pin could potentially yield some interesting results.

Is there a somewhat-reliable way to detect that a list of integers came from a common PRNG?

Basically I'm looking for a detective function. I pass it a list of integers (probably between 20 and 100 integers) and it tell me "Yeah, 84% chance this came from a PRNG, I tested it against the main ones that most modern programming languages use", or "No, only 12% chance this came from a well-known PRNG".
If it helps (or hinders), the integers will always be between 1 and 999.
Does this exist?
Unless you are prepared to break new ground in number theory, you would only be able to detect obsolete, badly designed, or poorly seeded PRNGs. Good PRNGs are explicitly designed to prevent what you are trying to do. Random number generation is a critical part of digital cryptography, so a lot of effort goes into producing random numbers that meet all known tests.
There are batteries of tests to profile PRNGs. See for example this NIST page.
As the comments point out, the first two sentences are overstated and are only strictly true for PRNGs that may be used in cryptography. Weaker (i.e. more predictable) PRNGs might be chosen for other domains in order to improve time or space performance.
You can write a battery of tests for a list of candidate generators, but there are a lot of generators, and some have enormous state where adjacent values of a well-seeded generator will reveal nothing useful and you'll have to see wait for a long time before you can get the two data points which will have an informative relationship.
On the plus side; while the list of random number generators that you might encounter is vast, there are telltale signs that will help you identify some classes of simple generators quickly and then you can perform focussed analysis to derive the specific configuration.
Unfortunately even a simple generator like KISS shows that while the generator can be trivially broken when you know its configuration, it can hide its signature from anything that does not know its configuration, leaving you in a situation where you have to individually test for every possible configuration.
There are quality tests like dieharder and TestU01 which will consume many megabytes of data to identify any weakness in a generator; however, these can also identify weaknesses in real RNGs, so they could give a strong false positive.
To consume only a 100 integers you would really need to have a list of generators in mind. For example, to detect LCG used inappropriately, you simply test to see if the bottom three bits cycle through a repeating pattern of 8 values -- but this is by far the easiest case.
If you had a sequence 625 or more 32-bit integers, you could detect with high confidence whether it was from consecutive calls to Mersenne Twister. That is because it leaks state information in the output values.
For an example of how it is done, see this blog entry.
Similar results are in theory possible when you don't have ideal data such as full 32-bit integers, but you would need a longer sequence and the maths gets harder. You would also need to know - or perhaps guess by trying obvious options - how the numbers were being reduced from the larger range to the smaller one.
Similar results are possible from other PRNGs, but generally only the non-cryptographic ones.
In principle you could identify specific PRNG sequences with very high confidence, but even simple barriers such as missing numbers from the strict sequence can make it a lot harder. There will also be many PRNGs that you will not be able to reliably detect, and typically you will either have close to 100% confidence of a match (to a hackable PRNG) or 0% confidence of any match.
Whether or not a PRNG is a hackable (and therefore could be detected by the numbers it emits) is not a general indicator of PRNG quality. Obviously, "hackable" is opposite to a requirement for "secure", so don't consider Mersenne Twister for creating unguessable codes. However, do consider it as a source of randomness for e.g. neural networks, genetic algorithms, monte-carlo simulations and other places where you need a lot of statistically random-looking data.

True random number generation

How is exactly that we talk about "true random" numbers when we are actually measuring something. I mean, isn't measuring almost the opposite of randomness.
Som articles says that, for example, throwing a dice is "true random". Of course it isn't Pseudo-random, but is it even random?? If you could have a machine that throw dices from de exactly same position and always in the same direction with the exact same force always: woudn't it always turn out the same number? (I thing it does).
Please, can someone help me understand "true random" numbers??
Randomness is essentially a measure of how much we don't know. The universe may or may not be truly deterministic, it doesn't matter - we don't know (and have no foreseeable way of knowing) what the exact time between 2 cosmic ray impacts will be. For pseudorandom numbers, we do, in principle, have a way of knowing, because we can recreate the initial conditions and get the same output again.
Quantum effects are the source of this "True Randomness". E.g. the Heisenberg Uncertanity Principle says that your dice thrower can't exactly define both impulse and location of its throwing arm. (Reading up on pop-sci quantum physics can be scary - the predictability and stability of our world seems to be no more than a great feat of statistics.)
[edit] Since it came up in the comments: There are other, less "obscure" processes "looking random", e.g. wear and air turbulence for a die roll. However, all these things could be argued to be beyond our knowledge but fundamentally deterministic (assuming an objective reality.) Quantum processes are truly random at least under the widely accepted Copenhagen interpretation. [/edit]
There are - as mentioned in other replies - appliances that turn quantum effects into observable random number generators. There are algorithms to "extract" the randomness of any stream of data. There are test algorithms to check if a stream of data "behaves" like a random stream.
OTOH you can argue rather successfully that "random" is a man-made concept, i.e. something that isn't integral part of the objective world, but our limit of understanding (though the uncertainty principle is considered to be not just an observer effect).
When someone asks for any random number generator, the counter question should be: for what application? In the context of this discussion: who do you need to fool? Pseudo vs. True are just generation mechanisms, not fundamental opposites.
In that sense, chaotic beahvior is often "random enough" for most purposes, and can be created with few degrees of freedom already.
I think that when some talks about "true random" numbers in IT this is always from measuring/observing something that is thought to be random in contrast to the pseudo-random algorithms that will always return the very same pattern (given the same starting point or after wrapping around after a certain length). For example, I've heard about devices that measure the electric noise produced by some components like transistors. This is indeed "more" random than a deterministic algorithm.
To increase the "randomness" I know that for example Linux tries to incorporate various external events into its random number generator, for example mouse movements, key presses (AFAIK even duration of key presses), timings from the HD, etc. pp. That is, they try to improve the deterministic algorithm by adding indeterministic sources to it.
For true randomness you'll need to observe physical events. Try this.
True random numbers are those impossible to predict even when you have all the information you can currently collect. For example, the decay of radioactive atoms, wind direction and velocity at different places in the world or even the noise generated by a webcam (this list is in decreasing degrees of impossibility to predict.) There is no guarantee that what's random now will be random a thousand years from now.
Pseudo random numbers are totally possible to predict with the right information, either exploting flaws or knowing the seeds.
To get as close as possible to true random numbers in a computer, you'd need some special hardware.
The crucial difference is that we currently don't know how to predict stuff considered random, but we do currently know how to predict pseudo random numbers.
See this question for all the information you could possibly want about this.
I suppose, theoretically, a precise machine could be built that could skew the results of a die throw. In practice, though, there is always some level of variation that can't be predicted. That's where the randomness comes from. Certainly when a person throws a die, there is so much variation in each throw that the result is "truly random".
Computers can generate "true random" numbers by making use of random phenomena like quantum mechanical effects, or electro-magnetic noise.
On computer (Quartz) you can't generate true random because 2+2 is always 4. Then your random can be only pseudo random better or not better depends on how good this is hashed.
True randomization is a problem when you are working with logic, logic isn't random (at least not if it's working correctly..) That's the reason to why some cryptographic programs ask you to move your mouse in a random pattern since it's hard to reverse engineer you ;)
Anyway, as #DarkDust said, and #mdrg mentioned, you have to rely on physical observations, an example would be to hook up a radition meter and observe when some radioactive materia falls apart. Or measure the wind speed outside. Or measure the noise in some transistor. With some mathematical transformation it's impossible (apart from brute force..) to reverse engineer that random number then.
Randomness is really important for a large set of problem solving techniques in AI, economics, physics etc. The need to impose a probability distribution over a set of possible outcomes drives the need for better and better random number generation.
That said, true randomness is probably a debatable concept. Deterministically speaking it shouldn't happen - a la your dice tossing example. I think this is kind of a sensitive argument for philosophers. In reality we can take 'random' measurement with a geiger counter and some radioactive material. In an ideal setting this gives us a pretty good result made by measurement.
From a human perspective the randomness of our number generators only needs to achieve a certain probability of being random given a priori knowledge of the desired complexity of the outcome the random numbers are going to be required for.
If you think about using Bayes principle given the degree of true randomness measured by some arbitrary notion about how good your random numbers are (In the form of a probability distribution) then you can say something about 'trueness' of man-made random number generation. In fact the 'trueness' will approach zero as the period of a truely random number generator is infinite. This only matters when you get that far but we can't - so 'truely random' is a pretty useless distinction for computer scientists who know how to design a nice pseudo-random (everything is pseudo-random relative to some scale) number generator.
Experiments have shown that coin tossing by a human is not random - it appears that there is roughly a 51% chance that the face upwards when the coin is tossed will show when it lands.
Any physical event that is based on very large numbers is likely to generate true random numbers - examples are white noise or the last few digits of the number of transactions in a day on a major stock market.
Measurement is not the opposite of randomness. Measuring randomness can only be done on very large numbers of the random event, and is statistical in nature. What measuring randomness does is look for patterns in the event at different levels - single events, runs of two events, runs of three events etc. A pseudo random generator will generate patterns, if only the full cycle of the generator, but the better generators show fewer patterns.
From Japan, we are producing modules and PC-boards for True random number generator with the self check function.
I think, you can study what is the true random from our "theory" web pagem since how to check the random number randomness is equal to understanding the true randomness.
Please visit our web site,, and you can see, we joined Monte-Carlo conference 2010, and presented this theory. And also, you can download our paper at the conference, if you like.
Any number produced by applying classical physics cannot be truly random, because the parameters can be known and outcomes can be influenced by outside interference. The throw of the dice for example is not random. However, since influencing or determining the result of the throw would be very complicated, most people would call this a "true" random result. For all intents and purposes, it can be considered random. But strictly speaking, it is not truly random. Even the weather is not random. It can (theoretically) be influenced and predicting it is immensely complicated. In theory, you can know all parameters that influence it. In practice, you can't, but that's not good enough for true randomness, where actual theoretical impossibility of prediction or influence is a must.
The only true source of randomness, where the result is not predictable even when all involved parameters are known and outside interference cannot influence the result in any predictable manner, is the observation of certain quantum events. It has been mathematically proven that quantum behavior is unpredictable. Radioactive decay, for example. Random number generators based on radioactive decay do actually exist. An easier source of true randomness is the observation of photons reflecting off of a semi-transparent mirror. Such RNGs also exist. A search for "quantum random number generators" should give some quite interesting reads.
I have created a random pad using microphone audio input of the room noise combined with a pseudorandom. This is the only possible way I could think of (adding some kind of an analog, unpredicted, signal) to create true randomness.

How different do random seeds need to be?

Consider code like this (Python):
import random
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
randNumbers = [random.rand() for i in range(100)] # initialize a list with 100 random numbers
I want to make sure that randNumbers differ significantly from one call to another. Do I need to make sure the seed numbers differ significantly between the subsequent calls, or is it sufficient that the seeds are different (no matter how)?
To the pedants: please realize the above code is super-over-simplified
Short answer: Avoid the re-seeding, as it doesn't buy you anything here. Long answer below.
That all depends on what exactly you need. In Common defects in initialization of pseudorandom number generators it is outlined that linear dependent seeds (which 1, 2, 3, 4 definitely are) are a bad choice for initializing multiple PRNGs, at least when used for simulation and desiring uncorrelated results.
If all you do is rolling a few dice, or generating some pseudo-random input for something uncritical, then it very likely doesn't matter.
Note also that using some classes of a PRNG itself for generating seeds have the same problem in generating linear dependent numbers (LCGs spring to mind).
If your random number generator is high quality, it shouldn't matter how you seed it. In fact, the best practice would be to seed it only once. Random number generators are designed to have certain statistical behavior once they're started. Frequently reseeding effectively creates a different random number generator, one that may not be as good.
Randomly selecting seeds sounds like a good idea, but it isn't. In fact, because of the "birthday paradox," there's a surprisingly high probability that you'll pick the same seed twice.
Generally speaking, you only seed your random number generator when you need the random numbers to be generated in identical fashion each time through. This is useful when you have a random component to your processing, but need to test it and therefore want it to be consistent between tests. Otherwise, you let the system seed the generator itself.
In otherwords, by seeding the random number generator with specific pre-defined seeds, you are actually reducing the randomness of the system as a whole. The random numbers generated when using a seed of 1 are indeed psuedo-randomly different from that with a seed of 2, but a hard coded seed will result in repeated random sequences in each run of the program.
You seem to want pseudo-random numbers that aren't pseudo-random, with a higher probability of consecutive numbers being 'significantly' different than pseudo-randomness requires. I doubt that any common prng will do this, whatever your seeding strategy.
The seeds themselves should be random so that the output is unpredictable. There can be problems if the seeds differ only in one or two bits (as this question demonstrates).
It depends upon the application for which you're using the PRNG. If you're using something that needs to be cryptographically sound, then the seeds generally need to be extremely difficult to deduce based on the output, different every time the application runs, difficult to simply guess, and impossible to determine by reverse engineering the application (i.e. they can't be hard coded).
If your goal is a game, your requirements may be different. For example, if you're controlling computer strategy, but the computer's strategy remains the same for all runs of the game, you may have an easily beatable game. Then again, you may want that for "easy" mode.

True random number generator [closed]

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Sorry for this not being a "real" question, but Sometime back i remember seeing a post here about randomizing a randomizer randomly to generate truly random numbers, not just pseudo random. I dont see it if i search for it.
Does anybody know about that article?
I have to disagree with a lot of the answers to this question.
It is possible to collect random data on a computer. SSL, SSH and VPNs would not be secure if you couldn't.
The way software random number generator work is there is a pool of random data that is gathered from many different places, such as clock drift, interrupt timings, etc.
The trick to these schemes is in correctly estimating the entropy (the posh name for the randomness). It doesn't matter whether the source is bias, as long as you estimate the entropy correctly.
To illustrate this, the chance of me hitting the letter e in this comment is much higher than that of z , so if I were to use key interrupts as a source of entropy it would be bias - but there is still some randomness to be had in that input. You can't predict exactly which sequence of letters will come next in this paragraph. You can extract entropy from this uncertainty and use it part of a random byte.
Good quality real-random generators like Yarrow have quite sophisticated entropy estimation built in to them and will only emit as many bytes as it can reliably say it has in its "randomness pool."
I believe that was on - ie. not something that you want to do.
It is not possible to get a truly random number from pseudorandom numbers, no matter how many times you call randomize().
You can get "true" random numbers from special hardware. You could also collect entropy from mouse movements and things like that.
At the end of the post, I will answer your question of why you might want to use multiple random number generators for "more randomness".
There are philosophical debates about what randomness means. Here, I will mean "indistinguishable in every respect from a uniform(0,1) iid distribution over the samples drawn" I am totally ignoring philosophical questions of what random is.
Knuth volume 2 has an analysis where he attempts to create a random number generator as you suggest, and then analyzes why it fails, and what true random processes are. Volume 2 examines RNGs in detail.
The others recommend you using random physical processes to generate random numbers. However, as we can see in the Espo/vt interaction, these processes can have subtle periodic elements and other non-random elements, in part due to outside factors with deterministic behavior. In general, it is best never to assume randomness, but always to test for it, and you usually can correct for such artifacts if you are aware of them.
It is possible to create an "infinite" stream of bits that appears completely random, deterministically. Unfortunately, such approaches grow in memory with the number of bits asked for (as they would have to, to avoid repeating cycles), so their scope is limited.
In practice, you are almost always better off using a pseudo-random number generator with known properties. The key numbers to look for is the phase-space dimension (which is roughly offset between samples you can still count on being uniformally distributed) and the bit-width (the number of bits in each sample which are uniformally random with respect to each other), and the cycle size (the number of samples you can take before the distribution starts repeating).
However, since random numbers from a given generator are deterministically in a known sequence, your procedure might be exposed by someone searching through the generator and finding an aligning sequence. Therefore, you can likely avoid your distribution being immediately recognized as coming from a particular random number generator if you maintain two generators. From the first, you sample i, and then map this uniformally over one to n, where n is at most the phase dimension. Then, in the second you sample i times, and return the ith result. This will reduce your cycle size to (orginal cycle size/n) in the worst case, but for that cycle will still generate uniform random numbers, and do so in a way that makes the search for alignment exponential in n. It will also reduce the independent phase length. Don't use this method unless you understand what reduced cycle and independent phase lengths mean to your application.
An algorithm for truly random numbers cannot exist as the definition of random numbers is:
Having unpredictable outcomes and, in
the ideal case, all outcomes equally
probable; resulting from such
selection; lacking statistical
There are better or worse pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs), i.e. completely predictable sequences of numbers that are difficult to predict without knowing a piece of information, called the seed.
Now, PRNGs for which it is extremely hard to infer the seed are cryptographically secure. You might want to look them up in Google if that is what you seek.
Another way (whether this is truly random or not is a philosophical question) is to use random sources of data. For example, unpredictable physical quantities, such as noise, or measuring radioactive decay.
These are still subject to attacks because they can be independently measured, have biases, and so on. So it's really tricky. This is done with custom hardware, which is usually quite expensive. I have no idea how good /dev/random is, but I would bet it is not good enough for cryptography (most cryptography programs come with their own RNG and Linux also looks for a hardware RNG at start-up).
According to Wikipedia /dev/random, in Unix-like operating systems, is a special file that serves as a true random number generator.
The /dev/random driver gathers environmental noise from various non-deterministic sources including, but not limited to, inter-keyboard timings and inter-interrupt timings that occur within the operating system environment. The noise data is sampled and combined with a CRC-like mixing function into a continuously updating ``entropy-pool''. Random bit strings are obtained by taking a MD5 hash of the contents of this pool. The one-way hash function distills the true random bits from pool data and hides the state of the pool from adversaries.
The /dev/random routine maintains an estimate of true randomness in the pool and decreases it every time random strings are requested for use. When the estimate goes down to zero, the routine locks and waits for the occurrence of non-deterministic events to refresh the pool.
The /dev/random kernel module also provides another interface, /dev/urandom, that does not wait for the entropy-pool to re-charge and returns as many bytes as requested. As a result /dev/urandom is considerably faster at generation compared to /dev/random which is used only when very high quality randomness is desired.
John von Neumann once said something to the effect of "anyone attempting to generate random numbers via algorithmic means is, of course, living in sin."
Not even /dev/random is random, in a mathematician's or a physicist's sense of the word. Not even radioisotope decay measurement is random. (The decay rate is. The measurement isn't. Geiger counters have a small reset time after each detected event, during which time they are unable to detect new events. This leads to subtle biases. There are ways to substantially mitigate this, but not completely eliminate it.)
Stop looking for true randomness. A good pseudorandom number generator is really what you're looking for.
If you believe in a deterministic universe, true randomness doesn't exist. :-) For example, someone has suggested that radioactive decay is truly random, but IMHO, just because scientists haven't yet worked out the pattern, doesn't mean that there isn't a pattern there to be worked out. Usually, when you want "random" numbers, what you need are numbers for encryption that no one else will be able to guess.
The closest you can get to random is to measure something natural that no enemy would also be able to measure. Usually you throw away the most significant bits, from your measurement, leaving numbers with are more likely to be evenly spread. Hard core random number users get special hardware that measures radioactive events, but you can get some randomness from the human using the computer from things like keypress intervals and mouse movements, and if the computer doesn't have direct users, from CPU temperature sensors, and from network traffic. You could also use things like web cams and microphones connected to sound cards, but I don't know if anyone does.
To summarize some of what has been said, our working definition of what a secure source of randomness is is similar to our definition of cryptographically secure: it appears random if smart folks have looked at it and weren't able to show that it isn't completely unpredictable.
There is no system for generating random numbers which couldn't conceivably be predicted, just as there is no cryptographic cipher that couldn't conceivably be cracked. The trusted solutions used for important work are merely those which have proven to be difficult to defeat so far. If anyone tells you otherwise, they're selling you something.
Cleverness is rarely rewarded in cryptography. Go with tried and true solutions.
A computer usually has many readily available physical sources of random noise:
Microphone (hopefully in a noisy place)
Compressed video from a webcam (pointed to something variable, like a lava lamp or a street)
Keyboard & mouse timing
Network packet content and timing (the whole world contributes)
And sometimes
Clock drift based hardware
Geiger counters and other detectors of rare events
All sorts of sensors attached to A/D converters
What's difficult is estimating the entropy of these sources, which is in most cases low despite the high data rates and very variable; but entropy can be estimated with conservative assumptions, or at least not wasted, to feed systems like Yarrow or Fortuna.
It's not possible to obtain 'true' random numbers, a computer is a logical construct that can't possibly create 'truly' random anything, only pseudo-random. There are better and worse pseudo-random algorithms out there, however.
In order to obtain a 'truly' random number you need a physical random source, some gambling machines actually have these built in - often it's a radioactive source, the radioactive decay (which as far as I know is truly random) is used to generate the numbers.
One of the best method to generate a random number is through Clock Drift. This primarily works with two oscillators.
An analogy of how this works is imagine a race car on a simple oval circuit with a while line at the start of the lap and also a while line on one of the tyres. When the car completes a lap, a number will be generated based on the difference between the position of the white line on the road and on the tyre.
Very easy to generate and impossible to predict.
