Best practices for using Oozie for Hadoop - hadoop

I have been using Hadoop quite a while now. After some time I realized I need to chain Hadoop jobs, and have some type of workflow. I decided to use Oozie , but couldn't find much of information about best practices. I would like to hear it from more experienced folks.
Best Regards

The best way to learn oozie is to download the examples tar file that comes with the distribution and run each of them. It has an example for mapreduce, pig , streaming workflow as well as sample coordinator xmls.
First run the normal workflows and once you debug that , move to running the workflows with coordinator so that you can take it step by step. Lastly one best practice would be to make most of your variables in workflow and coordinator be to configurable and supplied through a file so that you don't have touch the xml often.

There are documents about Oozie on github and apache.
Apache document is being updated and should be live soon.


Does oozie provide any performance optimizations in terms of I/O?

Since oozie is a workflow engine for Hadoop platform, does it improve the performance of execution of a DAG dependencies of MapReduce jobs?
I mean, since the output of one MapReduce job is given as input to the next MapReduce job in the DAG, does oozie provides any mechanism for storing the intermediate results in memory and thus saving I/O.
Or is it just a workflow manager, that coordinates a series of dependent MapReduce?
Want to know how internally oozie works?
It is just a workflow manager. It doesn't change how, say, MapReduce works even though it runs M/R jobs.
What you are describing is much more like what Apache Spark does. I'm not aware that Oozie integrates directly with Spark yet, but, it can't possibly be difficult or far off.
It is "just a workflow manager, that coordinates a series of MapReduce" jobs. It uses the same mechanisms to execute jobs as using the command line.

running a non mapreduce program in hadoop

I have a question.. I have a program write in Netbeans. the program read data from cassandra and write the result into it. My program is not MapReduce at all.I execute the program and make a .jar file from it. now, I want to know if I can execute it in Hadoop?
actually, I want to know can I run a non-MapReduce Program in Hadoop?
You could architect this program to run on Hadoop v2 as a Yarn application. This would require re-architecting your application to fit the Yarn paradigm. An example of how to do this is given here: Writing App Framework on Yarn
This is not a simple exercise. Also, if you are interested in using Hadoop, I would consider simply re-writing your application to use HBase (another No-SQL Columnar database competitor to Cassandra) which is written specifically for Hadoop. It translates your query requests to MapReduce calls automatically.
This question is ages long but has never been answered. Anyhow, two projects are looking into this issue:
Apache Slider (incubating):
Apache Myriad (incubating):
Slider is mainly sponsored by Hortonworks while Myriad is a MapR / Mesosphere project with large assistance from PayPal.

How to schedule hadoop jobs using BMC Control-M?

Anybody knows how to control/schedule Hadoop jobs using BMC Control-M software? Is it even possible?
I have tried Ooozie and want to explore more options for scheduling hadoop jobs.
Please enlighten!
The answer is YES.
And this answer is going to get even better.
Today, you can use the abundant command line interfaces available with various Hadoop components. You can then run these CLIs as commands individually or combine them into scripts embedded directly in Control-M jobs or wrapped in shell scripts (Bash is a popular one) and scheduled with Control-M. I've provided a sample script that performs some HDFS manipulaiton and then runs a MapReduce job.
The better part is coming in a few months when we will be releasing our integrated support for Hadoop. At that point (I am assuming you are familiar with BMC Control-M) we will be providing graphical forms similar to our other CMs, for defining various job types (Pig, Hive, MapReduce are all being considered but I'm not sure what will actually get implemented), integrated support for status monitoring, retrieval of job output, etc.
We have already heard from a number of customers who are using Control-M to manage their Hadoop environments.
In addition to the "mechanics" of running Hadoop jobs, you also get Control-M's capabilities for managing graphical flows, integraiton with a broad range of platfroms and applications, ability to manage Service Levels, forecasting, auditing, reporting, and much more.
I would be happy to discuss this further with you and especially since we are still in the early stages of this work, we would love to learn what your requirements are in this area. Please send me a note at and I would be happy to set up a conference call or demo.
cd /h/gron/java/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.3
bin/hadoop dfs -rmr output_$UUID 'dfs[a-z.]+'
bin/hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.0.3.jar grep input output_$UUID 'dfs[a-z.]+'

Workflow tool comaparison: Oozie Vs Cascading

I am looking for a workflow tool to run complex map-reduce jobs. I have Oozie in mind but also want to explore Cascading. Is there any sample code or example that chains existing M/R jobs using cascading API? Also, can you provide the comparison Oozie Vs Cascading?
Cascading and Oozie are not in the same category.
Oozie is a workflow scheduler.
Cascading is an API for creating workflows. It is agnostic about schedulers, i.e., it should run with whatever scheduler system that you use.
There is perhaps some confusion because the Oozie docs mention a "DAG", and both run atop Hadoop.
Also, Cascading has a notion of "data availability" in the checkpoint support, which is supported in Oozie, albeit differently.
Personally i play around with both to some extend, what i found interesting with cascading is
1)concise and expressive in terms of simple keywords like flow,tap,pipe etc.,
2)amazing TDD based approach for local development and research
3)nice planner view(.dot file) and will be useful once the project is grown, so maintenance is ease.
4)DSL based approach using groovy,scala,cloujre. so no need to worry about learning any new language or rather hadoop.
5)simple cloud deployment(e.g. amazon support as raw jar deployment).
6)you can call anything like existing pig or hive or pure other MR jar as long as they expose java api.
7)amazing for ML and NLP related works.

Any tested Frameworks/Solutions similar to Apache Hadoop?

I am interested in the Apache Hadoop project, but i would like to know if any other tested (please mind the 'tested') projects/frameworks are out there.
Appreciate any information/links to projects similar to Apache Hadoop and any comments on the Apache Hadoop project from anyone that has used it.
As mentioned in an answer to this question:
MongoDB might be something you could look at. Its a scalable database which allows MapReduce algorithms to be run against it.
There are indeed open-source projects utilizing and funding on Hadoop.
See Apache Mahout for data mining:
And are you aware of the other MR implementations available?
Maybe. But none of them will have anywhere near the testing a real world experience that hadoop does. Companies like facebook and yahoo are paying to scale hadoop and I know of no similar open source projects that are really worth looking at.
A possible way is to use org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniDFSCluster and org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MiniMRCluster, which are used in testing hadoop itself.
What they do is to launch a small cluster locally. To test your program, make hdfs-site.xml stuffs pointing to local cluster, and add them to your classpath. And this local cluster is just like another cluster but smaller. You can reference hadoop/src/test/*-site.xml as templates.
For more example, take a look at hadoop/src/test/.
There is a Hadoop-like framework, built over Hadoop, giving importance to prioritized execution of iterative algorithms.
It is tested. I have run The WordCount example on it. It is very very similar to Hadoop (especially the installation)
You can find the paper here :
and the code here
Hope this helps
