passing values from ASP.NET to php - session

I am working on a project which is coded in ASP.NET now I need to add some PHP pages to it. But I have to pass the email address from ASP.NET to PHP page. I know its possible by using URL transfer method but its not secured as users can modify it. I need session transfer method to pass these values. Is there any direct way to do that or indirectly is it possible by using JavaScripts or jQuery or any other method?

Is your information being passed over http or https? It makes a big difference. You can do something such as the following without getting too complicated:
ASP.NET > update the web.config to:
In your asp page:
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(‘name’);
cookie.Secure = True;
cookie.Value = ‘’;
It's also possible to do a separate session id for http (could be md5(securesessid)) and make the association in server level; Just remember not to trust an insecure sess if going back and forth.
In your php page:
$cookies = getCookies();
$sessionId = $cookies['ASP.NET_SessionId'];
another way is via php/soap:
echo "cookie is ".$client->_cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"][0];


Laravel 5.1 use session to restrict direct access using urls users based on user role

I have 2 laravel projects, 1 for the front end where i m using html css angularjs. The second for api controllers. I call using http post and get the api controllers functions using angularjs to get content data.
In the front end i have a menu this menu appears differently based on user role, if admin or no.
This is done. My problem is the access for views using the url in the browser.
So I have a query where I get for each user what modules in the menu can he see. Now I'm putting the result in Laravel session.
$menu = DB::select menu by user id ... //Getting menu query based on user if admin or no
session(["menu" => $menu);
return session('menu');
I'm getting the results and the menu is showing good in the website based on the logged user if he s admin or no.
Now, to solve the direct url access issue, I want to use this session and compare the url to this session, if the url exists in the session i will let him access, if no i will redirect him to somewhere.
any idea?
I would strongly suggest looking at the Laravel documentation on Authorization before going too far down a custom implementation:
Without knowing more about how your front-end and back-end applications interact with each other, it is a little difficult to get into speciifics but i shall do my best.
Each page returned by Laravel has access to a Request object which contains information about the request which returned the page. You can access this Request and its assocaited Route using Laravels helper functions (if you are not passing it to the view already). The getPrefix() method will return the root relative url which you can then use as you see fit. For example:
// Return and store the URL as a string
$url = request()->route()->getPrefix();
// Check your session for the URL/s you want to allow and compare to the stored URL
if (session()->get('URL') == $url) {
// User is allowed access to the page
// Do something ...
} else {
// User is not allowed access to this page
// Redirect back or to a route of your choice
return redirect()->back();
I hope this gives you some ideas, good luck!

Yii2 $session->setId() not working

I'm using Ajax to log in a user from subdomain. The Yii2 app is on another subdomain. Both subdomains are configured to use same cookie and session domains and save paths. I'm including session ID with Ajax call to write the user information to the same session used by non-app subdomain like this:
$session = Yii::$app->session;
$session[""] = $user->id;
echo $session->id; // This does not return the same ID originating from post!
Unfortunately the user information IS NOT written to the session already existing, but a new one. Is there a session involved somewhere in the middle of login process or why isn't it working? I've also tried session_id($post["session"]), but nothing.
This was actually working on previous domain, so I must be missing something. All of the AJAX posted info is correct and checked, the user is logged in properly (checked the logs) but into wrong session.
Thanks in advance!
yii\web\Session::setId() is a wrapper for session_id(), you should read PHP documentation about this function :
string session_id([ string $id ])
If id is specified, it will replace the current session id. session_id() needs to be called before session_start() for that purpose.
So you should simply try :
$session = Yii::$app->session;
I Don't think you are following the correct way to SET & GET session.
Try This:
$session = Yii::$app->session;
$session->set('id', $post["session"]);
echo $session->get('id');
For more info, please click Session Management - Yii2

How to get json data from Server with jquery mobile?

I am trying to get the Bitcoin course from a web server.
Then we try it with a JSON from local, it works.
In Firebug, I can see the get request to, but there is no answer.
What's wrong with my code?
$('#LitecoinMenue').append('<p><b>Litecoin: 42</b></p>');
$.each(data.USD, function(index,item){
$('#BitcoinMenue').append('<p><b>Bitcoin:'+ item+'</b></p>');
The reason your code doesn't work is because of a rule called Same-origin policy. This rule requires that all AJAX requests are made to a file on the same domain name. It is not possible to use $.getJSON, or any other AJAX function to load a file from an external domain.
There are only a few options available, the most common is to create a PHP file to act as a proxy, and store it on the same domain. For example:
$url = base64_decode($_GET['url']);
return file_get_contents($url);
Your page above
$('#LitecoinMenue').append('<p><b>Litecoin: 42</b></p>');
$.each(data.USD, function(index,item){
$('#BitcoinMenue').append('<p><b>Bitcoin:'+ item+'</b></p>');
Important Notes:
This is just an example. In a real life situation you would probably want to use cURL to get your file. You should also ensure that it is secured so that someone cannot use Firebug to send an AJAX request to fetch a big file (like a movie) or your server could crash.
As you can see, the URL is base64 encoded. This is to ensure that it gets processed correctly as sometimes there are issues when passing an unencoded URL as a GET parameter. You can encode and decode base64 strings with these online converters: and, or you can use the built in PHP functions base64_encode() and base64_decode().

codeigniter php native sessions without using cookies or URL session id, but matching browserfingerprints in database

Because of european privacy law being harsly applied in the Netherlands and to keep my company's site user friendly without nagging the users with questions if it's okay to store a cookie on their computer that allows me to access their client data.
What I need is a way to "overwrite" the native php sessions class so that at the point where the native class requests the cookie that stores the phpsessid, that I can place my own code there that checks the browsers fingerprint and matches that to a session id which I can use to return the normal working of the native class.
My idea is:
table sess_fingerprints
Fields: fingerprint - phpsessid
function getsessionid()
$result = $this->db->query("SELECT phpsessid
FROM `sessiondatabase`.`sess_fingerprints`
WHERE `sess_fingerprints`.`fingerprint` = '$userfingerprint'");
if($result->num_rows() != 0)
return $result->row->phpsessid;
and at that point the native php session code just works as it would normally do.
So, my question is: is it possible to overwrite only the "cookie" part of the phpsession class? if so, how? because I haven't found that yet.
I'm aware of being able to pass along the session variable via urls etc, but that's not secure enough for my web applications.
PHP provides support for custom session handlers:
I think I have found the solution to my problem.
I'm going to override the functions related to cookies by using
Thank you all for thinking along.

Windows phone 7 - How to use HTTPWebRequest to POST / GET data from a .jsp site[with cookies]

Title sums it up fairly well.
Said site has cookies, I need to post data from a textbox as a value on said site, and get one of two variables back. I was reading through some tutorials and a few Windows phone 7 books. None of them were related to what I was trying to do. They only dealt with single whole files or something that could be made into a URL. I could also do it that way if someone had a way to also use cookies and just send it as a url [but i do not know how to construct the url in such a way to make that a realistic solution].
You should be able to send cookie's using code like:
CookieContainer container = new CookieContainer();
container.Add(new Uri("http://yoursite"), new Cookie("name", "value"));
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://yoursite");
request.CookieContainer = container;
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetData), request);
Code borrowed from HttpWebRequest and Set-Cookie header in response not parsed (WP7)
If the server is expecting to use cookies (e.g. for authentication) then there is no way that you'll be able to use form variables/query parameters instead.
You need to use a tool called Fiddler to inspect the calls that the website currently makes - this will include a mixture of:
cookie variables - especially for authentication
get variables - passed within the url path
and post variables - passed within the body of the request
If you do need to do a full POST, then you will need to set variables like - request.Method and request.ContentType - and you will need to brovide a RequestStream. There are libraries you can use like HAMMOCK to help - or I've got some example code in iron7 - see the DoCodePost method at the botom of this uploader class - or take a look at lots of other projects on CodePlex and GitHub.
