What reasons could cause WebSecurity.ChangePassword() to FAil? - membership-provider

I'm working on a Razor project and need to integrate an existing User database into the SimpleMembership Provider DB Schema. This is done by specifying my existing User table and which columns are to be used by the SimpleMembership API for the Username and UserID.
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DB_ConnStr", "User", "UserId", "Username", true);
In the process though, I am populating the webpages_Membership table with a new record for each User row in my existing database. This has gone fine and I have written some code to handle the inserts for each existing user.
During the insert, I use a dummy encrypted password token for simplicity and set the password to be the same for everyone. Then I need to run another script over the records to set the correct password for each user in the webpages_Membership table. This involves decrypting the current password from the existing User table, and then calling:
WebSecurity.ChangePassword( username, dummyPwd, newPwd)
on each user, passing the decrypted current password as the 'newPwd' parameter.
This works fine in 99% of the cases that it's called - for over 100,000 records. But it is failing in about 40 cases.
What reasons could cause this method to fail?

My first guess would be that the hash of the new password might be exceeding the 128 character limit.
When the ChangePassword call fails, can you catch the exception to get details behind the reason of the failure?


Getting the user by password reset token in Laravel without explicitly writing SQL query

I am developing a Laravel application. Now, I am trying to customise the password reset feature. I am trying to get the user by password reset token. I looked at the underlying database schema. There is a table called, password_resets. It has email, token and created_at columns. I can get the email of the user by token from that table. The thing is since there is no model created for that table, I will have to write the SQL query manually like this.
DB::select('SELECT * FROM password_resets WHERE token=?', [ $token ])
or the query builder
But I am trying to avoid using manual query. Is there a way to get the user by password reset token without writing manual SQL query?

Linking logged in user to object data on Parse.com

I'm new to using Parse.com and I'm trying to understand the general relationship between a logged in user and user-specific data.
I've figured out and understand how to create users and objects but I'm fuzzy on how to connect the two.
Is it as simple as creating a user and then once their logged in, storing an object with their username as the key?
Then when a user signs in successfully, you retrieve the object under their username key?
I just want to make sure I'm approaching this from the right angle, since I plan on having a lot of users and I also want the most secure approach.
I've read through the Parse.com documentation but can't seem to find the connection between the two. Any help is appreciated!
Do you mean when the user submits any details it is recorded with their User ID? If so, then this code will work for you:
ParseUser user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();
//yourObjectID.put("User", user);
There is no user-specific data (all data is global with respect to the app ID you registered, as Parse is a database), but you can store data inside a ParseUser object. You can also give it access controls (an ACL), so only that user can read/write it. When the user signs in successfully, I don't believe it will be part of the ParseUser object yet, you need to fetch the data. (This is definitely true for object fields, but I'm not sure about simple fields like strings and ints. It deserves testing.)
There is a caveat to this. Depending on which SDK you're using, some of that information may be cached. In Unity 3D, for instance, the ParseUser object will retain all its data between program invocations (and indeed, will remain logged in).

RESTful API - validation of related records

I implementing RESTful API service and i have a question about saving related records.
For example i have users table and related user_emails table. User emails should be unique.
On client side i have a form with user data fields and a number of user_email fields (user can add any number of fields independently). When the user saves the form i must first make query to create record in users table to get her ID, ​​and only then i can make query to save user emails (because in now i have id of record which come with response after saving user data). But if user enters not unique email in any field then the request will fail. So I create a record in the users table but not create record in user_emails table.
What are the approaches to implement validation of all this data before saving?
This is nor related restful api but transactional processing on the backend. If you are using Java, with JPA you can persist both element in the same transaction then you can notice if there is a problem and rollback the entire transaction returning a response.
I would condense it down to a single request, if you could. Just for performance's sake, if nothing else. Use the user_email as your key, and have the request return some sort of status result: if the user_email is unique, it'll respond with a success message. Otherwise, it'd indicate failure.
It's much better to implement that check solely on the server side and not both with the ID value unless you need to. It'll offer better performance to do that, and it'll let you change your implementation later more easily.
As for the actual code you use, since I'm not one hundred percent on what you're actually asking, you could use a MERGE if you're using SQL Server. That'd make it a bit easier to import the user's email and let the database worry about duplicates.

Best Practices For Creating A Login Flow?

What is the best way to securely login in a user and keep the user signed in with cookies and sessions?
For example:
Check if password and email are valid for a specific user
Set a cookie with arbitrary string
Create a session with the same arbitrary string
Validate each request by the user by making sure the arbitrary strings of the cookie and session are the same
What is the best way to securly login in a user and keep the user signed in with cookies and sessions?
Using an established library.
It depends on how you define "create a session". For our purposes here let's define this as "create a server-side data store with an id and set a cookie with that id"; i.e. what the default session_start() does. Then:
Ensure the connection is HTTPS.
Check login credentials.
If valid, create a session (see above) with a large, (pseudo-)random id and an expiration time as short as possible but as long as necessary. Security here comes from the fact that it's infeasible to guess suitably random session ids, so the longer they are and the shorter their window of validity is the better.
Store the id of the logged in user in the session.
On each page request, see if the session with the id from the cookie exists; if so, use the user id stored in it to get your logged in user.
Optionally storing and checking the user agent is not a bad idea; you should not check the IP address though, as that may change legitimately.
Apart from storing it in sessions , you can also follow this method for keeping an user logged in , even after he closes the browser ->
1) Create a cookie storing user details and an unique hash
2) Create a sessions table (in a mysql db or any other db of your choice) where the unique hash is stored against the user-id, and the user agent of the browser,and the ip address .
3) Next time when the user logs in check that when the user logs in , is it from the same ip,same user agent .. If not , then delete the database entry , and repeat steps 1 and 2.
Apart from keeping an user logged in , it also gives you better security than just storing in sessions.

Why can't I trust a client-generated GUID? Does treating the PK as a composite of client-GUID and a server-GUID solve anything?

I'm building off of a previous discussion I had with Jon Skeet.
The gist of my scenario is as follows:
Client application has the ability to create new 'PlaylistItem' objects which need to be persisted in a database.
Use case requires the PlaylistItem to be created in such a way that the client does not have to wait on a response from the server before displaying the PlaylistItem.
Client generates a UUID for PlaylistItem, shows the PlaylistItem in the client and then issue a save command to the server.
At this point, I understand that it would be bad practice to use the UUID generated by the client as the object's PK in my database. The reason for this is that a malicious user could modify the generated UUID and force PK collisions on my DB.
To mitigate any damages which would be incurred from forcing a PK collision on PlaylistItem, I chose to define the PK as a composite of two IDs - the client-generated UUID and a server-generated GUID. The server-generated GUID is the PlaylistItem's Playlist's ID.
Now, I have been using this solution for a while, but I don't understand why/believe my solution is any better than simply trusting the client ID. If the user is able to force a PK collison with another user's PlaylistItem objects then I think I should assume they could also provide that user's PlaylistId. They could still force collisons.
So... yeah. What's the proper way of doing something like this? Allow the client to create a UUID, server gives a thumbs up/down when successfully saved. If a collision is found, revert the client changes and notify of collison detected?
You can trust a client generated UUID or similar global unique identifier on the server. Just do it sensibly.
Most of your tables/collections will also hold a userId or be able to associate themselves with a userId through a FK.
If you're doing an insert and a malicious user uses an existing key then the insert will fail because the record/document already exists.
If you're doing an update then you should validate that the logged in user owns that record or is authorized (e.g. admin user) to update it. If pure ownership is being enforced (i.e. no admin user scenario) then your where clause in locating the record/document would include both the Id and the userId. Now technically the userId is redundant in the where clause because the Id will uniquely find one record/document. However adding the userId makes sure the record belongs to the user that's doing the update and not the malicious user.
I'm assuming that there's an encrypted token or session of some sort that the server is decrypting to ascertain the userId and that this is not supplied by the client otherwise that's obviously not safe.
A nice solution would be the following: To quote Sam Newman's "Building Microservices":
The calling system would POST a BatchRequest, perhaps passing in a
location where a file can be placed with all the data. The Customer
service would return a HTTP 202 response code, indicating that the
request was accepted, but has not yet been processed. The calling
system could then poll the resource waiting until it retrieves a 201
Created indicating that the request has been fulfilled
So in your case, you could POST to server but immediately get a response like "I will save the PlaylistItem and I promise its Id will be this one". Client (and user) can then continue while the server (maybe not even the API, but some background processor that got a message from the API) takes its time to process, validate and do other, possibly heavy logic until it saves the entity. As previously stated, API can provide a GET endpoint for the status of that request, and the client can poll it and act accordingly in case of an error.
