Calling a bash script from a tcl script and returning and exit status - bash

I am attempting to call a bash script from a TCL script and need to get exit status from the bash script or at least pass something back into the TCL script so that I can tell if my script executed successfully. Any suggestions?

See -- click the "Show discussion" button -- there's a very detailed example of how to do exactly what you're asking. What you need though is catch
set status [catch {exec script.bash} output]
if {$status == 0} {
puts "script exited normally (exit status 0) and wrote nothing to stderr"
} elseif {$::errorCode eq "NONE"} {
puts "script exited normally (exit status 0) but wrote something to stderr which is in $output"
} elseif {[lindex $::errorCode 0] eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
puts "script exited with status [lindex $::errorCode end]."
} else ...

What you want is exec the result of which will be in the return value, be warned however there are lots of gotchas using exec, particularly if you need to do any complex quoting

My experience in tcl is limited to occasional dabbling. However, following links starting with the one in #jk's answer led me to this page which discusses the errorCode variable and related things that might be useful this circumstance. Here's a quick example demonstrating the use of errorCode:
set ret_val [catch { exec /bin/bash /path/to/bash_script }]
set errc $errorCode
set ret_val [lindex [split $errc " " ] 2]
puts $ret_val
bash_script, as referenced above:
exit 42
which led to output of:


Sending commands to "application's shell" using "bash script" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to make a bash shell script interact with another command line program?
(6 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a program JLinkExe which opens it's own prompt uponn execution. So I normally run it like this:
and then type the commands at it's prompt that appears:
There are many applications with it's own prompt and I am interested in a general method that would enable me to send commands to any kind of application that has it's own prompt.
I already tried two methods. They both try to send commands in this order:
loadbin program.bin , 0x0
but both fail. Here is the first method:
{ echo 'connect';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo 'erase';
echo 'loadbin program.bin , 0x0';
echo 'r';
echo 'q'; } | JLinkExe
And the second method (source):
JLinkExe <<EOF
loadbin program.bin , 0x0
I found these method on the internet but I don't understand why they fail. Especially the first one that worked in the past...
Can anyone propose any better / working / universally applicable method?
I think it might be because here-docs do not wait for output. Unfortunately for you I switched company, thus can't test my code below.
#! /bin/bash
expect <<-EOF
set timeout -1
spawn JLinkExe
expect "J-Link> " { send "connect\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "erase\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "loadbin program.bin , 0x0\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "r\r" }
expect "J-Link> " { send "q\r" }
expect eof
catch wait result
exit [lindex \$result 3]
exit $?
Except waits until J-Link> turns up and then sends the command through the connection.
If it doesn't work please notify me. I'll try to help you after the weekend :-)
A: Why did you wrap everything in expect 2>&1 <<-EOF and EOF?
You can add expect in the shebang, but I often use it as part of my Bash scripts. My knowledge of Bash is better.
B: Why a -EOF instead of EOF?
That's because <<-EOF allows leading tabs when you want to end the here-doc. You can indent it in functions for instance.
C: Why did you redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1)?
In your case I should've removed this. I took the code from one of my other answer about expect and tailored it to your needs.
D: What does catch wait result and exit [lindex \$result 3] do after we catch the eof?
Nice question, I had to look this one up a little myself:
lindex takes 4rd argument in \$result and exits the here-doc (0 is arg 1).
\$result is set by catch wait result.
Catch takes the output of wait and puts that into result.
Wait returns four integers:
First: pid of process that's being waited on.
Second: spawn ID.
Third: -1 for errors, 0 otherwise.
Forth: Exit status of the program as set by the OS.
Note that you have to escape the $ in the here-doc, otherwise Bash tries to process it. Hence \$result.
E: Why you exit with exit $?
Bash exits a script with the last known error code. Although you can leave it implicitly, I like to add it anyhow. It keeps the script more readable for beginners.

Return value from system() when using SIGINT default handler

I am experiencing some strange return values from system() when a child process receives a SIGINT from the terminal. To explain, from a Perl script I used system() to run another Perl script as a child process, but I also needed to run the child through the shell, so I used the system 'sh', '-c', ... form.. So the parent of the child became the sh process and the parent of the sh process became Also, to avoid having the sh process receiving the SIGINT signal, I trapped it.
For example,
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
for (1..3) {
my $res = system 'sh', '-c', "trap '' INT; child$";
say "Parent received return value: " . ($res >> 8);
local $SIG{INT} = "DEFAULT";
sleep 10;
say "Child timed out..";
exit 1;
local $SIG{INT} = sub { die };
sleep 10;
say "Child timed out..";
exit 1;
and is:
eval {
local $SIG{INT} = sub { die };
sleep 10;
if ( $# ) {
print $#;
exit 2;
say "Child timed out..";
exit 0;
If I run (from the command line) and press CTRL-C to abort each child process, the output is:
^CParent received return value: 130
^CDied at ./ line 7.
Parent received return value: 4
^CDied at ./ line 8.
Parent received return value: 2
Now, I would like to know why I get a return value of 130 for case 1, and a return value of 4 for case 2.
Also, it would be nice to know exactly what the "DEFAULT" signal handler does in this case.
Note: the same values are returned if I replace sh with bash ( and trap SIGINT instead of INT in bash ).
See also:
Propagation of signal to parent when using system
Chapter 15, in Programming Perl, 4th Edition
This question is very similar to Propagation of signal to parent when using system that you asked earlier.
From my bash docs:
When a command terminates on a fatal signal N, bash uses the value of 128+N as the exit status.
SIGINT is typically 2, so 128 + 2 give you 130.
Perl's die figures out its exit code by inspecting $! or $? for an uncaught exception (so, not the case where you use eval):
exit $! if $!; # errno
exit $? >> 8 if $? >> 8; # child exit status
exit 255; # last resort
Notice that in this case, Perl exits with the value as is, not shifted up 8 bits.
The errno value happens to be 4 (see errno.h). The $! variable is a dualvar with different string and numeric values. Use it numerically (like adding zero) to get the number side:
use v5.10;
local $SIG{INT}=sub{
say "numeric errno is ", $!+0;
sleep 10;
print q(timed out);
exit 1;
This prints:
$ bash -c "perl"
^Cnumeric errno is 4
Died at line 6.
$ echo $?
Taking your questions out of order:
Also, it would be nice to know exactly what the "DEFAULT" signal handler does in this case.
Setting the handler for a given signal to "DEFAULT" affirms or restores the default signal handler for the given signal, whose action depends on the signal. Details are available from the signal(7) manual page. The default handler for SIGINT terminates the process.
Now, I would like to know why I get a return value of 130 for case 1, and a return value of 4 for case 2.
Your child1 explicitly sets the default handler for SIGINT, so that signal causes it to terminate abnormally. Such a process has no exit code in the conventional sense. The shell also receives the SIGINT, but it traps and ignores it. The exit status it reports for the child process (and therefore for itself) reflects the signal (number 2) that killed the child.
Your other two child processes, on the other hand, catch SIGINT and terminate normally in response. These do produce exit codes, which the shell passes on to you (after trapping and ignoring the SIGINT). The documentation for die() describes how the exit code is determined in this case, but the bottom line is that if you want to exit with a specific code then you should use exit instead of die.

ruby system command check exit code

I have a bunch of system calls in ruby such as the following and I want to check their exit codes simultaneously so that my script exits out if that command fails.
system("VBoxManage createvm --name test1")
system("ruby test.rb")
I want something like
system("VBoxManage createvm --name test1", 0) <-- where the second parameter checks the exit code and confirms that that system call was successful, and if not, it'll raise an error or do something of that sort.
Is that possible at all?
I've tried something along the lines of this and that didn't work either.
system("ruby test.rb")
system("echo $?")
`ruby test.rb`
exit_code = `echo $?`
if exit_code != 0
raise 'Exit code is not zero'
From the documentation:
system returns true if the command gives zero exit status, false for
non zero exit status. Returns nil if command execution fails.
system("unknown command") #=> nil
system("echo foo") #=> true
system("echo foo | grep bar") #=> false
An error status is available in $?.
system("VBoxManage createvm --invalid-option")
$? #=> #<Process::Status: pid 9926 exit 2>
$?.exitstatus #=> 2
For me, I preferred use `` to call the shell commands and check $? to get process status. The $? is a process status object, you can get the command's process information from this object, including: status code, execution status, pid, etc.
Some useful methods of the $? object:
$?.exitstatus => return error code
$?.success? => return true if error code is 0, otherwise false
$?.pid => created process pid
system returns false if the command has an non-zero exit code, or nil if there is no command.
system( "foo" ) or exit
system( "foo" ) or raise "Something went wrong with foo"
should work, and are reasonably concise.
You're not capturing the result of your system call, which is where the result code is returned:
exit_code = system("ruby test.rb")
Remember each system call or equivalent, which includes the backtick-method, spawns a new shell, so it's not possible to capture the result of a previous shell's environment. In this case exit_code is true if everything worked out, nil otherwise.
The popen3 command provides more low-level detail.
One way to do this is to chain them using and or &&:
system("VBoxManage createvm --name test1") and system("ruby test.rb")
The second call won't be run if the first fails.
You can wrap those in an if () to give you some flow-control:
if (
system("VBoxManage createvm --name test1") &&
system("ruby test.rb")
# do something
# do something with $?
Ruby 2.6 added option to raise exception in Kernel#system:
system("command", exception: true)
I want something like
system("VBoxManage createvm --name test1", 0) <-- where the second parameter checks the exit code and confirms that that system call was successful, and if not, it'll raise an error or do something of that sort.
You can add exception: true to your system call to have an error raised on non 0 exit codes.
For example, consider this small wrapper around system which prints the command (similar to bash -x, fails if there's a non 0 exit code (like bash -e) and returns the actual exit code:
def sys(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
puts("\e[1m\e[33m#{cmd} #{args}\e[0m\e[22m")
system(cmd, *args, exception: true, **kwargs)
return $?.exitstatus
To be called like: sys("hg", "update")
If you want to call a program that uses a different convention for exit codes, you can suppress raising the exception:
sys("robocopy", src, dst, "/COPYALL", "/E", "/R:0", "/DCOPY:T", exception: false)
You can also suppress stdout and stderr for noisy programs:
sys("hg", "update", "default", :out => File::NULL, :err => File::NULL)

Shell: Return value of a non-child process

In shell script I am trying to wait for non-child process. I got reference on how to do it from:
WAIT for "any process" to finish
My shell script structure is:
return 1
# Wait for func1 to finish
while kill -0 "$pid_func1"; do
sleep 0.5
# Call function 1 in background
func1 &
func2 &
In this case how do I receive the return value of func1 inside function func2?
You generally cannot capture the exit status of non-child processes. You may be able to work something involving logging the exit codes to status files and then reading the values, but otherwise you're not going to be able to capture the values
I used anothe shell variable to store the return status in this case and checked value of this shell variable whereever required. Find a sample shell script below to simulate the scenario.
retvalue=23 # return value which needs to be returned
status_func1=$retvalue # store this value in shell variable
echo "func1 executing"
return $retvalue
# Not possible to use wait command for pid of func1 as it is not a child of func2
#wait $pid_func1
while kill -0 "$pid_func1"; do
echo "func1 is still executing"
sleep 0.5
echo "func2 executing"
#echo "func1 ret: $ret_func1"
echo "func1 ret: $status_func1"
# Main shell script starts here
func1 &
func2 &
Hope its useful for others who are facing the same issue.

What's does a bash function return when there is no “return” statement?

Is the return value of a bash function the status of the last executed command?
I wrote this test and it looks like it's so. I just want to verify. No one has asked this question before apparently and tutorials don't mention this.
Test program:
funa() {
echo "in funa";
funb() {
echo "in funb"
funa && echo "funa is true";
funb && echo "funb is true";
Output when I run the program:
in funa
funa is true
in funb
Does anyone know the answer?
Yes. Per man bash:
Shell Function Definitions
When executed, the exit status of
a function is the exit status of the last command executed in
the body. (See FUNCTIONS below.)
Did you try reading the manpage? It's in there.
When executed, the exit status of
a function is the exit status of the last command executed in
the body. (See FUNCTIONS below.)
