WAMP or XAMPP for Windows XP Professional - xampp

I have Windows XP Professional as my OS.
Which of the following solutions is best?
Separate installation

I'd recommend WAMP, as it's very easy to set up.
XAMPP is more feature rich though, as it includes Tomcat, and a slightly newer version of PHP.
Here's a simple breakdown of what's included in each:

I would actually suggest that users go for XAMPP server.
Reason for choosing XAMPP over WAMP
XAMPP has a beginner friendly interface with simple on/off buttons to start Apache and MySQL services. Whereas the latter has more options but it's interface is jam-packed which proves confusing for beginners.
XAMPP supports FileZilla so you can easily upload your local work onto your online server. It also comes with TOMCAT and newer version of PHP ( recommended for PHP Programmers )
XAMPP has more extensions to it compared to wamp.
You can check out my article on xampp and wamp comparison to get a more detailed understanding:

Wamp, faster and more noob friendly. Easy to configure and easy to install.

WAMP is easier to use in my opinion, but XAMPP may be more feature-rich.
Seeing as you're asking the question, though, I'd recommend WAMP.

You may also want to consider using BitNami WampStack. It is a free all-in-one installer that includes Apache, PHP, phpMyAdmin, MySQL and a GUI management tool for the servers.
It is similar to XAMPP, WAMPServer, etc. in that regard but with some differences: We keep it up to date (XAMPP is also kept fairly up to date, WAMPServer has not been updated since 2010 at the time of writing this posting). Also, any of the all-in-one Apache bundles are
Windows specific. We are multiplatform, meaning that you can use the same environment across multiple operating systems (Mac, Linux, Windows). We find this very useful internally, since our designer works on Windows and the rest of us run on Linux or OS X.
Also, we have found that a lot users want to setup XAMPP for local development on top of Joomla!, Drupal or Wordpress for developing plugins, themes, etc. and that is why we created all-in-one packages that include Apache, MySQL, PHP and those applications pre-installed. We also have Rails and Django versions of the stacks if that's what you are developing on.
Give it a try (it is free!) and let us know what you think :)

I use Visual-AMP & Visual-NMP, It is like the IIS,
Green portable, requires no installation. Stop related services that are running the program, you can move the directory.


Xampp on windows 64 bit

I have 32 GB Ram on my server. But i can't use the ram. Because my xampp is 32 bit. I didn't find anyting about 64 bit server.
I have web site. I write it Php and Mysql
Can someone help me about this issue ?
In contrast to MySQL, PHP and Apache don't support 64-bit Windows builds and therefore neither XAMPP does. You should be able to run 32-bit XAMPP on 64-bit Windows without any problems though.
You can download XAMPP for Windows here.
If you have an server with Windows Server, them , why you not use IIS + PHP?.
have a look here.
But if you still want to use apache2 + php + mysql in Windows, maybe, you should have a look to use docker.
Also, instead to use apache2 or IIS, you can use nginx.
There's a lot of solutions for that, but, personally, I use xaamp for development in my personal pc, not for deployment of apps and websites in server's.
Hope this information works for you.
Update 2022!
XAMPP now supports 64-bit
Download here

Can I run two versions of XAMPP (not at once) on Windows?

I am currently running a 5.x version of XAMPP on a Windows 10 box, which has been working really well.
However I think it is time I look at upgrading to version 7.x to test my sites before I get my production VPS server to run php 7 etc
Can I install the new version in a separate directory (e.g. xampp7) and choose what xampp to run as needed via its control panel? Will each install know what version of php etc to load and use while that version is operating?
I have not tested this yet, I didn't want to risk stuffing up my existing install :)

IDE/Hosting issues w/ Meteor/WebStorm/Cloud9

My next work project is going to be using the Meteor framework. Our team recently got licensed to use WebStorm IDE, which has been our favorite up until this point. so we were planning on continuing the project with it.
That is, until it was time to install it. Then we found out that the Windows version of Meteor is only partially finished, and all of our development PC's are windows based.
So we were considering as a work-around for this, we may use Cloud9 as our development IDE, as it supports Meteor. The sharing functions may help our team productivity a bit as well.
But this has some problems...
First, we just invested in WebStorm, so we would ideally like to use it as our primary IDE. But I do not know how we would be able to work with WebStorm if we can not run an up to date version of Meteor on our windows systems?
Second, I'm not sure if it's even possible to use Cloud9 as the development IDE, but then move the C9 project over to our Ubuntu server for hosting when it is time to go live?
Third, even if we could deploy to our Ubuntu server after C9, we plan on many updates to our live application after deployment. I'm not sure if there would be issues with this if our development is on C9 and deployment on a completely different server.
So I'm wondering if anyone has a potential solution for these issues? Is there any way for us to work with Meteor on our live Ubuntu server, or Cloud9, from WebStorm on our Windows systems? Or any way we could integrate Cloud9 and WebStorm together for the best of both worlds? Or any way we could use a Linux emulator or something to allow us to use Meteor on our local windows system, without making it difficult for multiple developers to work on the project at the same time?
Thanks in advance!
The Windows port of Meteor actually is working quite well; the only major issue is that mobile development doesn't work. That is going to be fixed in Meteor 1.1 anyway, whose primary goal is to get Windows support up to that of Linux and Mac OS X.
As the user who initially pushed for Webstorm to add Meteor support back in October 2012, I'd recommend starting with Webstorm and Meteor on Windows right away, unless you need mobile development. In that case, you need native *nix machine (an Ubuntu VM on Windows won't be able to run the Android emulator, for example).
WebStorm also supports server-side Meteor debugging, and they're pretty responsive when it comes to fixing bugs you report on YouTrack. See for example https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-13490
With Cloud9, you cannot currently SSH into a workspace you have, so a hybrid Webstorm/Cloud9 situation might not be doable at this point.
As for deploying your stuff from Cloud9, that is very doable. There's some documentation here about that: https://docs.c9.io/v1.0/docs/deploying-via-the-command-line

I have a windows pc, can I develop with LAMP?

I have a pc running windows but I want to use a linux server. Is there a way for me to develop my website on my computer before I rent space on a server? Also its probably important to note that I have no linux experience. Should I just stick with wamp?
Unless you specifically and purposely use .NET features in your PHP Application, then an application developed in WAMP will work fine on a LAMP Server as long as you have included all the same PHP plugins.
PHP is independent from Linux or Windows. 99.9% of the time you have to knowingly use features from the host OS.
You should try ubuntu in a virtualbox, there are lots of well written guides that'll get you up and running.
For best performance, use coLinux. Install a linux distro like ubuntu (easier for beginners) and you should be ok.
Yes. I have developed and maintained a website like this before. My development environment was WAMP and the server was a LAMP shared server. Shouldn't be a problem till your site is using fairly basic libraries and they are available both for windows/linux.
However as others mentioned, its wiser to have the development environment as close possible to the production environment. You don't hit any surprises that way. And hey its not difficult and involves no cost:
You can use dual boot to have linux as other operating system.
Depending on your machine, you can just install VirtualBox and install a Linux VM.

XAMPP or MAMP on Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard) [closed]

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I just bought a new MacBook Pro which comes with Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (Mac OS X 10.6.2). I am used to using XAMPP as my local development server on XP. Since Mac OS X is based on Unix, I was thinking on activating/installing all the necessary stuff as I would normally do on Linux. However, I am not quite ready to be playing around with the system at this point so having an external package would be a nice temporary solution I think.
The question is whether I should go with MAMP or XAMPP. Does anybody have any suggestions? The Pro and Cons I suppose. As far as I know, Mac OS X comes with Apache2 and PHP5. Would MAMP or XAMPP modify the existing Apache and PHP installation? Any comments on how I should proceed?
PS: Eventually I would use the default installation of Apache and PHP, and install a binary package of MySQL but time for development is an essence and I don't have time to familiarize myself with Mac OS X.
XAMPP and MAMP are both quite similar. Neither touch your default OS X Apache/PHP! You can just try them both out and remove them afterwards by just deleting their folders. In the end they do exactly the same.
XAMPP gets updated more regularly and is generally more up to date. Also XAMPP has more extensions built-in.
On the other hand MAMP looks a little more mac-like and has a Dashboard Widget. But for a development system that doesn't count much. Unlike XAMPP, MAMP works without administrator privileges.
I went with XAMPP in the end because I needed the dba extension.
after using both to develop some Wordpress sites locally on my mac I chose to go with MAMP.
The main problem (only problem actually) I had with XAMPP was that it had issues on OS X with file and folder permissions.
doing something as simple as installing new Themes using the Wordpress online interface proved nearly impossible - in the end it required changing permissions on some of the Apache configuration files in the XAMPP dir. - even then it didn't entirely work.
I won't go into details - but suffice it to say I ended up thinking "why bother?" and just went back to MAMP.
that's just my experience mind you - but it is worth noting that it's so common that there are several sites/blog posts whose sole topic is how to fix this issue. just google "XAMPP Wordpress theme install problem" or something like that and you'll see what I mean.
I am a new developer and run 10.6.3 as well. I found MAMP Pro to be a better option than anything else. The personal web server that comes with Mac is really handy but maintaining the modules via macports was a pain.
Versus XAMP, MAMP Pro works really well cause it lets you tweak the modules as you wish and edit the myself/postfix/httpd configs easily. The two biggest reasons I love it is cause of the easy dyndns integration.
As for the port number, you can just edit it to 80 and not have to enter it manually each time when you browse to your local dev site.
XAMPP has some awful issues on OS X with file permissions and it's been a complete nightmare. I strongly suggest that if you're going to be using Wordpress on the localhost, that you either know your stuff before installing XAMPP, or just go with something else that won't give you those problems; presumably MAMP, which is what I'm about to install.
Personnally, i think that MAMP is easier to use. Especially if you want to define the folder where you want to run your local web sites. By default, in XAMPP your local web sites are in the APPLICATIONS folder and this is not a good solution. Moreless there is no password by default for MySQL in XAMPP. In MAMP it's really easy to change the directory that you want for your weblocal web sites. (just go to preferences). I tried to do that in XAMMP but there was access problems to httpd.conf of the apache web server.
Neither if you do WordPress development. ServerPress has the most options in a dead simple user interface. http://www.serverpress.com/products/desktopserver/#compare
