Does anyone know of a bundle/plugin/keyboard command to increase the scope of selected text?
Intellij (and I think Eclipse) allow you to increase the scope of your selection. Intellij will do this if you place the cursor on a method name, for example, press option + Up Arrow. doing that would select the full method name. Option + Up Arrow again would select the method name and the object name. Here's what I mean:
Nothing selected, but cursor in the method name: myObject.doSomething()
Option Up Arrow: myObject.doSomething()
Option Up Arrow again: myObject.doSomething()
Option down arrow will decrease the scope of the selection -- the inverse of the above.
This functionality will go from the method name, to the object, to the line, to the entire method, and so on. it's very handy tool, you must admit.
I know that shift + option + right/left arrow will select text, but it won't do it with scope in mind. Have I been missing something obvious with TextMate all these years, or does this need to be added on an upcoming version?
There are already many questions about VS Code's block selection and multi-cursor selection, and I'm not asking how to use it, but rather, how to make it behave in the standard way on a Mac (without the shift ⇧ key pressed).
The way it currently behaves is this: your current cursor location defines one corner of the block selection, and when you press ⇧⌥ and click somewhere else, you define the opposite corner of the block. You can drag as you're clicking, but dragging really only changes the definition of that opposite corner. Your (text) cursor's position always defines one of the block's corners.
Considering that the VS Code default keybinding is ⇧⌥, the behavior is proper for having the shift ⇧ key pressed. But I'm trying to find a way to get the normal behavior that you'd expect on a Mac when the shift ⇧ key is not pressed.
In normal Mac behavior (without shift), the entire block is defined by:
where you first click, before you start dragging, and
where you release, after dragging.
This behavior is exactly the same as for plain-vanilla text selection, except that you get a block, instead of a line-oriented selection.
I would like to find a way to have VS Code allow me to define the block selection solely based on where I click and drag, and not based on the current text cursor location.
How can I do this?
Note that you don't have to drag the mouse. You can single click (with no modifier keys) in one corner, press and hold Shift and Option, and click in the opposite corner, then release the Shift and Option keys. So, your attempt to start the selection is actually extending it (relative to the previous selection).
What's working for me in 1.53.1 (January 2021 release) is to click and hold the mouse button (with no keys pressed; this starts a normal, non-column selection), then press and hold Shift and Option, then continue dragging the mouse. I find this method cumbersome and prefer selecting opposite corners as above.
I don't see an obvious way to change to Option-only to start a column selection.
I would like to jump to the previous cursor position within a file in XCode 5 (with either a keyboard hotkey or a drop-down menu path).
This SO post worked for XCode 3: Does XCode have a cursor navigation stack like Visual Studio?
But for XCode 5, I could not find this functionality here:, nor in the Apple Documentation here:
Sorry I wasn't clear earlier. I do not want to switch between files. As the answers below state, that is what ctrl+cmd+left/right does. I want to switch between cursor positions within a file. For example:
I am working in MyViewController.m.
I write a function -(void)doStuff at line 178.
In -(void)doStuff, I realize that I need to update an #property to be readwrite.
I go to the top of MyViewController.m to line 10. I add the line #property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray *myArray;
Now I want to return to finish writing my -(void)doStuff method. What is the best way to get there? This is when I'd like to say "Go to the last text cursor position."
As Owen commented on your post, I believe the behaviour you want is to Go Forward/Backward, which is a behaviour represented by those two arrows at the top left of the text entry field:
In the pdf you linked these actions actually have shortcuts to the keys cmd+control+arrow, where the arrow key you press represents forward/backward motion through your XCode behaviour (left being back, right being forward).
A useful trick I found is to bind opening the Document Items menu (by default Ctrl + 6) to something easier to type for me. Then when I'm about to, say, jump to some method definition (that may or may not be in the same file I'm already in), I first open the Document Items menu then just hit Enter. That marks my current location in the navigation stack. It also marks the line the cursor is at in the current method, too.
It takes a little training to remember to mark your place, but being able to open that menu and hit Enter quickly from the keyboard makes it less painful to force Xcode to mark your navigation within a single file.
cmd+ctrl+arrow can work in this situation. But, it depends on how you change cursor locations.
If you use a file navigation control to change cursor location, cmd+ctrl+arrow will work. ctrl+6 switches to a method within a given file. If you start on line 178 then ctrl+6 to switch to another method on line 10, cmd+ctrl+arrow will return your cursor to line 178.
If you manually change cursor location, cmd+ctrl+arrow will not work. If you start on line 178 then scroll to line 10, cmd+ctrl+arrow will not return your cursor to line 178.
I was searching for this for so long time and what works for me is:
⌃ + 2 (Ctrl + 2 - Shows previous history) then click ↓ - this will jump back to previous definition
⌃ + 3 (Ctrl + 3 - Shows next history) then click ↓ - this will jump to next definition
This will only work if you navigate through your class using ⌃ + 6 to jump between definitions.
Unfortunately Xcode does not comes up with this feature . but If you are going to different line for copy content to paste to previous location then tricky using (Undo and Redo) Command + Z and then Shift +command +Z shortcut key one short simulate same effect.
Ctrl-command-leftKey does exactly that. (It's called "Go Back" in the documentation).
I'm using Xcode 4.3 for Objective-C development.
One feature that I like in other text editors (I know Xcode is an IDE), is jumping to a method definition within the same code file.
For example if I'm in #implementation of Calculator and calculator has 10 methods, I will like a way to jump between them.
If I press command+L I can jump to a specific line number, is there a way to jump in a similar way but to a method definition? e.g. instead of typing the line number to type only the beginning of the method name.
Can I open somehow a dialog box, type the beginning of a method signature and see instantly the search results and If I pick one method it will get me to it?
Is there a way to jump from a method to the next one?
I think this is what you're looking for:
Type ctrl-6 to activate the "Show Document Items" in the "Jump Bar". Then start typing part of the method you are looking for to narrow the results.
To jump straight to - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Type ctrl-6, type "cellFor", arrow down so the method is highlighted, and press Enter. The Editor will jump right to that method.
Incidentally, you can use ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3, etc. to access the different sections of the "Jump Bar".
If I understand you correctly, try Command-Shift-O. It also doubles as a file finder.
Perhaps I'm not understanding what you need, but it seems like you have a couple of options.
Control+Command+J should take you to a definition.
Control+Command+Up/Control+Command+Down will toggle between .h/.m files.
While in the .m file, I use the dropdown for the methods often.
If you want to press a command key sequence like Command + Option + ↓ to jump to the next method, or Command + Option + ↑ to jump to the previous method, there is no such animal in Xcode. Prior macOS development tools had such a capability, but Xcode is seriously lacking in the basics...
The fastest jump back and forth in methods in a source file is to perform a Command + F (Find) on [\-\+][ \t]*\( as a regular expression. Then you can Command + G (Find Next) to go to the next method or Command + Shift + G (Find Previous) to go to the prior method.
If you are disciplined in your method definitions, you might be able to search for - ( or + ( as a normal text string instead... a tad faster.
If this is a serious itch to scratch, maybe it is worth creating an Xcode plugin (as silly as this sounds for such a basic feature)... and post a link here for the rest of us ;-)
Select a symbol (could be a method, but doesn't have to be) and right-click (or control-click). The contextual menu that pops up has a "Jump to definition" command. Control-command-J is a shortcut for that.
If the thing you're looking for isn't visible, you can use the Search Navigator (Command-3) to search through the code.
Depending on what you're looking for, you may also find the Quick Help feature in the Utilities panel helpful. If you select a symbol, Quick Help will give you at least some basic information about that symbol. For symbols in the iOS or MacOS X API's, you get quite a bit of help. If you've selected your own symbol, it'll tell you where that symbol is declared, and you can click on the file name to jump to the declaration.
I don't think there's a command to jump to the next method (where in the method would you want to jump to?). If you have a need for that sort of thing, you might find Xcode's code folding features useful. You can fold an entire method or just some of the blocks within the method. Very helpful for getting the lay of the land when you're looking at a large file for the first time.
If we press ctrl+command+up arrow we switch between file code and header code. (.m to .h)
If we press ctrl+command+j or command + mouse click we jump to definition of variable. But it not work for super.
So, there are a fast way to do it?
I'm a little late to the party, but here's a good method for seeing both superclasses and subclasses. Click on the related files icon. It looks like this: and you'll find it in the upper left of the edit window. You'll get a menu of many kinds of related files among which will be the superclass and subclass lists.
You can also open that menu using Ctrl+1, if you happen to be a keyboard person.
Try Command + Shift + D. Jump to definition. Does that work?
Also check out the link bellow. It lists a bunch of Xcode keyboard shortcuts.
Say we have a TestClass with the 2 methods, -getSomeString and -getAnotherString, and we are editing the following code and the cursor is in the location shown:
NSString *aString = [TestClass get<cursorIsHere>SomeString];
Say I want to change it to use -getAnotherString. If I bring up the auto-completion popup and select the other method via hitting enter or tab, I'm left with:
NSString *aString = [TestClass getAnotherStringSomeString];
i.e., it doesn't replace the existing text but rather just inserts.
Is there a special keystroke to make it replace the remaining text?
See IntelliJ for reference.
I don't think that there is a one step operation to achieve this. My suggestion would be similar to Thomas Templemann, but rather than two steps of forward word select and then Delete, I would expand to the desired autocomplete, by bouncing on Control + . and then hit Option + forward delete, which kills to the end of the word.
I don't think so. I have always used the following
double click on getSomeString
press Escape (or your autocomplete key)
find replacement method
that double click step has never really bothered me, but I would be interested if anyone knows better!
My work-around for this problem is this: Since the cursor will be right after the inserted text, I just press Shift-Option-Rightcursor, which selects the word past the cursor, then I hit the Delete key.
You can use the Tab key to perform "replace" instead of "insert" when choosing the method from the auto-complete popup in IntelliJ 9 (don't know if it's available in previous versions).