whindow phone IE-7 java script prb - windows-phone-7

I have made a webpage. The IE 7 of windows 7 doesn't execute Javascript. How do I enable Javascript on the Windows Phone?

Windows Phone 7 runs a mobile version of IE9 so there should be no problems executing javascript. The only thing I can think of with the little information is that you are trying to use a webbrowsercontrol from within an application. In that case you should set the IsScriptEnabled property to true to enable scripts within the control.

chirag !
In window phone 7, you can enable Javascript.
in xaml , you can set isScriptEnabled= true.
<phone:WebBrowser HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="480" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" Name="webBrowser" Height="80" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" IsScriptEnabled="True" ScriptNotify="webBrowser_ScriptNotify" Navigated="webBrowser_Navigated" Navigating="webBrowser_Navigating" />
you can use event :
private void webBrowser_ScriptNotify(object sender, Microsoft.Phone.Controls.NotifyEventArgs e)
//your code : e is returned from the javascript code if javaScript is active
You can down load HTML content by use : webClient or string htmlcontent = webBrowser.SaveToString
Hope this help ! Thongaduka


How to create a Rich Text box with or without web view in xamarin forms?

I want create a Rich Text box with or without web view in xamarin forms. I tried many examples but none of that worked for me. The examples are
The problem with this example was, it is too slow for me and it was not editing my text at all. And it was getting crash numerous times. So I tried to follow this example
but the code by Adam.Else gave me lots of bugs and it was not working. I have reported the bug in stackoverflow. As you can see this link below-
Unhandled Exception: Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.XamlParseException: Position 12:21. StaticResource not found for key FromRTFConverter occurred
I don't know how to fix this issue. Any suggestions?
I did it using web view. First I downloaded a Rich text box which was created using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. This is the link for the Rich text box which I'm going to use as the web view in my xamarin forms app.
<!-- Place new controls here -->
<WebView x:Name="MyWebView" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" />
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
MyWebView.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource();
MyWebView.Source = DependencyService.Get<IBaseUrl>().Get();
I created a interface called IBaseUrl. This is my code
public interface IBaseUrl { string Get(); }
And I created a class in Native called BaseUrl_Android for calling the Html file which I have put in my Assets folder in android. This is my code for BaseUrl_Android
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(BaseUrl_Android))]
namespace webviewdemo.Droid
public class BaseUrl_Android : IBaseUrl
public string Get()
return "file:///android_asset/fontawesome5.html";
Add your HTML and JavaScript file in assets folder. If you have any doubt in adding and using html file in xamarin forms refer this link. This is all you have to do to get an awesome Rich text box in Xamarin Forms.
This is the screenshot of my Rich text box
Is there any way to get the htlm code of the textarea like the java script does in c# or directly by typing a new code in the html file. capture of the html code retrieved by the javascript function
I tried to retrieve the html code by using a simple implementation in the html file and in the C# file by using the following code:
await webview.EvaluateJavaScriptAsync($"document.getElementById('theText').value;");
Unfortunately, the html code is totally different and the

how to start up dialer from a button click in a page within a xamarin forms webview control

I am using a PCL project. In this I am loading a url in a Xamarin forms webview container. This url has a button with a telephone number in it. When I load it in the same url in the phone's chrome browser, it brings up the dialer, however, when I load the url in a Xamarin.Forms.WebView control I get an error net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
This is my code in the xaml page. This is a Xamarin.Forms.Webview control here.
<WebView x:Name="wvCntr" Source="{Binding TheWebUrl, Mode=TwoWay }"
WidthRequest="1000" HeightRequest="1000" />
Then in my Xaml.cs page, I have this code
public class WContainer : WebViewClient
public override bool ShouldOverrideUrlLoading(Android.Webkit.WebView view, string url)
//What code here?
return true;
How is supposed to work? The Xaml page has Xamarin.Forms.Webview and the code behind I am using an Android.Webkit.Webview. I am not able to make the connect here and then get the code which actually pulls up the dialer. I am using Xamarin in Visual Studio 2015.
Any help or code appreciated.

How to clear UWP WebView cache?

I am using WebView in my UWP application and I want to clear the cache while closing the app, is there a way? I know I can disable cache by adding headers into my HttpRequestMessage as mentioned in this link. However, I want to be able to clear the cache upon app exit.
I did try WebView.ClearTemporaryWebDataAsync() without any success.
Once something is cached it normally remains throughout the app.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Edit : Adding code snippet
var webView = new WebView();
webView.Navigate(new Uri("http://refreshyourcache.com/en/cache-test/"));
await WebView.ClearTemporaryWebDataAsync(); //static method
webView.Navigate(new Uri("http://refreshyourcache.com/en/cache-test/"));
I expect the static method to clear cache and when I navigate to same page again its cache should be cleared. Am I doing something wrong here?
In UWP (XAML) there is the ClearTemporaryWebDataAsync method, that allows to webview's cache and IndexedDB data. And there is similar method for JavaScript in MSApp - clearTemporaryWebDataAsync.
Here is code sample (based on your one) that works for me:
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<WebView x:Name="webView" Width="800" Height="600"></WebView>
<Button x:Name="refreshBtn" Content="Refresh" ></Button>
public MainPage()
refreshBtn.Tapped += RefreshBtn_Tapped;
webView.Navigate(new Uri("http://refreshyourcache.com/en/cache-test/"));
private async void RefreshBtn_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
await Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.WebView.ClearTemporaryWebDataAsync();
webView.Navigate(new Uri("http://refreshyourcache.com/en/cache-test/"));
When I click refresh button, cache is cleared -- I see green image.
There was no possibility to do it in 8.1 according
Ten Things You Need to Know About WebView – An Update for Windows 8.1
the closest method you can use now is WebView.Refresh that "reloads the file without forced cache validation by sending a "Pragma:no-cache" header to the server."
... or just clear cache in explorer

Data binding the Image control in Windows 8 to a URL?

In Windows 8/Store programming, how would you go about databinding an image to a URL. In other platforms I've worked with, I would set the source property (or equivalent) to the URL and the platform would handle it for me, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
I'm currently binding it to a property for my business object that is of type "string", and returns the URL of the image that I want populated in the image control. How would I go about doing this?
Turns out this is really easy.
<Image Stretch="UniformToFill">
<BitmapImage UriSource="{Binding Path=ImageUrl}" />
ImageUrl is a Uri containing the path to the remote image.

How can I get MP3 flux with Windows Phone 7?

I tried this code, but it didn't work:
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<MediaElement Height="120"
Uri Path = new Uri("http://streaming.acc.net:8000/kalilo");
mediaPlayer.Source = Path;
Looks like you're using a unsupported type of stream. And since your link isn't valid, that's all the info we can provide.
Remember that you can't play music in the emulator, and on the device you need to use WPConnect.exe to connect instead of Zune, to make it actually play.
If that is a streaming service, MediaElement is a basic, but often unreliable source because of possible interruptions (e.g. switching from WiFi to a cell data connection). It works in most situations, but it has restrictions on media content that is passed through it.
Assuming that the URI you are showing belongs to a Shoutcast stream, it is not supported by default and you need to implement a connector through MediaStreamSource, even if you receive MP3 bytes.
Here is a great MediaStreamSource example from Tim Heuer.
Also worth checking out - ManagedMediaHelpers.
