I have this very annoying visual issue with the "find symbol results" window on VS 2010. I have few sessions running and on the more recent sessions I have opened the font seems to be very ugly and bold. I was trying to set it to default font by clicking the "Use Defaults" under Options -> Font and Colors but it want change. Can someone please help ,e.
I found that the following seems to work:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment > Fonts and Colours
Choose Show settings for: [All Text Tool Windows]
For Display items: Plain Text, click the Bold checkbox and click OK
Do the same again, but untick the Bold checkbox to revert it.
If it doesn't change immediately, try restarting Visual Studio
Mind you, Find Symbol Results isn't really a text window, so maybe setting and resetting any font will work. I don't know.
I found someone on MSDN who had a similar issue.
I couldn't believe this would fix it, but I went to Personalization, and changed the theme to Windows 7 Basic, and back to my own Aero theme, and the Find Symbol Results went back to a nice font.
I don't know how this could fix the issue, but it worked for me...
None of the answers thus far worked for me. Mr Anderson's looked good except I just wanted the default font, not a custom one and he noted the settings file was nearly empty to begin with so I felt the fix should involve removing settings somewhere, not adding more. What worked was choosing Tools > Options... > Environment > Fonts and Colors. Then in the "Show Settings For:" drop down, I picked "Environment Font". It was set to Automatic. I changed it to a random one (Academy Engraved LTE) and hit the OK button to apply it. This changed fonts all over VS including in the Find Symbols Results window. I changed it back to Automatic and the font and icons went back to normal.
For complete accuracy's sake, at the point that I did this, I had already restored VS to my most recently backed up settings, and then to the default settings before trying this. I'm guessing it would work without those steps but since it changes to the funky font on its own, I don't know how to test it.
This is how I fix it in VS2008, I assume the same would apply to 2010.
Open Tools -> Options -> Expand Environment -> Fonts and Colors
Click "Use Defaults"
Click OK
This restores it every time for me, no idea why it suddenly changes either.
Just had this problem again today and followed my own instructions above with complete success. The 'Find Symbol Results' pane updated on the fly.
Now, one thing that might be why it works for me and not for others. I previously took a look at the saved settings file and worked out how the customised Font and Colour settings were saved.
Out of the box, there's no customisation and therefore this XML node is pretty empty. This is the default XML node from an old saved settings
<Category name="Environment_FontsAndColors" Category="{1EDA5DD4-927A-43a7-810E-7FD247D0DA1D}" Package="{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName="Environment_FontsAndColors" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package">
<FontsAndColors Version="2.0">
<PropertyValue name="Version">2</PropertyValue>
After making customisations, they show up here, like this
<Category name="Environment_FontsAndColors" Category="{1EDA5DD4-927A-43a7-810E-7FD247D0DA1D}" Package="{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName="Environment_FontsAndColors" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package">
<FontsAndColors Version="2.0">
<Category GUID="{B20C0001-0836-4535-A5E8-96E595B1F094}" FontName="Monaco" FontSize="7" CharSet="1" FontIsDefault="No">
<PropertyValue name="Version">2</PropertyValue>
The problem is, the VS2010 Font and Colour settings panel doesn't list the Find Symbols panel so you can't set the font, but there is a way to set it manually.
There is another XML node that defines some behaviour of Environment_FindSymbols. It has a GUID that you can use to create the Category node defining the the panels Font and Colour.
This is the node to find. Make a note of the Category= GUID value ... probably the same for all VS2010 installations.
<Category name="Environment_FindSymbol" Category="{C93260BC-0C07-484a-8188-6F4763BD7FD4}" Package="{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName="Environment_FindSymbol" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package">
<PropertyValue name="FindOptionsIsExpanded">false</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="LookinReferencesIsChecked">true</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="MatchCaseIsChecked">false</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="Type">2</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="SelectedScope">{B1BA9461-FC54-45B3-A484-CB6DD0B95C94}</PropertyValue>
<PropertyValue name="SelectedScopeSubScope">0</PropertyValue>
Using the noted Category= GUID value "{C93260BC-0C07-484a-8188-6F4763BD7FD4}" create a Category node for the FontAndColors node.
<Category GUID="{C93260BC-0C07-484A-8188-6F4763BD7FD4}" FontName="Monaco" FontSize="7" CharSet="0" FontIsDefault="No">
Set it with the FontName and FontSize of your choice. Probably best to customise another pane to get an example node.
Now add this new node to the other
Remember, this is XML, so you have to make sure the start and end tags match. If you're starting with the saved settings from an out of the box installation, then the tag needs to be changed to and its between these tags that you insert the new node you create from the Environment_FindSymbols GUID.
Here's an example for you to use. change Monaco to some font you have installed on your machine.
<Category name="Environment_FontsAndColors" Category="{1EDA5DD4-927A-43a7-810E-7FD247D0DA1D}" Package="{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName="Environment_FontsAndColors" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package">
<FontsAndColors Version="2.0">
<Category GUID="{C93260BC-0C07-484A-8188-6F4763BD7FD4}" FontName="Monaco" FontSize="7" CharSet="0" FontIsDefault="No">
<PropertyValue name="Version">2</PropertyValue>
Once this is in the a saved settings, you can import them and the Find Symbol Result pane will appear in the font of your choice. Then the next time the issue of it appearing in a fugly font, just do the export/import and this new XML node will remain until you manually remove it.
Hope this helps.
So, I've managed to reset the font on the "Find Symbols" panel in VS 2010. My panel had somehow changed to Helvetica or some other larger bolder non anti-aliased fugly font.
Based on the instructions to Export/Import and Reset settings, I took a different approach. I Exported then re-imported my settings and there's no need to close the DevEnv and restart with command line /reset option or loose any environment settings you've taken time to setup.
During export/import, when you see the Yellow triangled Exclamation symbol, just ignore the warning and tick everything as this is just for local machine and personal use - they warn of intellectual property (exporting) and harmful side effects (importing), which I guess is true if you're going to share the files.
Hope this helps.
Mr A
Just ran into this myself.
For me, the solution was:
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
Show settings for: Execution Plan
Set font and size to what most other windows are using. In my case, that was converting from 10-point Courier New to 9-point Consolas.
you can restore the visual studio to its default settings
In Visual Studio 2019 CE I try to change the font size for Text Editor.
I go to Tools -> Options -> Envirounment -> Fonts and Colors, change font size and click OK.
Font size changed and I can work.
After I close and open VS2019 these settings lost and again set to defaults.
What can be the problem? How to permanently solve it?
This might be an issue in Visual Studio 2019 application, see a similar problem discussed here.
And here's a workaround from the same thread, but not an official fix from MS.
I was experiencing almost the same issues: everything was using the
"general" defaults rather than the c# defaults (which I wanted). I set
to the c# defaults but they wouldn’t save upon reopening vs. However,
any font changes remained after reopening and any colour changes
remained - for example, I set plaintext - background to "black" rather
than "default" - which saved. I then tried switching the font colour
to white, and all the default c# colour options saved.
Anytime my cursor is on a symbol or keyword VS2013 (or some plugin i have) highlights all matches of those instances:
I don't mind the highlighting; however, this exact color is annoying with the sons-of-obsidian theme (or any dark background).
I would love to know which setting under Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors controls this so that i can fix it... (As far as I can tell, none of the options adjust it, which makes me think it could be one of the plugins i have...
Resharper 8.2 (does adjust colors, but none of the settings I've changed worked)
Nuget Package Manager (shouldn't adjust colors)
MVC 5 Scaffolding (shouldn't adjust colors)
Nancy.Templates (shouldn't adjust colors)
Puppet Plugin (shouldn't adjust colors)
Visual F# (shouldn't adjust colors)
This is built in functionality provided by Visual Studio. To turn it off click on Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced and turn off Highlight references to symbol under cursor
If you only want to change the colors you can do this by Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and in the Display Items list search for Highlighted Reference.
I was wrong, it was not the stupid VS2013 Update 2 RC, it seems to have been the "Puppet" plugin I had installed, I must've disabled it and not restarted visual studio until removing the update 2 RC, This is the setting that took me forever to find.... I glossed over it because i'm in a C# file and not a puppet file.
I would guess this is a resharper setting. Unfortunately, there's so many different settings for various types of highlighting, I can't figure out which is which. Have you tried this modified version of Sons of Obsidian?
I had the exact same problem in 2023. To turn off the highlihgting alltogether, go to ReSharper settings > code inspection > settings > uncheck 'highlight usages of the element under the cursor'.
Alternatively, the highlight color can be changed by going to the VS Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and finding the entry in the list called: 'ReSharper Usage of element under cursor'.
How can I disable the font smoothing in the text editor of Visual Studio? On some machines I use, this works, but, not in most of them.
The text in the editor on the left is not really sharp. But the font in Windows is.
There is an extension called Text Sharp that allows you to completely disable font smoothing (ClearType) for Visual Studio:
I'm using this combined with the Source Code Pro font for very readable code.
Well, the characters are at least readable. The code itself may be a different story. :)
In Visual Studio 2019 v16.5.4 (possibly lower), there is a new feature under the Text Editor -> Advanced settings called "Text rendering method". This appears to be defaulted to "ClearType" upon installation. On my machine, I've disabled ClearType at the OS level, yet after a fresh install/update, noticed that my fonts were being smoothed.
Simply switch this setting to "Aliased" to get pixel-perfect font rendering back.
Again, this assumes you have already disabled ClearType at the system level. I am unsure if VS settings would ignore/override the system-level ClearType settings or not.
In my case the problem was that I had the text size to 120%, I just change it to 100%.
Is an option located in Display Settings above the Resolution selector. It says:
"Change the size of the text, apps, and other items"
set the value to:
100% (Recommended)
This happened to me when I added a new LCD monitor to my setup.
According to blogs.msdn.com and this post on SuperUser, you may have to disable it in many places, but for VStudio two are enough:
Control Panel > Display > Adjust ClearType Text
Control Panel > System > Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Visual Effects > Smooth edges of screen fonts
Don't use Consolas as it always uses ClearType, as Alex K. noted in the comments.
Prefer Lucida Console which is a fixed font (they are bold in VStudio's font list in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors) and appears not to suffer from the effects of ClearType or smoothed edges.
For those willing to disable anti-aliasing/smooth edges/cleartype on VS Code as of today, there's no official option inside the VS Code program to do it. Instead, I have found this method that works for me, and it's thanks to this article: https://medium.com/kasun-kodagoda/fix-text-becomes-blurry-when-vs-code-application-loses-focus-issue-on-windows-d95697b2f927
Here are the steps:
<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/L2i9S.png" alt="..." />
Disable anti-aliasing VSCode Image:
Right click on VS Code program and go to Proprieties.
In the "target" section of the app, add the following lines: --disable-gpu --enable-use-zoom-for-dsf
Apply the changes and that's it.
I hope it's useful.
For me it helped to switch to "Consolas" font and then back to "Courier New" in Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors. Don't forget to press "OK" after switching to Consolas.
I'm using VS2010 with ReSharper and "Son Of Obsidian" theme and have the following frustrating highlighting issue in String.Format sections.
Selecting a method (or any) parameter gives the grey background - see string bString in picture. But the highlighting inside the String.Format string is different, and unreadable.
In "Tools > Options > Font and Colors" I've tried: "Selected Text", "Inactive Selected Text" and "Highlighted Reference" both in vain.
So please:
a) What do I need to change
b) Is there a decent way of finding it out (I've tried doing a screen grab for the Hex color code and searching for that in the style XML, but that doesn't work)
After an age of trying this out on my home PC I've discovered the element in question is ReSharper Matched Format String Item
There should really be an easier way of finding this stuff out
It appears your cursor is in an Intellisense Code Snippet field.
Could it be Code Snippet Field?
Paddy's reply pointed me in the correct direction, but my issue was slightly different. I'm going to post my solution here in the hope that it might help others.
I'm using VS2013 and Resharper 8. My issue was that Resharper had not been able to import it's own Font and Colour settings on installation. For me, the Resharper options shown in Paddy's image were not visible. This is a known issue with Resharper installation and the solution is as follows:
1) Close all Visual Studio instances
2) Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio {VS version}\Common7\IDE\Extensions\extensions.configurationchanged file
3) Type anything there
4) Save the file
5) Open VS and check Fonts and Colors in Tools | Options | Environment
For me, as soon as I reopened VS, Resharper had been able to import its own settings and the highlighting issue was already fixed without needing any further action from me.
Now, when trying to edit the extensions.configurationchanged file, I also ran in to an "Access is Denied" error message (I'm running Windows 7 as an admin). To overcome this I had to open Notepad as an administrator (Start > right click notepad > Run as administrator) and then use File > Open to open the extensions.configurationchanged file.
I hope this helps people in the future!
I use a custom color scheme in Visual Studio (black background, gray text, etc.). There a few settings that refuse to change, however. For example, when cursoring through the markup for an aspx page, the current tag defaults to black text, which doesn't work well on my black background. I've previously changed the appropriate setting to a "visible" color. In fact, to fix it, all I have to do is open the Options window, check and uncheck the Bold setting on Plain Text and hit OK, and now all my chosen settings are properly loaded. If I open a new session though, I have to go through these steps again. There are only a few settings where I notice this behavior (the Read-Only Region is another one), but it's annoying to have to do a dummy option change to get them to kick in. Has anyone seen this behavior before, and does anyone have a fix/workaround?
UPDATE: Found an interesting fix. I still don't know what the root cause is (probably some corruption as #sliderhouserules suggessts), but I've got a quicker way to fix it than using Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors. I simply exported my current color settings and created a macro to load them in:
Public Sub ImportColors()
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Tools.ImportandExportSettings", "-import:""C:\Documents and Settings\gregf\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Settings\FontsAnColors_Exported-2008-12-05.vssettings""")
End Sub
I then mapped that macro to a button on my toolbar. Now I have a one-click fix whenever my colors go awry. Not ideal, but much less painful now.
Sounds to me like you may have some corruption in your VS install or something (IE you need to reinstall VS). This doesn't sound like a bug, and you'd be fishing in the dark trying to repair your registry or whatever config files are involved in setting and storing these options for VS.