Ordering things in python...? - set

I was under the impression that set() would order a collection much like .sort()
However it seems that it doesn't, what was peculiar to me was why it reorders the collection.
>>> h = '321'
>>> set(h)
set(['1', '3', '2'])
>>> h
>>> h = '22311'
>>> set(h)
set(['1', '3', '2'])
why doesn't it return set(['1', '2', '3']). I also seems that no matter how many instances of each number I user or in what order I use them it always return set(['1', '3', '2']). Why?
So I have read your answers and my counter to that is this.
>>> l = [1,2,3,3]
>>> set(l)
set([1, 2, 3])
>>> l = [3,3,2,3,1,1,3,2,3]
>>> set(l)
set([1, 2, 3])
Why does it order numbers and not strings?
import random
l = []
for itr in xrange(101):
print set(l)
set([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101])

python set is unordered, hence there is no guarantee that the elements would be ordered in the same way as you specify them
If you want a sorted output, then call sorted:
Responding to your edit: it comes down to the implementation of set. In CPython, it boils down to two things:
1) the set will be sorted by hash (the __hash__ function) modulo a limit
2) the limit is generally the next largest power of 2
So let's look at the int case:
type(x) # int
x.__hash__() # 1
for ints, the hash equals the original value:
[x==x.__hash__() for x in xrange(1000)].count(False) # = 0
Hence, when all the values are ints, it will use the integer hash value and everything works smoothly.
for the string representations, the hashes dont work the same way:
# str
# 6272018864
To understand why the sort breaks for ['1','2','3'], look at those hash values:
[str(x).__hash__() for x in xrange(1,4)]
# [6272018864, 6400019251, 6528019634]
In our example, the mod value is 4 (3 elts, 2^1 = 2, 2^2 = 4) so
[str(x).__hash__()%4 for x in xrange(1,4)]
# [0, 3, 2]
[(str(x).__hash__()%4,str(x)) for x in xrange(1,4)]
# [(0, '1'), (3, '2'), (2, '3')]
Now if you sort this beast, you get the ordering that you see in set:
[y[1] for y in sorted([(str(x).__hash__()%4,str(x)) for x in xrange(1,4)])]
# ['1', '3', '2']

From the python documentation of the set type:
A set object is an unordered collection of distinct hashable objects.
This means that the set doesn't have a concept of the order of the elements in it. You should not be surprised when the elements are printed on your screen in an unusual order.

A set in Python tries to be a "set" in the mathematical sense of the term. No duplicates, and order shouldn't matter.


Search algorithm with best Time Complexity [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I search for a number in a 2d array sorted left to right and top to bottom?
(21 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Given the following data:
[5, 8]
[9, 12, 20]
[10, 15, 23, 28]
[14, 19, 31, 36, 48]
[15, 22, 34, 41, 53, 60]
[19, 26, 42, 49, 65, 72, 88]
[20, 29, 45, 54, 70, 79, 95, 104]
[24, 33, 53, 62, 82, 91, 111, 120, 140]
[25, 36, 56, 67, 87, 98, 118, 129, 149, 160]
[29, 40, 64, 75, 99, 110, 134, 145, 169, 180, 204]
[30, 43, 67, 80, 104, 117, 141, 154, 178, 191, 215, 228]
[34, 47, 75, 88, 116, 129, 157, 170, 198, 211, 239, 252, 280]
[35, 50, 78, 93, 121, 136, 164, 179, 207, 222, 250, 265, 293, 308]
What could be the best searching algorithm with the most optimal Time Complexity for finding a given number?
The rows are sorted
The columns are sorted
A number may occur more than once
Extra info:
Suppose we are looking for the number 26:
Due to order, this means we can eliminate the first 3 rows and the remaining columns to the right.
Due to order, this also means we can ignore every row after row=11.
Which results to this:
[10, 15, 23]
[14, 19, 31]
[15, 22, 34]
[19, 26, 42]
[20, 29, 45]
[24, 33, 53]
[25, 36, 56]
[29, 40, 64]
My current algorithm has a time complexity of O(x log(y)) where x is the amount of columns and y is the size for the Binary Search algorithm for each column.
I'm looking for something faster because I'm dealing with huge amount of data.
Currently I'm using BST on every column, but could I use BST on rows aswell? maybe achieving a O(log(x) log(y))?
It can be done in O(x)
Let's call the element we are trying to find n
Start with the bottom left element.
For each element we search through (let's call it e):
if e == n: we found it
if e < n: move to the right
All elements to the left of e, including the column that e is in, are less than e. Those elements cannot == n and can be eliminated.
if e > n: move up
All elements below e are greater than e and can be eliminated. What about the values less than e to the left of e? Can't those be == n? No. For e to make those moves to the right and have values to it's left, those values would have been already eliminated in step 2
Repeat until n found or index out of bounds in which case such an element does not exist.
Time complexity:
The worst case scenario is if the element isn't in the array and we have an index out of bounds. This occurs at the main diagonal and the total distance to the right and total distance up to any element on the long diagonal always sums to x.
You can find the bottom left of your trimmed array with a binary search of the first column, and the top right with a binary search of the last column of each row.
From there, the problem degenerates to How do I search for a number in a 2d array sorted left to right and top to bottom? which is well-studied in the linked question. The best algorithm is dependent on the shape of the result.

Ruby: using `.each` or `.step`, step forward a random amount for each iteration

(Also open to other similar non-Rails methods)
Given (0..99), return entries that are randomly picked in-order.
Example results:
0, 5, 11, 13, 34..
3, 12, 45, 67, 87
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. (very unlikely, of course)
Current thought:
(0..99).step(rand(0..99)).each do |subindex|
However, this sets a single random value for all the steps whereas I'm looking for each step to be random.
Get a random value for the number of elements to pick, randomly get this number of elements, sort.
#⇒ [7, 20, 22, 29, 45, 48, 57, 61, 62, 76, 80, 82]
Or, shorter (credits to #Stefan):
#⇒ [7, 20, 22, 29, 45, 48, 57, 61, 62, 76, 80, 82]
Or, in more functional manner:
λ = (0..99).to_a.method(:sample)
To feed exactly N numbers:
N = 10
#⇒ [1, 5, 8, 12, 45, 54, 60, 65, 71, 91]
There're many ways to achieve it.
For example here's slow yet simple one:
# given `array`
random_indexes = (0...array.size).to_a.sample(rand(array.size))
random_indexes.sort.each { |i| puts array[i] }
Or why don't you just:
array.each do |value|
next if rand(2).zero?
puts value
Or you could use Enumerator#next random number of times.
Below example returns a sorted array with random entries from given range based on randomly picked true or false from array [true, false]:
(0..99).select { [true, false].sample }
=> [0, 3, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 79, 81, 84, 86, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99]
To reduce the chances of a bigger array being returned, you can modify your true/false array to include more falsey values:
(0..99).select { ([true] + [false] * 9).sample }
=> [21, 22, 28, 33, 37, 58, 59, 63, 77, 85, 86]

Algorithm - longest wiggle subsequence

A sequence of numbers is called a wiggle sequence if the differences
between successive numbers strictly alternate between positive and
negative. The first difference (if one exists) may be either positive
or negative. A sequence with fewer than two elements is trivially a
wiggle sequence.
For example, [1,7,4,9,2,5] is a wiggle sequence because the
differences (6,-3,5,-7,3) are alternately positive and negative. In
contrast, [1,4,7,2,5] and [1,7,4,5,5] are not wiggle sequences, the
first because its first two differences are positive and the second
because its last difference is zero.
Given a sequence of integers, return the length of the longest
subsequence that is a wiggle sequence. A subsequence is obtained by
deleting some number of elements (eventually, also zero) from the
original sequence, leaving the remaining elements in their original
Input: [1,7,4,9,2,5]
Output: 6
The entire sequence is a wiggle sequence.
Input: [1,17,5,10,13,15,10,5,16,8]
Output: 7
There are several subsequences that achieve this length. One is [1,17,10,13,10,16,8].
Input: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Output: 2
My soln:
def wiggle_max_length(nums)
[ build_seq(nums, 0, 0, true, -1.0/0.0),
build_seq(nums, 0, 0, false, 1.0/0.0)
def build_seq(nums, index, len, wiggle_up, prev)
return len if index >= nums.length
if wiggle_up && nums[index] - prev > 0 || !wiggle_up && nums[index] - prev < 0
build_seq(nums, index + 1, len + 1, !wiggle_up, nums[index])
build_seq(nums, index + 1, len, wiggle_up, prev)
This is working for smaller inputs (e.g [1,1,1,3,2,4,1,6,3,10,8] and for all the sample inputs, but its failing for very large inputs (which is harder to debug) like:
which should have output: 67 but my soln outputs 57. Does anyone know what is wrong here?
The approach tried is a greedy solution (because it always uses the current element if it satisfies the wiggle condition), but this does not always work.
I will try illustrating this with this simpler counter-example: 1 100 99 6 7 4 5 2 3.
One best sub-sequence is: 1 100 6 7 4 5 2 3, but the two build_seq calls from the algorithm will produce these sequences:
1 100 99
Edit: A slightly modified greedy approach does work -- see this link, thanks Peter de Rivaz.
Dynamic Programming can be used to obtain an optimal solution.
Note: I wrote this before seeing the article mentioned by #PeterdeRivaz. While dynamic programming (O(n2)) works, the article presents a superior (O(n)) "greedy" algorithm ("Approach #5"), which is also far easier to code than a dynamic programming solution. I have added a second answer that implements that method.
def longest_wiggle(arr)
best = [{ pos_diff: { length: 0, prev_ndx: nil },
neg_diff: { length: 0, prev_ndx: nil } }]
(1..arr.size-1).each do |i|
calc_best(arr, i, :pos_diff, best)
calc_best(arr, i, :neg_diff, best)
def calc_best(arr, i, diff, best)
curr = arr[i]
prev_indices = (0..i-1).select { |j|
(diff==:pos_diff) ? (arr[j] < curr) : (arr[j] > curr) }
best[i] = {} if best.size == i
best[i][diff] =
if prev_indices.empty?
{ length: 0, prev_ndx: nil }
prev_diff = previous_diff(diff)
j = prev_indices.max_by { |j| best[j][prev_diff][:length] }
{ length: (1 + best[j][prev_diff][:length]), prev_ndx: j }
def previous_diff(diff)
diff==:pos_diff ? :neg_diff : :pos_diff·
def unpack_best(best)
last_idx, last_diff =
best.size.times.to_a.product([:pos_diff, :neg_diff]).
max_by { |i,diff| best[i][diff][:length] }
return [0, []] if best[last_idx][last_diff][:length].zero?
best_path = []
loop do
prev_index = best[last_idx][last_diff][:prev_ndx]
break if prev_index.nil?
last_idx = prev_index·
last_diff = previous_diff(last_diff)
longest_wiggle([1, 4, 2, 6, 8, 3, 2, 5])
#=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7]]
The length of the longest wiggle is 6 and consists of the elements at indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, that is, [1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 5].
A second example uses the larger array given in the question.
arr = [33, 53, 12, 64, 50, 41, 45, 21, 97, 35, 47, 92, 39, 0, 93, 55, 40, 46,
69, 42, 6, 95, 51, 68, 72, 9, 32, 84, 34, 64, 6, 2, 26, 98, 3, 43, 30,
60, 3, 68, 82, 9, 97, 19, 27, 98, 99, 4, 30, 96, 37, 9, 78, 43, 64, 4,
65, 30, 84, 90, 87, 64, 18, 50, 60, 1, 40, 32, 48, 50, 76, 100, 57, 29,
arr.size 63, 53, 46, 57, 93, 98, 42, 80, 82, 9, 41, 55, 69, 84, 82, 79, 30, 79,
18, 97, 67, 23, 52, 38, 74, 15]
#=> 100
#=> 67
#=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25,
# 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50,
# 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77, 80,
# 81, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]
As indicated, the largest wiggle is comprised of 67 elements of arr. Solution time was essentially instantaneous.
The values of arr at those indices are as follows.
[33, 53, 12, 64, 41, 45, 21, 97, 35, 47, 39, 93, 40, 46, 42, 95, 51, 68, 9,
84, 34, 64, 6, 26, 3, 43, 30, 60, 3, 68, 9, 97, 19, 27, 4, 96, 37, 78, 43,
64, 4, 65, 30, 84, 18, 50, 1, 40, 32, 76, 57, 63, 53, 57, 42, 80, 9, 41, 30,
79, 18, 97, 23, 52, 38, 74, 15]
[33, 53, 12, 64, 41, 45, 21, 97, 35, 92, 0, 93, 40, 69, 6, 95, 51, 72, 9, 84, 34, 64, 2, 98, 3, 43, 30, 60, 3, 82, 9, 97, 19, 99, 4, 96, 9, 78, 43, 64, 4, 65, 30, 90, 18, 60, 1, 40, 32, 100, 29, 63, 46, 98, 42, 82, 9, 84, 30, 79, 18, 97, 23, 52, 38, 74]
I had intended to provide an explanation of the algorithm and its implementation, but having since learned there is a superior approach (see my note at the beginning of my answer), I have decided against doing that, but would of course be happy to answer any questions. The link in my note explains, among other things, how dynamic programming can be used here.
Let Wp[i] be the longest wiggle sequence starting at element i, and where the first difference is positive. Let Wn[i] be the same, but where the first difference is negative.
Wp[k] = max(1+Wn[k'] for k<k'<n, where A[k'] > A[k]) (or 1 if no such k' exists)
Wn[k] = max(1+Wp[k'] for k<k'<n, where A[k'] < A[k]) (or 1 if no such k' exists)
This gives an O(n^2) dynamic programming solution, here in pseudocode
Wp = [1, 1, ..., 1] -- length n
Wn = [1, 1, ..., 1] -- length n
for k = n-1, n-2, ..., 0
for k' = k+1, k+2, ..., n-1
if A[k'] > A[k]
Wp[k] = max(Wp[k], Wn[k']+1)
else if A[k'] < A[k]
Wn[k] = max(Wn[k], Wp[k']+1)
result = max(max(Wp[i], Wn[i]) for i = 0, 1, ..., n-1)
In a comment on #quertyman's answer, #PeterdeRivaz provided a link to an article that considers various approaches to solving the "longest wiggle subsequence" problem. I have implemented "Approach #5", which has a time-complexity of O(n).
The algorithm is simple as well as fast. The first step is to remove one element from each pair of consecutive elements that are equal, and continue to do so until there are no consecutive elements that are equal. For example, [1,2,2,2,3,4,4] would be converted to [1,2,3,4]. The longest wiggle subsequence includes the first and last elements of the resulting array, a, and every element a[i], 0 < i < a.size-1 for which a[i-1] < a[i] > a[i+1] ora[i-1] > a[i] > a[i+1]. In other words, it includes the first and last elements and all peaks and valley bottoms. Those elements are A, D, E, G, H, I in the graph below (taken from the above-referenced article, with permission).
def longest_wiggle(arr)
reject { |a,b| a==b }.
select { |triple| [triple.min, triple.max].include? triple[1] }.
map { |_,n,_| n }.
arr = [33, 53, 12, 64, 50, 41, 45, 21, 97, 35, 47, 92, 39, 0, 93, 55, 40,
46, 69, 42, 6, 95, 51, 68, 72, 9, 32, 84, 34, 64, 6, 2, 26, 98, 3,
43, 30, 60, 3, 68, 82, 9, 97, 19, 27, 98, 99, 4, 30, 96, 37, 9, 78,
43, 64, 4, 65, 30, 84, 90, 87, 64, 18, 50, 60, 1, 40, 32, 48, 50, 76,
100, 57, 29, 63, 53, 46, 57, 93, 98, 42, 80, 82, 9, 41, 55, 69, 84,
82, 79, 30, 79, 18, 97, 67, 23, 52, 38, 74, 15]
a = longest_wiggle(arr)
#=> [33, 53, 12, 64, 41, 45, 21, 97, 35, 92, 0, 93, 40, 69, 6, 95, 51, 72,
# 9, 84, 34, 64, 2, 98, 3, 43, 30, 60, 3, 82, 9, 97, 19, 99, 4, 96, 9,
# 78, 43, 64, 4, 65, 30, 90, 18, 60, 1, 40, 32, 100, 29, 63, 46, 98, 42,
# 82, 9, 84, 30, 79, 18, 97, 23, 52, 38, 74, 15]
#=> 67
The steps are as follows.
arr = [3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 4]
enum1 = arr.each_cons(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: [3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 4]:each_cons(2)>
We can see the elements that will be generated by this enumerator by converting it to an array.
#=> [[3, 4], [4, 4], [4, 5], [5, 2], [2, 3], [3, 7], [7, 4]]
Continuing, remove all but one of each group of successive equal elements.
d = enum1.reject { |a,b| a==b }
#=> [[3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 2], [2, 3], [3, 7], [7, 4]]
e = d.map(&:first)
#=> [3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7]
Add the last element.
f = e.push(arr.last)
#=> [3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 4]
Next, find the peaks and valley bottoms.
enum2 = f.each_cons(3)
#=> #<Enumerator: [3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 4]:each_cons(3)>
#=> [[3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 2], [5, 2, 3], [2, 3, 7], [3, 7, 4]]
g = enum2.select { |triple| [triple.min, triple.max].include? triple[1] }
#=> [[4, 5, 2], [5, 2, 3], [3, 7, 4]]
h = g.map { |_,n,_| n }
#=> [5, 2, 7]
Lastly, add the first and last values of arr.
i = h.unshift(arr.first)
#=> [3, 5, 2, 7]
#=> [3, 5, 2, 7, 4]

How do I split arrays using a while loop?

I want to write a program that splits an array into two arrays, where any element in one array is smaller than any element in the other array.
The input that I have is:
a = [6, 45, 23, 65, 17, 48, 97, 32, 18, 9, 88]
And I'd like output like this:
[6, 23, 17, 18 , 9] < [45, 65, 48, 97, 32, 88]
I've tried:
i = 0
max = 0
while i < a.size
if a[i] > max
max = a[i]
puts "this is the larger array: " + max.to_s
Which is completely off. As I am new to this, any help is appreciated.
small, large = a.sort!.shift(a.size/2) ,a
p small, large
#=> [6, 9, 17, 18, 23]
#=> [32, 45, 48, 65, 88, 97]
Try this:
newarray = a.sort.each_slice((a.size/2.0).round).to_a
It will give you an array containing your split array:
newarray = [[6,9,17,18,23,32],[45,48,65,88,97]]
In this case, if you have an odd number of elements in your array, the first array returned will always have the extra element. You can also save the arrays separately if you would like, but this way you can call each of the halves with newarray[0] and newarray[1]. If you want to split them simply add:
b = newarray[0]
c = newarray[1]
Don't use a while loop - sort the array and then split it in two
a.in_groups_of( a.size/2)
a.sort.each_slice( a.size/2) probably does the trick without rails.
a = [6, 45, 23, 65, 17, 48, 97, 32, 18, 9, 88]
a = a.sort
print a.shift(a.count/2), " < " , a
#=> [6, 9, 17, 18, 23] < [32, 45, 48, 65, 88, 97]
Another variation
a = [6, 45, 23, 65, 17, 48, 97, 32, 18, 9, 88]
a = a.sort
print a.values_at(0..a.count/2), " < ", a.values_at((a.count/2)+1 .. -1)
#=> [6, 9, 17, 18, 23] < [32, 45, 48, 65, 88, 97]
Assuming you want to preserve order, as in your example:
def split_it(a,n)
f = a.select {|e| e <= n}
[f, a-f]
a = [6, 45, 23, 65, 17, 48, 97, 32, 18, 9, 88]
f, l = split_it(a,23)
puts "#{f} < #{l}" # => [6, 23, 17, 18, 9] < [45, 65, 48, 97, 32, 88]
If you want to preserve order and have the first subarray contain nbr elements, add this:
def split_nbr(a, nbr)
n = 1
loop do
return [] if n > a.max
b = split_it(a,n)
return b if b.first.size == nbr
n += 1
f, l = split_nbr(a,3)
puts "#{f} < #{l}" # => [6, 17, 9] < [45, 23, 65, 48, 97, 32, 18, 88]

1 to 100 odd numbers in array

Is there any cool way in Ruby to create an array with 1 to 100 with only odd entries (1, 3 etc). I now have a loop for this but that is obviously not a cool way to do it! Any suggestions?
My current code:
def create_1_to_100_odd_array
array = [1]
i = 3
while i < 100
array.push i
i += 2
Thanks in advance
The Range class comes with a very cool feature for that purpose:
1.9.3-p286 :005 > (1..10).step(2).to_a
=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
May not be efficient, but a short piece of code:
# => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99]
Just toying...
Since you need a function, then:
def odd_to(n)
Not very effective solution, but quite elegant:
(1..100).select {|a| a%2 != 0}
You can do it as a one-liner when you instantiate the array:
def create_array_of_odds_to(n)
Array.new((n + 1) / 2) {|i| 2 * i + 1}
create_array_of_odds_to 10 # => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
