I am creating a library to work with windows services (poll their status, start them, check their cpu usage, etc). I am writing unit tests for this library. I need to change the user that is used by the test runs so that they have permision to perform some actions (start a service).
How can I change the identity the tests run under?
There isn’t a test specific solution to this. The short answer is: Impersonate the user you need using LogonUser(). The long answer is much longer, because LogonUser() is a Win32 call.
Take a look at this blog that’s trying to solve your problem.
I liked this codeproject implementation for calling LogonUser better. There's actually many codeproject examples of LogonUser() if you search around a little.
What are the best tools to test the performance of a (not deployed) application using Play framework? Things like, how long takes a request to execute, with different parameters, simulating a lot of requests (stress test), etc.
I'm searching a while but the problem is that the keyword "performance", "benchmarks" etc. lead me to pages about the performance of Play framework.
I thought maybe functional tests, could be used to measure performance (print difference between method start time and end...). But this doesn't look suitable for this kind of task.
I could just write a script, that triggers the requests, writes the timestamps to a log file... but maybe there's something finished, with extras, like e.g. charts, etc.
Any hint in the right direction greatly appreciated.
Iago is a load generation tool by Twitter written in Scala. Also, I've used the Loader.io addon on Heroku to do performance testing. Loader.io also has a non-heroku service that I have not used. Iago is probably your best bet for local testing of a non-public app.
A good example is a project used by Versal to choose their Scala stack for production.
The project is Scamper.
I am writing an open source gem that interacts with an sms service. I want to test the interaction, however it needs account information and a phone number to run. It also needs feedback to determine if sms messages were being sent correctly. This causes two problems:
I can't put the account information in the test file, as the gem is open source and anyone could get to it.
I need the person running the test to give information to the script as it is running (eg checking the phone to see if a message was received).
What techniques or libraries are available that can help with this? I'm currently using rspec and making it prompt for parameters (using gets), however it is pretty cluncky at the moment. I can't be the first person using ruby to have this problem, and I feel that I'm missing a gem or something that solves this problem.
Use mocks
What are your tests testing, specifically? That a given login/password works? Probably not. Most likely you want to make sure your code reacts to the API properly. Therefore, I'd suggest mocking. Save the output of the API calls and use a mock service to return those responses. Then test. Your tests will be faster and less brittle as a happy side-effect.
More information on mocking with RSpec is here:
Re 1) Why not just save configuration options in a YAML file and load them at the beginning of your tests?
Re 2) Are there maybe any web services for that? E.g. one where you can send a message to and query an API to see if it worked. I know this can be unreliable, but the same is true for a user's phone company network.
+1 for Mark Thomas' answer on mocking. Two more alternative mock object libraries for Ruby: FlexMock and Mocha
Using WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId and WTSQueryUserToken, I know it is possible for a service running as SYSTEM to launch an application onto the current desktop without using a password. Is to launch CreateProcessAsUser without needing a password for LogonUser provided the program launching the process has sufficient privileges?
EDIT 1: The situation is vaguely similar to this instance, but I need to be able to launch a process as a user regardless of whether or not they are logged on to the system at the time.
There is the possibility of using the undocumented NtCreateToken function; I think this example project uses it. Short of that, it is not possible.
Depending on the token you are trying to forge, you will require certain privileges, in particular the TCB one springs to mind. Services have that. The "Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference" by Nebett has an example.
However, services creating a process as SYSTEM on the current desktop is not as easy anymore since Vista. The improved session separation is the issue here. However, you could impersonate the user at the other end of a pipe and the current thread should be able to act as that user (e.g. SYSTEM).
Theoretically, at least, you could implement your own authentication package and then use it to generate a suitable token.
Another possible option, depending on your exact requirements, is to use the SidsToRestrict and PrivilegesToDelete option of the CreateRestrictedToken function along with SetTokenInformation to create a suitably modified derivative of your own token.
However, I would not trust this approach if you're going to be running untrusted code: I'm not entirely certain that it wouldn't be possible for a sufficiently ingenious attacker to use such a token to attack the parent process or other privileged processes. (In particular I'm not sure whether you'd be able to create a new logon session and assign it to the restricted token; this might not be the only issue.)
This isn't a question of what stress testing tools are out there. I'm afraid it's a lot harder than that. (At least for me)
Consider a restful architecture for a forum or blog that generates random IDs for each post.
Simulating creating those topics/articles would be simple, because you'd just be posting form data to an endpoint like: /article, or /topic
But how do you then stress test commenting on those articles/topics? This is different, because the comments need to belong to an article/topic, which means that you need the ids of those items. However, if all you can do is issue posts, and you have no way of pulling those ids, you'd be unable to create them.
I'm creating a site that is similar in this regard, and I have no idea how to stress test the creation of the comments.
I have two ideas, and they're both pretty awful:
Generate a massive system ahead of time with some kind of factory, and then freeze it. From there, I figure I'd have to use some kind of browser automation to create my 'comments' on all of this. The automation would I suppose go through a recording proxy, like what JMeter offers. Then, to run the test, I reload the database, and replay the massive log file.
Use browser automation for the whole thing, taking advantage of the dynamic links delivered in the HTML page. The only option here would be Selenium, and really, we're talking a massive selenium grid that would be extremely expensive. Probably very difficult to maintain also.
Option 2 is completely infeasible near as I can tell, but option 1 sounds excruciating. I'm really hoping someone can suggest something more clever.
Option 1.
I mean, implementation notes aside, you're basically just asking for a testing environment. So, the answer is to make one. In whatever fashion:
Generate it
Make it once and reload it
Randomise it
Whatever. It's the approach to go with.
How do you your testing is kind of a side issue (unit testing/browser/whatever, up to you).
But you've reached a point where you need to test with real data. So make it happen.
This is a common problem. We handle it by extracting the dynamic parts of the URLs from the server responses. I presume this system uses web browser client - which implies that those URLs are being sent in the server responses. If they are in the responses, then you CAN get them. However, since you said "if all you can do is issue posts, and you have no way of pulling those ids", then perhaps this is not the case? In that case, can you clarify?
We've recently been doing a lot of testing of Drupal systems for our customers - which has exactly the problem you've described. We either solve it by extracting the IDs dynamically from the page as the user browses to the page they want to comment on, or we use option 1, or a combination of both. Note that if you have a load testing tool handy, then generation of content is not too difficult - use the tool to do it. I.e. run a "content generation" load test. Besides yielding useful data on its own accord, that will give you a test database that you can then backup/restore as needed to maintain your test infrastructure. Now you can run the test on a more realistic environment - one that has lots of content already in it (assuming, of course, that this is realistic for your purposes).
If you are interested, I'd be happy to demo how we solve the problem using our software (Web Performance Load Tester).
I have used Visual Studio to solve this kind of problem. Visual Studio allows C# coded web tests that can programatically parse the html returned and take action based on that.
I was load testing a SharePoint website and required information to be populated ahead of time. I did create a load test that was specifically for creating "random" pages of content ahead of time. I populated a test harness database with the urls ahead of time, allowing some control over the pages that were loaded.
With a list of "articles" available and a list of potential comments, it is possible to code a pseudo-random number generator (inside a stored procedure because of the asynchronous nature of the test harness) to get a repeatable load test. That meant that the site would be populated in the same way each time the load test was run.
It does take some effort to create a decent way of populating the site off the bat, but the return in the relevance of the load test is quite good.
First off, The Problem:
We have a Web App with a Flash front-end that talks to our ASP.NET web service via SOAP which then deals with all of our server side code (C#).
Right now, we implement a simple user sign on in our application, storing the info in our MSSQL DB.
A client has requested what I understand to be Windows authentication through our application using the currently logged in user.
So, I have been tasked with investigating this. Nobody, including myself, has any experience in this area.
I have been reading up on some basic Active Directory information, and some simple tutorials. I understand how to get access to the directory using ADSI through code. What I'm really interested in seeing is how the entire thing should be architected. I don't want to throw together a hacky solution.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for this kind of thing or have any advice on getting started? More importantly, does this even sound viable?
I know I haven't given much information, but feel free to ask and I will provide answers.
Will, to give you an idea of the scope of this, the network will include every computer in a large hospital. So yes, this is huge. Clearly I need to start small. I would like to come up with something that will work at my office first. Maybe ~10 Windows computers on a single domain. One Domain Controller.
I am also open to any good books on the subject.
If you are going to tie into Active Directory you will want to take a look at the System.DirectoryServices namespace. The implementations can vary wildly depending on your system architecture, but this should give you a good starting point.