Firewatir not working - ruby

hi i am currently using firewatir.
But my browser opens but when it comes to the connecting to the site it fails it shows the home page of Firefox which is set by default..
error : Unable to connect to machine : on port 9997. Make sure that JSSh is properly installed and Firefox is running with '-jssh' option caught in : open_browser
I have installed the Jssh also but i don't know whats is the problem.

Forget firewatir, it is dead. If you need to drive Firefox, use watir-webdriver gem. Depending on your OS, follow instructions in my Watir book:


ssl through homestead box causing chrome to block the site

I've just started using homestead to try and do some laravel development on my windows machine (normally I work with valet on mac which does all this for you) and it looks like when I start a new homestead box (using "vagrant up") it automatically sets up ssl? And chrome is freaking out when trying to connect to the website because the certificate is invalid.
I'm not sure how to get around this problem, how can I prevent the homestead box from trying to use ssl out of the box? Or get chrome to accept the cert that it's trying to provide?
I've tried downloading the certificate (crt file from /etc/nginx/ssl on the box) and installing it on my machine and then restarting chrome but I get the same error.
As #brianforan has pointed out in his comment, Google has decided for their own reasons that the latest versions of Chrome will no longer support development under the top level domain of ".dev". Chrome will assume that any .dev domain is automatically meant to run under SSL, and will redirect to SSL.
Use an alternate TLD for your site - I have a preference for .local or .localhost myself, but it's entirely up to you.

I have a jmx file where i have written selenium code with javascript. I am unable to run it in EC2 using jmeter

I have a jmx file where i have written selenium code with javascript. I am unable to run it in EC2 using JMeter.
Here is the error message.
unknown error chrome failed to start exited abnormally
Chrome failed to start
Looking into the log file it appears you're using ChromeDriver 2.20. It is quite an outdated version which supports Chrome (or Chromium) versions 43-48.
If you are using a newer Chrome - you have 2 options:
Upgrade to ChromeDriver 2.29 which supports Chrome versions 56-58
Downgrade your Chrome browser to version 43-48
ChromeDriver Release Notes
Getting started with ChromeDriver on Desktop
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered
It seems you don't have neither Chrome nor specific Chromedriver on your EC2 machine.
For the latter, get it there, then you're going to set system property to the path to your driver (including the executable name).
As for installing conventional chrome on that GUI-less machine - I'm quite not sure it's going to work, but you may try.
Although the package is anyway out of standard AWS package repositories, so you'd be driven to do that manually from local package.
Let me know if that helped, please.

CakePHP browser emitting filename only

I was asked to help out with a project that uses CakePHP. I know nothing about CakePHP.
The application was developed on a Linux platform, and I use Windows 10.
I installed and ran up the CakePHP 3.2 demo using IIS, it works.
I then started to install the project I'm supposed to help with.
I started to run into problems so I took a shortcut, I installed the bitnami WAMP environement and installed the CakePHP porect in that, it is using Version 2.8.
I have worked out a few issues, but I am not at a point where I am stumped.
When I run the application, the response emitted to the browser is simply a file name, that of the application, say, xyz.php.Nothing else and no log files or errors.
Would nayone have a suggestion as to where to start to figure this out?
The system I was working with came from a Linux machine and it makes use of Symbolic Links that do not migrate to Windows. The filenames that were emitted to the browser were the failed redirects of the Symbolic Links.
I received a list of the Symbolic Links from the originator and made Windows Symbolic Links, using, MKLINK.

Can't download ebooks after downloading xampp

For some reason I can't download ebooks anymore ever since I downloaded xampp. I guess there is something wrong with the directory.
This error continues to occur:
You don't have permission to access /i/etNY9wf on this server."
Not sure why this issue is occurring. Need help resolving the issue so I can download again.
since you don't describe in your question how you are downloading the ebooks, I am guessing that you are using a P2P program or any other program for downloading. Some Software use port 80 and XAMPP is using port 80 too. It might be a port conflict.
Some troubleshooting:
Option 1
Stop XAMPP Apache Service (From XAMPP Control Panel) and try to download some eBook.
Option 2
Uninstall XAMPP and try to download some eBook
I am pretty sure that the issue is with the port conflict. Can you please provide more information about how you download those eBooks?

webdriver won't cooperate with firefox

I have been trying to use WebDriver to run some front-end Selenium tests, but it is refusing to cooperate with my Firefox. I try to start a new FirefoxDriver with no arguments, and get an error message.
It says
Selenium.WebDriverException: Failed to connect to FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055.
Then, it says:
Disabling foreign installed add-on in app-profile.
I have not installed any add-ons since starting the VM I'm running this in. What do these errors mean?
Please check the compatibility between Firefox and selenium webdriver versions.
