In jmeter, How to capture the script of authentication window? - jmeter

I also have the question that how to capture the script of authentication window (for e.g. username, password). If anyone knows the answer, Please help me out.

If you are talking about pop-up window,then Jmeter doesn't support that.In case, you can try Badboy and import the test plan to Jmeter.

Normally, you can capture script by recording. At first, you will need to create ThreadGroup in TestPlan and than create HTTPProxyServer in WorkBench.
ႊThen set port number in Global Setting box (eg.8911) and change your connection setting in IE as localhost in address and 8911 as in port.
Then you can start HTTPProxyServer in jmeter and run your application for login.
By doing it, you can capture login script but you may need to add expression for dynamic userId and password value to test.


Not able to record the wep application when the url name is having special character in jmeter

we are using two URL for our web application .
One URL is having Special character and
another one does not have the special character. Without Special Character url , I am
to record the script but while using with Special character URL , I am not able to
record the script.
EX : -- not able to record the script - able to record the script
Please suggest and help to record the scripts
JMeter proxy should not have any problems with recording URLs with - sign, i.e. I can successfully record site browsing
So the problem must reside somewhere else.
You can try out the following options:
Create recording test plan using JMeter Templates feature. It will automatically populate the good recording configuration.
Consider using JMeter Chrome Extension instead of JMeter built-in proxy.

Run the recorded testplan in Jmeter and verify the the entry in the Database

Im using Jmeter and do performance testing for my web application. I record my actions in jmeter and play back the same. The testplan got run but when i verify the database manually, the new row is not created. The value got added in the existing line.Please help me out of this. I am struck in this step for 2 days
Verify if your requests includes hardcoded session's data. If your app manages sessions and you just "recorded" the actions, probably you are re-using the same session's data. Assuming there is a login page -> the requests after the login would use a session, usually returned for the login action.
As comments are not enough descriptive; posting a new answer. You can do this by using regular expression extractors, because -probably- the session info comes in the response (so extract it into a variable, by parsing the response with a regex extractor)
and then use the variable in further request/s.
This is a tricky way and need lot of work... even more if the session keep changing in subsequent responses (it usually change while moving worward through the page/app workflow), if that is the case you will need to extract the data after each request.
Please reffer to the jmeter manual for more info about regex extractors.

JMeter Web Driver Test randomly fails for some threads

I have a JMeter Web Driver Test plan. Where I have:
a Thread group with 3 users
a Web Driver Sampler,
Firefox Driver Config
and View Results in Tree listener.
Also I have a CSV Data Set Config wherein I have mapped it to a CSV file to receive Username and Passwords.
In the Web Driver Sampler we have just written a Simple code which invokes Firefox browser, passes the url to it, passes Username and Passwords to it.
Then makes a search for a term and logs out.
Once I run this test with 3 users, the test runs fine for first and second user and fails for the third one.
And when I run the test again, First and Third user passes but fails for the second.
When I go and check on the Response message, it says it was unable to locate element.
Whereas it would have ran fine for the next user.
I'm not sure why the test is behaving like this, Can someone Help me on this issue.
Elements may not appear in DOM immediately after WebDriver get() request, I would suggest to add an extra step which will ensure that specified element is present in DOM and may be interacted with prior to clicking/typing by something like:
var pkg = JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium)
var support_ui = JavaImporter(
var element=WDS.browser.findElement('element_id'))
See Using Selenium with JMeter's WebDriver Sampler guide for more details on Selenium scripting in JMeter

JMeter - link clicking to generate a username

Sorry if this has been answered already, i tried to search but could get the exact information i am after.
The issue:
I am using JMeter to run some tests on a web application, as part of one of the flow, I under a first and surname in 2 input fields and i have link (Get userid) on clicking on the link the system will generate a user name. The user name is made up of first 4 letters from surname and first letter from the firsname and number at the end example: firstname is Test and surname is Environment, on clicking the get user id link the username will be generated as 'envit1' if 'envit1' is already existing then it would generated 'envirt2'
How do I simulate the click which generates the userid using jMeter.
Apologies but I am fairly new with JMeter, please ask if you need more infomratmation.
Many thanks in advance, Kay
If you're new to JMeter the best way to get things done is recording your user ID generation steps using one of the following approaches:
JMeter bundled HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder which acts like a browser proxy
A Google Chrome Extension which is capable of recording JMeter .jmx scripts right from your browser.
You can see what requests are being sent and HTML responses using handy View Results Tree listener.
However if clicking on link isn't being recorded, it's being handled by client-side Javascript. JMeter is not a browser and isn't capable of executing Javascript so you'll have to use WebDriver Sampler as Releasematic suggests.
You can use WebDriver Sampler but in each iteration it opens browser which may increase RAM usage. There is another option is to generate user id by running JS code in "JSR223 Sampler". With JSR223 Sampler you can run JS code but can't get access to DOM, so such JS code won't work:
function () {document.getElementById("edit-buttons-cleanup").click();};
You can install the plugin pack for the JMeter WebDriver sampler. Then, using some Javascript commands, you can start either a Firefox or a headless HTMLUnit and operate upon a webpage in a Jmeter step.

JMeter is not able to record and play "Checkbox" in webpage properly

In one of my performance test scenario, user has to select one check box and then click on save button , I am able to record the scenario but unable to play. Steps are as follows:
Log in to the application
Go to Page 1 and click on any “Check box” and then click on save button.
For one user script was able to record but while running for multiple users I found that script is not checking the “Check box”. Does any body has any clue on this ?
Jmeter DOES NOT support Javascript.
As per Jmeter FAQ:
JMeter does not process Javascript or applets embedded in HTML pages.
. . . If the page uses Javascript to build up a URL or submit a form,
you can use the Proxy Recording facility to create the necessary
sampler. If this is not possible, then manual inspection of the code
may be needed to determine what the Javascript is doing.
JMeter is a tool for testing server code, not the client one. Both
recording and playback happens at the HTTP layer.
What you can do in your case is:
use any traffic inspector tool to record http request (upon "Save");
analyze request and its parameters sent;
setup request manually in jmeter.
Check/unchecking check box in your scenario doesn't generate any traffic itself BUT sets the value of request parameter sent along with further http request upon further "Save".
You have to set value of this param manually to the value which is equivalent to "checked" state of check box.
Jmeter does not recognise the elements written in javascript.
Try this:
Open Blazemeter
Go to advanced options
Select Cookies and Javascript Option under Request to Record
This solution worked for me.
