Magento translations in external script - magento

I want to be able to use $this->__('String to translate') in an external script. How do I do this? Magento version

I think the right way to set locale is:
Mage::getSingleton('core/translate')->setLocale('sv_SE')->init('frontend', true);

This should work:
require 'app/Mage.php'; // here you should use the correct path to Mage.php file
Mage::getSingleton('core/translate')->init('sv_SE', true); // UPDATE
$to_translate = "String to translate";
$translated = Mage::helper('core')->__($to_translate);


In Codeigniter 4, the URL with 'www.' is not shown in base url()

In Codeigniter 4 URL with www. not shown www in base URL().
$config['base_url'] = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") ? "https" : "http");
$config['base_url'] .= "://". $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$config['base_url'] .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
This source code is also not working.
How can I solve this?
base_url([$uri = ''[, $protocol = null]])
Returns your site base URL, as specified in your config file. Example:
echo base_url();
Define your base URL in your .env file at the root of your project. Example:
app.baseURL = ''
when you first setup a codeigniter project you will see a env file in your root, copy that file and rename it to .env env with a dot.
Then in that folder look at line 23 I think or just look for #app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/' Then Remove the hash(#) and just add www. in front of localhost like this app.baseURL = ''
Also Remember to change your $baseURL in app\Config\App.php to your domain.
What is a .env file?
A .env file or dotenv file is a simple text configuration file for controlling your Applications environment constants.
I recommend you look at the codeignter official docs aswell

Check an image if existing already in the folder before uploading - Codeginiter

Do you have any sample codes or functions to check if an image name is existing already in the folder before uploading?
I've tried using file_exists() but it doesn't work, here is my sample code:
$path = FCPATH . "images2/";
$full_path = $path .$filename;
///display error message///
Here is the simplest way to check if a file exist:
return true; //the file exist
return false; //the file does not exist
I'm assuming you are not getting the correct result with file_exists() because you don't include the full path (even tho you define it).
Try using the following: file_exists($full_path)
Also consider using some CI helper functions for handling files like images, or uploads. They are there to make this 'easier'.
File helper:

Joomla global options SEF

How to get global options SEF of Joomla 3? Searching whole day nothing found.
This is for Joomla 1.5 need same on 3rd
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
echo 'Site name is ' . $config->getValue( 'config.sitename' );
In Joomla 3.x, JRegistry::getValue() has been removed, so Use JRegistry::get() instead.
So in a nutshell, here is the code you need to use:
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
echo 'Site name is ' . $config->get( 'sitename' );

PHP parse error in rss parse function

I have a client who needs a website urgently, but I have no access to information such as the control panel.
PHP Version is 4.4 Which is a pain as I'm used to 5.
The first problem is I keep getting:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, expecting ')' in D:\hshome\*******\********\includes\functions.php on line 37
This is the function in question:
function read_rss($display=0,$url='') {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$itemArr = array();
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) {
if ($display == 0) {
$itemRSS = array(
array_push($itemArr, $itemRSS);
return $itemArr;
And the line in question:
PHP4 does not support object dereferencing. So $obj->something()->something will not work. You need to do $tmp = $obj->something(); $tmp->something...
You can't do that in PHP 4.
Have to do something like
$nodes = $node->getElementsByTagName('title');
$item = $nodes->item(0);
$value = $item->nodeValue,
Try it and it will work.
You can't chain object calls in PHP 4. You're going to have to make each call separately to a variable and store it all.
$titleobj = $node->getElementsByTagName('title');
$itemobj = $titleobj->item(0);
$value = $itemobj->nodeValue;
you'll have to do it on all those chained calls
As for .htaccess ... you need to talk to someone who controls the actual server. It sounds like .htaccess isn't allowed to change the setting you're trying to change.
You need to break down that line into individual variables. PHP 4 does not like -> following parentheses. Do this instead:
$title = $node->getElementsByTagName('title');
$title = $title->item(0);
$description = $node->getElementsByTagName('description');
$description = $description->item(0);
$link = $node->getElementsByTagName('link');
$link = $link->item(0);
$itemRSS = array(
The two variable declarations for each may be redundant and condensed, I'm not sure how PHP4 will respond. You can try to condense them if you want.
DOMDocument is php 5 function.You cant use it.
you may need to use DOM XML (PHP 4) Functions

Does anyone know what is the 32 character string before the product image filename in Magento?

I ask this question, since I am trying to get the images I have just copied from Domain A to work in Domain B, (which is using the same database).
I think knowing what the 32 character string is, which help me find a good explanation why the images are not being found in the front or backend of Magento after reinstall on DOMAIN B.
RE: Magento version
Here's the code that creates that filename path, found in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Image:
// build new filename (most important params)
$path = array(
$path[] = $this->getDestinationSubdir()
if((!empty($this->_width)) || (!empty($this->_height)))
$path[] = "{$this->_width}x{$this->_height}";
// add misk params as a hash
$miscParams = array(
($this->_keepAspectRatio ? '' : 'non') . 'proportional',
($this->_keepFrame ? '' : 'no') . 'frame',
($this->_keepTransparency ? '' : 'no') . 'transparency',
($this->_constrainOnly ? 'do' : 'not') . 'constrainonly',
'angle' . $this->_angle,
'quality' . $this->_quality
// if has watermark add watermark params to hash
if ($this->getWatermarkFile()) {
$miscParams[] = $this->getWatermarkFile();
$miscParams[] = $this->getWatermarkImageOpacity();
$miscParams[] = $this->getWatermarkPosition();
$miscParams[] = $this->getWatermarkWidth();
$miscParams[] = $this->getWatermarkHeigth();
$path[] = md5(implode('_', $miscParams));
// append prepared filename
$this->_newFile = implode('/', $path) . $file; // the $file contains heading slash
So, the hash is generated from the configuration info (aspect ratio, etc), as well as the watermark info. This information will not usually change. However, I do see that the path is partially generated from the store_id of the current store, so your trouble may be there.
Is there a reason you can't let Magento use its normal caching procedures for both stores? Since Magento checks the filesystem for the cached image, there shouldn't be a conflict.
Hope that helps!
Upon contemplation, are you just trying to get the catalog images to work in both domains? The non-cached version of the catalog images are at %magento%/media/catalog/product. Copy the directories from that location and your catalog images should work.
Moving over the cached images isn't going to go far, since they will be deleted next time you flush the Magento cache. So, having moved the images that are in /media/catalog/product, flush the Magento image cache. Make sure that the file permissions are correct for reading. Then, head into Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Image and take a look at the following code (approx line 270):
if ($file) {
// add these for debugging
if ((!file_exists($baseDir . $file)) || !$this->_checkMemory($baseDir . $file)) {
$file = null;
Add a var_dump or Mage::log statement in there (depending on whether you have logging enabled), and verify that the path to the images is correct, and that you have enough memory for the operation. This is the code that will choose the default image for you if no image path exists. If you still can't get it, post the output of those three logging statements and we'll keep trying. :)
