Oracle materialized view question - oracle

I have a table that holds information about different events, for example
id int not null primary key,
event_date date, ...
I realized that 90% of all queries access only today events; the older rows are stored for history and eventually moved to an archive table.
However, events table is still large, and I wonder if I can improve the performance by creating a materialized view that has something like WHERE event_date = trunc(sysdate) and maybe index on event_date ? Is it allowed at all?

yes this is allowed see "primary key materialized view":
Primary key materialized views may contain a subquery so that you can
create a subset of rows at the remote materialized view site
and "complex materialized view"
If you refresh rarely and want faster query performance, then use
Method A (complex materialized view).
If you refresh regularly and can sacrifice query performance, then use Method B (simple materialized view).
In your example chances are good IMHO that this is not a "complex materialized view":
SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE event_date = trunc(sysdate);
Just try it and see if Oracle accepts it with the REFRESH FAST clause.
EDIT - another option:
Depending on your DB Edition (Enterprise + Partitioning) and Version (11gR2) you could use a new Oracle feature called INTERVAL partitioning to define "daily partitions" within the existing table. This way most of your queries get alot faster without effectively duplicating the data - see


Are materialized views virtual tables or real tables with real data?

When materialized views are created in Oracle, do they store indices or do they store actual table values?
I am asking this as creating index on table and using views on that table and using materialized views (created with refresh complete start with (sysdate) next (sysdate+1) with rowid as) on unindexed table gives similar performance.
Where as I would expect materialized views to be far more faster.
I slightly modified the content/title. My current concern after discussion is if materialized views are actual real tables or virtual tables with some optimization.
Materialized views create a copy of the data. To all intents and purposes they are actual tables. In fact we can create a materialized view from an existing table using the PREBUILT clause. The only difference is how the data is mastered - a materialized view doesn't own its data, a table does.
As to your performance conundrum:
When you say "on unindexed table" do you literally mean one table? If so, we wouldn't expect any difference in the time to query a view, a materialized view or the actual data: they all execute a full table scan on the same volume of data.
Consider the case where views have expecting select * from <table> where <condition>.
We would a SELECT against a materialised view built on that query to execute quicker than the same SELECT against the actual table, provided the WHERE clause restricts the data to a significantly smaller subset of the original data. Simply because a full table scan over a small table (materialised view) takes less time than a full table scan over a big table. Same applies if the materialised view's projection has fewer columns than the base table.
Indexing is a different matter. Unless the query selects a very small subset of the data it's not going to be more efficient than a full table scan and a filter.
To sum up: the only universal tuning heuristic is: it takes less time to do less work. Beyond that it is impossible to generalise. We can't discuss some vague "consider the case where views have select * from <table> where <condition>." It's all about the specifics.
Fundamentally, a materialized view is just a table with an associated query to populate it.
Given static data, one would generally expect the performance of a SELECT * from the materialized view (with no WHERE clause) to be at least as fast as running the query that underlies the materialized view, regardless of indexing.
If we add a WHERE clause to a SELECT * against the mview, however, that query could perform significantly slower than running the query that underlies the mview with the same WHERE clause. That's because the tables referenced in the query underlying the mview could have indexes to support the conditions in the WHERE clause, where as the mview might not have such indexes.

Can Materialized View fast refresh work when based on views are based on tables?

I am reviewing my team's database setup, particularly focusing on Materialized Views. In most cases, we are currently doing 'Complete' refreshes, and I want to move to doing fast refreshes.
In some cases, this is straight forward -- the MV is based directly on a table on our source database, and I can enable MVIEW LOGS on the table and recreate the MV.
But in a number of cases, the MVs are based on a combination of other MVs, and Views, etc, that go several levels deep before I get to the tables on our source database.
In these cases, if I track down the ultimate source tables, will enabling MVIEW LOGS on them allow the top MV and any intermediate MVs, to use fast refresh?
The Oracle documentation contains an example for a FAST REFRESH of a materialized view based on an UNION ALL view:
CREATE VIEW view_with_unionall AS
(SELECT c.rowid crid, c.cust_id, 2 umarker
FROM customers c WHERE c.cust_last_name = 'Smith'
SELECT c.rowid crid, c.cust_id, 3 umarker
FROM customers c WHERE c.cust_last_name = 'Jones');
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW unionall_inside_view_mv
SELECT * FROM view_with_unionall;
So in principle, you can indeed fast refresh materialized views based on views.
Some things to note:
there are a couple of restrictions for fast refreshable materialized views. E.g. you cannot use ROWNUM, SYSDATE or HAVING. See the docs for details
somewhat counterintuitively, a FAST REFRESH is not always faster than a COMPLETE REFRESH. This depends on the amount of data that has changed since the last refresh; IMHO, Oracle should have used the term INCREMENTAL REFRESH instead
Oracle provides a procedure for that: DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW
You can use this procedure to check whether your Materialized Views is capable for FAST REFRESH, it also tells you the reason why it is not.
For me the most strange restriction for FAST REFRESH is: When you join several tables you have to use the (old) Oracle Join syntax, ANSI join syntax does not work. Some time ago a created a case at Oracle support for this issue, however the answer from Oracle was: "This is not a bug, it is just a lack of documentation."(!)
I don't know if it still applies for Oracle 12c version.

Materialized View Refresh with changing synonym pointer in SQL

I have two tables, TABLE_1 and TABLE_2. Then we have a synonym called TABLE that points to either TABLE_1 or TABLE_2. When TABLE_1 is active, an ETL populates TABLE_2 and when the run is complete, it switches the TABLE synonym to TABLE_2 to make it the active table. Then I have a materialized view that does something like this as the SQL: select * from TABLE. What I am seeing happen is that after the materialize view runs the first time, it caches the actual table the synonym is pointing too. So when the ETL runs and flips the synonym to point at TABLE_2, when a complete refresh is done on the materialized view, it still thinks the synonym is pointed at TABLE_1. Why when I do a complete refresh does the materialized view not pick up the new synonym pointer to TABLE_2?
Here is a workaround to Oracle's bug:
alter materialized view MV_NAME nocache;
alter materialized view MV_NAME cache;
I cannot find anything useful in Oracle documentation but just enable the logic:
I firstly create materialized view
In reality to support this materialized view Oracle makes the TABLE with some specific structure (dependent on your query structure) and the rule to refresh the table (as far as I remember it is called SUMMARY, but the name does not play any role here)
I change synonym target to the table which has another structure
The new target table is not "fitting" to the previous structure (e.g. it has totally different amount/data types of columns), the previous structure is invalid then and not working anymore. The underground table must be recreated then.
That's why I would say it is the only way to prevent the errors: reference the real target instead of synonym for creating materialized view.
So, the answer is: because the materialized view is a static table-like object dependent on the data set it is selecting; that's why to prevent the inconsistencies materialized view references the real object.
Sometimes I really wonder how many details Oracle hides inside.

MView "enable query rewrite" usage

create materialized view TEST_SYS
If Enable Query Rewrite option is disabled, MView is getting created for the above query then what is the purpose of having ENABLE QUERY REWRITE clause while creating materialized view, can we remove it and create it, and do we have to compromise on the performance of the MView if we have to comment Enable Query Rewrite.
Please explain me the use of enable query rewrite option in detail.
Query rewrite allows Oracle to rewrite a query against the base table (in this case TEST_DATE) to use the materialized view (in this case TEST_SYS) transparently. That is highly useful when your materialized view is pre-aggregating data, for example. If I have a transactions table and a materialized view
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_transaction_daily
SELECT store_id,
SUM(transaction_amount) total_transaction_amount
FROM transactions
GROUP BY store_id, transaction_day
then Oracle could transform a query like
SELECT store_id,
SUM(transaction_amount) total_transaction_amount
FROM transactions
GROUP BY store_id, transaction_day
to use the materialized view rather than hitting the base table. And if you have appropriate dimension objects created, you could have a query like
SELECT store_id,
SUM(transaction_amount) monthly_transaction_amount
FROM transactions
GROUP BY store_id, trunc(transaction_day,'MM')
that could also be rewritten to use the materialized view rather than the base table.
If query rewrite is not enabled, you would only see a performance benefit from using the materialized view if you explicitly queried the materialized view rather than querying the base table. That generally requires more development effort and limits the ability of the DBAs to tune the application in the future by fine-tuning materialized views.
In your case, the presence of SYSDATE in your WHERE clause is going to prevent query rewrite because Oracle wouldn't be able to figure out that a query against TEST_DATE would actually be able to use the materialized view. For all Oracle knows, data in the materialized view that satisfied the condition when the materialized view was refreshed no longer satisfies the condition and data that didn't make it into the materialized view now satisfies the condition simply because the SYSDATE has changed.
You do not need to have query rewrite enabled. Further, given your mview definition, it probably wouldn't hep you anyway.

Is it possible to partially refresh a materialized view in Oracle?

I have a very complex Oracle view based on other materialized views, regular views as well as some tables (I can't "fast refresh" it). Most of the time, existing records in this view are based on a date and are "stable", with new record sets having new dates.
Occasionally, I receive back-dates. I know what those are and how to deal with them if I were maintaining a table, but I would like to keep this a "view". A complete refresh would take around 30 minutes, but it only takes 25 seconds for any given date.
Can I specify that only a portion of a materialized view should be updated (i.e. the affected dates)?
Do I have to scrap the view and use a table and a procedure to populate or refresh a given date in that table?
Partition by date as in answer 3 (skaffman).
You could just do the refresh of a normal mv(table_refreshed below) and than use the exchange keyword i.e.
ALTER TABLE all_partitions
WITH TABLE table_refreshed
After more reading and judging by the lack of answers to this question, I come come to the conclusion that it is not possible to refresh a single partition of a materialized view.
If you can give a syntax example that proves otherwise, I will happily mark your answer the accepted one.
To others who might find this questions useful in the future: you might also want to know that in Oracle 10g, refreshing a partition (or any mview) will cause Oracle to issue DELETE, followed by INSERT.
If this is giving you performance problems (like me), there is an option to use atomic_refresh => false, which will TRUNCATE, then INSERT /*+APPEND*/.
I have been able to refresh a single partition of a materialized view with partition change tracking.
It seems to require that the view is created with REFRESH FAST WITH ROWID option and DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH is called with 'P' method.
You can partition materialized views just as you can with normal tables. Partition your mview by date, and then you can refresh only the required partition.
