Viewmodel collection and other objects -

Being a relative newcomer to MVC I'm musing over a little problem. I'm developing a page which relies on a collection of my viewmodel objects. All good. But, as the page has relatively complex functionality I need to get at other objects or collections of the main domain model to display in the UI. Admitedly rather more light weight objects. What's the best way to achieve this?

What I do is create a custom class to encapsulate ANY data I need to display in any certain view / action. So for my Admin areas User controller, I have a AdminUserIndexViewModel class that holds my list of user business objects. I also put any other data I need to display into this class.
For my AdminUserEditViewModel (that corresponds to my Admin Area, User Controller, Edit Action) I might have a single User class, which itself has its Roles attached to modify if need be. If you need to put other information like user settings, or preferences, etc...

If they are not part of the viewmodel you are currently working with then you can use Html.Action to call into another controller method to render another inline view through a controllers method.


UIViewController class

If I am using multiple viewControllers, do I need to create a separate UIViewContoller class for each one of them or can I associate this same new class with each individual viewController? Under what circumstances would I create a new class to associate with a separate VC?
View controllers manage the logic of your view, providing a way to channel the data between the view and the mode, and react to events initiated by end-users through the user interface.
If multiple views happen to share the same logic of model-view interaction, it is a good idea to share view controllers among them. However, this is somewhat rare: in practice, different views call for different view controllers. So in practice you create a new class for a new view controller almost every time that you need a view controller. You can also start with several view controllers, and then unify some of them if you spot sufficient number of commonality in their code.

Creating UI components dynamically in a Model-PassiveView-Controller

In a GUI application, I am using an MVC with a Passive View, as described here.
This pattern is yet another variation on model-view-controller and model-view-presenter. As with these the UI is split between a view that handles display and a controller that responds to user gestures. The significant change with Passive View is that the view is made completely passive and is no longer responsible for updating itself from the model. As a result all of the view logic is in the controller. As a result, there is no dependencies in either direction between the view and the model.
So far, my Controller registers as a listener to existing, static components created by the Passive View itself at initialization. Now, the Controller needs to dynamically create a variable amount of UI components, depending on the Model (concretely, right now I am talking of a grid of checkboxes - the grid's dimensions is variable).
Here is where my hesitation lies:
Should this dynamic UI creation code be implemented in the Controller? This would lead to less complex code resulting from keeping the View unaware of the Model, but a part of the presentation would be decided by the Controller...
Should the View propose a generic, Model-independent way to create the UI components on demand, let the Controller use it and register listeners to the retrieved UI components? Here the Controller would have to convert back and forth between Model objects and generic objects (concretely, strings, integers, ...).
Whenever a view needs dynamic control creation, it tends to be for a collection of something. This means your Presenter/Controller does not need to create all of the logic, but call a method on the view which will create the controls.
On the View:
void PopulateUserOptions(IEnumerable<String> options)
foreach (var item in options)
\\create and add your controls to the form
This way the controller is expressing when a controll should be created etc, but leaving it to the view to decide how to do it.

MVC3 global predicate filter

I am building an admin console and all controllers depend on a dropdown selection for customer.
I would like to move this customer selection to the layout and persist it across all controllers so that you do not need to select it everywhere.
What is the best way to go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Move the dropdown to your _layout.cshtml.
Create a BaseView that all views will inherit from and give it a property to store the Customers & Current Customer.
Create a BaseController method that will fill in a BaseView instance.
Store the currently selected customer on your session.
Create a Global Filter and have it check all views to see if they inherit BaseView. If they do it can convert them to a BaseView and then fill in the properties.
Write some code in the _layout that can use the View to fill in the dropdown. I'm a bit fuzzy here since my coworker actually did this part when we did something similar.
When the user changes the dropdown value you can use JSON to call an action method that will update the current customer in session.
I would consider writing HTML helper. You assume that all the birds can fly, but say one day you have another exceptional scenario and you no longer need this dropdown box. Alternatively include it in a partial view and render that view where you need it - it's only one extra line of code.
#section main_content{
#{ Html.RenderPartial("MyPartialViewContainingDropDownBox"); }

Using PhoneApplicationPage as a nested view container

In MVVM Light toolkit for Windows Phone, whenever I am to add a new MvvmLightView (WP) item, I end up with the template creating a PhoneApplicationPage for me.
What about cases, when I want to create a nested view, for example in case of a ListBox ItemTemplate view.
Before MVVM Light, every time I needed a view to separate markup to, I would have created a standard UserControl and that worked fine.
Should I only use MvvmLightView whenever creating a navigable pages?
The item template is a guidance, that produces some code for you. It is not, nor does it intend to be, the single way of creating views or sub views.
In the case you are mentioning, it is usual to create a user control hat is backed on its own view model. This sub-view view model is then included as a property in your main view model. To pass it to your sub-view (e.g. a user control) you bind this property to the user control's DataContext.
<ext:MyUserControl DataContext="{Binding MySubViewProperty}"/>
However, you do not need a separate view model, in some cases it is more appropriate to share the main view model. In this case you do not need to do the above binding, as it is do one implicitly. Also, when you are using the user control within an DataTemplate the templates DataContext is passed to the user control implicitly and you do not need the binding. In general you only need to set the data context when you want to bind to a property of the current context, or to another context.
MVVM is about freedom and MVVM Light about supporting the developer in using this freedom. All guidance are best practises and provide usually the easiest an/or most consistant way, but nothing stops you going down another route for a good reason. Especially the templates are just shortcuts that provide for one problem, but not for the general (meaning every) case.

In MVC file structure, what is Views/XXFolder/xxTemplateFile what is XXFolder known as?

I'm a bit confused about mvc terminology.
Using the question title as an example, a view corresponds to an action, which means xxTemplateFile would be considered to represent the view.
xxFolder does not represent an area. So could it be a View Collection? or View Container?
This could reprisent the controller class and controller method for the related view. (or controller and action with the view being attached to the action).
Using your example: Views/XXFolder/xxTemplateFile could be used to indicate that your view, xxTemplateFile which is attached to a controller action of the same name, is inside the xxFolder class.
This would make sense if you consider how routed URLs tend to look {controller,action,id}
If this is simply the way you're organising your views then I'd be tempted to just refer to them as View folders or folders.
