Is it possible to generate XML from a EDMX model? - visual-studio

I'm generating my POCO's from edmx model, and would like to know if its possible to make use of the neat codegen features of Entity Framework to create my an xml document along with the POCO (which is needed for my project).

You can generate an XML document in Visual Studio using T4 templates.
In Visual Studio, a T4 text template is a mixture of text blocks and control logic that can generate a text file. The control logic is written as fragments of program code in Visual C# or Visual Basic. The generated file can be text of any kind, such as a Web page, or a resource file, or program source code in any language.
But you should note that the EDMX file itself is an XML document.
Right click on your Model.edmx file
'Open With...'
Choose 'XML (Text) Editor'
There are three main sections to the file
StorageModels - describes that database
ConceptualModels - describes your code and objects
Mappings - describes how the two models relate
Look at whether the standard EDMX file contains the type of information you want. If not, parse and shred it using T4 to extract the information you're looking for.

No need to parse the EDMX file, use TiraggoEdmx, you can install it via NuGet. See it serves up all of the metadata from your EDMX files that Microsoft hides from you, very simple, works great. I wrote it but it's 100% free, even comes with a sample POCO template.


Finding T4 text template class code

T4 text templates can be used to generate not only code but also any kind of text with visual studio.
I've read blogs and tutorials about T4 and as far as I can understand, visual studio dynamically builds a class in the background, compiles and runs the code in that class to build the text output.
Is it possible to see the source code of that class?
Yes, the easiest way is to change the Custom Tool in the properties window when the template file is selected in Solution Explorer.
By default, it will be 'TextTemplatingFileGenerator'.
If you change the custom tool to 'TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor' you'll get the underlying template class instead of the template output generated into your project.
To be precise, this code won't be exactly the same as that which is run under the covers, but it will be very close.
If you need the absolute exact code, you should leave the custom tool alone, but set the debug="true" flag on your <## template #> directive. This will then leave the generated code sitting around in a random named '.cs' or 'vb' file in your %TEMP% directory. Just sort the directory by time and it should be up at the top.

adding visual studio XAML Intellisense to non-wpf classes

I have "DOM like" data structure in c# (parent, childNodes, properties, enums...) and I want to use xml\xaml file to some of the initializing. I already wrote a tool that transform my xaml to c# and inject them in the right place.
I want the exact Intellisense behavior of WPF except that my classes doesn't inherits from WPF base classes and my project in not wpf application on library and doesn't reference wpf assemblies. i also don't want to use xsd schema because classes are added and edited very frequently.
I'm using visual studio 2010
Is it possible?
Create a xaml (start by creating a resource dictionary and delete the content).
Add your own assembly as the default namespace and start using your types. I have created a test for sample data recently, here's how it looks like:
<MainViewModel xmlns="clr-namespace:MvvmTest.ViewModels.DesignTime"
Name="The design time main view model">
<FirstSubViewModel Name="The design time first sub-view model" />
<SecondSubViewModel Name="The design time second sub-view model" />
You can load the file using the XamlReader class. As a bonus compared to xml, the file will be compiled and run time loading will be much faster.

How to automatically run custom tool for T4 file when another file is saved

Is there a way to automatically run the T4 transform when another file is saved?
The AutoRunCustomTool Visual Studio extension was created to address this exact scenario.
It seems like T4 Toolbox is not available for VS2012. However there is now a feature in tangible T4 Editor that allows you to simply add a auto-transformed template to any exisitng file in your solution so that when the parent file is saved the dependend t4 file is transformed. See here:
You can do that with T4 Toolbox. Select the file in Solution Explorer and set the Custom Tool Template in the Properties window.
I get this answer form How can set the custom tool property of an xml file to a T4 file?

Displaying XSLT content in Silverlight

I am working with Silverlight 4.
I am supposed to display a XSLT inside a Silverlight page as is, read-only.
Which control is best suited for this?
XSLT files are for transforming one file format to another (generally used for taking XML and creating other XML files or HTML pages or human-readable plain-text files out of the input XML). They are not visual documents - what you actually need is to display the result of an XSLT transformation and the control you need for that will depend on what type of file the output of the transformation is (e.g. it could be an HTML file or a text file).
If you can post an example XSLT file you need to use, we might be able to offer more detailed help.

Best way to deploy and reference an XSLT file

In a visual studio project I have three layers, Data Layer, Business Layer and Presentation Layer.
In the Data Layer I have a few XSLT's that transform some objects into an email, all works fine but I have discovered that the XSLTs do not get built/copied when building.
I have currently, created a folder in the deploy location and placed the XSLT's there but I am concerned about relying on a manual process to update these.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue and if so how did they get around it.
It smacks of changing the MSBuild script to copy the build artifacts to the required location, does anyone have examples of this?
If you are using Visual Studio 2005/2008, the easiest way to do this is by including your XSLT files as project resources.
Open the Properties for your project.
Select the Resources tab. You will probably see a link that says "This project does not contain a default resources file. Click here to create one." Go ahead and click on that.
Click the Add Resource drop-down near the top and select Add Existing File.
Browse to your XSLT files and select them.
After you have done this, you can easily access the resources in the following manner:
// To get the contents of the resource as a string:
string xslt = global::MyNamespace.Properties.Resources.MyXsltFile;
// To get a Stream containing the resource:
Stream xsltStream = global::MyNamespace.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream("MyXsltFile");
If you are using Visual Studio 2003, your best bet is to include those XSLT files as embedded resources for the DLL. In Visual Studio, select the file(s) in Solution Explorer, open the Properties pane, and change the Build Type to "Embedded Resource". You can then use the GetManifestResourceStream method to get a Stream containing the XSLT(s). The name to pass will be based on the default namespace of your assembly, the folder containing the file, and the name of the file.
For example, say your data layer assembly has a default namespace of My.DataLayer. Within your data layer project you have a folder named Templates which contains a file called Transform.xslt. The code to get your XSLT would look like this:
// There are numerous ways to get a reference to the Assembly ... this way works
// when called from a class that is in your data layer. Have a look also at the
// static methods available on the Assembly class.
System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = (GetType()).Assembly;
System.IO.Stream xsltStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("My.DataLayer.Templates.Transform.xslt");
For more information check out this article on CodeProject.
Obvious question maybe, but still has to be asked, did you include the folder containing the XSLT's in the project itself? Is this a web or forms app?
In VS, it is easy to set the properties of the XSLT files in the project to copy on build, by default they do not.
I may have explained myself poorly.
THe Data layer is a class library that a the presentation layer references.
On building the DataLayer I can get the XSLTs to output to the Bin directory of the DataLayer. However when I build and publish the presentation layer, it correctly grabs the DLL but not the XSLTs
