How can I make a "Just Type" Qucik Action plugin in webOS 3.0? - webos

How can I make a "Just Type" "Quick Action" in webOS 3.0?

Add this to your appinfo.json
"universalSearch": {
"url": YOUR_APP_ID,
"launchParam": "search"
and then you can check in the app for search in enyo.windowParams


How do we mention or tag someone in using Slack's Block Kit Builder?

I tried creating slack's block kit builder, the desired design were actually fine. But I don't know where to find a button so we can tag a someone on it.
I have here an attempt to tag a person named john but unfortunately it only generated a plain text, it did not notify the person nor became the same the design as expected (see image result below)
view playground
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "#juan \n\nis a mrkdwn section block"
Here is the result
I found the solution from the following link.
get the user's id
wrap it with a left and right arrow with an "#" symbol beside it. syntax <#userId>
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Hey <#802AWTP13BZ>, thanks for submitting your report!"

How i make this tabs on extensions messages

i try to make an bot with similar layout
we can see it on microsoft teams doc HERE
I use this search example and get an result, but i dont know to make this "tabs" (Recents, Reports, inside image), anyone know or have example to how i make it?
i have only search input and result list, but i need tabs.
Thanks for all
These are actually called messaging extension search commands. Please try providing multiple commands by providing id's, title and other fields to render them as tabs.This documentation serves as best reference guide.
As tabs are only supported by search commands of message extension. To add tabs in your message extension, you would have to define the search commands in the manifest.json file of your respective project with id, title, and other required details.
"commands": [
"id": "searchQuery",
"context": [ "compose", "commandBox" ],
"description": "Test command to run query",
"title": "Search",
"type": "query",
"parameters": [
"name": "searchQuery",
"title": "Search Query",
"description": "Your search query",
"inputType": "text"

Use AdaptiveCard form value of Input.Choiceset as a messageback on Submit button

I have an adaptive card which displays a list of pipelines in a choice set, I want to use the value of the selected pipelines as a messageback to teams on selecting the submit button. How can I access the value of the id of Input.Choiceset?
This is the snippet for Submit Action -
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "Execute",
"data": {
"msteams": {
"type": "messageBack",
"text": "" (Choiceset value here)
This is the Choiceset snippet -
"type": "Input.ChoiceSet",
"id": "pipelineSelect",
"choices": "${list}",
"placeholder": "pipelines"
There was a recent answer to a similar question that might help. Check out How to echo user select optionset from ChoiceSet using messageBack or imBack? . In addition, it might help to see more info on the CardAction class, as well as this blog post - see the "Card Action in Teams" section which even describes some more advanced messageBack options.

How to put actionable icon in adaptive cards

I trying to find how to put actionable icons on Adaptive cards to use with Microsoft Teams. The aim to replace button with image icon(with all button behavior).
in Adaptive Cards 1.2 any image can have an action, see this example:
"type": "Image",
"style": "Person",
"url": "${creator.profileImage}",
"size": "Small",
"selectAction": {
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"url": ""
The action can be submit, openUrl etc like other actions. You can find the option in the designer aswell to try it.

Show buttons in bot framework emulator with sourceEvent

I don't want to use builder.Prompts.choicesince i want to allow user type answer not only click buttons. So i use sourceEvent, works great with facebook messenger but know i don't have ability to test my bot in emulator, since buttons not appear.
facebook: {
quick_replies: [
"content_type": "text",
"title": "Money Management",
"payload": "Money Management"
"content_type": "text",
"title": "Retirement Plans",
"payload": "Retirement Plans"
How to show buttons with sourceEvent in emulator?
Ok screenshot we see that buttons get to bot emulator as attachments.
let replyMessage = new builder.Message(session).text("hi");
"contentType": "application/",
"content": {
"buttons": [ {"type": "postBack", "title": "Your title", "value": "your value"} ]
