Mono for Android debugging in VS2010 - performance

I'm trying to use Mono for Android; so far so good.
But debugging in VS2010 it's very, very slow. Step by step debugging it's even more slow!
Is something wrong with my installation, or this is the case for Mono for Android ?

Using the debugger in the current release of Mono for Android is indeed very slow. It's an issue that I know is high on the team's priority list, but in the meantime it's pretty rough. I would suggest running your app without the debugger when possible, and then make use of logging in order to see what's going on when you need to.

It looks like this may be addressed in the latest release:
"Improved Debugger Performance: both stepping over your .NET code and examining variables is significantly faster. We eliminated some major bottlenecks caused by roundtrips from Visual Studio to the device and this has resulted in faster debugging and faster exploration of your variables."


How to speed up VS2010?

The process of compiling, creating exe and running it is very slow on my machine(and also stopping the exe by the stop button). Its a windows forms app with a very simple form. I see that in Release mode it works faster, but not fast enough.
There is also slow down of IDE right after I hit the stop button, it really needs to think about something for at least 10seconds(I understand that I'm killing the app, but why VS cant just understand it and don't think about it?).
Maybe uninstalling something or disabling something?
P.S. This is slow only after a few runs, but I think I just got too old machine. I would rather not update it right now.
I have 2GB of RAM.
I think the accepted solution is to upgrade to VS 2008.
Release mode will make the compiler slower, if anything. It generally makes the finished application smaller/faster, though.
VS2010 needs an enormous amount of memory, and if you have less than 3-4G, you're almost certainly being hit by that - that might be a cheaper upgrade than a new machine.
But all versions of the 'Visual' dev tools, right back to VC1.0, have been beasts that have required reasonably up-to-date computer specifications. I'm afraid that's just the way things are.
The BETA service pack worked wonders for me - lots of bits of VS2010 that were broken (like macros) started working and its significantly faster for me now - ymmv tho :)
Microsoft VS2010 SP1 Beta Link
This is a duplicate question, but I can't find the duplicate. So in summary here's what the other one said :)
1) Get more memory, 4gig as a minimum.
2) Disable extensions
3) A list of changes to speed things up 1
4) Might of found the original
I love all my extensions, so memory is key to me.

Is Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 usable?

I saw that Beta 1 of VS2010 was publicly availible.
My question to those of you who has tried it is: does it work good?
Will it cause my computer to blow up in tiny pieces? Will it crash randomly? Will it work with some minor glitches? Or is it just perfect from bottom up?
I'm only coding school- and hobby-stuff, so nothing that someones life depend upon, but i still want software that works. How close to a final product is it? Is it worth trying?
It's a bit slow, and there's no offline MSDN, but it's worth trying IMO. Having said that it's slow, I still use it on my NC10 netbook, so it's clearly not that bad :)
I've got it side-by-side VS2008, and that hasn't caused any problems.
I've seen a couple of glitches (once the keyboard handling went completely wonky) but it's certainly usable. The main question is what you want to get out of trying it - in my case I absolutely need to code against C# 4 to explore the new features. I do most of that from the command line in fact, where the speed of VS obviously isn't an issue, but it's nice to see the VS-specific features as well (like the debug threading views for Parallel Extensions).
It seems more or less usable on the .NET side. The C++ side is a bit more sketchy. On one hand, they've added support for some very nice new C++0x features, on the other, they've broken some absolute fundamentals.
Your plain old main function won't compile in 32-bit with unicode enabled. (Workarounds: Either compile as 64-bit, disable unicode, or rename the function to wmain).
This seems to me to be a strong hint that the C++ side of things is nowhere near release-worthy. I'd probably wait for beta2 before doing any serious work with that.
I would say it is great, but the performance hurts a bit.
Here is an idea for you: Install it into a VirtualPC. Then you can play and not care what it does. You don't like it, delete the VPC image and keep on trucking. That is how I play with Microsoft betas now. I never install them on any real machine - too risky.
Usable: Yes.
Recommended: Not if you'r a touchpad-addict or dislike crashing apps.
I've been trying it for 2 weeks now coding small C#-projects and these are my impressions
Reasons to use 2010:
Looks good
Multi monitor support
I can see myself using the code templating but right now i couldnt find any really useful stuff except for reducing the fontsize of comments.
Zoom in the editor
Select a variable and then press shift+up/down to go to next usage of this variable
Ctrl+, brings up instant search of classes and functions in the entire project. (i've become really addicted to this)
Floating watches for single objects
Reasons to not use 2010:
TOUCHPAD SCROLL DOESN'T WORK IN THE EDITOR!!! (this is reason enough to not upgrade if you are using it on a laptop)
I've had some random app-crashes in the middle of just writing code, once or twice per day maybe.
UI sometimes freezes randomly for about 30seconds and then returns to normal.
It started to use 100% CPU power from one of my cores once when it was minimized in basic editing-mode and i was doing other stuff in other programs, i only noticed it because the fan started to go wild.
Otherwhise it's pretty similar to 2008. I haven't noticed any difference in speed like other people say.
You need to ask yourself: what is the advantage for you in using VS2010 over VS2008? I would suggest that there is no advantage if all you are doing is "school- and hobby-stuff".
I'm still using VS2008 for business related stuff (and, indeed, VC6 for some stuff). I prefer to wait until all the early adopters have tested it (and Microsoft has released at least one service pack after the real product release) before I do their testing for them.
It seems to co-exist with other versions of VS without causing any problems.
Regarding the slowness - it seems to be the UI that is slow, rather than building. Once it's going it doesn't seem much slower on my fast quadcore. I've yet to try it on my laptop.
It's usable enough, the small glitches that I've encounter weren't that bad. However, certain VS extensions(like XNA) don't work in VS2010 at the moment.
It's fun to toy with. Not usable for me, cause re#er does not support it yet (had to install TestDriven .NET which works through keyboard shortcuts only to run my tests).
Gave me an insight how addicted I am. :/
Btw, on Win7, without virtual pc it seemed even faster than vs2008 for me.
VS2010 doesn't yet support mobile device projects, which might or might not matter to you.
VC++ wise - VS2010 has a built-in 64-bit compiler, VS2008 does not.
You can supposedly add 64-bit support to VS2008, but it takes some effort.
I've been using VS 2010 beta (with .NET 4.0 beta) on Windows 7 RC. I've been trying to rewrite parts of a large-scale business application in it to see what can be done with it.
The UI freezes frequently. I'm talking 1-10 minutes between freezes. The UI does not come back, so I'm forced to kill devenv.exe every time it happens. Microsoft probably puts my error reports in their spam folder by now.
For me, VS 2010 beta 1 classifies as unusable. However, it's fast, the new IDE functions are very handy, and it's pretty. I keep coming back to it despite my resolutions to wait for a stable build.

Should I install ReSharper 4.5 beta, and using Beta VS plug-ins in general

I'm running ReSharper 4.1 and was wondering if anyone is using 4.5 beta? how stable is it, etc.
Also how do people feel about using beta VS plug-ins in general on work systems.
I switched to the 4.5 beta two days ago, and for me at least, their claims of less memory usage are valid. I actually had to request a new computer because things were slowing to a crawl, and it looks like it was ReSharper causing it. 2GB of RAM fully used and constantly swapping out to the page file.
Of course, our solution has 92 projects in it, so it's not entirely their fault, but the point is, the beta seems very stable to me, but YMMV.
I installed it a few days ago, I've had Visual Studio freeze and crash on me three times and each time the only thing that would show up is the message "Parsing Source Files" from ReSharper. I'm not sure if the problem is the solution or the plugin, but other than that it is very stable, and much faster than 4.1.
I actually prefer using beta's on my development system because unlike my home computer I actually take care to protect my work and back it up. Not much harm running a beta plugin can do that I can't undo immediately.
i switched to beta and it has better performance than before.. you should try it.
We have been using the ReSharper 4.5 beta here with no problems. There is a noticeable difference in load time with 4.5, much faster. I highly recommended updating.

ReSharper sluggishness

I like ReSharper, but it is a total memory hog. It can quickly swell up and consume a half-gig of RAM without too much effort and bog down the IDE. Does anybody know of any way to configure it to be not as slow?
Turn off the on-the-fly compilation (which, unfortunately, is one of its best features)
The next release 4.5 is going to based around performance and memory footprint.
see Ilya Ryzhenkov's blog
Resharper 4.5 has been released
From my experience it is less of a memory hog, but i still can run out of memory.
I had an issue where it was taking upwards of 10 minutes to load a solution of 100+ projects. Once loaded VS performance would be ok, though it would oddly flutter back and forth between ok and really bad.
The short answer: Eliminating Resharper warnings seems to improve overall VS/R# performance.
The biggest problem ultimately was that we had a number of files of binary data (encrypted stuff) being included as embedded resources, which happened to have .xml extensions. Resharper was trying really really hard to analyze those files. Eventually it'd get through but would generate 100K+ errors in the process. Changing the extension to one Resharper did not automatically analyze (.bin in this case) solved the problem.
We still have about 10 files which when they or a file they depend on is edited performance tanks for a while. These files are the partial parts of a single class definition where each file averages 3000 LOC. Yes, that's right, it's about a 30K line class. It also happens to be rather poor code for other reasons, many of which Resharper flags making the right hand gutter bar practically a solid orange line. Editing often causes Resharper to reanalyze the whole thing. While that analysis runs, performance is noticeably affected.
I've come to the conclusion that the less errors/warnings there are for R# to identify, the better it performs. My anecdotal evidence gathered while cleaning up/refactoring this project seems to support it.
A lot of folks complain of perf problems with Resharper. If you have even a few big ugly code files with lots of Resharper warnings, then a little time spent cleaning that code up might yield better performance overall. It has for us.
Not sure how big your solutions are, but I stopped using 4.5 for the same reasons I stopped using all previous versions, memory usage.
Code analysis and unit test support was the main reason I bought it, turning it off means the rationale for using it is gone.
Workstation has 4GB of memory, and I can easily kill it with ReSharper when running our end-to-end stack in debuggers.
You can look how much memory ReSharper use.
ReSharper -> General -> Show managed memory usege in status bar.
If you are working on large source files, Resharper does get sluggish (I'm working on version 5.0 at the time of writing this).
You can view the memory usage of Resharper by clicking on Resharper options -> General -> Show memory use in status bar.
When I first did this, I noticed Resharper had clocked up hundreds of megabytes of memory usage! However, the next step worked for me in (temporarily) fixing the slugishness:
Right click the memory usage, and select "Collect garbage" - this seemed to fix the slugishness for me straight away.
Regarding memory hogging - I've found that my VS2008 memory footprint grows every time I close one solution and open another. This is true even if I close a solution and re-open that same solution.
The new ReSharper 4.5 works a lot better than the previous 4.x releases. I would recommend you try that one.
In previous versions I had the same problem, when 4.0 came out these problems have seemed to have gone away. Now with 4.1 i do not feel the huge slow down i used to have. My IDE does not freeze up anymore.
have you tried upgrading ?
Try the 4.5 beta. 4.1 was killing my 2GB dev machine, but it's back to running incredibly smoothly with the beta. Others have had the opposite experience, though, so YMMV.
Yes, 4.5 works much better. My understanding is that 4.5 was to address the performance issues.
Me and my colleagues are also having huge performance issues with ReSharper, just now my ReSharper took 1.1GB of memory. Visual Studio slows down specially when writing JavaScript, it's unbearable. You can turn of the on the fly compilation, but it's the best feature it has...
edit: Everybody in this thread seems to have ReShaprper 4.x, my version is 6.0.

Code Profiling in Visual Studio 2005

I have a Visual Studio 2005 Solution workspace which in turn has 8 projects included in it. I want to profile the complete code(all the projects) and get some measure about the absolute cycles taken by each function to execute, or at least percentage cycle consumptions.
I checked out help for VS 2005, and also the project setiings options but could not find any pointers on hwo to get the profile info.
Any help regarding this would be beneficial.
If your application is not particularly processor intensive, redgate ANTS Profiler is a good choice - the line-by-line stats can come in quite handy, and the whole product is clean and well-designed.
If your app needs a lot of CPU to operate normally, however, most of the .NET profilers on the market won't be able to handle it. The only two that I have ever found that will work for a really heavy-weight application are JetBrains dotTrace and YourKit. The two are very similar, which is not surprising, given that YourKit seems to have been started by a former JetBrains employee. I personally prefer dotTrace, but that may just be because that is what I used first, and there has never been any good reason to switch.
I have tested ANTS, AQTime, DevPartner, GlowCode, Borland OptimizeIt and Intel VTune, and all of them have too much overhead to handle a demanding application. (VTune is a possible exception, but it is so horribly complex to configure and use that I was never able to figure out exactly what it could handle. It is also very expensive.)
I guess the inbuilt profiler of Visual Studio 2005 comes onyl with the Developer Edition and Team Edition. I have a Professional edition which, it seems doesnot have the inbuilt profiler tool.
I've used both the profiler in Compuware’s DevPartner (I like to still call it “TrueTime”) and Rational's Quantify. I always liked Quantify better, but as I've moved between companies DevPartner is usually already the “standard”.
Both are expensive, but they (seem to) add so much value that any commercial shop should have no problem investing in some seats.
Quantify didn’t require special rebuilds of the project – which was GREAT. It also crashed less (that’s not saying much, it had its own issues). DevPartner also tends to break as each new version of Visual Stuido was release (maybe this is better now?). Buy the yearly maintenance agreement if you go this way.
That said, I’ve often just write a class remembers the time at construction and spits out (log file) the elapsed time in its destructor. I used QueryPerformanceCounter. I’d stick this class at the top of the function I’d want to time. You could get fancy with making it a macro, use the preprocessor to include this class only under a special build…
I recommend you EQATEC profiler which also includes in its site a tracer.
Also it's free and easy to use.
alt text
We use DevPartner with Visual Studio 2005. It gives you performance analysis of the specific projects in your solution you want to look at. We also use it for memory management analysis, and error analysis. Is commercial tool, so it's not free.
Red-gate's Profiler is great for this.
I use Jebrains profiler is very easy to use and performs very well too.
If your app needs a lot of CPU to operate normally, however, most of the .NET profilers on the market won't be able to handle it.
I have used a trial version of RedGate Ant's profiler on an optimizing algorithm that normally uses up to 100% CPU on a single core machines and though slow it managed to get through and report all I needed to know. Extremely helpfull tool. I wonder what kind of algorithms have you run on the Ant's profiler.
Has anyone used the VS profiler ?
