mod_rewrite: directing a domain into a subfolder (without vhost) - mod-rewrite

I have two domains that are aliases, and
Currently they are both directed into the same place, the root of my web space. However, I wish to separate them into independent pages and direct into a subfolder with different content.
I understand that the correct way to do this is using Apache Virtual Hosts. However, my service provider does not allow me access to that functionality so I'll have to solve it using mod_rewrite.
What I need is something that directs and to subfolder/ (which should trigger index.php). Also, should go to subfolder/file.txt, etc... This is what I came up with:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} domain2\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subfolder/$1 [L]
However, when I run it and go to, I get 500 Internal Server Error and the log file says:
Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
To test what's going on I made a small php script that prints out the string that it gets.
I also modified the rule:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subfolder/test.php?string=$1 [L]
Now when I go to or, it prints out: subfolder/test.php
Somehow it gets into recursion and prints itself. Whereas, if I use the following rule:
RewriteRule ^abc(.*)$ subfolder/test.php?string=$1 [L]
Then prints: def
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Do you have any suggestions?

It could be that the rewrite rule applies to subfolders of the one whose .htaccess it appears in. Does it help to add a condition that blocks the rewrite for URLs that already start with subfolder/?


mod_rewrite in production environment doesn't yield the same results as locally

The goal is for all links like[rest-of-the-link] to go to[rest-of-the-link], so basically append a hash symbol after company/. I have achieved it locally with the following rewrite (use NE flag for ensuring hash symbol to work correctly):
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/company/[^#].*$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^company/(.*)$$1 [NE,L]
However, when I take the very same .htaccess file and put it in the server root (file structure and database are identical locally and in production), and go to say, I get a 404 error.
Moreover, for example the rule
RewriteRule ^company/(.*)$ [NE,L]
would also cause 404 error, while for example
RewriteRule ^company/(.*)$ [NE,L]
works alright and redirects to google.
So I was wondering, what would cause such a very strange behavior, I don't know where to start. Thank you in advance!

Laravel pretty URL

I'm going crazy here! I'm trying to learn Laravel and pretty URLs just don't work.
I have enabled mod_rewrite from my apache config file, I have set AllowOverride to All in my user config file and I have the following in my .htaccess file in public folder of Laravel installation:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
I enter http://localhost/~user/lara/public/index.php/users it works, but with http://localhost/~user/lara/public/users I get 404 Not Found error
The requested URL /Users/user/Sites/lara/public/index.php/users was not found on this server.
You can see that the redirection works fine, as public/users have turned into public/index.php/users but it says not found, even though when I manually enter public/index.php/users it show me the output.
I have read all the related questions on SO, none of the worked for me!
This is most likely caused by the fact that you are changing the document root during a request. From the looks of your URL (with the ~user segment) you are using mod_userdir or something similar, and what these types of plugins do it allow you to map a given URL prefix to a document root that is not the normal one for the server.
As such, you sometimes run into issues like this where the right .htaccess file is found, but its rewritten URL is against the original document root rather than the modified one and so your index.php file cannot be found (maybe, to be honest I don't really know, this is all conjecture). This is also why going directly to index.php/users works - the problem isn't the setup per se, but the mixing of rewrite rules and the change of the document root.
As such, the fix is to use a RewriteBase line, ad the following to the .htccess file:
RewriteBase /~user/lara/public/

mod_rewrite to shorten url files path

I am having a bit of difficulty getting mod_rewrite to do what I need it to do.
We have a group of virtual subdomains in a Drupal install. So,,, etc are all part of the same core Drupal install.
File access currently is However this path will also work as or any other valid subdomain.
We'd like to use mod_rewrite to accept and deliver the file from the above location.
Here's what I've tried:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(about|academics|bursar|calendar)\.univ\.edu\/files\/(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^/sites/all/files/$1/$2 [L,NC]
I'm probably going about this the wrong way, but I wanted to check on it. I can get the subdomains to work by making separate rules using HTTP_HOST, but I wanted less rules in the file. Also, I can't get HTTP_HOST to work on sites that exist as a subdirectory in a subdomian. For instance, should deliver /sites/all/biology/files/myfile.jpg
You can't match a host in the %{REQUEST_URI}, you need to use %{HTTP_HOST}, then use the %1 backrefernce to access that match. The actual URI can be matched in the rule itself. Something like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(about|academics|bursar|calendar)\.univ\.edu$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^files/(.*)$ /sites/all/files/%1/%2 [L,NC]
The %1 references the match (about|academics|bursar|calendar) in the RewriteCond and the $1 references the match (.*) in the RewriteRule. So that example will take a request to and rewrite the request to /sites/all/files/about/foo.html.
Also, if this is in a virtualhost or server config, you need a "/" in between "^" and "files" in the RewriteRule.

mod_rewrite positioning and wording

I renamed about 50 pages of my website. I want to make an internal rewrite from the old pages to the new pages. This is the example that Apache gives.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
I am not sure if I need the rewriteBase /. I have only individual webpages (no subs).
I understand the terms "foo" and "bar" and "quux" are universal words for examples. If I have only one domain on this server, and the rewrite rule will apply to the root directory, do I need to include rewriteBase /, rewriteBase /~quux/, or do I even need rewriteBase?
I assume that when using rewriteBase /~quux/, the actual subdirectory is inserted were /~quux/ is. Even though I don't have subdirectories, is this correct?
Can someone please arrange the correct script illustrated above?
Also, I understand that this script would be placed BEFORE other .htaccess directives, such as non-www to www and index to /. Is this correct?
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymLinks
#rewrite old to new pages internaly
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
#non-www to www
RewriteRule ...
#index to /
RewriteRule ...
If your page is like:
and your .htaccess file is in subdir/, then you need to set it:
RewriteBase /subdir/
This lets you make your rules ignore the subdirectory, so
RewriteRule ^old_index.html$ new_index.html
would redirect subdir/old_index.html to subdir/new_index.html
The positioning of the rules only matter if you are not using the [L] flag after your rules. This modifier tells mod_rewrite to stop rewriting and make the redirect. Not using it will let the rewrite engine do everything it can with your url in one go. So if your url is like this:
It will be converted to
No matter which rule comes first, the one that adds the www. or the one that points to the new pages. But if there is an [L] flag, then it may be done in 2 redirects.

What's wrong with my RewriteRule?

My .htaccess file currently looks like this
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^account$ /account/orders.php [L]
When I go to it properly shows the page at But when I change the RewriteRule to
RewriteRule ^account/orders$ /account/orders.php [L]
and then I go to, I get Error 404 Page Not Found. What did I do wrong?
******Additional Details**
I finally diagnosed the problem. But I don't understand why my solution works. Consider the scenario where account/orders.php exists.
The following rule will not work
RewriteRule ^account/orders$ account/orders.php [L]
The following rule will work
RewriteRule ^account/order$ account/orders.php [L]
Ie., the rewrite rule will fail if the Pattern evaluates to an existing file. So when the pattern is the same as the substitution, but minus the extension, the rewrite rule will fail. If I add a file called account/order.php, then both rules will fail.
Why does this happen?
I don't see how your first example would work, because I believe that intial slashes are also passed on.
RewriteRule ^/account/orders$ /account/orders.php [L]
Have you tried a relative path?
RewriteRule ^account/orders$ account/orders.php [L]
Edit   You should also make sure to have MultiViews disabled. This causes that Apache does some additional vague file matching to find similar named files and thus /account/orders would be mapped to /account/orders.php before it’s passed to mod_rewrite.
Strange, it seems ok to me...
If you have access to Apache Configuration try to enable RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel for some debug...
Also take a look in the site's log files (always if you have access)
I would at first try to add a redirect to my rules, so I can see in the browser what is happening on the server.
RewriteRule ^account$ /account/orders.php [L,R]
Also make sure that there are no other rules (previous ones) interfering, just in case you are not showing all of your .htaccess file here.
I'm answering my own question because I finally diagnosed the problem. But I don't understand why my solution works. Consider the scenario where account/orders.php exists.
The following rule will not work
RewriteRule ^account/orders$ account/orders.php [L]
The following rule will work
RewriteRule ^account/order$ account/orders.php [L]
Ie., the rewrite rule will fail if the Pattern evaluates to an existing file. So when the pattern is the same as the substitution, but minus the extension, the rewrite rule will fail. If I add a file called account/order.php, then both rules will fail.
Why does this happen?
