Globalize3 module translation for database - ruby

I got an issue with Globalize3, i have build a module to add translations in Admin for Preferences User
I display each translation by her ID and her locale. But i don't understand why the locale is not define when i want to display the page.
The gist for better show :
Thanks for your help

If you have a look at the params you are getting in the update action for the perference topic translation (just raise params[:preference_topic_translation]). You'll notice you probably have preference_topic_option_translation coming through as one of the attributes which doesn't exist on the model.
You need to update line #12 in the form:
<%= f.fields_for preference_topic_option_translation do |translate_form| %>
It should read:
<%= f.fields_for :preference_topic_option_translations, preference_topic_option_translation do |translate_form| %>


Phoenix different title per page with root module

This question is similar to (but not an exact duplicate of) Phoenix Framework - page titles per route.
Ideally, i want to create titles like in the described question, but I am using a root layout since my project uses Phoenix LiveView. The HTML skeleton including the head and title HTML tag are part of the root template (root.html.eex). The app template extends on that from my understanding. I implemented the code from the above question
<%= if Kernel.function_exported?(#view_module, :title, 2) do %>
<%= #view_module.title(Phoenix.Controller.action_name(#conn), assigns) %> - StHub
<% else %>
<% end %>
and created a title function inside of my specific page view
defmodule StHubWeb.WowsView do
use StHubWeb, :view
def title(_action, _assigns) do
but the else branch of the code is triggered. Upon further inspection, I think that the issue is with using a root template, because the #view_module while rendering the root template is StHubWeb.LayoutView, and only inside of the LayoutView/app.html.eex template, the #view_module is my actual view (StHubWeb.WowsView).
I am not sure how to solve this other than removing the root template, but then my LiveView will have to contain the entire HTML skeleton all the time.
Maybe there is a way for me to define a title function in my LayoutView that will grab the title from StHubWeb.WowsView, but I am not sure how to do that.
Thanks for the help!

Middleman Blog: Custom layout not loading

In Middleman, I am trying to set up a blog site, using custom layout for the blog. My problem is that the main layout is loading, but the blog layout for my articles is not. The article files are being served in with their plain body.
In source/layouts/ I have two files: layout.erb and article_layout.erb.
My intent is to use article_layout.erb for my blog articles.
In config.rb I have the following:
activate :blog do |blog|
blog.sources = "articles/{category}/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html"
blog.layout = "article_layout"
I have also tried moving article_layout.erb to source/articles/ as well as prepending the config.rb file like this: blog.layout = "layouts/article_layout"
Another failed approach is to comment out the above option and configure the layout by adding this line instead: page "/articles/*", layout: "article_layout".
So far none of these approach show a difference. Since the default layout is not being rendered I would expect some sort of error message if the path to the layout cannot be found, but nothing shows up.
I managed to replicate your problem with my own Middleman blog setup.
The docs are unclear on this because there is a broken link in the layout section of Blogging.
You need to use the nested layout feature of Middleman and wrap your custom layout in:
<% wrap_layout :layout do %>
<% end %>
So your article_layout.erb would look something like this:
<% wrap_layout :layout do %>
<div class="article-container">
<h2 class="article-title"><%= current_page.title %></h2>
<%= yield %>
<% end %>
And keep your custom layout in the source/layouts folder.
Here are the docs for Nested Layouts for your reference.
I hope this helps.

Middleman: How can I get the current article title?

When generating a simple blog in Middleman using the "middleman-blog" extension I get a the layout file which simply yields the content of the post.
What I want is to get the title of the current post and display that.
What I have right now:
<% blog.articles.each do |article| %>
<%= link_to article.title, article %>
<% end %>
This loops through every post title even though only the single post content is displayed. So it outputs something like this for the url /post-title-one
Post Title One Post Title Two Post Title Three
"only the content of post title one"
I want to try something like
<% blog.articles.each do |article| %>
<%= link_to current_article.title, article %>
<% end %>
But it just randomly spits out two page titles.
If you want to print the current article's title just use <%= current_article.title %>.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. The first block of code you gave is intended to iterate through each article in the blog and generate a link where the link text is the article's title and the target is the article. I would assume that you want to simply link to the current article, since you're on its content page.
<%= link_to current_article.title, current_article %>
That should get the job done.

Rails, Twitter Bootstrap, Simple Form, Heroku - Odd error when using ":wrapper => :prepend do" to get an add-on span

I have the following code in a form partial:
<%= f.association :client %>
<%= f.input :url, :wrapper => :prepend do %>
<%= content_tag :span, "http://www.", :class => "add-on" %>
<%= f.input_field :url, :class => 'span4' %>
<% end %>
Trying to load anything to do with this form partial e.g. new/edit etc causes Heroku to error. It works flawlessly on localhost.
The only obvious error in the Heroku logs is:
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `source' for nil:NilClass):
I'm afraid I don't really understand that but thought it might help anyone trying to answer this.
If I change the form partial code it works on Heroku no problem at all e.g.
<%= f.input :url, :input_html => {:class => 'span4' } %>
Obviously I lose my nice bootstrap add-on span so I'd rather find out what the issue is rather than running around it.
Shot in the dark, but maybe an initializer that sets up the prepend wrapper (like initializers/simple_form.rb or initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb) is not being run by Heroku, either because it's not checked into git, or because of some environment-specific logic in the initializers or environment files.
Well after testing and some help from Dan I finally got to the bottom of it. Unfortunately, it seems to be quite localised to my situation though.
But just in case anyone stumbles across this, the error I had was the following:
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `source' for nil:NilClass):
That was in the log and was THE SAME when I followed Dan's advise to turn on error reporting on the production site (set consider_all_requests_local = true in config/environments/production.rb).
I thought that the error was being caused in the template, however, it was some validation rules in the model. The validation rules for me where some regex to stop the user starting the input with a certain string. They worked perfectly fine on my local, but Heroku really wasn't liking it!
I removed those validation rules and voila, my nice bootstrap add-on span was working perfectly.

rendering Ruby statements inside of rails views?

So in my DB I want stored a ruby/HTML statement in the Database Table such as -
p This site is owned from 2000 - #{} by Acme Widget Co. /p
Or let's say that I want people to be able to include in other code snippits - e.g.
A client wants to run in a show view in the middle of a paragraph some magical partial such as #{render 'my_magical_code'}
On the view I have this being rendered as <%= raw(#page.content) %>
But its like a double rendering and rails will just put on the page #{render 'my_magical_code'} or #{}
So can / how do I solve this?
There are work arounds but I think the most proper way to solve your problem is to store your information in a better way. Add a migration to your model with a year_founded and company rows. You can then call these in your views rather than storing the HTML. Eg. This site is owned from <%= #object.year_founded %> to <%= %> by <%= %>
