Upgrading Magento from 1.1.8 to 1.5 stable - magento

Am looking to upgrade Mangeto from version 1.1.8 to version 1.5.
This is a quite a leap I am taking I know, but and I have tried the following already (as some one else had suggested on another site):
dump v1.1.8 database, restore it in a new database.
install magento 1.5 pointing on the restored v1.1.8 database
let the upgrader run
add the old theme files
test that it all works.
When doing that, the upgrader kept saying some tables already existed.
Can anyone help me out?

It's fine now, basically make sure you're using the same server environment.


Error after upgrading Joomla 3.1.5 to 3.2.3 - what's the proper method?

I've tried every method I can think of to update from 3.1.5 to 3.2.3 and each time it pretty much kills my site and leaves me with the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JLoader::registerAlias() in /homepages/.../libraries/cms.php on line 61
At which point I just clobber the rest of the site and reinstall my backup (oh man you GOTTA LOVE Akeeba).
I've upgraded Joomla successfully and unsuccessfully about 100 times over the past few years on various sites and this is the first time I'm stumped as how to move forward.
One interesting piece of data is in the Admin Control Panel of the 3.1.5 is that the Joomla version says "Unknown" even though the System Information lists it as 3.1.5.
So, anyway, what is the ABSOLUTE, BLESSED method for moving from 3.1.5 to 3.2.3? If I should simply be able to install the 3.2.3 upgrade zip file then I guess I'm toast. In that case, what would happen if I left the database as is and cleared out all the files and then installed the 3.2.3 full stable package? Would that work?
Do you have Akeeba backup installed? You need to make sure it is updated first before updating joomla.
So if yo have a back up, restore that, update Akeeba, then update Joomla again.
The solution was pretty easy, though unexpected. See here.

Magento upgrade from 1.5 to 1.7

I am upgrading magento version 1.5 store to magento version 1.7. Current store has more than 1000 products, more than 100 categories, more than 20 attribute sets, more than 500 customers,more than 500 orders and Database size is more than 600MB.
Above details are mentioned in order to have the idea of store size. Furthermore, I am trying it on local machine with wamp server installed.
Here are the steps involved to upgrade:
Export Current Database (Imported it in gzipped format with option "Disable foreign key checks" checked). As I was unable to export it in normal sql formate due to large size of database.
Created new database and imported the Database exported.
Downloaded fresh 1.7 stable version from magentocommerce.com
Tried to install this fresh magento 1.7 in newly created Database, in which exported database was recently imported.
Next steps were to install theme, copy extensions and copy media folders.
But when I tried to install magento 1.7, it always give me this error :
"This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at http://localhost/magento17/index.php/install/ has resulted in too many redirects. "
Here is the link to which I was following:
Link I followed
Note that my main focus is upgrading from 1.5 to 1.7, so much focus must be on that rather then resolving this issue if it is not the right way to do.
And If there is any better and proven way to upgrade to 1.7 from 1.5, kindly share it.
If you want to upgrade you dont need to install and move DB and theme.
Refer this link.
Note: If you followed best practices in Magento and didn't modify core code then upgrade should run smoothly.
Expected issues are that your Local and Community folder modules might need some fixes.

magento - clean installation with products, customers and orders from old installation

i have magento 1.6.2 running on a dedicated server (ubuntu 10.04 lts)
I have tried various ways to upgrade magento to, but with no success.
Now i am thinking of installing a fresh magento and rebuilding the shop.
This way i don't have the litter anymore of old deleted extensions.
But i want all my current data like products, orders, customers, mailinglist etc. imported in my new fresh installation.
How can i do this? Or isn't this a good idea?
I hope someone can help me ...
Try the Magento database repair tool:
I would install over what you have got after removing tables/keys that don't need to be there. The above tool will enable you to identify what is to be deleted. It will also give you confidence in your db build.
Not upgrading to latest version rather having a free install is doesn't seem to be a good idea because you can import all the products & Customers but there is no direct way to import the orders and other information on the fresh Installation.
I would personally suggest that you should once more try to upgrade to the latest version as I have upgraded several projects from Magento ver 1.6.2 to the latest and no such big issue occurred while upgrading.
Basic things you just need to keep in mind like keeping the back-up before upgrade and all..
Use the latest connect20 key for the upgrade i.e.
Hope this helps or you can tell the errors that you are facing during the upgrade.
I have found it ...
A new installation will work in the following way ...
copy your db-base
copy your media folder to a new folder
than copy the fresh files downloaded from magento OS commerce to the server
install magento and fill in your db base credentials from point 1 ...
now you have a fresh installation, but with all your data (orders, customers, products, newsletters etc.)

Should I upgrade Magento before changing the theme?

I have a Magento store running on and the client wants to give the site a facelift. Would it be better to stay with the current version and just modify the current version or should I migrate to a newer version?
Additionally, is it possible to backup the existing store on ver. and just do a fresh install of a newer version and restore?
Upgrading from 1.3.x to 1.6.x will not be as straight forward as you may think.
My suggestion is to setup a copy of your existing site, and attempt the upgrade BEFORE a redesign. Unless your client is okay with staying with the same version of Magento.
You can also create a copy of the database and upload the latest version of Magento, you'll then need to copy over your app/etc/local.xml file from your installation and modify it to use your duplicate database.
More reading:
Would it be better to stay with the current version and just modify the current version or should I migrate to a newer version?
Modify the current version unless your client can pay you to perform the upgrade.
Additionally, is it possible to backup the existing store on ver. and just do a fresh install of a newer version and restore?
Of course.
A bunch of stuff changed in 1.4 with regards to the layout/design system. We had to change several things to get the update right so I'd suggest you upgrade first.

Magento Upgrade Issue from 1.4.2 to 1.6

Error in file:
/usr/local/sites/client/magento_site/app/code/core/Mage/Customer/sql/customer_setup/mysql4-upgrade-" - SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'customer_form_attribute' already exists
I tried upgrading this using this tutorial from turnkeye to go from 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 and then to 1.6 but after all the mage upgrading was complete, when I hit the website to upgrade the database I get errors about database tables that already exist and it appears to be running a database upgrade script for a version of magento before 1.4.2. I know this error is extremely common and I have seen many blogs posts about it and read all that I have found -- I see no resolution besides starting a fresh install.
I've heard people say this can happen if a previous upgrade didn't complete successfully but I don't think that is the case here -- I think it was a fresh install at 1.4.1 (at least I don't believe I ever upgraded it). Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
Note 1: I also tried the upgrade by overwriting the 1.4.1 files via SSH with successive version of magento -- always the same database errors though. If I remove the mysql-upgrade script that is failing, then another one fails in its place with a simliar 'table already exists' error.
Note 2: I also made sure I cleared /var/cache and /var/session and even tried reindexing. No success.
Looks like it is just complaining about a table already existing. Either install a fresh version of you database from before you tried to upgrade then clear cache and sessions and try again
Just open the file referenced and temporarly comment out the part that is installing the table again. That should allow you to by pass the error.
Then you can download the magento Database Repair Tool to ensure that your tables are correct.
