Checking whether ruby script is running in windows - ruby

I need to run a ruby script for one week and check whether it is running for every hour.
Could you please suggest me some way? I need to check this in windows machine.
For ex:- I have script called one_week_script.rb which will run for one week, in between i want to check whether the script is running or not? if it is not running, then running that script from another script

A typical solution is to use a "heartbeat" strategy. The "to be monitored" notifies a "watchdog" process on a regular interval. A simple way of doing this might be to update the contents of some file every so often, and the watchdog simply checks that same file to see if it's got recent data.
The alternative, simply checking if the process is still 'loaded' has some weaknesses, The program could be locked up, even though it's still apparently 'running'. Using the heartbeat/watchdog style means you know that the watched process is operating normally, because you're getting feedback from it.
In a typical scenario, you might just write the current time, and some arbitrary diagnostic data, say the number of bytes processed (whatever that might mean for you).


How to execute and manage ruby script from ruby?

I have a script named program.rb and would like to write a script named main.rb that would do the following:
system("ruby", "program.rb")
constantly check if program.rb is running until it is done
if program.rb has reached completion
exit main.rb
otherwise keep doing this until program.rb reaches completion{
if program.rb is not running and stopped before completing
restart program.rb from where it left off
I've looked into Pidify but could not find a way to apply it to fit this exactly the right way...
Any help in how to approach this script would be greatly appreciated!
I could figure out how to resume running the script from where it left off in program.rb if there's no way to do it in main.rb
It's impossible to "restart script from where it left off" without full cooperation from the program.rb. That is, it should be able to advertise its progress (by writing current state to a file, maybe?) and be able to start correctly from a step specified in ARGV. There's no external ruby magic that can replace this functionality.
Also, if a program terminated abnormally, it means one of two things:
the error is (semi-)permanent (disk is full, no appropriate access rights to a file, etc). In this case, simply restarting the program would cause it to fail again. And again. Infinite fail loop.
the error is temporary (shaky internet connection). In this case, program should do better job with exception handling and retry on its own (instead of terminating).
In either case, there's no need for restarting, IMHO.
Well, here is one way.
Modify program.rb to take an optional flag argument --restart or something.
When program.rb starts up without this argument it will initialize a file to record its current state. Periodically, it will write whatever it needs into this file to record some kind of checkpoint.
When program.rb starts up with the restart flag, it will read its checkpoint file and start processing at that point. For this to work, it must either checkpoint all state changes or arrange for all processing between checkpoints to be idempotent so it can be repeated without ill effect.
There are lots of ways to monitor the health of program.rb. The best way is with some sort of ping, perhaps something like GET /health_check or a dummy message via a socket or pipe. You could just have a locked file to detect if the lock is still held, or you could record the PID on startup and check that it still exists.

Windows 7 task scheduler keeps returning operational code 2

I set up a scheduled task to run under my account. Everything it runs, even if it is successful, returns an operational code of (2). I looked this up this error code at the below link, and it claims it cannot find the specific file.
Even if I do something very simple, I get back operational code of (2). For example:
run program: cmd.exe
start in path: c:\windows\system32
I start the task and I see the process running in my task manager, so I kill the task. I then check in the history of scheduled task and it shows up as (2).
Something more realistic of what I am doing:
/* file in c:\php\test.php */
echo "hello";
run program: php.exe
start in path: c:\php
arguments: -f test.php
Everything works in the command line, but Windows schedule task keeps returning operational code (2). I should be seeing an operational code of (0), which means successful, correct?
You may not have put a path in the "Start In (Optional) box of the Edit Action dialog box.
Even though you had a path on the program that was being executed, Windows 7 still wants you to tell it where to run the program.
TL/DR: Don't worry about it. This just means the task finished, but tells you nothing about whether it was successful or how it failed. Look at the "Last Run Result" for that information.
The question and the top answer are confusing the notion of a "return code", which shows up in Task Scheduler as the "Last Run Result" with the "OpCode"/"Operational Code" that shows up in the history of a task.
If I create a simple Python program that does nothing more than sys.exit(7), and run it via task scheduler, I get a Last Run Result of 0x7, and an opcode of 2. If I have it do nothing, or sys.exit(0), I get a Last Run Result of "The operation completed successfully (0x0)" and still an opcode of 2. In other words, the return code from the executed program determines the Last Run Result. The OpCode appears to be a constant 2. This also establishes that the opcode 2 is not related to the return code 2 that likely means the file's not found. We know the file was found as it executed, and returned different Last Run Results depending on the code contained.
Further, a Windows forum post points out that this history view is really coming out of the event log. Sure enough, I can find the same events in the event log (always with a value of 2). This means the definition of the OpCode is going to be the same as the definition used for events, and is less of a task scheduler concept than a Windows event concept.
What is an opcode for an event? I've struggled to get a clear answer, but as best I can tell, it appears it's ultimately controlled by the program writing to the event log. There's documentation around for defining opcodes in your program. In this case, the thing writing to the event log would be Task Scheduler itself or something else in Windows.
A final observation: If I go to the event viewer and look for Log: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational, Source: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler and Event ID: 102,201, add the column for Operational Code, and sort, I see it is always a 2. And events 100 and 200 are always a 1. This applies not just to my manual experiments, but also includes every other random program that's using scheduled tasks, e.g. Dropbox and Google updaters that are working as far as I know.
Put all this together and I would strongly bet that the events generated while starting up a scheduled task are hardcoded by Windows to use an opcode of 1 when writing to the event log, and the events generated while finishing a task (successful or not - which goes in the Last Run Result) are hardcoded by Windows to use an opcode of 2 when writing to the event log. This opcode appears to be a red herring that doesn't affect anything we need to worry about beyond curiosity.
I was striking out until I just deleted & re-created the scheduled it works. Don't know why but there it is.
Okay I know I am late to the party here, but I think a lot of the problem stems from confusing the Operational Code with a Return Code. I'm not an expert in Windows programming or internals (I make a living using a Windows system to program, but my programming isn't for Windows systems).
If I understand correctly:
The Operational Code is set by what ever routine being run at whatever value the programmer decided to set it at.
The Return Code is indicative of success or failure.
Consider the following (edited) example from the history of one of my scheduled tasks:
Event 201, Task Category "Action completed" shows an Operational Code of (2).
Down below under the General tab, is the message:
Task Scheduler successfully completed task "\My_task" , instance "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" , action "C:.....\blahblah.exe" with return code 0.
There's the indication of success. A different return code would indicate a failure. The Operational Code of (2) merely indicates that the routine was finished (in this case) when reported. I don't believe there's any set values to be interpreted for the Operation Code.
I've been having a similar issue and found that in addition to what was suggested in both the accepted answer and its comments I had to do one other thing. I had to re-create the task and set its "configure for" to Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 I dont understand why, since its not for any of those OS' but after I did so my task actually worked.
If this runs, and works, yet you still get an error code try entering exit 0 at the end of your script.
It took me a lot of googling to find that so hopefully this is helpful to someone.
#ojchase is right.
Opcodes are attached to events by the event provider. An opcode defines a numeric value that identifies the activity or a point within an activity that the application was performing when it raised the event.
Opcode 1 means that, when producing the event, the application was in the start of an activity.
Opcode 2 means that, when producing the event, the app. was at the end of an activity.
So opcodes have little to do with success or failure.

Getting previous exit code of an application on Windows

Is there any way to find out what was the last Exit Code of an application the last time it run?
I want to check if application wasn't exit with zero exit code last time (which means abnormal termination in my case) And if so, do some checking and maybe fix/clean up previously generated data.
Since some applications do this (they give a warning and ask if you want to run in Safe Mode this time) I think maybe Windows can tell me this.
And if not, what is the best practice of doing this? Setting a flag on a file or something when application terminated correctly and check that next time it executed?
No, there's no permanent record of the exit code. It exists only as long as a handle to the process is kept open. And returned by GetExitCodeProcess(), it needs that handle. As soon as the last handle is closed then that exit code is gone for good. One technique is a little bootstrapper app that starts the process and keeps the handle. It can then also do other handy things like send alerts, keep a log, clean up partial files or record minidumps of crashes. Use WaitForSingleObject() to detect the process exit.
Btw, you definitely want to exit code number to mean the opposite thing. A zero is always the "normal exit" value. This helps you detect hard crashes. The exit code is always non-zero when Windows terminates the app forcibly, set to the exception code.
There are other ways, you can indeed create a file or registry key that indicates the process is running and check for that when it starts back up. The only real complication with it is that you need to do something meaningful when the user starts the program twice. Which is a hard problem to solve, such apps are usually single-instance apps. You use a named mutex to detect that an instance of the program is already running. Imprinting the evidence with the process ID and start time is workable.
There is no standard way to do this on the Windows Platform.
The easiest way to handle this case is to put a value on the registry and to clear it when the program exits.
If the value is still present when the program starts, then it terminated unexpectedly.
Put a value in the HKCU/Software// to be sure you have sufficient rights (the value will be per user in this case).

Count number of executions of batch-script

This is my problem, I've got a batch-script that I can't modify (lets call it foo) and I would like to count how many times/day this script is executed - to keep track of that data.
Preferably, I would like to write the number of executions with date and exit-code to some kind of log file.
So my question is if this is possible and in that case - how? To create a batch-script/something that works in the background and writes every execution of foo to a log.
(I know this would be easy if I could modify foo but I can't. Also, everything is running on WinXP machines.)
You could write a wrapper script that does the logging and calls the existing script. Then use the wrapper in place of the original script
Consider writing a program that interrogates the Task Manager.
You could, for example, write a simple Console app which runs on a timer; every 5 seconds it checks that your foo application process exists. If it finds that it does, it assumes that find as the start time of the application; if it doesn't find it, it assumes the application has now closed and logs that information. It wouldn't be accurate to the second by any means, but would give you a rough approximation of when the thing is running and closing.
You might be able to configure Process Monitor to capture the information you require

Why is this Perl require line taking so much time?

I have a Perl script that runs via a system() command from C. On a specific site (SunOS 5.10), when that script is run, it nearly always takes 6 seconds or more. On other sites, it runs pretty much instantly (0.1s). If I run the script manually, i.e. not from the C code, it also runs instantly. I eventually tracked the slowness down (by spitting out the time a whole bunch in a lot of different places), to a single require line. The file that it is requiring is another Perl script we wrote. The script consists of a single require (this file here), 3 scalars that are assigned integer values, and a handful of time/date conversion routines. The file ends with a 1;. That single require appears to take as much as 6 seconds on occasion, but as I said, not always even on the same machine. I'm absolutely stumped here. My only last thought is to turn on profiling, but the site doesn't have Devel::Profiler and my only other option (that I know of) would be to add it to the Perl command which would require me altering and recompiling the C code (doable but non-trivial).
Anybody have ANY idea what could be going on here? I don't think I can/want to put the entire that is being required, but it's pretty much exactly as I described; I could answer any questions about it that you have.
Thanks in advance.
You might be interested in A Timely Start by Jean-Louis Leroy. He had a similar problem and tracked it down to a long and deep module search path where perl usually found the modules in the last entries in #INC.
Six seconds is a long time. Have you checked what your network is doing during this?
My first thought was that spawning the new process when using the system() command could be the problem, but six seconds is too long.
I don't know much about perl, but I could imagine that for any reason, the access of the time module could invoke a call to a network time server. Just to get synchronized. Maybe this takes so long or maybe it is getting a time out.
It could be that this only happens for a newly spawned process -- hence only when you use the system() command.
just wild guessing...
So, this does nothing to answer your question directly, but please tell me that you're not actually running on perl 4? Assuming you're on perl 5, you could remove the entire file and replace the require with use POSIX qw(ctime) to get the version that comes with Perl.
If you do have to support perl4, I'll merely grumble something about version 5 being fifteen years old now and go away. :)
