How can you tell if bash is being accessed from a remote machine? - bash

I am trying to write out a dynamic bash profile for a few machines, and was wondering if there is a variable that allows .bashrc if it is being accessed remotely. I've seen a few examples using X variables, but that is irrelevant to both machines.

if [ "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then
echo I am remote
echo I am local

When you connect via ssh, your bash process is a child of sshd ($PPID is a variable of bash's parent process - ssh that is, if you connect remotely). You can check for that:
if ps ax | grep ^$PPID'.*sshd' &> /dev/null; then
# do your stuff
Edit: I was bored and used time to get execution times and found out that this version apparently is a couple of milliseconds faster:
if grep ^sshd: /proc/$PPID/cmdline &> /dev/null; then
# do your stuff


Try to connect via script to multiple servers

I am trying to connect to multiple servers from file (servers.txt --> something around 300 IP add) and some server is RHEL5, some RHEL7 (so I must use a diff command).
I can connect to multiple server, its OK, but I can't continue with some condition: like if you don't know one command use another command.
for host in $(cat servers.txt); do
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root#$host
#when I try to continue with "if" -> of course I am logout from servers
I agree with #rkosegi that this can be achieved an Ansible ad-hoc command, but you'd have to convert the list of servers to an inventory - a very simple task.
At the bash prompt, I think I understand what you want. You want to try multiple commands via each ssh command. So let's assume you want to check the version of the redhat-release package and take different actions from that:
while read HOST; do
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root#$HOST '
VERSION="`rpm -q --queryformat "%{VERSION}" redhat-release`"
if [[ $VERSION == 5* ]]; then # RHEL5
echo this is a rhel5
elif [[ $VERSION == 7* ]]; then # RHEL7
echo this is a rhel7
echo this is neither a rhel5 or rhel7
done <servers.txt
Of course, the script can be written on one line, but I thought I'd format it nicer here for increased readability.
Note: The post being tagged with bash, the above command also uses [[ tests which are specific to bash and won't work on some other shells.

Global variables (bash) inside loops [duplicate]

I want to write a Bash-Script which loggs into several machines via ssh and first shows their hostname and the executes a command (on every machine the same command). The hostname and the output of the command should be displayed together. I wanted a parallel version, so the ssh-commands should be run in background and in parallel.
I constructed the bashscripted attached below.
The problem is: As the runonip-function is executed in a subshell, it got no access to the DATA-array to store the results. Is it somehow possible to give the subshell access to the Array, perhaps via a "pass by reference" to the function?
set -u
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Need Arguments: Command to run"
exit 1
#Function to run in Background for each ip
function runonip {
DATA[$no]=$( {
echo "Connecting to $ip"
ssh $ip cat /etc/hostname
ssh $ip $cmds
} 2>&1 )
ips=$(get ips somewhere)
for ip in $ips; do
#Initialize Variables
#For the RunOnIp Function to background
runonip $ip $i $# &
#Save PID for later waiting
#Wait for all SubProcesses
for job in ${PIDS[#]}; do
wait $job
#Everybody finished, so output the information from DATA
for x in `seq 1 $i`; do
echo ${DATA[$x]}
No, it's really not. The subshell runs in an entirely separate operating system process, and the only way for two processes to share memory is for their code to set that up explicitly with system calls. Bash doesn't do that.
What you need to do is find some other way for the two processes to communicate. Temporary files named after the PIDs would be one way:
#For the RunOnIp Function to background
runonip $ip $i $# >data-tmp&
mv data-tmp data-$!
And then cat the files:
#Everybody finished, so output the information from the temp files
for x in ${PIDS[#]}; do
cat data-$x
rm data-$x
You might be able to set up a named pipe to do interprocess communication.
Another possibility, in Bash 4, might be to use coprocesses.
Additional references:
Named Pipes
Using File Descriptors with Named Pipes

Terminal Application to Keep Web Server Process Alive

Is there an app that can, given a command and options, execute for the lifetime of the process and ping a given URL indefinitely on a specific interval?
If not, could this be done on the terminal as a bash script? I'm almost positive it's doable through terminal, but am not fluent enough to whip it up within a few minutes.
Found this post that has a portion of the solution, minus the ping bits. ping runs on linux, indefinitely; until it's actively killed. How would I kill it from bash after say, two pings?
General Script
As others have suggested, use this in pseudo code:
execute command and save PID
while PID is active, ping and sleep
This results in following script:
# execute command, use '&' at the end to run in background
<command here> &
# store pid
while ps | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep $pid; do
ping <address here>
sleep <timeout here in seconds>
Note that the stuff inside <> should be replaces with actual stuff. Be it a command or an ip address.
Break from Loop
To answer your second question, that depends in the loop. In the loop above, simply track the loop count using a variable. To do that, add a ((count++)) inside the loop. And do this: [[ $count -eq 2 ]] && break. Now the loop will break when we're pinging for a second time.
Something like this:
while ...; do
[[ $count -eq 2 ]] && break
ping twice
To ping only a few times, use the -c option:
ping -c <count here> <address here>
ping -c 2
Use man ping for more information.
Better practice
As hek2mgl noted in a comment below, the current solution may not suffice to solve the problem. While answering the question, the core problem will still persist. To aid to that problem, a cron job is suggested in which a simple wget or curl http request is sent periodically. This results in a fairly easy script containing but one line:
curl <address here> > /dev/null 2>&1
This script can be added as a cron job. Leave a comment if you desire more information how to set such a scheduled job. Special thanks to hek2mgl for analyzing the problem and suggesting a sound solution.
Say you want to start a download with wget and while it is running, ping the url:
wget & #put in background
while kill -s 0 $pid #test if process is running
ping -c 1 #ping your adress once
sleep 5 #and sleep for 5 seconds
A nice little generic utility for this is Daemonize. Its relevant options:
Usage: daemonize [OPTIONS] path [arg] ...
-c <dir> # Set daemon's working directory to <dir>.
-E var=value # Pass environment setting to daemon. May appear multiple times.
-p <pidfile> # Save PID to <pidfile>.
-u <user> # Run daemon as user <user>. Requires invocation as root.
-l <lockfile> # Single-instance checking using lockfile <lockfile>.
Here's an example of starting/killing in use: flickd
To get more sophisticated, you could turn your ping script into a systemd service, now standard on many recent Linuxes.

Why are my local commands failing to run after remote ssh commands in the same script?

I've done my homework, but I think I may be mixing apples and oranges here. My script is designed to run a remote inline series of commands, exit, and then run some additional LOCAL commands. It has to be done remote first, as these services are for a fail-over agent. The problem is that after the remote ssh line disconnects, the entire script just stops. I'm not sure why the disconnect is halting the entire script. Perhaps the exit line is to blame?
### Run remote svc restarts and then Local restarts
exec ssh -t REMOTEHOST 'stop svc1; restart svc2; start svc3; exit'
## Run local shell (This works independently, but not in the entire script)
rst=`pgrep -n failoversvc`
echo "Stopping 1st service at `date | awk '{print $2,$3,$4}'`" && service 1 stop >> SYNCLOG.txt
sleep 2
echo "Restarting 2nd service at `date | awk '{print $2,$3,$4}'`" && service 2 restart >> SYNCLOG.txt
if rst="";then
echo "Starting 3rd service at `date | awk '{print $2,$3,$4}'`" && service 3 start >> SYNCLOG.txt
echo "3rd Service PID not found! Check for functionality"
I took a look at but THIS I wasn't able to get the results I was looking for.
exec is a very brutal command: it completely replaces the current process (in this case, your shell that's running the script) with the command you specify. Unless exec fails, nothing after that line in your script will ever run. This is by design, that's what exec is for.
If you want your script to continue after the ssh, simply remove exec.

How do I make sure my bash script isn't already running?

I have a bash script I want to run every 5 minutes from cron... but there's a chance the previous run of the script isn't done yet... in this case, i want the new run to just exit. I don't want to rely on just a lock file in /tmp.. I want to make sure sure the process is actually running before i honor the lock file (or whatever)...
Here is what I have stolen from the internet so far... how do i smarten it up a bit? or is there a completely different way that's better?
if [ -f /tmp/mylockFile ] ; then
echo 'Script is still running'
echo 1 > /tmp/mylockFile
/* Do some stuff */
rm -f /tmp/mylockFile
# Use a lockfile containing the pid of the running process
# If script crashes and leaves lockfile around, it will have a different pid so
# will not prevent script running again.
# create empty lock file if none exists
cat /dev/null >> $lf
read lastPID < $lf
# if lastPID is not null and a process with that pid exists , exit
[ ! -z "$lastPID" -a -d /proc/$lastPID ] && exit
echo not running
# save my pid in the lock file
echo $$ > $lf
# sleep just to make testing easier
sleep 5
There is at least one race condition in this script. Don't use it for a life support system, lol. But it should work fine for your example, because your environment doesn't start two scripts simultaneously. There are lots of ways to use more atomic locks, but they generally depend on having a particular thing optionally installed, or work differently on NFS, etc...
You might want to have a look at the man page for the flock command, if you're lucky enough to get it on your distribution.
flock - Manage locks from shell scripts
flock [-sxon] [-w timeout] lockfile [-c] command...
Never use a lock file always use a lock directory.
In your specific case, it's not so important because the start of the script is scheduled in 5min intervals. But if you ever reuse this code for a webserver cgi-script you are toast.
if mkdir /tmp/my_lock_dir 2>/dev/null
echo "running now the script"
sleep 10
rmdir /tmp/my_lock_dir
This has a problem if you have a stale lock, means the lock is there but no associated process. Your cron will never run.
Why use a directory? Because mkdir is an atomic operation. Only one process at a time can create a directory, all other processes get an error. This even works across shared filesystems and probably even between different OS types.
Store your pid in mylockFile. When you need to check, look up ps for the process with the pid you read from file. If it exists, your script is running.
If you want to check the process's existence, just look at the output of
ps aux | grep your_script_name
If it's there, it's not dead...
As pointed out in the comments and other answers, using the PID stored in the lockfile is much safer and is the standard approach most apps take. I just do this because it's convenient and I almost never see the corner cases (e.g. editing the file when the cron executes) in practice.
If you use a lockfile, you should make sure that the lockfile is always removed. You can do this with 'trap':
if ( set -o noclobber; echo "locked" > "$lockfile") 2> /dev/null; then
trap 'rm -f "$lockfile"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT
echo "Locking succeeded" >&2
rm -f "$lockfile"
echo "Lock failed - exit" >&2
exit 1
The noclobber option makes the creation of lockfile atomic, like using a directory.
As a one-liner and if you do not want to use a lockfile (e.g. b/c/ of a read only filesystem, etc)
test "$(pidof -x $(basename $0))" != $$ && exit
It checks that the full list of PID that bear the name of your script is equal to the current PID. The "-x" also checks for the name of shell scripts.
Bash makes it even shorter and faster:
[[ "$(pidof -x $(basename $0))" != $$ ]] && exit
In some cases, you might want to be able to distinguish between who is running the script and allow some concurrency but not all. In that case, you can use per-user, per-tty or cron-specific locks.
You can use environment variables such as $USER or the output of a program such as tty to create the filename. For cron, you can set a variable in the crontab file and test for it in your script.
you can use this one:
pgrep -f "/bin/\w*sh .*scriptname" | grep -vq $$ && exit
I was trying to solve this problem today and I came up with the below:
JOBS=$(SUBSHELL_PID=$BASHPID; ps axo pid,command | grep "${COMMAND_LINE}" | grep -v $$ | g rep -v ${SUBSHELL_PID} | grep -v grep)
if [[ -z "${JOBS}" ]]
# not already running
# already running
This relies on $BASHPID which contains the PID inside a subshell ($$ in the subshell is the parent pid). However, this relies on Bash v4 and I needed to run this on OSX which has Bash v3.2.48. I ultimately came up with another solution and it is cleaner:
JOBS=$(sh -c "ps axo pid,command | grep \"${COMMAND_LINE}\" | grep -v grep | grep -v $$")
You can always just:
if ps -e -o cmd | grep scriptname > /dev/null; then
But I like the lockfile myself, so I wouldn't do this without the lock file as well.
Since a socket solution has not yet been mentioned it is worth pointing out that sockets can be used as effective mutexes. Socket creation is an atomic operation, like mkdir is as Gunstick pointed out, so a socket is suitable to use as a lock or mutex.
Tim Kay's Perl script 'Solo' is a very small and effective script to make sure only one copy of a script can be run at any one time. It was designed specifically for use with cron jobs, although it works perfectly for other tasks as well and I've used it for non-crob jobs very effectively.
Solo has one advantage over the other techniques mentioned so far in that the check is done outside of the script you only want to run one copy of. If the script is already running then a second instance of that script will never even be started. This is as opposed to isolating a block of code inside the script which is protected by a lock. EDIT: If flock is used in a cron job, rather than from inside a script, then you can also use that to prevent a second instance of the script from starting - see example below.
Here's an example of how you might use it with cron:
*/5 * * * * solo -port=3801 /path/to/ args args args
# "/path/to/ args args args" is only called if no other instance of
# "/path/to/" is running, or more accurately if the socket on port 3801
# is not open. Distinct port numbers can be used for different programs so that
# if is running it does not prevent from starting, I've
# used the port range 3801 to 3810 without conflicts. For Linux non-root users
# the valid port range is 1024 to 65535 (0 to 1023 are reserved for root).
* * * * * solo -port=3802 /path/to/
* * * * * solo -port=3803 /path/to/
# Flock can also be used in cron jobs with a distinct lock path for different
# programs, in the example below will only be started if the one
# started a minute earlier has already finished.
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/ -c /path/to/
Solo web page:
Solo script:
Hope this helps.
You can use this.
I'll just shamelessly copy-paste the solution here, as it is an answer for both questions (I would argue that it's actually a better fit for this question).
init using sh_lock_init
lock using sh_acquire_lock
check lock using sh_check_lock
unlock using sh_remove_lock
Script File
function sh_lock_init {
sh_lock_scriptName=$(basename $0)
sh_lock_dir="/tmp/${sh_lock_scriptName}.lock" #lock directory
sh_lock_file="${sh_lock_dir}/lockPid.txt" #lock file
function sh_acquire_lock {
if mkdir $sh_lock_dir 2>/dev/null; then #check for lock
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock acquired successfully.">&2
touch $sh_lock_file
echo $$ > $sh_lock_file # set current pid in lockFile
return 0
touch $sh_lock_file
read sh_lock_lastPID < $sh_lock_file
if [ ! -z "$sh_lock_lastPID" -a -d /proc/$sh_lock_lastPID ]; then # if lastPID is not null and a process with that pid exists
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName is already running.">&2
return 1
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName stopped during execution, reacquiring lock.">&2
echo $$ > $sh_lock_file # set current pid in lockFile
return 2
return 0
function sh_check_lock {
[[ ! -f $sh_lock_file ]] && echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock file removed.">&2 && return 1
read sh_lock_lastPID < $sh_lock_file
[[ $sh_lock_lastPID -ne $$ ]] && echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock file pid has changed.">&2 && return 2
echo "$sh_lock_scriptName lock still in place.">&2
return 0
function sh_remove_lock {
rm -r $sh_lock_dir
Usage example
. /path/to/ # load sh lock functions
sh_lock_init || exit $?
[[ $lockStatus -eq 1 ]] && exit $lockStatus
[[ $lockStatus -eq 2 ]] && echo "lock is set, do some resume from crash procedures";
#monitoring example
while sh_check_lock # loop while lock is in place
echo "$sh_scriptName running (pid $$)"
sleep 1
let cnt++
[[ $cnt -gt 5 ]] && break
#remove lock when process finished
sh_remove_lock || exit $?
exit 0
Uses a combination of file, directory and process id to lock to make sure that the process is not already running
You can detect if the script stopped before lock removal (eg. process kill, shutdown, error etc.)
You can check the lock file, and use it to trigger a process shutdown when the lock is missing
Verbose, outputs error messages for easier debug
