Vaadin how to change default validation functionality - validation

I am using vaadin in a portlet environment where we have specific validation look & feel and behavior.
When input fields have invalid values,
their borders color becomes red.
All the error messages (as link) are shown above or below at common location.
Clicking on specific error results into cursor focus going to related field.
So how can i achieve this functionality and what i need to change & modify.

For your point #1, You need to create a theme. To do that, I suggest you to read the Book of Vaadin chapter 5 and 8.
Chapter 5 explain the ui component and css style associated with them.
Chapter 8 explain how to inherits a css theme.
For point #2, You have to add a layout to your page, and for each message youy will create a button and style it like a web link.
Button button = new Button("Your error message");
For point #3, add listener to your button link, and when clicked, focus the component in error. So the previous code will now look like this
Button button = new Button("Your error message");
button.addListener(new Button.ClickListener(){
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event){
// Replace componentInError by the associated component of the link.


Issues trying to use/apply event handler on specific html element

I would like some advice on how to specify the element for certain event handler. I'm trying to change the color on a paragraph when I click on it but it change the color regardless of where I click on the browser.
function onmouseA(){
document.getElementById("test").style.color = "#C5D9FF";
document.onmousedown = onmouseA;
I actually did specify the with the id="test", but it doesn't work properly, need some advice, thanks.

How to implement direct transitions between sibling pages in Xamarin.Forms with ReactiveUI?

I need to implement the routing functionality in Xamarin.Forms application using the ReactiveUI framework.
The following transitions map needs to be implemented:

Above the black arrows show forward transitions (e.g. I go from the Menu to the Order page by clicking on the menu item button), while the red arrows are for Go Back functionality. Please note that Go back should work for both: (a) the "Go back" link in the top navigation bar (b) the hardware «Back» button on the Android devices.
How do I implement the transitions between sibling pages like these:
Menu - Order - Map - Back to the Menu
Menu - Order - Order details - Pin details page - Back to the Map - Back to the Menu
P.S. Here is the guide I followed recently, so I used GoNext/GoBack commands to implement more simple transitions like Menu - Order - Order details - Back to the Order - Back to the Menu. It does not work well for the described case, as the Back buttons make transitions back to the previous page instead of their parent page in the navigation map.
The NavigateBack command implementation is quite simple in ReactiveUI's RoutingState, it just removes the last element from the RoutingState.NavigationStack, RoutingState.NavigationStack is an instance of ObservableCollection<IRoutableViewModel>.
So in your particular case, you could write your own NavigateBack command implementation that mutates the navigation stack as required by your application domain. You could use a switch block to figure out what page is currently shown in the screen, and then map that page into another page, either newly created or stored in a field or in a Locator.Current. Probably your command will require a more complex canExecute implementation as well.
ReactiveCommand<Unit, IRoutableViewModel> navigateBackDomainAware =
ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => {
var currentViewModel = NavigationStack[NavigationStack.Count - 1];
if (currentViewModel is PinDetailsViewModel) {
var mapViewModel = GetMapViewModel();
NavigationStack.Add(mapViewModel); // The navigation.
return Observable.Return(mapViewModel);
} else {
// Handle other pages. You can also put some domain-specific code
// describing the navigation mappings in your application here.

Coded UI Test - Set UI property not returning (hanging indefinitely)

I am getting crazy with a problem that I found when executing a Visual Studio Coded UI Test.
The scenario is as follows.
I recorded a Coded UI Tests that do the following steps in a Web Application (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011):
Login into an application
Navigate into a page
On the page set the selected value of a html combobox
The test is able to do all those steps without a problem, even selecting the value in the combobox.
The web application have a piece of Javascript that is executed when the selected item changes.
if one of the values is selected then an alert message is presented to the user and the application will set the selected item to a default one!
The javascript code look like this:
switch (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("status").getValue()) {
case 3: //Authorised
alert("Please use the method XPTO to update the record status to Authorised!");
return false;
The UI Test method that is performing the change in the combobox is as follows:
/// <summary>
/// Select a value in the Status dropdown box
/// </summary>
public void SelectStatus()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlComboBox uIStatusComboBox = this.UIHttpsappWindow200.UIModuleUITEDocument5.UIWorkplaceDashboardsFrame.UIModuleUITEDocument.UIStatusComboBox;
// Select 'Authorised' in 'Status' combo box
uIStatusComboBox.SelectedItem = this.SelectStatus_SPParams.UIStatusComboBoxSelectedItem;
The test method is able to change the value in the combobox, and an alert message is displayed to the user. However this part of the code uIStatusComboBox.SelectedItem = this.SelectStatus_SPParams.UIStatusComboBoxSelectedItem;
never returns and the test just hangs there until it timeouts!
I have no ideia how to work arround this issue! I was thinking that maybe the problem could be in the fact that we have javascript code that is executed after the alert is displayed to the user. I changed the JS so that the alert message is the last thing to be displayed but it also didn´t help!
I also noticed that if I click Ok on the alert message the test Pass!
If I select other value that dont trigger any JS the test also Pass!
Does anyone have any idea about this issue?
Edit 1:
I noticed another thing, I can use the BrowserWindow object to send a JS script to the browser. If I try to create an alert message the call also gets blocked until I click on the Ok button, on the alert!
BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Locate("My window");
bw.ExecuteScript("alert('This is just a simple alert.');");
The ExecuteScript statement also gets blocked until I click on the OK button!
This seems very very strange!
I believe I have found a workaround.
I was googling to find anything that could help me with this issue and I end up finding this question on StackOverflow Coded ui test - Select an item from a combobox without using mouse coordinates
I try to select the same item in the Dropdown without using the "SelectedItem" property of the HtmlComboBox element.
I try to use the keyboard to select the element in the dropdown box, first I click on the Dropdown and then I use the Down key and Enter key to select the element that I want:
public void SelectStatus_SP(string SelectedItem)
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlComboBox uIStatusComboBox = this.UIHttpsappWindow200.UIpopupUITEDocument5.UIWorkplaceDashboardsFrame.UIpopupUITEDocument.UIStatusComboBox;
Keyboard.SendKeys(uIStatusComboBox, "{Down}{Down}{Enter}", ModifierKeys.None);
In my case the element that I want to select is the 3rd one, so I go down 2 times and then hit enter on the element I want to select.
This workaround is not so good because if the element changes position I will select the worng one! But this was the only way I got for the test not to be stock in that part!
I wonder if anyone had a similar issue. Because to me this seems like a bug in the Coded UI Test engine, It doesn´t make any scence for the test to be stocked while the alert is not closed!

How go from one UI to another UI on Image button click event in juce introjucer?

can you please tell me How go from one UI to another UI on Image button click event in juce introjucer?
Basically you have to:
1.- Parent component must inherit from ButtonListener, and you must implement the buttonclicked method
void WindowComponent::buttonClicked (Button* activeButton)
if (activeButton == &someButton)
2.- Your "UIs" i must suppose are components, if so just do something like:
Or perhaps stash them in a TabbedComponent, hide the tabs or overlap some buttons and then just do:
That should get you going, in case you need help to draw a button just do something like:
addAndMakeVisible (&someButton);
Check out the doxygen docs, they are quite helpful.

Eclipse RCP: How can I update a view when the selected editor changes?

This should be quite a common problem, but I couldn't find anything helpful on the topic.
We are developing an application with Eclipse RCP. The application shows data in an editor of which usually multiple instances are open. In an additional view you can edit the editor-values. When the values are changed in the view they are updated in the editor and it's dirty flag is set.
So far it works fine. What we're missing is: When another editor instance gets the focus, our view should show the data of this editor.
I managed to do that for two views. The second view is sucessfully updated using a TableViewer as selection Provider and registering a SelectionListener in the other view. I tried the same thing for the editor using a Viewer I subclassed from ContentViewer, but it didn't work.
Can this approach be working?
Or do I need a different approach on the problem?
May be you can subclass your view from PageBookView and then provide special adapter for your editor. Outline View is implemented using this approach.
Thank you cerealk, that was exactly what I needed. :-)
Update the View when another Editor is selected
public class myView {
// Create an IPartListener2
IPartListener2 pl = new IPartListener2() {
// If the Editor I'm interested in was updated ...
public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPartReference ref) {
IWorkbenchPart part = ref.getPart(true);
if (part instanceof DetailEditor) {
// ... update the view
Contact contactFromSelectedEditor = ((DetailEditor) part);
// Add the IPartListener2 to the page
IWorkbenchPage page = this.getSite().getPage();
Why use an IPartListener2 instead of an IPartListener
The IPartListener2 replaces IPartListener with 3.5.
As explained in this this answer:
You should always use IPartListener2 as it can handle part-change events on parts that have not yet been
created because they are hidden in a stack behind another part.
listener will also tell you when a part is made visible or hidden or
when an editor's input is changed.
