is IBAction mandatory to reflect a method on Interface Builder? - ibaction

What is the difference between below two methods, both are meant for mapping through Interface builder
- (void) showNYTimes:(id)sender
- (IBAction) showNYTimes:(id)sender
Both are working perfectly for my requirement, I am able to map both ways on IB. But which one to opt, is IBAction meant for only readability of code?

IBAction is #defined as void, so as far as Objective C is concerned they're the same; it's meant to be a signal to Interface Builder that this particular method is available to be hooked up to a view. "IBAction - Type qualifier used by Interface Builder to synchronize actions added programmatically with its internal list of action methods defined for a project."
So it's more than just readability; it's a declaration that's meaningful to IB. I'm not sure how you were able to map your (void) method in Interface Builder, though. Only (IBAction) methods have the little circle in the gutter for me.


With Swift "why" do some delegate functions require override func

OK, so I understand delegates. I am perplexed (in a language design sense) that in some recent Swift work I have encountered delegates that can only be implemented with an "override" qualifier. Specifically "controlTextDidEndEditing" as NSTextFieldDelegate of a NSTextField UI element. (Yes, this is OS X dev work, not IOS).
When implementing this delegate Xcode insists on an override qualifier for the func. If it is a "delegate" function, then what code/functionality up the hierarchy am I overriding and should I care? Inserting super.controlTextDidEndEditing in the implementation simply led to an infinite loop. My comprehension (perhaps faulty/incomplete) of a delegate has been that it defines a signature that the implementation matches.
The context is test panel with an TextField and Label dropped into a ViewController, a trivial test exercise. The only scenario that I can arrive at is that somewhere in the hierarchy above the ViewController some other class is already implementing controlTextDidEndEditing, which leads to the override requirement as soon as I try to implement it, which implies that I am destroying some existing level of functionality. I did experiment with subclassing NSTextField with the same "override" required result.
Can anyone further my education by explaining the ins and outs of this ?
This is an example of an obsolete design pattern in older Objective-C code that doesn't map well to Swift. (It's more of a problem with the earliest AppKit code rather than UIKit. Expect Apple to continue to clean up these issues as time goes on.)
controlTextDidEndEditing isn't actually part of the NSTextFieldDelegate protocol (or any other protocols). Instead, it's declared as an Objective-C "informal protocol":
#interface NSObject(NSControlSubclassNotifications)
- (void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)obj;
- (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)obj;
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj;
An informal protocol is like a class extension without an implementation, and their use dates back to a time when Objective-C didn't support formal protocols or optional protocol methods.
Swift doesn't have informal protocols. Instead, it appears as an extension to NSObject.
extension NSObject {
func controlTextDidBeginEditing(obj: NSNotification)
func controlTextDidEndEditing(obj: NSNotification)
func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification)
But Swift doesn't know that this is an informal protocol. As a result, Swift will let you call controlTextDidEndEditing() on any NSObject, even though NSObject does not implement that method.
Likewise, when you implement one of these methods in your own class, Swift will force you to use the override keyword because it thinks you're overriding a method on NSObject, even though that's not the case.
You don't override delegates, you override getters and setters. BUT, classes like UITableViewController conform to the delegate and the datasource, which means they already implement the methods. You override them because, yes, the superclass implements those already.
When you override delegate methods, I don't think you make a superclass call unless the superclass actually performs some function. NSTextField's controlTextDidEndEditing is probably implemented by NSTextField itself as an empty implementation, which is why you need to override.

Swift class to interact with Interface Builder via IBOutlet

Good evening all,
I'm slowly working through my first OS X app. I have been having a hard time getting my Swift class to interact with an NSPopUpButton. Just to make sure I was doing it right, I created a new project and successfully erased all entries and entered text into the NSPopUpButton via AppDelegate. However, as soon as I try to move the same functionality to my own class, I can't even get the IBOutlet connection across to the new class.
Is a particular subclass type required of a new class to work properly with interface builder?
Here is a screenshot of the class I have created, as well as AppDelegate where I am trying to call the function belonging to this class.
Finally, here is the IB element in question, should I be able to select my own class under the 'Custom Class' inspector?
I am an iOS developer, but I would imagine the same principles would apply to your situation.
A ViewController class and an interface created in interface builder are two seperate things. While it may appear that they are connected via an iboutlet, they are actually independent and one can be instantiated without the other.
Currently, you are only creating an instance of your ViewController class in your App Delegate - and that's all. The system has no idea that your xib even exists! The outlets will only be connected once your app connects your xib to your ViewController class.
How do we do this? It's actually quite simple. Instead of instantiating our view controller like this:
let viewcontroller = ViewController()
We would connect our view controller to our xib in the instantiation:
let viewcontroller = ViewController(nibName: "MainWindow", bundle: NSBundle().mainBundle)
The nibName is telling the system the file name of your xib, and the NSBundle().mainBundle is telling the system where to look for the xib.
This will all only work if your xib has been assigned a custom class, like you mentioned. In your xib in interface builder, select the entire view controller. Then, in the custom class inspector type in the name of your ViewController class (in your case: ViewController - it should autocomplete). This will make sure your outlets are connected.
And you should be set up!! Let me know if you have any more problems come up.
Good luck!
This replaces the first part of my answer, however the part about hooking things up in Storyboard remains true. Upon reconsidering, I've believe I've realized that we are only creating the view controller, and not adding it to our view. Despite this, I believe we can take a short cut solution by adding one method to your view controller subclass (the one we set in the Storyboard). Start typing in viewDidLoad, and it should autocomplete. Type in super.viewDidLoad() at the beginning of the method. After that, type self.listUpdate(). This should work if the classes are hooked up correctly in Storyboard. This means you can delete the variables you created in the App Delegate.
Reference: You might also find Apple's documentation on creating a view controller handy (it's in Objective C online, but can be easily converted to Swift - it's the concept that counts): NSViewController Class Reference

How to manage windows in cocoa

I know the question is a bit generic but I guess my issue is generic as well.
I'm developing a small application in my free time and I decided to do it with Cocoa. It's nice, many things works almost automagically, but sometimes it's quite hard to understand how the framework works.
Lately I'm facing a new problem. I want to manage all the windows of the application from a single class, a front controller basically. I have a main menu and an "Import data" function. When I click it I want to show another window containing a table and call a method for updating the data. The problem is that this method is inside the class that implements the NSTableViewDataSource protocol.
How can I have a reference to that class? And more important, which should be the right way to do it? Should I extend the NSWindow class so that I can receive an Instance of NSWindow that can control the window containing the table (and then call the method)?
I may find several ways to overcome this issue, but I'd like to know which one is the best practice to use with cocoa.
PS: I know that there are tons of documentations files, but I need 2 lives to do everything I'd like to, so I thought I may use some help asking here :)
The problem is that this method is inside the class that implements the NSTableViewDataSource protocol.
How can I have a reference to that class?
These two sentences don't make sense, but I think I understand what you're getting at.
Instead of subclassing NSWindow, put your import window's controlling logic – including your NSTableViewDataSource methods – into a controller class. If the controller corresponds to a window, you can subclass NSWindowController, though you don't have to.
You can implement -importData: as an IBAction in your application delegate, then connect the menu item's selector to importData: on First Responder. That method should instantiate the import window controller and load the window from a nib.
In your import window controller's -awakeFromNib or -windowDidLoad method, call the method which updates the data.
Here's the pattern I'd suggest using in your app delegate:
#property (retain) ImportWindowController *importWC;
- (IBAction) showImportWindow:(id) sender {
if (!self.importWC)
self.importWC =
[[ImportWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"ImportWindow"];
[self.importWC refreshData];
[self.importWC.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];

Call IBAction in different class

My document based application has a window with a tableview. The tableview has a datasource which points to a class of type NSObject (called HopBill) which includes a NSMutableArray (aHopBill) and the needed tableview methods. So far so good.
For adding rows to the tableview I've added a sheet which is controlled from a NSWindowController (called HopBillSheetController). When pressing the OK button in the sheet. I actually need to do two IBActions (which is not possible): Add the row to the array of the tableview and close the sheet. I can connect the OK button in the sheet to the NSWindowController (to close the sheet) or connect it to the NSObject (to add the row to the array). But I want both :-)
Is it possible to call the IBAction in the NSWindowController from the NSObject? Or is there another way to do this?
I'm quite a beginner to Cocao and Objective-C, so please be gentle :-)
If your sheet is a nib/xib with an NSPanel, the call to close it is simply [panel close]; Assuming your window controller has a property for the panel, you can put the close code at the end of its row-adding IBAction. Or you could have the IBAction itself call another method if you prefer.
If your panel is running modal, you might need to stopModal too. (That's what's needed if everything stays frozen after the panel closes; otherwise never mind.)
Assuming hopBill, your data source, is a property of the window controller, any IBAction you write in the window controller also has access to hopBill; it can do everything you need.
So add a single IBAction to the window controller and connect the panel's OK button to it. That ought to work.
As for calling an IBAction from somewhere other than a control in a nib, yes, you can do that. Use a reference to the control as the sender arg, or nil if the IBAction doesn't use the sender arg.
You could also create your panel programmatically, or use NSAlert. But it sounds like your current setup is simpler -- and therefore better.
Take a look at this h file for an app controller: Apple's ClockControl example
The NSMutableArray *appointments property is the actual data source that will be used by the NSTableViewDataSource protocol methods. The IBAction "addAppointment" can access "appointments" directly: [self.appointments addObject:whatever atIndex:whatever];
The ClockControl example could be modified to use HopBill. You would import its declarations up top: #import "HopBill.h" And then instead of the "appointments" property, it would declare HopBill *hopBill; And "addApointment" would access HopBill's mutable array (aHopBill) like this: [self.hopBill.aHopBill addObject:whatever atIndex:whatever];
Why you can’t send messages to hopBill:
First, because although you declare it, you never initialize it. You have:
HopBill *hopBill;
[self.hopBill.aHopBill addObject: bHopAdditionAtInit];
It should be:
HopBill *hopBill = [[HopBill alloc] init];
[hopBill.aHopBill addObject: bHopAdditionAtInit]; // “self” won’t work here
Second, you’re declaring it inside an IBAction method, (doneHopBillSheet:), so it’s a local variable, accessible only within that method. If HopBill is holding your table’s data source cache, it should be a property of the controller which implements the NSTableViewDataSourceProtocol methods.
In your HopBill interface, you declare the aHopBill array to be a property, and you initialize it in HopBill’s init method (you should also release it in HopBill’s dealloc method). You need to do the same thing for the controller — it should have an instance of HopBill as a property, and that instance should be initialized in the controller’s init method.
If you want HopBillController to manage the tableview, its interface declaration should look like this:
#interface HopBillSheetController : NSWindowController <NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource> {
And, then, of course, you have to implement the relevant NSTableViewDelegate and NSTableViewDataSource methods.
Also, the controller must have an IBOutlet property for the tableview itself, and in the controller’s awakeFromNib method, it has to assign itself as delegate and datasource:
[self.tableview setDelegate:self];
[self.tableview setDataSource:self];
(The self-dot syntax assumes you’ve set up #property and #synthesize code for tableview.)
The IBAction method that adds items to your table must be in that controller class, or in a class that has a property which is an instance of the controller class. Then the IBAction method will have access to the aHopBill array and can add the new object to the array, after which it will call [tableView reloadData], which will in turn trigger the tableview protocol methods and update the table.
Now, that means that the xib containing the tableview has to have the controller as its file’s owner. Since you’re using NSDocument, I suspect that, instead, you would put the tableview outlet in the NSDocument subclass. And you would give that doc subclass a property which is an instance of the controller. The IBAction methods would also be in the doc subclass, and so they would have access to the controller and its HopBill property. Or maybe you would simply make the doc subclass the controller, rather than using the separate HopBillSheetController class. I’m not sure about the NSDocument stuff. But, remember, the IBAction method can itself call other methods, as long as it has access to instances of the classes in which those methods are declared.
Apple has an example using both the tableview delegate and datasource protocol methods. Go to this link and download the sample code: tableview example
It looks like a nice app. Good luck.

IBOutlet not getting set in Cocoa MVC project

I might not be using IBOutlet correctly, or some other subtlety with how NIB files work is causing me trouble - any help would be much appreciated (feel free to propose an alternate way to accomplish what I want).
I have a View object and a Controller object. Both are in the NIB. The Controller's init is also called when the NIB is loaded and the View is initialized in the 'awakeFromNib' callback.
I need a way to connect these two objects - specifically, enable the 'View' object to call functions on the Controller.
Based on documentation online, the way to get these connected is to define an IBOutlet in the View and connect it to the Controller in the Interface Builder. So i created an
IBOutlet Controller* _controller;
in the View interface and graphically connected it to the Controller object in Interface Builder by making a connection from the View to the Controller and assigning the _controller outlet to the Controller (the blue Generic Object box in Interface Builder).
At runtime though, _controller is always _nil. I have verified that the Controller's init was indeed called.
Is there something obvious I'm missing about this?
Any simpler way to connect these two? Since they're both created by the NIB I don't have a common object that has a pointer to both.
Try accessing the IBOutlet in viewDidLoad instad.
When awakeFromNib is called not all the IBOutlets are populated (even though the documentation seem to imply it).
