Netbeans Including XML and Properties when building Spring projects with Maven - spring

I am new to Maven and Spring. I'm using Netbeans 7 as my IDE, and setting up a Spring 3 project using Maven.
Everything seemed to set up smoothly, and I began running through the Spring User Guide. However, I'm getting a file not found exception when trying to load my context.xml file.
I have an App class located at com.myproject and the context.xml file is located at com.myproject.conf
I'm using the following line of code in to try and load the context.xml file:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("context.xml");
But when I run the application, it results in:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [context.xml]; nested exception is class path resource [context.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
Looking at the NetBeans output, it also looks like it's not picking up the file which is also located in com.myproject.conf
I looked at the jar that the build process created, and the entire com.myproject.conf package is missing, meaning the .xml and .properties are missing as well. I've tried moving these config files to the com.myproject package as well as just putting them at the root of the project which don't yield any different results.
So I'm making the assumption that my maven project isn't set up entirely correctly, or maybe a setting isn't correct within NetBeans.

It seems like you need to learn about resources in Maven projects (such as XML, bitmaps, etc...). These are stored in separate directories. See here.

Put the package in "Other Sources"
I have the same problem with a .property file to manage the Internationalization.
I create it in at the Source Packages directory.
When I build the project and then look at my war file (target).. I don't found the .property file in /WEB-INF/classes/com/company/app/view/resources
Then I put the package in "Other Sources" directory and it works for me.


spring boot loading property file from custom folder

I need to load a property file from src/main/resources/config folder. The loading part is written in a common dependency project where we dont have any control. We are just passing the file name expressed through a dependency. The code snippet in the dependent jar is like below, the standard resource loading.
InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(propertyFileName);
Spring will always look for recources under recources folder directly, in this case its unable to load the file as its in the custom folder and its not under classpath.
How do we explicitly set the custom folder as additional classpath folder?
With maven we could do something like below which works fine. Is there any OOTB way to achieve this with annotation in spring boot?
`// This works if is directly under resource folder
// What if is under resources/config folder.
// Dont say to pass argument as /config/, there are some other limitations.
// So in that case with the same approach, config should come under classpath, so that the below
// method will work always when the property name is passed.
// As mentioned earlier, we can use maven resource settings to achieve this.
// The question here is, is there any way to explicitely advise spring to load property from this folder.
// I have seen something like loader.path config, not sure that helps!
InputStream stream = SpringBootStarter.class.getResourceAsStream("/");`
Before answering, when you say: Spring will always look for recources under recources folder directly, in this case its unable to load the file as its in the custom folder and its not under classpath., this is not correct.
Spring can look anywhere on your system. Here is how you can load different properties file with Spring and Spring boot:
#PropertySource("classpath:config/") => Will look under the class path for a file located under the config folder, at the root of your classpath.
#PropertySource("file:/config/") => Will look for the file at the root of your filesystem, here under /config/
Now, there is the question of "what is the classpath", it seems like it is worth more explanation.
The classpath is for the JVM what the filesystem is for your OS. When you execute some java code (.jar file for instance), the JVM stores all the files you specify. You can specify files when executing java -classpath /a/shared/folder,/a/dependency/app.jar,myApp.jar MainClass. (See this for some others ways:
Quite often, what happens for developers (before we use Spring) was this:
We develop our application, and use maven for managing the dependencies
We execute our app with the IDE, everything works just as fine, life is wonderful
We are ready to go live (in production). We generate the famous myApp.jar and try executing the application java -jar myApp.jar and... Nothing works. You have issues with java (I assume you setup the main-class in the Manifest...) and you get something like Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: my.dependency.OtherClass...
Finally, you realize life is hard and you are not ready to go live right now. You need to have something you can execute easily.
One possible solution to this, to avoid having classpath issues is to put everything in your JAR (called in spring-boot the FAT jar) and you use java -jar myApp.jar and it is working fine.
By default, when you generate a maven project, automatically you have some folders included like:
src/main/java => your java files and packages
src/main/resources => your config files (like .properties)
src/test/java => Your java test files
src/test/resources => the resources handy for your tests
When you generate your jar (more or less every configuration you added to your maven project, but let's say it is okay), what happens is the compiler takes all the folders and files under src/main/java and src/main/resources and put them at the root of your jar. (Don't hesitate to have a look inside your jar files. This is just a Zip, you can open it, browse it, and see for yourself).
With that said, when you say How do we explicitly set the custom folder as additional classpath folder?, and you talk about a custom folder located under src/main/resources, then when you generate your Jar, the custom folder will be in jar, and therefor, in your classpath.
If you still have troubles, this actions will help you:
Unzip your jar files and check what is inside. If you don't see any config/ folder in it, maybe your Jar generation is wrong
Try using #PropertySource(...) to load properties file, in your classpath and in your filesystem, to see how it works and what you achieve
Have also a look to this:
Don't hesitate to migrate more and more of your old code to Spring-boot, will be a lot easier for you.

Spring cannot find file in classpath, but it's right there at the root of the war file

I have a project using the standard Maven web app layout, deployed within Tomcat 8.5 in Eclipse Photon (with latest updates).
Inside of src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\applicationContext.xml, there is an <import resource="classpath:/other-spring-stuff.xml" />
I verified the other-spring-stuff.xml which is normally sitting in src/main/resources, appears in the root of the WAR generated by mvn install.
But when trying to run the app in Tomcat within Eclipse, I get:
20:37:17 SEVERE: Servlet [servletSpringDispatcher] in web application [/myapp] threw load() exception - 2018-08-27 #{org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext loadOnStartup} class path resource [spring.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(
at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(
at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.importBeanDefinitionResource(
I don't really know whether this is a problem with Maven, Eclipse, or Spring.
What can cause this? This is actually in a project that was working fine until yesterday, and nothing changed on the project configuration.
The original problem (spring.xml not found) and secondary problem (false report of missing web.xml) were both resolved by taking the following steps:
Delete the project from the workspace, but keep it on the file system
Go to the project's filesystem location and delete .project, .classpath, and .settings/
Re-Import the project into Eclipse, select Existing Maven Project as project type
To prevent reocurrence: remove .project, .classpath, and .settings/* from git and then add them to .gitignore
I believe the root cause is that one of these Eclipse-specific config files that was checked into the repo had become corrupted and/or incompatible with my version of Eclipse. Also: these files seem to contain absolute-path references to things in the workspace, so they break when the project is checked out unmodified to a different location.

Freemarker Configuration in a spring boot app

I am migrating a multi module maven project from SpringToolsSuite to IntelliJ Idea Ultimate Edition. I am using freemarker to generate xml files. When I launch the project from STS the template folder is well configured and the template is found and everything works.
But when I run the application from Intellij Idea the template folder is not found by the system.
Here is the error from the stacktrace:
freemarker.template.TemplateNotFoundException: Template not found for name "AnaCredit_Bbk_Riad.ftl".
The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: FileTemplateLoader(baseDir="C:\", canonicalBasePath="C:\").
My code to set the directory for template loading is this:
cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File("/"));
These properties exists in application.yml:
spring.freemarker.template-loader-path: /
spring.freemarker.suffix: .ftl
What must be configured to get the same results in both STS and Idea?
Why does it work in SpringToolsSuite but not in Idea?

Deploy a embedded Jetty&Jersey war to jetty9,only can see static file?

I cteate a jetty&jersey embedded project with IDEA and Maven,I put it in Github Run start the server, in the browser address bar enter localhost:8080/dynamic, show OK, enter localhost:8080/static, show static resource file
Now I package it to a war file,and put it in jetty webapps directory. But only can see static file in brower with enter localhost:8080/static.404 Not Found Error when in brower with enter localhost:8080/dynamic
What happend?
What should I do to package this project into a war file or jar file and run it in jetty successfully?
You are doing things in your embedded-jetty usage in that you do not declare/configure in your webapp or war file.
It's a maven project, but not declared as a webapp or war project (in the pom.xml)
Its doesn't have its WEB-INF in the right place (maven directory structure wise), which means your built war file is invalid.
The dependencies are not declared correctly for a webapp or war project (you cannot include jetty-server in a war file)
Your badly located WEB-INF/web.xml does not perform the same configuration steps as your
You don't specify how you created your ${jetty.base} directory to support this war file?
You didn't specify what version of jetty-distribution or jetty-home you downloaded, or are attempting to work with.
The statement "and put it in jetty webapps directory" is unclear, which one? (using jetty-distribution/webapps is invalid and will cause many errors and warnings if you attempt to use it for your own webapps, there's no jetty-home/webapps, and you didn't identify your jetty-base configuration)
The way your project is declared right now, even if manually assembled, skipping maven entirely, you have no servlets, no filters, no listeners, no intializers, only a servlet spec mandated DefaultServlet on url-pattern / giving you static content. That's why accessing http://localhost:8080/static/ works, but nothing else.

TIBCO Error: One Concept file not compiling

I am trying to build the project and the build is successful. However when I try to deploy the EAR file, it is throwing a class not found exception. I looked into the EAR file and I am seeing that the file which is throwing the error is not compiling and creating a class file. It is a concept file. Any help would be appreciated.
Try manually adding the missing file on the Resources tab of the enterprise archive's Shared Archive object. This should force it to be included in the EAR file.
