complex logical operation - logic

Given this logical operation :
Is there a way to write a similar expression without using any parentheses and giving the same result ? Usage of logical operators AND, OR, NOT are allowed.

A and B or C and D
In most programming languages, and is taken to have higher precedence than or (this stems from the equivalence of and and or to * and +, respectively).
Of course, if your original expression had been:
(A or B) and (C or D)
you couldn't simply remove the parentheses. In this instance, you'd have to "multiply out" the factors:
A and C or B and C or A and D or B and D

How about A AND B OR C AND D? It's the same because AND takes precedence over OR.

Just don't put any parentheses, it is the same...

It can be written in two ways
A & B | C & D
Type as it is mentioned in question just remove the parenthesis it will show the same result.
We can use & for AND to multiply and | for OR to divide. Also simply you can write them without any parenthesis


Algorithm for enumerating all permutations of algebraic expressions

If I have a list of variables, such as {A, B, C} and a list of operators, such as {AND, OR}, how can I efficiently enumerate all permutations of valid expressions?
Given the above, I would want to see as output (assuming evaluation from left-to-right with no operator precedence):
I believe that is an exhaustive enumeration of all combinations of inputs. I don't want to be redundant, so for example, I wouldn't add "C OR B AND A" because that is the same as "B OR C AND A".
Any ideas of how I can come up with an algorithm to do this? I really have no idea where to even start.
Recursion is a simple option to go:
void AllPossibilities(variables, operators, index, currentExpression){
if(index == variables.size) {
foreach(v in variables){
foreach(op in operators){
AllPossibilities(variables, operators, index + 1, v + op);
This is not an easy problem. First, you need a notion of grouping, because
(A AND B) OR C != A AND (B OR C)
Second, you need to generate all expressions. This will mean iterating through every permutation of terms, and grouping of terms in the permutation.
Third, you have to actually parse every expression, bringing the parsed expressions into a canonical form (say, CNF.
Finally, you have to actually check equivalence of the expressions seen so far. This is checking equivalence of the AST formed by parsing.
It will look loosely like this.
INPUT: terms
0. unique_expressions = empty_set
1. for p_t in permutations of terms:
2. for p_o in permutations of operations:
3. e = merge_into_expression(p_t, p_o)
4. parsed_e = parse(e)
5. already_seen = False
6. for unique_e in unique_expressions:
7. if equivalent(parsed_e, unique_e)
8. already_seen = True
9. break
10. if not already_seen:
11. unique_expressions.add(parsed_e)
For more info, check out this post. How to check if two boolean expressions are equivalent

Is it possible to represent a context-free grammar with first-order logic?

Briefly, I have a EBNF grammar and so a parse-tree, but I do not know if there is a procedure to translate it in First Order Logic.
For example:
DR ::= E and P
P ::= B | (and P)* | (or P)*
B ::= L | P (and L P)
L ::= a
Yes, there is. The general pattern for translating a production of the form
A ::= B C ... D
is to paraphrase is declaratively as saying
A sequence of terminals s is an A (or: A generates the sequence s, if you prefer that formulation) if:
s is the concatenation of s_1, s_2, ... s_n, and
s_1 is a B / B generates the sequence s_1, and
s_2 is a C / C generates the sequence s_2, and
s_n is a D / D generates the sequence s_n.
Assuming we write these in the obvious way using a generates predicate, and that we can write concatenation using a || operator, your first rule becomes (if I am right to guess that E and P are non-terminals and "and" is a terminal symbol) something like
generates(DR,s) ⊃ generates(E,s1)
∧ generates(and,s2)
∧ generates(P,s3)
∧ s = s1 || s2 || s3
To establish the consequent (i.e. prove that s is an A), prove the antecedents. As long as the grammar does actually generate some sentences, and as long as you have some premises defining the "generates" relation for terminal symbols, the proof will be straightforward.
Prolog definite-clause grammars are a beautiful instantiation of this pattern. It takes some of us a while to understand and appreciate the use of difference lists in DCGs, but they handle the partitioning of s into subsequences and the association of the subsequences with the different parts of the right hand side much more elegantly than the simple translation into logic given above.

swapping three numbers using xor in a single line

I read that three variables a,b, and c can be swapped using the single statement below:
c = a ^ b ^ c ^ (a=b) ^ (b=c)
Similarly, two variables a and b can be swapped as:
a = a ^ b ^ (b=a)
Can somebody please explain how does this work?
P.S. Here is the link saying so.
You only need to make in the original statement all assignments (except the one you want to change to) are countered:
a = a ^ b ^ c ^ (b=c) ^ (c=a);
You assign c=a, b=c. The return value of those is a and c respectevely, so, you want to "counter" a and c, and you use the fact that a^a == 0 and c^c == 0, and just add a,c at the beginning.
In addition, you add a b, to assign a to the value of b.
Here is a demo on ideone
Note that as discussed in comments, it is language dependent if the above is guaranteed to succeed or not. In Java, for example - it is: The Java programming language guarantees that the operands of operators appear to be evaluated in a specific evaluation order, namely, from left to right., while in others, such as C, it is not.

Evaluation functions and expressions in Boolean expressions

I am aware how we can evaluate an expression after converting into Polish Notations. However I would like to know how I can evaluate something like this:
If a < b Then a + b Else a - b
a + b happens in case condition a < b is True, otherwise, if False a - b is computed.
The grammar is not an issue here. Since I only need the algorithm to solve this problem. I am able evaluate boolean and algebraic expressions. But how can I go about solving the above problem?
Do you need to assign a+b or a-b to something?
You can do this:
int c = a < b ? a+b : a-b;
int sign = a < b ? 1 : -1;
int c = a + (sign * b);
Refer to LISP language for S-express:
(if (> a b) ; if-part
(+ a b) ; then-part
(- a b)) ; else-part
Actually if you want evaluate just this simple if statement, toknize it and evaluate it, but if you want to evaluate somehow more complicated things, like nested if then else, if with experssions, multiple else, variable assignments, types, ... you need to use some parser, like LR parsers. You can use e.g Lex&Yacc to write a good parser for your own language. They support somehow complicated grammars. But if you want to know how does LR parser (or so) works, you should read into them, and see how they use their table to read tokens and parse them. e.g take a look at wiki page and see how does LR parser table works (it's something more than simple stack and is not easy to describe it here).
If your problem is just really parsing if statement, you can cheat from parser techniques, you can add empty thing after a < b, which means some action, and empty thing after else, which also means an action. When you parsed the condition, depending on correctness or wrongness you will run one of actions. By the way if you want to parse expressions inside if statement you need conditional stack, means something like SLR table.
Basically, you need to build in support for a ternary operator. IE, where currently you pop an operator, and then wait for 2 sequential values before resolving it, you need to wait for 3 if your current operation is IF, and 2 for the other operations.
To handle the if statement, you can consider the if statement in terms of C++'s ternary operator. Which formats you want your grammar to support is up to you.
a < b ? a + b : a - b
You should be able to evaluate boolean operators on your stack the way you currently evaluate arithmetic operations, so a < b should be pushed as
< a b
The if can be represented by its own symbol on the stack, we can stick with '?'.
? < a b
and the 2 possible conditions to evaluate need to separated by another operator, might as well use ':'
? < a b : + a b - a b
So now when you pop '?', you see it is the operator that needs 3 values, so put it aside as you normally would, and continue to evaluate the stack until you have 3 values. The ':' operator should be a binary operator, that simply pushes both of its values back onto the stack.
Once you have 3 values on the stack, you evaluate ? as:
If the first value is 1, push the 2nd value, throw away the third.
If the first value is 0, throw away the 2nd and push the 3rd.

Parsing expressions with an undefined number of arguments

I'm trying to parse a string in a self-made language into a sort of tree, e.g.:
# a * b1 b2 -> c * d1 d2 -> e # f1 f2 * g
should result in:
# a
* b1 b2
-> c
* d1 d2
-> e
# f1 f2
* g
#, * and -> are symbols. a, b1, etc. are texts.
Since the moment I know only rpn method to evaluate expressions, and my current solution is as follows. If I allow only a single text token after each symbol I can easily convert expression first into RPN notation (b = b1 b2; d = d1 d2; f = f1 f2) and parse it from here:
a b c -> * d e -> * # f g * #
However, merging text tokens and whatever else comes seems to be problematic. My idea was to create marker tokens (M), so RPN looks like:
a M b2 b1 M c -> * M d2 d1 M e -> * # f2 f1 M g * #
which is also parseable and seems to solve the problem.
That said:
Does anyone have experience with something like that and can say it is or it is not a viable solution for the future?
Are there better methods for parsing expressions with undefined arity of operators?
Can you point me at some good resources?
Note. Yes, I know this example very much resembles Lisp prefix notation and maybe the way to go would be to add some brackets, but I don't have any experience here. However, the source text must not contain any artificial brackets and also I'm not sure what to do about potential infix mixins like # a * b -> [if value1 = value2] c -> d.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: It seems that what I'm looking for are sources on postfix notation with a variable number of arguments.
I couldn't fully understand your question, but it seems what you want is a grammar definition and a parser generator. I suggest you take a look at ANTLR, it should be pretty straightforward with it to define a grammar for either your original syntax or the RPN.
Edit: (After exercising self-criticism, and making some effort to understand the question details.) Actually, the language grammar is unclear from your example. However, it seems to me, that the advantages of the prefix/postfix notations (i.e. that you need neither parentheses nor a precedence-aware parser) stem from the fact that you know the number of arguments every time you encounter an operator, therefore you know exactly how many elements to read (for prefix notation) or to pop from the stack (for postfix notation). OTOH, I beleive that having operators which can have variable number of arguments makes prefix/postfix notations not simply difficult to parse but outright ambiguous. Take the following expression for example:
# a * b c d
Which of the following three is the canonical form?
(a, *(b, c, d))
(a, *(b, c), d)
(a, *(b), c, d)
Without knowing more about the operators, it is impossible to tell. Of course you could define some sort of greedyness of the operators, e.g. * is greedier than #, so it gobbles up all the arguments. But this would beat the purpose of a prefix notation, because you simply wouldn't be able to write down the second variant from the above three; not without additinonal syntactic elements.
Now that I think of it, it is probably not by sheer chance that none of the programming languages I know support operators with a variable number of arguments, only functions/procedures.
