Xcode "new method" shortcut? - xcode

My initial take on XCode is that it makes hard things easier, and easy things harder (find & replace requires way too many keystrokes, for example...). The biggest one to me, however is a lack of a method wizard... I tend to write lots of small methods, and I'm finding it hard to believe that you can't declare your method in a popup and have the interface and implementation files populated with stubs. Am I missing something? Frankly, I get far more functionality out of vi from an editor perspective.

I don't think you can do that exactly as you want it (without a plugin like Accessorizer), but it's not necessary, since you can create your own snippets, as highlighted in this snippet question, that will then contain the stubs you really need. Since most basic methods are written for you (or only require a few keywords to be autogenerated with your requirements, with #synthesize, etc...), it makes sense to me.
However, this could make your day if you still are unhappy :D


howto struct a code? e.g. at the top all variables, then all methods and last all event handlers

i'm currently working on a big projekt and i loose many time searching the right thing in the code. i need to get e.g. a method which makes someting special. so i scroll the whole code.
are there any common and effective methods to struct a file of code? e.g.
1. all global variables
2. constructor etc.
3. all methods
4. all event handlers
do you know common methods to do this??
It's more usual to break large projects into several source files, with logically related functionality. This helps with speeding up compilation and reducing coupling in your design as well as helping you navigate the code.
An example might be to have separate files for
UI functionality
helper classes (such as geometric/maths stuff)
file I/O
core functionality that connects the rest together
Design is a large topic, the book Code Complete by Steve McConnell might be a good starting point for you.
You shouldnt use global variables :)
Try spreading things out over different classes and files. Maks sure each class has only one purpose, instead of 1 class that manages a whole lot of different tasks.
That sounds like a sensible enough structure to me, what would really benefit you though is learning to use the tools you have available — whatever editor you're using it will have a search function, you can use that to quickly find what you're looking for.
Some editors will also include bookmarks too, and most offer a way to move back and forward through recent positions in the file.
Seen this sort of things started, never seen it kept on under the pressure to turn out code though.
Basically my rule of thumb is, if I feel the need to do this, break the code file up.

Typing similar code

I've occasionally found myself in situations where I have to type out redundant code... where only one variable or two will change in each block of code. Usually I'll copy and paste this block and make the necessary changes on each block of code... but is there a better way to handle this?
Heavy use of cut and paste usually means there's something not quite right in the design of the code. Think about how you could refactor such as breaking out the cut/paste functionality into commonly called methods.
Yes. There is always a better way to do it than copy-and-paste. You should always get a little uneasy (kind of like you feel when you're about to give a speech in front of a huge crowd) when you're about to hit "Ctrl-V."
In almost any introductory class you're likely to be using a language that has functions, methods, or sub procedures. (What they're called and what they do depends on the language in question). Any variable that changes needs to be a parameter to that function/method/subprocedure.
When you do that (and the method/function/sub is accessible) you can replace the HUGE chunks of code with a single call to your new m-f-s.
There are a lot of other ways to do this, but when you're just getting started this is probably the way to go.
you have a lot of approaches to this situation. I don't know if you're working with OO or structured programming but you can build methods or functions and give them cohesion and unique responsibilities. I think it's an easy way of thinking...
In the OO paradigm we use some therms on how to avoid this situation: cohesion and low decoupling (you could search for them over the Internet). If you can apply both of them in your code, it will be easier to read and maintain.
That's all

Function before form or form before function?

What do you believe in? As an incomplete basis for a good product - would you prefer a mess of code that is horrible to look at but works perfectly for what its supposed to do, or a beautiful set of well organized classes (or something else if OO doesn't float your boat) but have buggy functionality that still needs a lot of work?
If you were just handed a project to improve and work towards completion, which would you prefer? And what do you put the emphasis on when starting a new project?
Well written code will be easier to debug. If the code is too messy, even if it has "no bugs" (unlikely) it will not be maintainable.
I prefer both. However, if I was going to be handed a project I would go with buggy but beautiful everytime.
If we're talking about abstractions, I'd prefer to have just a small base set of working features. While it might be nice to have a pre-built, working library on top of this, the user can always create greater functionality from that working base.
Maybe they don't look nice, but again, a user can always just create a wrapper to make things look nice. I vote function.
Real artists ship - so something, that is both beautiful and gets the job done. But when in doubt, err on the "gets the job done" side, even if it isn't perfection.

Best way to get rid of hungarian notation?

Let's say you've inherited a C# codebase that uses one class with 200 static methods to provide core functionality (such as database lookups). Of the many nightmares in that class, there's copious use of Hungarian notation (the bad kind).
Would you refactor the variable names to remove the Hungarian notation, or would you leave them alone?
If you chose to change all the variables to remove Hungarian notation, what would be your method?
Refactor -- I find Hungarian notation on that scale really interferes with the natural readability of the code, and the exercise is a good way of getting familiar with what's there.
However, if there are other team members who know the code base you would need consensus on the refactoring, and if any of the variables are exposed outside of the one project then you will have to leave them alone.
Just leave it alone. There are better uses of your time.
Right click on the variable name, Refactor -> Rename.
There are VS add-ins that do this as well, but the built-in method works fine for me.
What would I do? Assuming that I just have to maintain the code and not rewrite it any significant way? Leave it well alone. And When I do add code, go with the existing style, meaning, use that ugly Hungarian notation (as dirty as that makes me feel.)
But, hey, if you really have a hankerin' fer refactorin' then just do a little at a time. Every time you work on it spend ten minutes renaming variables. Tidying things up a little. After a few months you might find it's clean as a whistle....
Don't forget that there are two kinds of Hungarian Notation.
The original Charles Simonyi HN, later known as App's Hungarian and the later abomination called System Hungarian after some peckerhead (it's a technical term) totally misread Simonyi's original paper.
Unfortunately, System HN was propagated by Petzold and others to become the more dominant abortion that it is rightfully recognised as today.
Read Joel's excellent article about the intent of the original Apps Hungarian Notation and be sorry for what got lost in the rush.
If what you've got is App's Hungarian you will probably want to keep it after reading both the original Charles Simonyi article and the Joel article.
If you've landed in a steaming pile of System Hungarian?
All bets are off!
Whew! (said while holding nose) (-:
if you're feeling lucky and just want the Hungarian to go away, isolate the Hungarian prefixes that are used and try a search and replace in file to replace them with nothing, then do a clean and rebuild. If the number of errors is small, just fix it. If the number of errors is huge, go back and break it up into logical (by domain) classes first, then rename individually (the IDE will help)
I used to use it religiously back in the VB6 days, but stopped when VB.NET came out because that's what the new VB guidelines said. Other developers didn't. So, we’ve got a lot of old code with it. When I do maintenance on code I remove the notation from the functions/methods/sub I touch. I wouldn't remove it all at once unless you've got really good unit tests for everything and can run them to prove that nothing's broken.
How much are you going to break by doing this? That's an important question to ask yourself. If there are a lot of other pieces of code that use that library, then you might just be creating work for folks (maybe you) by going through the renaming exercise.
I'd put it on the list of things to do when refactoring. At least then everyone expects you to be breaking the library (temporarily).
That said, I totally get frustrated with poorly named methods and variables, so I can relate.
I wouldn't make a project out of it. I'd use the refactoring tools in VS (actually, I'd use Resharper's, but VS's work just fine) and fix all the variables in any method I was called upon to modify. Or if I had to make larger-scale changes, I'd refactor the variable names in any method I was called upon to understand.
If you have a legitimate need to remove and change it I would use either the built in refactoring tools, or something like Resharper.
However, I would agree with Chris Conway to a certain standpoint and ask you WHY, yes, it is annoying, but at the same time, a lot of the time the "if it aint't broke done't fix it" method is really the best way to go!
Only change it when you directly use it. And make sure you have a testbench ready to apply to ensure it still works.
I agree that the best way to phase out hungarian notation is to refactor code as you modify it. The greatest benefit of doing this kind of refactoring is that you should be writing unit tests around the code you're modifying so that you have a safety net instead of crossing your fingers and hoping that you don't break existing functionality. Once you have these unit tests in place, you are free to change the code to your heart's content.
I'd say a bigger problem is that you have a single class with 200(!) methods!
If this is a much depended on / much changed class then it might be worth refactoring to make it more usable.
In this, Resharper is an absolute must (you could use the built in refactoring stuff, but Resharper is way better).
Start finding a group of related methods, and then refactor these out into a nice small cohesive class. Update to conform to your latest code standards.
Compile & run your test suite.
Have energy for more? Extract another class.
Worn out - no trouble; come back and do some more tomorrow. In just a few days you'll have conquered the beast.
I agree with #Booji -- do it manually, on a per-routine basis when you're already visiting the code for some other good reason. Then, you'll get the most common ones out of the way, and who cares about the rest.
I was thinking of asking a similar question, only in my case, the offending code is my own. I have a very old habit of using "the bad kind" of Hungarian from my FoxPro days (which had weak typing and unusual scoping) — a habit I've only recently kicked.
It's hard — it means accepting an inconsistent style in your code base. It was only a week ago I finally said "screw it" and began a parameter name without the letter "p". The cognitive dissonance I initially felt has given way to a feeling of liberty. The world did not come to an end.
The way I've been going about this problem is changing one variable at a time as I come across them, then perform more sweeping changes when you come back to do more in-depth changes. If you're anything like me, the different nomenclature of your variables will drive you bat-shiat crazy for a while, but you'll slowly become used to it. The key is to chip away at it a little bit at a time until you have everything to where it needs to be.
Alternatively, you could jettison your variables altogether and just have every function return 42.
It sounds to me like the bigger problem is that 200-method God Object class. I'd suggest that refactoring just to remove the Hungarian notation is a low-value, high-risk activity in of itself. Unless there's a copious set of automated unit tests around that class to give you some confidence in your refactoring, I think you should leave it well and truly alone.
I guess it's unlikely that such a set of tests exists, because a developer following TDD practices would (hopefully) have naturally avoided building a god object in the first place - it would be very difficult to write comprehensive tests for.
Eliminating the god object and getting a unit test base in place is of higher value, however. My advice would be to look for opportunities to refactor the class itself - perhaps when a suitable business requirement/change comes along that necessitates a change to that code (and thus hopefully comes with some system & regression testing bought and paid for). You might not be able to justify the effort of refactoring the whole thing in one go, but you can do it piece by piece as the opportunity comes along, and test-drive the changes. In this way you can slowly convert the spaghetti code into a cleaner code base with comprehensive unit tests, bit by bit.
And you can eliminate the Hungarian as you go, if you like.
I am actually doing the same thing here for an application extension. My approach has been to use VIM mappings to search for specific Hungarian notation prefixes and then delete them and fix capitalization as appropriate.
Examples (goes in vimrc):
"" Hungarian notation conversion helpers
"" get rid of str prefixes and fix caps e.g. strName -> name
map ,bs /\Wstr[A-Z]^Ml3x~
map ,bi /\Wint[A-Z]^Ml3x~
"" little more complex to clean up m_p type class variables
map ,bm /\Wm_p\?[A-Z]^M:.s/\(\W\)m_p\?/\1_/^M/\W_[A-Z]^Mll~
map ,bp /\Wp[A-Z]^Mlx~
If you're gonna break code just for the sake of refactoring, I would seriously consider leaving i alone, specially, if you are going to affect other people in your team who may be depending on that code.
If your team is OK with this refactoring, and investing your time in doing this (which may be a time-saver in the future, if it means the code is more readable/maintainable), use Visual Studio (or whatever IDE you are using) to help you refactor the code.
However, if a big change like this is not a risk your team/boss is willing to take, I would suggest a somewhat unorthodox, half-way approach. Instead of doing all your refactoring in a single sweep, why not refactor sections of code (more specifically, functions) that need to be touched during normal maintenance? Over time, this slow refactoring will bring the code up to a cleaner state, at which point you can finish the refactoring process with a final sweep.
Use this java tool to remove HN:
Or just use "replace"/"replace all" with regex like below to replace "c_strX" to "x":
I love Hungarian notation. Don't understand why you would want to get rid of it.

Monkey-patching Vs. S.O.L.I.D. principles?

I'm slowly moving from PHP5 to Python on some personal projects, and I'm currently loving the experience. Before choosing to go down the Python route I looked at Ruby. What I did notice from the ruby community was that monkey-patching was both common and highly-regarded. I also came across a lot of horror stories regarding the trials of debugging ruby s/w because someone included a relatively harmless library to do a little job but which patched some heavily used core object without telling anyone.
I chose Python for (among other reasons) its cleaner syntax and the fact that it could do everything Ruby can. Python is making OO click much better than PHP ever has, and I'm reading more and more on OO principles to enhance this better understanding.
This evening I've been reading about Robert Martin's SOLID principles:
Single responsibility principle,
Open/closed principle,
Liskov substitution principle,
Interface segregation principle, and
Dependency inversion principle
My head's in a spin over the conflict between ensuring consistency in OO design and the whole monkey-patching thing. I understand that its possible to do monkey-patching in Python. I also understand that being "pythonic" is to follow common, well-tested, oop best-practices & principles.
What I'd like to know is the community's opinion on the two opposing subjects; how they interoperate, when its best to use one over the other, whether the monkey-patching should be done at all... hopefully you can provide a resolution to the matter for me.
There's a difference between monkey-patching (overwriting or modifying pre-existing methods) and simple addition of new methods. I think the latter is perfectly fine, and the former should be looked at suspiciously, but I'm still in favour of keeping it.
I've encountered quite a few those problems where a third party extension monkeypatches the core libraries and breaks things, and they really do suck. Unfortunately, they all invariably seem stem from the the third party extension developers taking the path of least resistance, rather than thinking about how to actually build their solutions properly.
This sucks, but it's no more the fault of monkey patching than it's the fault of knife makers that people sometimes cut themselves.
The only times I've ever seen legitimate need for monkey patching is to work around bugs in third party or core libraries. For this alone, it's priceless, and I really would be disappointed if they removed the ability to do it.
Timeline of a bug in a C# program we had:
Read strange bug reports and trace problem to a minor bug in a CLR library.
Invest days coming up with a workaround involving catching exceptions in strange places and lots of hacks which compromises the code a lot
Spend days extricating hacky workaround when Microsoft release a service pack
Timeline of a bug in a rails program we had:
Read strange bug reports and trace problem to a minor bug in a ruby standard library
Spend 15 minutes performing minor monkey-patch to remove bug from ruby library, and place guards around it to trip if it's run on the wrong version of ruby.
Carry on with normal coding.
Simply delete monkeypatch later when next version of ruby is released.
The bugfixing process looks similar, except with monkeypatching, it's a 15 minute solution, and a 5-second 'extraction' whereas without it, pain and suffering ensues.
PS: The following example is "technically" monkeypatching, but is it "morally" monkeypatching? I'm not changing any behaviour - this is more or less just doing AOP in ruby...
class SomeClass
alias original_dostuff dostuff
def dostuff
# extra stuff, eg logging, opening a transaction, etc
In my view, monkeypatching is useful to have but something that can be abused. People tend to discover it and feel like it should be used in every situation, where perhaps a mixin or other construct may be more appropriate.
I don't think it's something that you should outlaw, it's just something that the Ruby guys like to use. You can do similar things with Python but the community has taken the stance that things should be simpler and more obvious.
Monkey patching is not ruby-explicit, its done all over javascript too, with negative (IMO) effects.
My personal opinion is monkey patching should only be done to
a) Add functionality to an old version of a language which is available in the new version of the language which you need.
b) When there is no other "logical" place for it.
There are many many easy ways to make monkey patching really awful, such as the ability to change how basic functions such as ADDITION work.
My stance is, if you can avoid it, do so.
If you can avoid it in a nice way, kudos to you.
If you can't avoid it, get the opinion of 200 people because you probably just have not thought about it hard enough.
My pet hate is mootools extending the function object. Yes, you can do this. Instead of people just learning how javascript works:
}, 5000 );
There was added a new method to every function object, ( yes, im not joking ) so that functions now have their own functions.
foo.delay( 5000 , args );
Which had the additional effect of this sort of crap being valid:
foo.delay.delay( 500, [ 500, args ] );
And on like that ad infinitum.
The result? You no longer have a library, and a language, your langauge bows to the library and if the library happens to be in scope, you no longer have a language, and you cant just do things the way that they were done when you learn the language, and instead have to learn a new subset of commands just to not have it fall flat on its face ( at the cost of excessive slowdowns! )
may i note that foo.delay also returned an object, with its own methods, so you could do
x = foo.delay( 500, args );
and even
which may sound overly useful, ... but you have to take into consideration the massive overhead used to make this viable.
(Disclaimer: its been a while since I used moo, and have tried to forget it, and function names/structure may be incorrect. This is not an API reference. Please check their site for details ( sorry, their API reference sucks! ))
Mokeypatching is generally wrong. Create a proper subclass and add the methods.
I've used monkeypatching once in production code.
The issue is that REST uses GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. But the Django test client only offers GET and POST. I've monkeypatched methods for PUT (like POST) and DELETE (like GET).
Because of the tight binding between Django client and the Django test driver, it seemed easiest to monkeypatch it to support full REST testing.
You may find enlightening this discussion about Ruby's open classes and the Open-Closed Principle.
Even though I like Ruby, I feel monkey-patching is a tool of last resort to get things done. All things being equal, I prefer using traditional OO techniques with a sprinkle of functional programming goodness.
In my eyes, monkey-patching is one form of AOP. The article Aspect-Oriented Design Principles: Lessons from Object-Oriented Design (PDF) gives some ideas of how SOLID and other OOP principles can be applied to AOP.
My first thought is that monkey-patching violates OCP, since clients of a class should be able to expect that class to work consistently.
Monkey-patching is just plain wrong, IMHO. I've not come across the open/closed principle you mention before, but it's a principle I've long held myself, I agree with it 100%. I think of monkey-patching as a code-smell on a larger scale, a coding-philosophy-smell, as it were.
