As a vim user, how do I get used to Xcode? [closed] - xcode

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have been a Vim user for most of my life. I have been using Emacs with viper/vimpulse for a couple of years. What is the best way to kick my Vi habit and achieve a reasonable level of productivity with Xcode 4 on OS X Lion? I do not want to use an external editor since I would rather immerse myself completely in Xcode.

UPDATE: I've been using the xVim plugin for the past four months, and despite a couple bugs, I feel it's the best solution at the moment.
I've been faced with this dilemma for the past month, and my recent solution has been KeyRemap4MacBook (which gives you a decent amount of Vi keybindings system-wide, and works on Lion).
It's by no means an optimal solution — I'm still only 60% as productive in Xcode as I am in Vim — but it is a way to stay in Xcode and have some of the Vi functionality. Here's a link to a recent blog post with a pic of my KeyRemap4MacBook settings.
Also, I've been looking into commandline scripts to build and run projects (that way I could skip Xcode and stay with Vi and the terminal — though it seems you're trying to steer clear of this). I haven't found any extraordinary solution — but I'm sure if enough of us are going through this, then someone will find a feasible solution.


Creating a setup script [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I don't even know how to ask this question, therefore I couldn't find anything that might help me.
I want to write some sort of script that downloads softwares, installs softwares(like eclipse), drivers, edit files(like configuration files) and more, so that a when a new developer comes to our company he will launch the script and he is set with all of our configurations.
What is the best way of doing it?
I am familiar with python, working on windows
Thank you very much!
I would say there a several options, but none of them are cheap:
Switch to VMs and setup a default VM for developers with everything they need one time and distribute the snapshot to new employees. If something changes, change the snapshot and distribute it again.
There are some options to do this on real hardware, but I have never done this and according to this it is not a common way to go
Script everything by hand, make a lot of mistakes and take a lot of time ;) A python script can certainly do a lot of things, also can powershell or batch files. But it is a long way to go and it is very time consuming when a operating system updates or all of the sudden some installers do not support unintended installations anymore. I used to automate some installations in my job when I was a student and it really took some time and effort to maintain this all.
After all, this is more of a question than stackoverflow, but maybe I could help anyhow.

Is it safe to upgrade to Yosemite on my work-machine? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering if it is safe to upgrade to OS X Yosemite today when they release the official version?
Yosemite Stable version at Apple
The most important tool I need working is Homebrew (nginx,php etc)
Will those packages continue to work, or will it most likely break and be unsupported for a while?
As I understand it, a bunch of people I know using Yosemite GM and homebrew have not seen any new issues arise. I do hear about general performance improvements under Yosemite, so that sounds promising. The mobile devs in my office also seem to like it, but they mostly just use XCODE, so that may not apply to you. As always, make sure to backup your machine before the upgrade, and test your tools thoroughly once finished.
Homebrew's (cautious) advice is to wait for a week or two if you really need your machine to work, though people have been using Homebrew with the betas and hammering through problems with popular packages. There is a list of things in Homebrew core that are still broken on 10.10 here: -- though the php and nginx formulas are not in core, so I can't advise on those.

Why Phing/Ant over Bash and Make? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been using Phing at work (it was set up when I got there), and thinking of using it for some personal projects. One thing I haven't got my head around yet though is what the big appeal is?
What, if any, are the killer features of Phing or Ant? What are the big reasons people choose to use them instead of (for example) just a collection of bash scripts that execute their build actions? I'm sure I'm missing the obvious, hopefully someone can help me. While I understand that some people may prefer not to use phing/ant, I'm hoping to hear from people who do prefer them about why they prefer them. Just so I can make a more informed decision.
Thanks for any direction or links.
The main feature of Ant is to add frustration to your day, when you know you could achieve something in 30 seconds in a Makefile, but end up fighting with Ant for an hour :)
It was a fresh implementation without requiring a functional shell and all the other standard commands that you expect to be available with a shell. I think that's the real killer feature - you can use it on Windows OS.
Ant XML is far more structured and machine-readable - whereas Makefile+shell is essentially Turing complete and extremely generic. Your IDE has a hope of being able to understand Ant XML, the same can't be said in the general case for Makefiles.
Sadly, the reality after all this time seems to be that the IDEs don't make good use of this potential win. Case in point, opening build.xml in Eclipse just shows you XML.
Which I think just leaves the Windows OS rationale. If there was no Windows OS, probably there would be no Ant either.

Windows shell/command prompt? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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On the Windows operating system, the shell/terminal we have by default is the Command Prompt (CMD).
Now, when I use Linux (or even Mac) systems, I find that the terminal is generally a lot more full featured. The one I used made it easy to change settings and properties, was easily resizable, some even had line numbering and multiple tabs.
Since I've started programming, I've realized the importance of the command line, and I was wondering if there were any alternatives to the default Command Prompt? And, if there aren't many good alternatives, how would I go about writing my own? What would I have to take into consideration?
Yes, the Windows command prompt sucks. It is truly pathetic for 2011.
I use Cygwin+mintty instead.
If you miss Tilda/Guake/Yakuake (for Linux) or TotalTerminal (née Visor) (for OS X) try mintty-quake-console.
Just came across another potential alternative, though I haven't tried it out yet: Gow (Gnu on Windows).
If you want a truly manly command line for Windows, use PowerShell.

Are there any resources for becoming a Cygwin "power user"? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've got it configured, but I want more from it...maybe Cygwin isn't the right tool, but I like how it provides a *nix-like environment within Windows.
If you've already read the Cygwin User Guide, take a look at Ten Steps To Higher Cygwin Productivity.
Also, if you're using a shell such as bash in Cygwin, and you're familiar with Emacs, consider using Eshell (the Emacs shell) instead.
I've found Cygwin to be very useful in the past. FWIW, lately however I've shied away from it in favor of the following:
I like these tools even better.
I'm quite interested in this question myself. I've used the Cygwin Setup guide to get set up, but it doesn't get you all the way. One thing that I learned from it, though, is that it recommends leaving the setup.exe in the directory with Cygwin so that you can quickly add packages, since apt-get apparently doesn't work that well in Cygwin. The article also talks about cyg-get as an alternative.
