How to optimize code for Sorting? - linq

I would like to optimize following lines of code for Sorting.
public ViewResult Index(string sortorder, int? pagesize, int? page)
int pageSize = pagesize ?? 10;
if (Request.HttpMethod != "GET")
page = 1;
pageSize = 10;
ViewBag.SelectedPageSize = pageSize;
ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortorder;
ViewBag.FirstNameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortorder) ? "FirstName desc" : "";
ViewBag.LastNameSortParm = sortorder == "LastName" ? "LastName desc" : "LastName";
ViewBag.DepNameSortParm = sortorder == "depName" ? "depName desc" : "depName";
var joined = from tm in db.TabMasters select tm;
switch (sortorder)
case "FirstName":
joined = joined.OrderBy(m => m.FirstName);
case "FirstName desc":
joined = joined.OrderByDescending(m => m.FirstName);
case "LastName":
joined = joined.OrderBy(m => m.LastName);
case "LastName desc":
joined = joined.OrderByDescending(m => m.LastName);
case "depName":
joined = joined.OrderBy(m => m.depName);
case "depName desc":
joined = joined.OrderByDescending(m => m.depName);
joined = joined.OrderBy(m => m.FirstName);
int pageIndex = (page ?? 1) - 1;
int start = (pageIndex * pageSize);
ViewBag.TotalRecord = joined.Count();
ViewBag.StartRecord = start + 1;
ViewBag.EndRecord = ((start + pageSize) >= ViewBag.TotalRecord) ? ViewBag.TotalRecord : (start + pageSize);
return View(joined.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));
Because this is very tedious way if i have more the 10 fields to perform sort.

It's a bit vague to me what your actual goal is but for the switch part you could use an extension method as the below.
public static class SortExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> SortByField<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, string sortOrder)
var tokens = sortOrder.Trim().Split(' ');
var field = tokens[0];
var direction = tokens.Skip(1).Single().ToLower();
var prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(field);
return direction == "desc"
? sequence.OrderByDescending(m => prop.GetValue(m, null))
: sequence.OrderBy(m => prop.GetValue(m, null));
It will make a very simplified parsing of the sort order. It puts the responsibility on the calling party which is generally not what you want to do, so you might want some error handling in case the sortorder string does not fulfill the requirements.
from the sortorder string it fetches a name used to identify a property which can be used to fetch the value used for sorting.
you can use it like this:
EDIT based on comment:
The line typeof(T).GetProperty(field) is fragile in the absence of any error handling. It relies on the first token to be a name of a public property of the type T. It will return null if the name doesn't match a property. Including if it matches a Field name. A similar function exist for getting a FieldInfo
prop.GetField(field) will return a fieldinfo object of there's a public field with the given name otherwise null. To get the value of a field simply omit the last parameter to the GetValue call.

You should take a look at Linq.DynamicQuery.
There's more info in this blogpost
The library lets you write following code:
var query = northwind.Products
.Where("CategoryID = 3 AND UnitPrice > 3")
instead of
var query = from p in northwind.Products
where p.CategoryID == 3 && p.UnitPrice > 3
orderby p.SupplierID
select p;
If you want to add the sortdirection:
var query = northwind.Products.OrderBy("SupplierID Descending");


Dynamics crm + plugin logic to update zero values

I need to perform the sum of each field across multiple records of the same entity and update the values on the same entity. Along with this I also need to store its formula.
AttributeList = { "price ", "quantity", "contact.revenue", "opportunity.sales"}
Below is the logic
foreach (var attribute in attributeList)
Decimal fieldSum = 0;
string computedNote = string.Empty;
foreach (var entity in mainEntityList)
if (entity.Contains(attribute))
if (entity.Attributes[attribute] != null)
string type = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name;
Decimal attrValue = 0;
if (type == "AliasedValue")
AliasedValue aliasedFieldValue = (entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute));
attrValue = aliasedFieldValue.Value.GetType().Name == "Decimal" ? (Decimal)aliasedFieldValue.Value : (Int32)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
attrValue = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name == "Decimal" ? entity.GetAttributeValue<Decimal>(attribute) : entity.GetAttributeValue<Int32>(attribute);
fieldSum += attrValue;
computedNote += $"+{Convert.ToInt32(attrValue).ToString()}";
computedNote += $"+0";
Entity formula = new Entity("formula");
if (fieldSum != 0)
if (attribute.Contains("opportunity"))
opportunity[attributeName] = fieldSum;
entityName = Opportunity.EntityLogicalName;
attributeName = attribute;
recordId = Id;
else if (attribute.Contains("contact"))
contact[attributeName] = fieldSum;
entityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName;
attributeName = attribute;
recordId = Id;
mainentity[attribute] = fieldSum;
entityName = mainEntity.EntityLogicalName;
attributeName = attribute;
recordId = Id;
formula.Attributes["ice_entity"] = entityName;
formula.Attributes["ice_attribute"] = attributeName;
formula.Attributes[entityName + "id"] = new EntityReference(entityName, recordId);
formula.Attributes["ice_computednote"] = computedNote.Remove(0, 1);
Values in both records could be as follows
Record 1
Price = 500
Quantity = 25
Revenue = 100
Sales = 10000
Volume = 0
Record 2
Price = 200
Quantity = 10
Revenue = 100
Sales = -10000
Volume = 0
Record 3 (Values after calculation that are to be updated in the third entity and Formula to be stored mentioned in brackets)
Price = 700 Formula = (500+200)
Quantity = 35 Formula = (25+10)
Revenue = 200 Formula =(100+100)
Sales = 0 Formula =(10000 + (-10000))
Volume = 0 No Formula to be created
I am checking if the fieldsum is not equal to zero (to update both positive and negative values) and then updating the values in the respective entity. However for values that became zero after the calculation. I also need to update them and create formula for the same. Avoiding the values that were zero by default.
As shown in above example, I want to update sales field value and create formula record for the same as '10000+-10000' but do not want volume field value to be updated or the formula to be created for it. How can i embed this logic in my code?
Add a flag (updateFormula) to indicate whether checksum and formula required to update in related entities. Then, instead of checking fieldSum != 0, check updateFormula is true to update the related records.
attributeList = { "price", "quantity", "contact.revenue", "opportunity.sales"}
foreach (var attribute in attributeList)
Decimal fieldSum = 0;
string computedNote = string.Empty;
bool updateFormula = false;
foreach (var entity in mainEntityList)
if (entity.Contains(attribute))
if (entity.Attributes[attribute] != null)
string type = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name;
Decimal attrValue = 0;
if (type == "AliasedValue")
AliasedValue aliasedFieldValue = (entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute));
attrValue = aliasedFieldValue.Value.GetType().Name == "Decimal" ? (Decimal)aliasedFieldValue.Value : (Int32)aliasedFieldValue.Value;
attrValue = entity.Attributes[attribute].GetType().Name == "Decimal" ? entity.GetAttributeValue<Decimal>(attribute) : entity.GetAttributeValue<Int32>(attribute);
fieldSum += attrValue;
computedNote += Convert.ToInt32(attrValue).ToString();
updateFormula = true;
computedNote += 0;
Entity formula = new Entity("formula");
if (updateFormula)
// Logic to update formula and checksum

Why can't I compare two fields in a search predicate in Sitecore 7.5?

I am trying to build a search predicate in code that compares two fields in Sitecore and I am getting a strange error message. Basically I have two date fields on each content item - FirstPublishDate (the date that the content item was first published) and LastPublishDate (the last date that the content item was published). I would like to find all content items where the LastPublishDate falls within a certain date range AND where the LastPublishDate does not equal the FirstPublishDate. Using Linq here is my method for generating the predicate...
protected Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> getDateFacetPredicate<T>() where T : MySearchResultItem
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
foreach (var facet in myFacetCategories)
var dateTo = System.DateTime.Now;
var dateFrom = dateTo.AddDays(facet.Value*-1);
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.LastPublishDate.Between(dateFrom, dateTo, Inclusion.Both)).And(j => j.LastPublishDate != j.FirstPublishDate);
return predicate;
Then I use this predicate in my general site search code to perform the search as follows: the above predicate gets passed in to this method as the "additionalWhere" parameter.
public static SearchResults<T> GeneralSearch<T>(string searchText, ISearchIndex index, int currentPage = 0, int pageSize = 20, string language = "", IEnumerable<string> additionalFields = null,
Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> additionalWhere = null, Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> additionalFilter = null, IEnumerable<string> facets = null,
Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> facetFilter = null, string sortField = null, SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending) where T : SearchResultItem {
using (var context = index.CreateSearchContext()) {
var query = context.GetQueryable<T>();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) {
var keywordPred = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
// take into account escaping of special characters and working around Sitecore limitation with Contains and Equals methods
var isSpecialMatch = Regex.IsMatch(searchText, "[" + specialSOLRChars + "]");
if (isSpecialMatch) {
var wildcardText = string.Format("\"*{0}*\"", Regex.Replace(searchText, "([" + specialSOLRChars + "])", #"\$1"));
wildcardText = wildcardText.Replace(" ", "*");
keywordPred = keywordPred.Or(i => i.Content.MatchWildcard(wildcardText)).Or(i => i.Name.MatchWildcard(wildcardText));
else {
keywordPred = keywordPred.Or(i => i.Content.Contains(searchText)).Or(i => i.Name.Contains(searchText));
if (additionalFields != null && additionalFields.Any()) {
keywordPred = additionalFields.Aggregate(keywordPred, (current, field) => current.Or(i => i[field].Equals(searchText)));
//query = query.Where(i => (i.Content.Contains(searchText) || i.Name.Contains(searchText))); // more explicit call to check the content or item name for our term
query = query.Where(keywordPred);
if (language == string.Empty) {
language = Sitecore.Context.Language.ToString();
if (language != null) {
query = query.Filter(i => i.Language.Equals(language));
query = query.Page(currentPage, pageSize);
if (additionalWhere != null) {
query = query.Where(additionalWhere);
if (additionalFilter != null) {
query = query.Filter(additionalFilter);
query = query.ApplySecurityFilter();
FacetResults resultFacets = null;
if (facets != null && facets.Any()) {
resultFacets = facets.Aggregate(query, (current, fname) => current.FacetOn(i => i[fname])).GetFacets();
// calling this before applying facetFilter should allow us to get a total facet set
// instead of just those related to the current result set
// var resultFacets = query.GetFacets();
// apply after getting facets for more complete facet list
if (facetFilter != null) {
query = query.Where(facetFilter);
if (sortField != null)
if (sortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending)
query = query.OrderBy(x => x[sortField]);
query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x[sortField]);
var results = query.GetResults(); // this enumerates the actual results
return new SearchResults<T>(results.Hits, results.TotalSearchResults, resultFacets);
When I try this I get the following error message:
Server Error in '/' Application.
No constant node in query node of type: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.EqualNode'. Left: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.FieldNode'. Right: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.FieldNode'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: No constant node in query node of type: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.EqualNode'. Left: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.FieldNode'. Right: 'Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Nodes.FieldNode'.
Source Error:
Line 548: FacetResults resultFacets = null;
Line 549: if (facets != null && facets.Any()) {
Line 550: resultFacets = facets.Aggregate(query, (current, fname) => current.FacetOn(i => i[fname])).GetFacets();
Line 551: }
Line 552: // calling this before applying facetFilter should allow us to get a total facet set
From what I can understand about the error message it seems to not like that I am trying to compare two different fields to each other instead of comparing a field to a constant. The other odd thing is that the error seems to be pointing to a line of code that has to do with aggregating facets. I did a Google search and came up with absolutely nothing relating to this error. Any ideas?
I think what you are trying is not possible, and if you look at this that might indeed be the case. A solution that is given there is to put your logic in the index: create a ComputedField that checks your dates and puts a value in the index that you can search on (can be a simple boolean).
You will need to split your logic though - the query on the date range can still be done in the predicate (as it is relative to the current date) but the comparison of first and last should be done on index time instead of on query time.

Search for particular column and update it in linq EF 4.0

Basically table contain about 50 columns and I have to search for that particular column and update it.
lets say val == 27 then columnName will be Alarm27 and the "onOff" value I have to set in that Alarm27 column.
But question is how do I get this Alarm27 and just update it.
This is what I have tried so far.
public void UpdateAlarm(int val, bool onOff)
string alarmName = "Alarm" + val;
using (ESEntities context = new ESEntities())
var alarmid = context.OffShoreAlarms.Where(p => p.StationID == (int)TMStation.LQ).Select(p => p.OSAlarmID).FirstOrDefault();
var alarmMonitor = context.OfSAlarmMonitors.Where(p => p.OSAlarmID == alarmid).Select(p => p).FirstOrDefault();
switch (val)
case 1:
alarmMonitor.Alarm1 = onOff;
case 2:
alarmMonitor.Alarm2 = onOff;
case 50:
alarmMonitor.alarm50 = onOff;
//TODO: context.SaveChanges(); do update operation..
I have not practically tried this but I think this may work for you.
string alarmName = "Alarm" + val;
context.OffShoreAlarms.Property(alarmName).CurrentValue = true;
You can change current Value of Your entity like this.
For more info check this Link

Generic Orderby LINQ

I have a generic repository method to enable server side paging:
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetList(out int totalPages, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter = null,
Expression<Func<T, object>> orderby = null,
bool ascending = true,
string includeProperties = "",
int pageSize = 10, int pageNumber = 1)
IQueryable<T> query = c.Set<T>();
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
query = includeProperties.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Aggregate(query, (current, includeProp) => current.Include(includeProp));
if (orderby != null)
query = #ascending ? query.OrderBy(#orderby) : query.OrderByDescending(#orderby);
query = #ascending ? query.OrderBy(o => o.Id) : query.OrderByDescending(o => o.Id);
//totalPages = (int) Math.Ceiling((double)(Queryable.Count(query) / pageSize));
totalPages = 1;
if (pageSize > 0)
var skip = 0;
var take = pageSize;
if (pageNumber > 1)
skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
take = pageSize + skip;
query = query.Take(take);
query = query.Skip(skip);
return query.ToList();
T is a base class inherited by my entities
I call this repository method from my service. and i call my service from my controller.
Now from my controller how do i create my orderby expression so that i can pass any column name?
What i've tried so far (found on stackoverflow):
var _OrderByProperty = typeof(Year).GetProperty("Id");
var _OrderByParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Year), "x");
var _OrderByBody = Expression.Property(_OrderByParameter, _OrderByProperty.Name);
var _OrderByConverted = Expression.Convert(_OrderByBody, typeof(Object));
var _OrderByLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Year, object>>
(_OrderByConverted, _OrderByParameter);
var list = s.GetList(orderby: _OrderByLambda, totalPages: out totalPages, pageNumber: pageNumber, pageSize: pageSize, ascending: isAsc);
i'm getting the error
Unable to cast the type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Object'. LINQ to Entities only supports casting EDM primitive or enumeration types.

The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip' Exception

I was trying to implement the jQgrid using MvcjQgrid and i got this exception.
System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
Message=The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'.
Though OrdeyBy is used before Skip method why it is generating the exception? How can it be solved?
I encountered the exception in the controller:
public ActionResult GridDataBasic(GridSettings gridSettings)
var jobdescription = sm.GetJobDescription(gridSettings);
var totalJobDescription = sm.CountJobDescription(gridSettings);
var jsonData = new
total = totalJobDescription / gridSettings.PageSize + 1,
page = gridSettings.PageIndex,
records = totalJobDescription,
rows = (
from j in jobdescription
select new
id = j.JobDescriptionID,
cell = new[]
return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
GetJobDescription Method and CountJobDescription Method
public int CountJobDescription(GridSettings gridSettings)
var jobdescription = _dataContext.JobDescriptions.AsQueryable();
if (gridSettings.IsSearch)
jobdescription = gridSettings.Where.rules.Aggregate(jobdescription, FilterJobDescription);
return jobdescription.Count();
public IQueryable<JobDescription> GetJobDescription(GridSettings gridSettings)
var jobdescription = orderJobDescription(_dataContext.JobDescriptions.AsQueryable(), gridSettings.SortColumn, gridSettings.SortOrder);
if (gridSettings.IsSearch)
jobdescription = gridSettings.Where.rules.Aggregate(jobdescription, FilterJobDescription);
return jobdescription.Skip((gridSettings.PageIndex - 1) * gridSettings.PageSize).Take(gridSettings.PageSize);
And Finally FilterJobDescription and OrderJobDescription
private static IQueryable<JobDescription> FilterJobDescription(IQueryable<JobDescription> jobdescriptions, Rule rule)
if (rule.field == "JobDescriptionID")
int result;
if (!int.TryParse(, out result))
return jobdescriptions;
return jobdescriptions.Where(j => j.JobDescriptionID == Convert.ToInt32(;
// Similar Statements
return jobdescriptions;
private IQueryable<JobDescription> orderJobDescription(IQueryable<JobDescription> jobdescriptions, string sortColumn, string sortOrder)
if (sortColumn == "JobDescriptionID")
return (sortOrder == "desc") ? jobdescriptions.OrderByDescending(j => j.JobDescriptionID) : jobdescriptions.OrderBy(j => j.JobDescriptionID);
return jobdescriptions;
The exception means that you always need a sorted input if you apply Skip, also in the case that the user doesn't click on a column to sort by. I could imagine that no sort column is specified when you open the grid view for the first time before the user can even click on a column header. To catch this case I would suggest to define some default sorting that you want when no other sorting criterion is given, for example:
switch (sortColumn)
case "JobDescriptionID":
return (sortOrder == "desc")
? jobdescriptions.OrderByDescending(j => j.JobDescriptionID)
: jobdescriptions.OrderBy(j => j.JobDescriptionID);
case "JobDescriptionTitle":
return (sortOrder == "desc")
? jobdescriptions.OrderByDescending(j => j.JobDescriptionTitle)
: jobdescriptions.OrderBy(j => j.JobDescriptionTitle);
// etc.
return jobdescriptions.OrderBy(j => j.JobDescriptionID);
About your follow-up problems according to your comment: You cannot use ToString() in a LINQ to Entities query. And the next problem would be that you cannot create a string array in a query. I would suggest to load the data from the DB with their native types and then convert afterwards to strings (and to the string array) in memory:
rows = (from j in jobdescription
select new
JobDescriptionID = j.JobDescriptionID,
JobTitle = j.JobTitle,
JobTypeName = j.JobType.JobTypeName,
JobPriorityName = j.JobPriority.JobPriorityName,
Rate = j.JobType.Rate,
CreationDate = j.CreationDate,
JobDeadline = j.JobDeadline
.AsEnumerable() // DB query runs here, the rest is in memory
.Select(a => new
id = a.JobDescriptionID,
cell = new[]
I had the same type of problem after sorting using some code from Adam Anderson that accepted a generic sort string in OrderBy.
After getting this excpetion, i did lots of research and found that very clever fix:
var query = SelectOrders(companyNo, sortExpression);
return Queryable.Skip(query, iStartRow).Take(iPageSize).ToList();
Hope that helps !
