How hide symbol in joomla paging? - joomla

How hide symbol in joomla paging ?
Example << Start < Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next > End >>
I want to delete << <>>> so result is Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next End
How to do that ?

If you don't like core hacks, you could create simple js script using mootools:
window.addEvent('load', function() {
$$('ul.pagenav a').each(function(el){
var text = el.getFirst().get('html');
text = text.replace('<','');
text = text.replace('>','');
text = text.replace('\u00AB','');
text = text.replace('\u00BB','');


grid does not refresh

This is the code of the init of the form
if !used if !used ("supplier_temp")
SELECT supplier
CREATE cursor supplier_temp from array structure
SELECT supplier_temp
for re = 1 to reccount()
SELECT supplier_temp
go re
_id =
_name =
_dir = supplier_temp.dir
_cel = supplier_temp.cellphon
_em =
update provider set name=_name, address=_dir, cell=_cel, email = _em where control = 1 and id = _id
end scan
end for
delete all
SELECT supplier_temp
APPEND FROM supplier for dispatched = 1
Thisform.Suppliers.RecordSource = "supplier_temp"
Thisform.Suppliers.column1.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.Proveedores.column2.ControlSource = "supplier_temp.direntre"
Thisform.Proveedores.column3.ControlSource = "provider_temp.cellphon"
Thisform.Suppliers.column4.ControlSource = ""
This is the code for the process button
If thisform.Proveedores.Column1.Check2.Value = 1
select supplier_temp
go top
replace supplier_temp.control with 2
locate for supplier_temp.control = 2
REPLACE supplier.control WITH supplier_temp.control for = IN supplier
This is the code for the reject button
If thisform.Suppliers.Column1.Check2.Value = 1
if !empty(suppliers_temp.obs)
select supplier_temp
go top
replace supplier_temp.control with 3
locate for supplier_temp.control = 3
REPLACE supplier.control WITH supplier_temp.control for = IN supplier
The grid is not refresh despite having in the init and in the buttons the commands Thisform.Suppliers.refresh,thisform.Suppliers.setfocus() and
thisform.refresh. When the form is closed and reopened, the grid is refreshed
&& reset the grid control because init() executed twice
Thisform.Suppliers.RecordSource = ""
CREATE cursor supplier_temp from array structure
Thisform.Suppliers.RecordSource = "supplier_temp"

wxpython grid: multiple cell edit (ala Excel)

I'm looking for a way for a user to edit data in bulk in a wxPython grid, a little like in Excel when you select a range, type data and press shift-Enter. This is a simplified version of my grid:
class MyGrid(gridlib.Grid):
def __init__(self, panel):
gridlib.Grid.__init__(self, panel)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.onEditCell)
self.Bind(gridlib.EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT, self.onSelection)
def onSelection(self, event):
if self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() == []:
self.selected_row_number = 0
self.selected_col_number = 0
self.selected_row_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1
self.selected_col_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
def onEditCell(self,event):
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
The issue seems to be that the onEditCell event overwrites the previous selection. So I can select e.g. a four by four block in the grid, and onSelection will print 4 4. But when I start typing and press Enter, onEditCell will print 0,0 as if only the cell I'm editing was selected. How can I keep a "memory" of how many cells are selected? Thank you,
Answering my own question: I can get it to work with an ugly hack that doesn't seem like the right way to do things:
def onSelection(self, event):
self.previous_selected_row_number = self.selected_row_number
self.previous_selected_col_number = self.selected_col_number
if self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() == []:
self.selected_row_number = 0
self.selected_col_number = 0
self.selected_row_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1
self.selected_col_number = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1
print self.selected_row_number, self.selected_col_number
print self.previous_selected_row_number, self.previous_selected_col_number
def onEditCell(self,event):
print self.previous_selected_row_number, self.previous_selected_col_number
If anyone can think of a better way...

Very simple set value of array cell, program very slow when he writes on specify column

I am using a continuous and old professional program. My program builds several simple data arrays and writes the array to an excel cell like this:
Sheets("toto").Cells(4,i) = "blabla"
But for one value of i, the write time is very long and I don't understand why.
Here is my code :
For No_Bug = 0 To Indtab - 1
If mesComments(No_Bug) <> "" Then
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 1) = Ligne_Bug - 5
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 2) = mesID_Test(No_Bug)
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 3) = mesResultats(No_Bug)
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 4) = mesComments(No_Bug)
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 5).FormulaLocal = mesScreens(No_Bug)
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 6) = 2 'If I comment only this line, the programm is fast, ifnot the programm is very slow (~1, 2 secondes per loop), What the hell ??? xD
Sheets(feuille_LBT).Cells(Ligne_Bug, 7) = 1
End If
Is this cell referenced from other cells? Check if any complicated computations related with this cell.

web app is sharing the same memory storage [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Computing Result on server side but session data not isolated per user
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I working in a app that i use to compute user details. But somehow, the values of a user alter that of another user.
Below is a fragment of the code
def Compute_UserScore(self, details, ques_no):
if(HomePage.answer_.strip() == ""):
self.response.write("""<script type = "text/javascript">
alert("Dear User, You can not answer same answer twice.. Take test Again !");
count = 0
HomePage.ans_no = 0
HomePage.unans_no = 0
HomePage.correct_no = 0
HomePage.wrong_no = 0
HomePage.failed_ques = list()
HomePage.answer_ = HomePage.answer_.strip()
question_1 = HomePage.question_.split(" gcdc_split_format ")
while (count != (ques_no)):
user_answer = str(details[count]).strip().capitalize()
real_answer = str(HomePage.answer_[count]).strip().capitalize()
if (len(str(user_answer).strip()) == 1):
HomePage.ans_no = HomePage.ans_no + 1
if(user_answer.strip() == real_answer.strip()):
HomePage.correct_no = HomePage.correct_no + 1
HomePage.wrong_no = HomePage.wrong_no + 1
HomePage.failed_ques.append(str("No. " + str(int((count + 1))) + " " + str(question_1[count])))
HomePage.unans_no = HomePage.unans_no + 1
count = count + 1
HomePage.answer_ = ""
return " "
and this is how my homepage looks like
class HomePage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
percentage = None
subject_answered = None
username_ = None
email_ = None
super_date = None
answer_ = " "
question_ = " "
failed_ques = list()
wrong_no = 0
correct_no = 0
ans_no = 0
unans_no = 0
The problem is, when a user A, take a test, He sees the result of another user B.
Read about Using instance variable, but still have not figure ouut how to make it work
Solution is simple: Stop setting class variables in web development! :)
Web requests are stateless, it's mean you never know what's happen between requests - between setting class variable and redirect.
Use database to store temporary data with user login/name (or use hashing/random for security) or send values by parameters (hidden or after '?') to other html page.
Using database is better, if you don't want this then send values (hidden in html) over http. Here is one version of solution (without database):
1.Use normal html form and write handler for this form - question page.
2.In handler write get method like this:
def post(self, some_parameters):
self.render('homepage.html', {'ans_no': ans_no,\
'uans_no': uans_no ...})
3.homepage.html have to be template for showing results

ruby multiple loop sets but with limited rows per set

Alrightie, so I'm building an CSV file this time with ruby. The outer loop will run up to length of num_of_loops, but it runs for an entire set rather than up to the specified row. I want to change the first column of a CSV file to a new name for each row.
If I do this:
class_days = %w[Wednesday Thursday Friday]
num_of_loops = (num_of_loops / class_days.size).ceil
num_of_loops.times {
["Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"].each do |x|
data[0] = x
data[4] = classname()
# Write all to file
csv << data
Then the loop will run only 3 times for a 5 row request.
I'd like it to run the full 5 rows such that instead of stopping at Wed/Thurs/Fri it goes to Wed/Thurs/Fri/Wed/Thurs instead.
class_days = %w[Wednesday Thursday Friday]
num_of_loops.times do |i|
data[0] = class_days[i % class_days.size]
data[4] = classname
csv << data
The interesting part is here:
class_days[i % class_days.size]
We need an index into class_days that is between 0 and class_days.size - 1. We can get that with the % (modulo) operator. That operator yields the remainder after dividing i by class_days.size. This table shows how it works:
i i % 3
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 0
4 1
5 2
The other key part is that the times method yields indices starting with 0.
