This is a question about Linux's kernel implementation of /dev/urandom. If user asks to read a very big amount of data (gigabytes) and the entropy is not added to pool, if it possible to predict next data generated from urandom, based on current data?
The usual case is when entropy is often added to pool, but in my case we can consider, there was no additional entropy (e.g. adding of it was disabled by kernel patching). So in my case the question is about urandom algorithm itself.
Source is /drivers/char/random.c or
// data copying loop
while (nbytes) {
extract_buf(r, tmp);
memcpy(buf, tmp, i);
nbytes -= i;
buf += i;
ret += i;
static void extract_buf(struct entropy_store *r, __u8 *out)
int i;
__u32 hash[5], workspace[SHA_WORKSPACE_WORDS];
__u8 extract[64];
/* Generate a hash across the pool, 16 words (512 bits) at a time */
for (i = 0; i < r->poolinfo->poolwords; i += 16)
sha_transform(hash, (__u8 *)(r->pool + i), workspace);
* We mix the hash back into the pool to prevent backtracking
* attacks (where the attacker knows the state of the pool
* plus the current outputs, and attempts to find previous
* ouputs), unless the hash function can be inverted. By
* mixing at least a SHA1 worth of hash data back, we make
* brute-forcing the feedback as hard as brute-forcing the
* hash.
mix_pool_bytes_extract(r, hash, sizeof(hash), extract);
* To avoid duplicates, we atomically extract a portion of the
* pool while mixing, and hash one final time.
sha_transform(hash, extract, workspace);
memset(extract, 0, sizeof(extract));
memset(workspace, 0, sizeof(workspace));
* In case the hash function has some recognizable output
* pattern, we fold it in half. Thus, we always feed back
* twice as much data as we output.
hash[0] ^= hash[3];
hash[1] ^= hash[4];
hash[2] ^= rol32(hash[2], 16);
memcpy(out, hash, EXTRACT_SIZE);
memset(hash, 0, sizeof(hash));
There is a backtrack prevention mechanism, but what about "forward-track"?
E.g.: I did a single read syscall for 500 MB from urandom, and having all data up to 200-th MB known and no additional entropy in the pool, can I predict what 201-th megabyte will be?
In principle, yes you can predict. When there is no entropy available dev/urandom becomes a PRNG and its output can in principle be predicted once its internal state is known. In practice it is not that simple, because the internal state is reasonably large and the hash function prevents us working backwards from the output. It can be determined by trial and error, but that is likely to take a long time.
The definition of "cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator" is that it is computationally infeasible to distinguish its output from that of a true random number generator. If you could predict future output from past output, you could so distinguish; ergo, you cannot do so unless the Linux urandom algorithm is weak.
That code does not look like any standard pseudo-random generator to me -- the Linux folks have an unfortunate habit of "rolling their own" -- but breaking it would probably be a publishable result anyway. So if it is breakable, I suspect it is not easy.
Certainly the intent of the design is for "no" to be the answer to your question.
Of course, in an information-theoretic sense, the answer is "yes" because you cannot get infinite entropy out of finite entropy. But in an information-theoretic sense, there is no secure cipher other than a one-time pad. I am assuming you are asking about the practical/cryptographic sense.
[edit 2]
A little searching turns up this paper, which claims to demonstrate an attack against the "forward security" in Linux's /dev/urandom. (That is, given the state of the generator, try to reconstruct earlier states.)
This is why programmers should never try to invent their own cryptography. No matter how clever you think you are, some Israeli academics who do this stuff for a living can make you look stupid.
That said, I do not see any attacks against the output of the generator, which is what you are asking about.
I know enough Haskell to translate the code below, but I don't know much about making it perform well:
typedef unsigned long precision;
typedef unsigned char uc;
const int kSpaceForByte = sizeof(precision) * 8 - 8;
const int kHalfPrec = sizeof(precision) * 8 / 2;
const precision kTop = ((precision)1) << kSpaceForByte;
const precision kBot = ((precision)1) << kHalfPrec;
//This must be called before encoding starts
void RangeCoder::StartEncode(){
_low = 0;
_range = (precision) -1;
RangeCoder does not concern itself with models of the data.
To encode each symbol, you pass the parameters *cumFreq*, which gives
the cumulative frequency of the possible symbols ordered before this symbol,
*freq*, which gives the frequency of this symbol. And *totFreq*, which gives
the total frequency of all symbols.
This means that you can have different frequency distributions / models for
each encoded symbol, as long as you can restore the same distribution at
this point, when restoring.
void RangeCoder::Encode(precision cumFreq, precision freq, precision totFreq){
assert(cumFreq + freq <= totFreq && freq && totFreq <= kBot);
_low += cumFreq * (_range /= totFreq);
_range *= freq;
while ((_low ^ _low + _range) < kTop or
_range < kBot and ((_range= -_low & kBot - 1), 1)){
//the "a or b and (r=..,1)" idiom is a way to assign r only if a is false.
OutByte(_low >> kSpaceForByte); //output one byte.
_range <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
_low <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
I know, I know "Write several versions and use criterion to see what works". I don't know enough to know what my options are though, or to avoid silly mistakes.
Here are my thoughts so far. One way would be to use the State monad and/or lenses. Another would be to translate the loop and state to explicit recursion. I read somewhere that explicit recursion tends to performs badly on ghc though. I think using ByteString Builder would be a good way to output each byte. Assuming I run on a 64 bit platform, should I use unboxed Word64 arguments? The compression quality will not decrease significantly if I decrease the precision to 32 bits. Will GHC optimize better for this?
Since this is not a 1-1 mapping, pipes with StateP would lead to very neat code, where I would request arguments one at a time and then let the while-loop respond byte for byte. Unfortunately, when i benchmarked it, it seems the pipe overhead (unsurprisingly) is quite large. Since each symbol can lead to many byte outputs, it feels a bit like a concatMap with State. Perhaps this would be the idiomatic solution? Concatenating lists of bytes does not sound very fast to me, though. ByteString has a concatMap. Perhaps this is the correct way? EDIT: no it is not. It takes a ByteString as input.
I intend to release the package on Hackage when I'm done, so any advice (or actual code!) you can give will benefit the community :). I plan to use this compression as a base for writing a very memory efficient compressed map.
I read somewhere that explicit recursion tends to performs badly on ghc though.
No. GHC produce slow machine code for recursion, which couldn't be reduced (or GHC "don't want" to reduce). If recursion could be unrolled (I don't see any fundamential problems with it in your snippet), it is translated to almost the same machine code as while-loop in C or C++.
Assuming I run on a 64 bit platform, should I use unboxed Word64 arguments? The compression quality will not decrease significantly if I decrease the precision to 32 bits. Will GHC optimize better for this?
Do you mean Word#? Let GHC to deal with it, use boxed types. I've never met a situation when some profit could be achived only by using unboxed types. Using 32bit types wouldn't help on 64bit platform.
One general rule of optimizing performance for GHC is avoiding data structures where possible. If you can pass pieces of data through function arguments or closures, use the chance.
Consider a binary sequence:
I have to find sum of this series (actually in parallel)
Sum =1+1+0+0+0+1+1+1= 5
This is a waste of resource as why invest time in adding 0s?
Is there any clever way to sum this sequence so I can avoid unnecessary additions?
Operate at the byte level rather than the bit level. Use a small LUT to convert a byte to a population count. That way you're only doing one lookup and one add per 8 bits. Unless your data is likely to be very sparse this should be quite efficient.
Well it depends on how you store your bitset.
If it's an array, then you can't do more than a plain for. If you want to do this in parallel, just split the array in chunks and process them concurrently.
If we are talking about a bitset (storing the bits in a native (32/64-bit) integer type), then the simplest way to count bits would be this one:
int bitset;
int s = 0;
for (; bitset; s++)
bitset &= bitset-1;
This removes the last bit of 1 at every step, so you have O(s).
Of course, you can combine these two methods if you need more than 32/64 bits
I dunno why people are answering, not even looking into link from the 1st comment to the question. You can easily make it under O(size_of_bitset). At lewast when it comes to constant factor.
You could use this method (found in link by J.F. Sebastian):
inline int count_bits(int num){
int sum = 0;
for (; bitset; sum++) bitset &= bitset-1;
return sum;
int main (void){
int array[N];
int total_sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total_sum)
for (size_t i = 0; i < N, i++){
total_sum += count_bits(array[i]);
This will count number of bits in memory range of array in parallel. The inline is important to avoid unnecessary copying, also the compiler should optimize it much better.
You can swap the count_bits with anything better that counts bits in an integer to get faster if you find anything. This version has complexity of O(bits_set) (not size of the bit set!).
Invoking the parallel construct will introduce quite a lot of overhead compared to a single summation that it does need to be quite large to compensate.
The parallelism is done via OpenMP. The partial sum of each thread is summed at the end of the parallel loop and stored in total_sum. Note the total_sum will be private inside the loop for each thread reduction due to reduction clause.
You could alter the code to make it count bits set in arbitrary memory region but it is quite important for it to be memory aligned when you perform operations on such low level.
As far as I can see, it would be wasteful to try to handle the zeros specially. As #bdares said, addition is really cheap. At a minimum, you'll need to execute N instructions to sum up the an N-bit sequence, that would be if you unconditionally sum ever bit. If you add a test to see whether the bit is a 0 or 1, that's another instruction that needs to be executed for each bit. Even if there's no branch penalty, you're executing minimum 1 instruction for every bit (the conditional test), and then you're also executing the original instruction (the add) for any bits that are equal to 1. So even without branch penalty, this takes more time to execute.
#bdares mentions that the compiler will optimize out the branches, but that's only if the value of each bit is known at compile time, and if you know the values of the bits at compile time, you should just add them up yourself in advance.
There might be some cute things you can do with bit twiddling. For instance, if you take the bits two at a time you're adding up values of 0, 1, 2, or 3, and only have half as many additions to do. There may by something you can then do with the result to convert it into the value you want, but I haven't actually thought about how to do that.
Here is an interesting optimization problem that I think about for some days now:
In a system I read data from a slow IO device. I don't know beforehand how much data I need. The exact length is only known once I have read an entire package (think of it as it has some kind of end-symbol). Reading more data than required is not a problem except that it wastes time in IO.
Two constrains also come into play: Reads are very slow. Each byte I read costs. Also each read-request has a constant setup cost regardless of the number of bytes I read. This makes reading byte by byte costly. As a rule of thumb: the setup costs are roughly as expensive as a read of 5 bytes.
The packages I read are usually between 9 and 64 bytes, but there are rare occurrences larger or smaller packages. The entire range will be between 1 to 120 bytes.
Of course I know a little bit of my data: Packages come in sequences of identical sizes. I can classify three patterns here:
Sequences of reads with identical sizes:
A A A A A ...
Alternating sequences:
A B A B A B A B ...
And sequences of triples:
A B C A B C A B C ...
The special case of degenerated triples exist as well:
A A B A A B A A B ...
(A, B and C denote some package size between 1 and 120 here).
Based on the size of the previous packages, how do I predict the size of the next read request? I need something that adapts fast, uses little storage (lets say below 500 bytes) and is fast from a computational point of view as well.
Oh - and pre-generating some tables won't work because the statistic of read sizes can vary a lot with different devices I read from.
Any ideas?
You need to read at least 3 packages and at most 4 packages to identify the pattern.
Read 3 packages. If they are all same size, then the pattern is AAAAAA...
If they are all not the same size, read the 4th package. If 1=3 & 2=4, pattern is ABAB. Otherwise, pattern is ABCABC...
With that outline, it is probably a good idea to do a speculative read of 3 package sizes (something like 3*64 bytes at a single go).
I don't see a problem here.. But first, several questions:
1) Can you read the input asyncronously (e.g. separate thread, interrupt routine, etc)?
2) Do you have some free memory for a buffer?
3) If you've commanded a longer read, are you able to obtain first byte(s) before the whole packet is read?
If so (and I think in most cases it can be implemented), then you can just have a separate thread that reads them at highest possible speed and stores them in a buffer, with stalling when the buffer gets full, so that you normal process can use a synchronous getc() on that buffer.
EDIT: I see.. it's because of CRC or encryption? Well, then you could use some ideas from data compression:
Consider a simple adaptive algorithm of order N for M possible symbols:
int freqs[M][M][M]; // [a][b][c] : occurences of outcome "c" when prev vals were "a" and "b"
int prev[2]; // some history
int predict(){
int prediction = 0;
for (i = 1; i < M; i++)
if (freqs[prev[0]][prev[1]][i] > freqs[prev[0]][prev[1]][prediction])
prediction = i;
return prediction;
void add_outcome(int val){
if (freqs[prev[0]][prev[1]][val]++ > DECAY_LIMIT){
for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
freqs[prev[0]][prev[1]][i] >>= 1;
pred[0] = pred[1];
pred[1] = val;
freqs has to be an array of order N+1, and you have to remember N previsous values. N and DECAY_LIMIT have to be adjusted according to the statistics of the input. However, even they can be made adaptive (for example, if it producess too many misses, then the decay limit can be shortened).
The last problem would be the alphabet. Depending on the context, if there are several distinct sizes, you can create a one-to-one mapping to your symbols. If more, then you can use quantitization to limit the number of symbols. The whole algorithm can be written with pointer arithmetics, so that N and M won't be hardcoded.
Since reading is so slow, I suppose you can throw some CPU power at it so you can try to make an educated guess of how much to read.
That would be basically a predictor, that would have a model based on probabilities. It would generate a sample of predictions of the upcoming message size, and the cost of each. Then pick the message size that has the best expected cost.
Then when you find out the actual message size, use Bayes rule to update the model probabilities, and do it again.
Maybe this sounds complicated, but if the probabilities are stored as fixed-point fractions you won't have to deal with floating-point, so it may be not much code. I would use something like a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm as my basic simulator and bayesian update framework. (This is just an initial stab at thinking about it.)
Devise a simple algorithm which creates a file which contains nothing but its own checksum.
Let's say it is CRC-32, so this file must be 4 bytes long.
There might be some smart mathematical way of finding it out (or proving that none exists), if you know how the algorithm works.
But since I'm lazy and CRC32 has only 2^32 values, I would brute force it. While waiting for the algorithm to go through all 2^32 values, I would use Google and Stack Overflow to find whether somebody has a solution to it.
In case of SHA-1, MD5 and other more-or-less cryptographically secure algorithms, I would get intimidated by the mathematicians who designed those algorithms and just give up.
EDIT 1: Brute forcing... This far I've found one; CC4FBB6A in big-endian encoding. There might still be more. I'm checking 4 different encodings: ASCII uppercase and lowercase, and binary big-endian and little-endian.
EDIT 2: Brute force done. Here are the results:
CC4FBB6A (big-endian)
FFFFFFFF (big-endian & little-endian)
32F3B737 (uppercase ASCII)
The code is here. On my overclocked C2Q6600 that takes about 1.5 hours to run. Now that program is single-threaded, but it would be easy to make it multi-threaded, which would give a nice linear scalability.
Aside from Jerry Coffin and Esko Luontola's good answers to an unusual problem, I'd like to add:
Mathematically, we're looking for X such that F(X) = X, where F is the checksum function, and X is the data itself.
Since the checksum's output is of fixed size, and the input we are looking for is of the same size, there is no guarantee that such an X even exists! It could very well be that every input value of the fixed size is correlated with a different value of that size.
EDIT: Your question didn't specify the exact way the checksum is supposed to be formatted within the file, so I assumed you mean the byte-representation of the checksum. When strings and encodings and formatted-strings come to play, things become more complex.
Lacking any specific guidance to the contrary, I'd define the checksum of nonexistent data as a nonexistent checksum, so creating an empty file would fulfill the requirement.
Another typical method is a negative checksum -- i.e. after the data you write a value that makes the checksum of the whole file (including the checksum) come out to zero. In this case, you write a checksum of 0, and it all works out.
Brute force. This is Adler32, which I haven't implemented before, and didn't bother testing, so it's quite likely I've messed it up. I wouldn't expect a corrected version to run significantly slower, though, unless I've done something colossally wrong.
This assumes that the 32bit checksum value is written to the file little-endian (I didn't find a fixed point with it big-endian):
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iomanip>
const int modulus = 65521;
void checkAllAdlers(uint32_t sofar, int depth, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
if (depth == 4) {
if ((b << 16) + a == sofar) {
std::cout << "Got a fixed point: 0x" <<
std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') <<
sofar << "\n";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
uint32_t newa = a + i;
if (newa >= modulus) newa -= modulus;
uint32_t newb = b + a;
if (newb >= modulus) newb -= modulus;
checkAllAdlers(sofar + (i << (depth*8)), depth + 1, newa, newb);
int main() {
checkAllAdlers(0, 0, 1, 0);
$ g++ adler32fp.cpp -o adler32fp -O3 && time ./adler32fp
Got a fixed point: 0x03fb01fe
real 0m31.215s
user 0m30.326s
sys 0m0.015s
[Edit: several bugs fixed already, I have no confidence whatever in the correctness of this code ;-) Anyway, you get the idea: a 32 bit checksum which uses each byte of input only once is very cheap to brute force. Checksums are usually designed to be fast to compute, whereas hashes are usually much slower, even though they have superficially similar effects. If your checksum was "2 rounds of Adler32" (meaning that the target checksum was the result of computing the checksum and then computing the checksum of that checksum) then my recursive approach wouldn't help so much, there'd be proportionally less in common between inputs with a common prefix. MD5 has 4 rounds, SHA-512 has 80.]
Brute force it. CRC-32 gives you a string of length 8 containing digits and letters of A-F (in other words, it's a hexadecimal number). Try every combination, giving you 168 = many possibilities. Then hash each possibility and see if it gives you the original string.
You can try optimizing it by assuming the solution will use each character no more than two or three times, this might make it finish faster.
If you have access to a CRC32 implementation, you can also try to break the algorithm and find a solution much faster, but I have no idea how you'd do this.
What is a good Hash function? I saw a lot of hash function and applications in my data structures courses in college, but I mostly got that it's pretty hard to make a good hash function. As a rule of thumb to avoid collisions my professor said that:
function Hash(key)
return key mod PrimeNumber
(mod is the % operator in C and similar languages)
with the prime number to be the size of the hash table. I get that is a somewhat good function to avoid collisions and a fast one, but how can I make a better one? Is there better hash functions for string keys against numeric keys?
There's no such thing as a “good hash function” for universal hashes (ed. yes, I know there's such a thing as “universal hashing” but that's not what I meant). Depending on the context different criteria determine the quality of a hash. Two people already mentioned SHA. This is a cryptographic hash and it isn't at all good for hash tables which you probably mean.
Hash tables have very different requirements. But still, finding a good hash function universally is hard because different data types expose different information that can be hashed. As a rule of thumb it is good to consider all information a type holds equally. This is not always easy or even possible. For reasons of statistics (and hence collision), it is also important to generate a good spread over the problem space, i.e. all possible objects. This means that when hashing numbers between 100 and 1050 it's no good to let the most significant digit play a big part in the hash because for ~ 90% of the objects, this digit will be 0. It's far more important to let the last three digits determine the hash.
Similarly, when hashing strings it's important to consider all characters – except when it's known in advance that the first three characters of all strings will be the same; considering these then is a waste.
This is actually one of the cases where I advise to read what Knuth has to say in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3. Another good read is Julienne Walker's The Art of Hashing.
For doing "normal" hash table lookups on basically any kind of data - this one by Paul Hsieh is the best I've ever used.
If you care about cryptographically secure or anything else more advanced, then YMMV. If you just want a kick ass general purpose hash function for a hash table lookup, then this is what you're looking for.
There are two major purposes of hashing functions:
to disperse data points uniformly into n bits.
to securely identify the input data.
It's impossible to recommend a hash without knowing what you're using it for.
If you're just making a hash table in a program, then you don't need to worry about how reversible or hackable the algorithm is... SHA-1 or AES is completely unnecessary for this, you'd be better off using a variation of FNV. FNV achieves better dispersion (and thus fewer collisions) than a simple prime mod like you mentioned, and it's more adaptable to varying input sizes.
If you're using the hashes to hide and authenticate public information (such as hashing a password, or a document), then you should use one of the major hashing algorithms vetted by public scrutiny. The Hash Function Lounge is a good place to start.
This is an example of a good one and also an example of why you would never want to write one.
It is a Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) Hash which is equal parts computer science genius and pure voodoo:
unsigned fnv_hash_1a_32 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned h = 0x811c9dc5;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x01000193;
return h;
unsigned long long fnv_hash_1a_64 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned long long h = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x100000001b3ULL;
return h;
Landon Curt Noll recommends on his site the FVN-1A algorithm over the original FVN-1 algorithm: The improved algorithm better disperses the last byte in the hash. I adjusted the algorithm accordingly.
I'd say that the main rule of thumb is not to roll your own. Try to use something that has been thoroughly tested, e.g., SHA-1 or something along those lines.
A good hash function has the following properties:
Given a hash of a message it is computationally infeasible for an attacker to find another message such that their hashes are identical.
Given a pair of message, m' and m, it is computationally infeasible to find two such that that h(m) = h(m')
The two cases are not the same. In the first case, there is a pre-existing hash that you're trying to find a collision for. In the second case, you're trying to find any two messages that collide. The second task is significantly easier due to the birthday "paradox."
Where performance is not that great an issue, you should always use a secure hash function. There are very clever attacks that can be performed by forcing collisions in a hash. If you use something strong from the outset, you'll secure yourself against these.
Don't use MD5 or SHA-1 in new designs. Most cryptographers, me included, would consider them broken. The principle source of weakness in both of these designs is that the second property, which I outlined above, does not hold for these constructions. If an attacker can generate two messages, m and m', that both hash to the same value they can use these messages against you. SHA-1 and MD5 also suffer from message extension attacks, which can fatally weaken your application if you're not careful.
A more modern hash such as Whirpool is a better choice. It does not suffer from these message extension attacks and uses the same mathematics as AES uses to prove security against a variety of attacks.
Hope that helps!
What you're saying here is you want to have one that uses has collision resistance. Try using SHA-2. Or try using a (good) block cipher in a one way compression function (never tried that before), like AES in Miyaguchi-Preenel mode. The problem with that is that you need to:
1) have an IV. Try using the first 256 bits of the fractional parts of Khinchin's constant or something like that.
2) have a padding scheme. Easy. Barrow it from a hash like MD5 or SHA-3 (Keccak [pronounced 'ket-chak']).
If you don't care about the security (a few others said this), look at FNV or lookup2 by Bob Jenkins (actually I'm the first one who reccomends lookup2) Also try MurmurHash, it's fast (check this: .16 cpb).
A good hash function should
be bijective to not loose information, where possible, and have the least collisions
cascade as much and as evenly as possible, i.e. each input bit should flip every output bit with probability 0.5 and without obvious patterns.
if used in a cryptographic context there should not exist an efficient way to invert it.
A prime number modulus does not satisfy any of these points. It is simply insufficient. It is often better than nothing, but it's not even fast. Multiplying with an unsigned integer and taking a power-of-two modulus distributes the values just as well, that is not well at all, but with only about 2 cpu cycles it is much faster than the 15 to 40 a prime modulus will take (yes integer division really is that slow).
To create a hash function that is fast and distributes the values well the best option is to compose it from fast permutations with lesser qualities like they did with PCG for random number generation.
Useful permutations, among others, are:
multiplication with an uneven integer
binary rotations
Following this recipe we can create our own hash function or we take splitmix which is tested and well accepted.
If cryptographic qualities are needed I would highly recommend to use a function of the sha family, which is well tested and standardised, but for educational purposes this is how you would make one:
First you take a good non-cryptographic hash function, then you apply a one-way function like exponentiation on a prime field or k many applications of (n*(n+1)/2) mod 2^k interspersed with an xorshift when k is the number of bits in the resulting hash.
I highly recommend the SMhasher GitHub project which is a test suite for hash functions. The fastest state-of-the-art non-cryptographic hash functions without known quality problems are listed here:
Different application scenarios have different design requirements for hash algorithms, but a good hash function should have the following three points:
Collision Resistance: try to avoid conflicts. If it is difficult to find two inputs that are hashed to the same output, the hash function is anti-collision
Tamper Resistant: As long as one byte is changed, its hash value will be very different.
Computational Efficiency: Hash table is an algorithm that can make a trade-off between time consumption and space consumption.
In 2022, we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption., we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption.