Jquery validation engine error popup comes behind div tag - jquery-validate

I am using validation engine from http://www.position-absolute.com/ site.
The validation is applied on the div tag which is opened as popup on parent page.
Issue : when error message is shown on a control, it is appearing behind the div.
Search to similar issue suggest the usages of z-index, but how to control the z-index of error message poping from validation engine? Giving high number to div z-index:99999 did not work.
Please help

just change your script as
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$(".primary").click(function () {
$(".close").click(function () {
$("#yourformid").submit(function (ev) {
var validForm = $("#yourformid").validationEngine('validate');
$(".formError").css("z-index", 15000);
if (validForm) {
it works fine


Chosen not working on elements from AJAX call

I have a form which populates div elements based on selections from a select box using an AJAX call.
The content of the populated div is a multiselect box that I want Chosen to apply to. Unfortunately it seems that the 'chzn-select' is not firing, no doubt due to this being pulled in dynamically.
I have added this:
<script type="text/javascript">
To the bottom of the code that is pulled in by AJAX, but it is still not firing. Any ideas on how to make this work as desired?
Solved myself. Will post for future reference. I put the Chosen calls in their own function on my original page that calls the AJAX:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doChosen() {
And in the AJAX script itself, I added a call to the function after the responseText part:
instead of using chosen(), try change() method. It works on change event.
$(".chzn-select").change(function () {
var str = "";
$("select option:selected").each(function () {
// do your coding here

Add spinner image in jQuery code

I have a jquery to show links in a div without reloading page:
jQuery Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function(event) {
// Prevent default click action if javascript is enabled
//load the content of the new page into the content of the current page
$("#content").load( $(this).attr("href") + " #content");
everything is fine and working, but this is so simple! how i can add a loading image before content loading in this code?
and second question, is there any way to show a new page link in address bar after loading?
You can use the call back function to remove the loader.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function(event) {
// Prevent default click action if javascript is enabled
//load the content of the new page into the content of the current page
$('#loader').show(); // Show some hidden loader on the page
$("#content").load( $(this).attr("href") + " #content", function() {
$('#loader').hide(); // Hide the loader when it completely loads the given URL.
For your second question this should be the answer. Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript

Jquery in apex 4 Click event help

I have an image that is in my apex application with the id tag of submit_button. I want to display an alert when the user tries to click this image but for some reason nothing is happening. In my header on the page I have this code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#submit_button').click(function) {
Any ideas?
I don't know why that doesn't work (it doesn't work for me either, I just tried), but it is very simple to do via a dynamic action with the following properties:
Event = click
Selection Type = DOM Object
DOM Object = submit_button
"True" Action = Execute Javascript Code
Fire on page load = (unchecked)
Code = alert('hi');

Getting jQuery TipTip to work with ajax loaded content

I am using the jQuery TipTip plugin to display tooltips on hrefs using data from the "Title" tag.
Here is the code i am using to invoke TipTip
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tipTip.js"></script>
<!-- ToolTip script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".someClass").tipTip({maxWidth: "auto", edgeOffset: 10});
<!-- End ToolTip script -->
and in the body
sample content. sample,stuff.
This works fine as standalone example. However, when i set the script up to load the content into the body via ajax (using sample.html that contains the original body code), the ToolTip stops working.
<script type="text/javascript">
//loading sample ajax data
Browsing in the TipTip forums, someone mentioned this could work using the jQuery .live function, but having read the documentation, i dont understand how im supposed to implement this with my code. I understand that jquery-live is an event handler, so supposedly, i could call in the data via ajax as the primary event and then apply TipTip as a secondary event, but i cant figure out how to implement this, and dont know if im definitely going down the right path.
Could someone please advise me?
An easy solution would be to create a function that activates TipTip:
function activateTipTip() {
$(".someClass").tipTip({maxWidth: "auto", edgeOffset: 10});
$('#remote').load('sample.html', function() {
Not very elegant, but should work though.
This code will make it so that any link that has a title attribute will have TipTip's functionality applied to it:
$('a[title]').live('mouseover', function()
delay: 200,
maxWidth: '400px'
Source: https://drew.tenderapp.com/discussions/tiptip/73-tiptip-and-jquery-live
This is my solution for this problem:
$(ElementParent).on('mouseover', YourElementSelector, function()
if($(this).data('hasTipTip') !== true)
$(this).data('hasTipTip', true);

jquery htmlbox 4.0 onblur event

How can i catch the "onblur" event of my htmlbox textarea?
I want to be able to get the htmlbox content when it's onblur..
Thank's In Advance.
Try this code, it loops waiting 1 second until htmlbox creates the iframe, then it adds a .blur handler to the iframe, I found out the iframe's id by using IE8's Developer Tools, by clicking on the arrow icon in the developer tools and clicking the box you can see how HTML looks after the page loads and javascript processed. if($("iframe").length) is true then then htmlbox has created the iframe and you can attach the .blur event handler.
<script type="text/javascript">
var check = function(){
alert('Blur has occurred!');
} else {
setTimeout(check, 1000)
setTimeout(check, 1000)
This example demonstrates:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.5.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(this).text("I have been blurred.");
<textarea id='bar'>foo</textarea>
Make sure the file jquery-1.5.min.js is in the same folder IF you use the example above.
You can read up on the .blur event at http://api.jquery.com/blur/
It receives a function as an argument and executes it when it becomes blurred.
