Chrome + webkit translate3d, mangles images - image

This is a bit weird. When I apply -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); to images on a site I am building, they look fine initially. But when I start scrolling or resize the browser window to above a certain size (roughly past 1200x1024) the images get all glitched up, containing parts of other images, or of the site. All stretched, cut up. Sometimes even change color and whatnot. This also applies to the #font-face text that is floating above the images. I assume this is very isolated case in combination with Win7x64/ATI Firepro v5800/Chrome version. But its a bit annoying to build a site this way :)
Anyone came across a similar issue and knows how to solve it, or should i just notify google of this?


fix for blurry images on browsers used by a mac retina

I am making a game sorta like cookie clicker, and I want the images to look 8 bit. I use a macbook pro retina, which has four pixels for every one pixel on a normal screen. On Chrome and Safari, instead of each pixel being represented by 2x2 pixels, I get a bunch of blurry blobs... I don't have this problem on FireFox. There's this one website called that is made for pixel art, and I don't have the blurry problem there. Whenever I open one of the images from PixelJoint in a new tab, the image goes back to blurry. I heard that the problem is that the images are scaled before they are displayed on chrome and safari, but I'm not too sure.
Here are two screenshots to show what I'm talking about:
I would also like to point out that the images are normal .gif files.
I am aware that you can convert a gif file to an svg with this link
and an svg file looks fine on retina.
All I want to know is how PixelJoint makes the pixels look so smooth.
I figured it out, you need to use CSS!
img {image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;image-rendering: optimize-contrast;image-rendering: pixelated; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; }
I found this in the source code, so I guess this is how PixelJoint does it.

Safari Image sizes on responsive site not consistent

I would be very grateful for some help with a Safari image resizing issue as I have spent three days on this one problem.
I am building a responsive store with Woo Commerce using the Canvas template.
The problem is with the Safari won't enlarge the images to fit their container div and be evenly spaced and sized.
Here is a category page for your reference:
Here is a single product page, with the issue at the bottom beneath: "Products you may like":
I researched extensively all over the internet to find a solution and keep hearing to change the height and width in my CSS to:
ul.products li.product a img {
height: 100%!important;
width: 100%!important;
It's making them stretch, and is therefore not a solution.
In my Woo Commerce configuration, I have set the size of that picture to be 210*300px - Safari is not recognizing that...or maybe it is and is not outputting it immediately?
Perhaps you are having the same experience as I am in seeing the image expand when you mouse over it. Strange indeed...
I appreciate any help...thank you!

Safari changing font weights when unrelated animations are running

I'm using css animations on my page and Safari seems to change unrelated font weights elsewhere on the page when animations are running. Any idea why this happens? All other browsers work fine, include webkit ones like Chrome.
I've detailed the bug in a video here -
The site is also here - but it might keep changing rapidly.
I'm using compass (#transition-property, #transition-duration) on the arrow icons. No transitions applied on the heading that's flashing. On a Mac - so it might be the hardware acceleration, but I'm still trying to figure it out.
When you trigger GPU compositing (eg, through CSS animation), the browser sends that element to the GPU, but also anything that would appear on top of that element if its top/left properties were changed. This includes any position:relative elements that appear after the animating one.
The solution is to give the animating element position:relative and a z-index that puts it above everything else. That way you get your animation but keep the (superior IMO) sub-pixel font rendering on unrelated elements.
Here's a demo of the problem and solution
Update: Newer versions of Chrome retain sub-pixel antialiasing on GPU composited elements as long as the element has no transparency, eg has a background with no transparent or semi-transparent pixels. Note that things like border-radius introduce semi-transparent pixels.
Apparently, that's the price you pay for hardware acceleration: all text momentarily turns into images, which causes the drop in render quality.
However, applying html {-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased} to turn off the sub-pixel anti-aliasing makes this problem go away. That's what I'm doing for now.
UPDATE: Since then, I've also come to learn that this happens only when the browser can't be sure if the section being animated is going to affect the text. This can usually be handled by having the text above (higher z-index than) the elements being animated, and/or making sure the text has a fully opaque background.
I've faced this issue numerous times and have had success adding the following css to the animated element:
z-index: 60000;
position: relative;
It seems it needs both z-index and position to be effective. In my case I was using it with Font Awesome animated spinners.

Does Firefox/Opera handle positioned/multiple background images?

Having issues getting specific background images to display in Firefox/Opera, all other browsers are playing ball (except obviously IE, for which I've had to compromise).
Currently, Opera won't allow multiple background images like so:
background-image: url('/images/h2_default_bg.png'), url('/images/dashed_bg_default.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat-x;
background-position: top left, bottom left;
Also both Firefox and Opera are both being awkward when a background image is positioned in pixels:
background: url('/assets/images/dashed_bg.gif') bottom 2px repeat-x;
Are there any simple workarounds for either of these problems?
Multiple backgrounds are only supported starting from Firefox 3.6 and Opera 10.5. Are those the versions you're testing in? Chrome and Safari already support them, which I presume you mean with "all other browsers ... except obviously IE"
As for your second problem, the spec says this about the background-position syntax:
If two values are given and at least one value is not a keyword, then the first value represents the horizontal position (or offset) and the second represents the vertical position (or offset).
So you've given them in the wrong order. Make it 2px bottom instead.
Currently, Opera won't allow multiple background images like so:
Multiple background images like that are not possible in CSS2 / 2.1, which at the moment we still have to adhere to.
See this quirksmode page on which browsers currently support multiple backgrounds.
As for the other settings, background position definitely works across browsers, I'm not aware of any incompatibilies there. What exactly happens in Firefox and Opera?
As you found out, multiple backgrounds works in all the modern browsers. It does work in Opera as of version 10.5. There is no information on whether IE9 will have it nor if/when IE will ever support it.

Scroll Lag with CSS3 box-shadow property?

I added a box-shadow to a section of a page recently to give it the same shadow border effect that is seen on Mac OS X apps. It looked great, but I noticed that scrolling up and down on the page made it lag. I usually only see this on pages that have annoying background images and tons of images and embedded videos plastered all over (cough MySpace cough). I originally decided to use box-shadow since I figured that it would remove the need to use an image, which would remove any possibility of scroll lag.
I know that CSS3 is still new, but is this the reason for the lag? Is the shadow being software rendered or something? When I apply the box shadow to smaller elements, it doesn't lag at all. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
I just tried it on the Stack Overflow front page, on the #content div using Firebug with a setting of:
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px;
And I did notice some scroll lag afterwards. I am using Firefox 3.5.
My question is, what are some alternatives to using this attribute if I want to add a Mac OS X style border to a section of my page?
On a side note, does anyone know if it is possible to apply the box shadow only to the top, left, and right sides of the element and not the bottom? I tried 1px -1px 10px but it still shows the shadow on the bottom. If I keep decreasing the second offset, it eventually removes the shadow from the bottom but then the top shadow is now way darker and bigger.
And yes, I have seen the articles on box-shadow at:
CSS3 Info
fredericiana's blog
Your best bet would be to use -moz-border-image instead. That should solve both your issues.
E.g. you could use an image like this,
, combined with CSS like this
-moz-border-image: url(shadow.png) 10 / 10px;
to create your shadow. And since you're using an image, you can leave out the bottom shadow as well, if you want.
You're not going to be able to remove the shadow from the bottom using -moz-box-shadow; it's not called "box shadow" for nothing. It applies a shadow to the entire box. You can't specify a shadow for each side separately like with border, say. The best you could do is fiddle around with the placement, blur and spread of the shadow. But that inevitably leads to a darker shadow on the opposite side.
I get the box shadow lag as well when I try it on Stackoverflow. It affects performance on Safari as well when I try -webkit-box-shadow, though it isn't as noticeable as in Firefox. The performance will hopefully improve in the future, but I presume the shadow will always have some impact since as far as I know it is software rendered.
This has been fixed in webkit as of two days ago. :)
You can pick up a chromium nightly to try it out.
I looked in FF3.6 and FF4 and don't see terrible scroll performance there, so it might be addressed there as well.
The issue still persists in Chrome for Android as of the current date. Some box-shadow combos result in a poor scrolling performance. In my case stacking two inset box-shadows (e.g. top / bottom) lead to the described problem. The only solution I can provide is to make the box-shadows less complex and try again...that worked for me. That's unsatisfactory but yeah instead u can also use the border-image solution or remove the affected box-shadow completely. Hope this gets fixed soon, finally. Btw the Android Version of Firefox does not have the problems anymore (for my css3). Moreover the desktop versions of both browsers are not affected in my case.
#shadow {
-moz-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Firefox under v15.0#
-webkit-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Safari, Chrome under v15.0, Android & iOS#
-o-border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #Opera under v15.0#
border-image: url(img.png) 10 / 10px; #IE v11+, other new Browser#
Cross browser version for old and new browser.
Simple img:
style :fixed for images too overload perfomance browser
