How to temporarily safely ignore files/changes from TFS - visual-studio

Where I work we have a long build process that includes more than a dozen modules. I work in module [A], and it often happens that code is checked into module [A] at the same time as code is checked into module [B] and [C] (this happens when a developer is working on cross module items).
The problem is that I periodically get latest on my module (necessary for other reasons relating to dev database schema concerns) and the new code can reference code in other modules ([B], [C], et..) which hasn't been built yet in our daily build. I can pull down modules [B] and [C] and build them myself, but due to the configuration involved in our build process...this could take hours.
My solution so far has been to comment out the code which contains the functionality that isn't yet available, and then try to remember not to check those comments in when I am done with my work. Is there a way to mark a file checkout (or a series of file checkouts) as temporary?
Short Version
How do I mark part of my changes so that when I go to check-in that those changes (and not the rest of my changes) are ignored / undone?
I can't use branching because of sync issues involving our dev database and our home brewed ORM.

Short answer: No. Sorry.
As a tip it sounds like you need to consider your branching strategy. You may be best off creating a branch for your work so that you can work in isolation and then merge back your changes into the main branch when your work is complete. Just remember to pull from main branch regularly after the build process completes so that your final merge is relatively pain free.

The answer I found was to use a TFS feature called cloaking. I can cloak a folder containing the offending code, and then I won't mistakenly check in code changes that I am trying to ignore. It is still somewhat cumbersome in that I need to make sure to turn off cloaking once I am done, but at least I wont be erasing good code on accident.

Isn't this what TFS Shelvesets are for? You can put all your changes into a shelveset to be commited later, then work on the existing code as things stand.
Shelvesets are a good way to have your changes waiting if you aren't ready to fully commit them yet.


VS2013 TFS branching and merging

I am using VS2013 TFS, my scenario is
1'st version of code checked in TFS and released. (Local Path is
C:\Development\DEV )
2'nd version coding started and not completed.
Now client is asking issue fix on top of first version ? how to do that ?
The same issue fix should be included in 2nd version also. how to do?
Assuming you have no branches yet, it goes something like this:
Get History on your main (v2) branch and work out the changeset or date/time at which you originally built v1.
Right click your main branch (v2) and create a new branch (for v1). Choose "from a changeset" or "from a date/time" and enter the information from the first step to identify where (or rather when) the branch should be taken from. Commit this branch. You mow have two separate independent branches, with the v1 branch using the historical code you had for the v1 release, and your main branch still containing v2.
Now you can fix the issue, in either branch. You will need to use the Source Control explorer to map both the branches into separate folders your PC so that you can work on them. (If your source code is not relocatable then you will have to switch between the branches by remapping them to the same location. This can be confusing but not too difficult if you do things carefully and make sure you get a clean copy of a branch before you start working on it. The pain of this is a good way of learning to make your code relocatable the next time :-)
Now you need to replicate the fix in the other branch. If the branches are quite different you may find it easier to just write the fix a second time in the other branch, or you can right-click on the fixed branch and Merge into the second branch. TFS will do as much as it can for you but you will then need to resolve any merge conflicts to apply the changes you made for your fix to the second branch without breaking anything. (This can be quite tricky, so take care, and if you are unsure remember that you can undo your changes and re-start the merge at any time)
Once you have finished the fix and tested your merged code locally, diff it once more against the previous/workspace version to be sure that you can's see anything you might have screwed up in the merge, and then check it in.
Finally, if your release needs to be built by your build server, then you will need to point your build system at the v1 branch to get it to build the (fixed) v1 version for a new release (for a once-off build you just have to redirect your source control mappings for the v1 branch so that the build server gets from v1 instead of v2 when it 'Gets' the source code from source control, and when you are finished, remap the source back to the v2 branch)
As long as you think through each step and take care, it's fairly straight forward. But if you have never done it before, I suggest you work through each of the steps above and do some searches to learn more about how to branch, how to map source control folders, and how to merge.
Branching and merging is a complex topic and there are many patterns that you could follow. Without knowing more about your requirements it's impossible to give you good advice. You need to consider things like: How many clients consume the code. Is this for a shrink wrap application with multiple versions available concurrently or a production system where there is only 1 version "live" at one time. You'll also need to take in to account how you test your code (environments etc) and what kind of build process and deployment process you have.
The best advice I can give you without more information is to read the ALM Rangers guidance on TFS version control. Then come back with more specific questions. Also, keep it simple, don't over think it or you'll get in to a mess.

What is the best way to manage switching programming tasks locally in Visual Studio?

My scenario is pretty straight-forward. I am working on a long assignment locally on my computer, working off of a code branch from TFS. Along comes the boss, and I need to push through a bug fix. Is there any clean way to change contexts? This long assignment has updated a lot of files, and I want to make sure I implement the bugfix from a clean slate.
If I were using Git, I know what to do: create a new branch from main, fix bug, check in, change back to previous branch, but TFS doesn't really work that way. Any ideas?
If you don't want to commit the changes you 're working on yet, your first step is to shelve them - that's pretty straightforward.The next step is to decide where you 'll be implementing your urgent request. This depends on
How you have set up your branching scheme in source control (see here for a great resource ), &
The line where the error was reported
'Boss'-bugs tend to be reported from Release-Lines, taking this as a given you would have to:
Identify the latest changeset that corresponds to the version your problem was reported
Track this changeset to a version in the branch you can work on (I suppose you can't make changes directly on your release line, right)
Make a branch & implement the change. Your build-environment should ensure that all tests & checks ensure that your issue is fixed & that no others have emerged.
Your next challenge is how you 'll propagate these changes to a new Release - This greatly depends on how you ship software to the customer (Hotfixes? Patches? Service Packs?), as well as the severity of the issue.After you 've settled everything back to normal, unshelve & continue working on your long-term task.

Using a separate version control system for changes when main version control is not accessible

Here is my situation:
The project I'm working on right now
uses a version control system
(Microsoft Team Foundation) that's
hosted and managed remotely by the
customer. I am in charge of doing a
massive refactoring/bugfixing after
somebody who left a horrendous mess of
code behind. Due to several reasons
that I won't detail here* I cannot
commit to the version control my
incremental changes while I patch
things up; and there is no way I can
be given a separate branch there.
Here is my question:
I want a version control system that I can use locally. I can't just keep doing "zip source folder and backup it". I want a track of changes. I want commit messages. I want to see what I did and when and why in a couple of months. In a pinch, I'm tired to rely on VS 'undo' command and to leave comments myself tracking what I'm doing and how it was before.
Here is what I would do:
I'd install mercurial/git locally and start versioning my own directories.
Problem is, I am not sure this is the best way. Hints? Ideas? I am not familiar at all with either Visual Studio or Team Foundation and can't seem to find my way around with them (I don't know how things are 'named' so I don't know what I'm looking for). Is it possible, using such tools, to do what I have described?
*basically the customer doesn't necessarily have to know that our lead developer quit in anger and left the most horrendous code mess I've ever seen behind me; that at least 3 people 'tried to fix' his code in a rush to patch bugs; that this ended up in a single class with a 400+ long method including a single 'for' loop, at least 5 places where code is repeated-but-not-completely, unused logic, wrong comments, while(true) loops, and increasing the 'for' counter in the loop body to look-ahead into an array list. Basically, we hope the customer won't notice what's happening and if they do we can fix it when they whine.
The usual approach is to:
"git init" directly in the directory you want to manage locally
add a .gitignore in order to not add any VCS-specific data or directory
git add .gitignore and commit
git add .
That way, you have a local repo you can then clone, make branches, patches, ...
(I do it for ClearCase views for instance)
A similar approach, with similar commands, is valid with Hg Mercurial of course.

Shelving vs Workspaces in TFS

Currently I am working on a project that uses TFS as source control. I am in the middle of implementing a piece of functionality, but am blocked by work that needs to be done by outside resources. Since the functionality is not fully complete, I can't check in the changes without breaking the build. So instead of waiting a couple days while the blocking work is finished, I want to work on some defects.
To do this work in isolation from my other changes, I am working the defects in a second workspace I just created.
After using a second workspace to isolate my changes, a coworker asked me why I didn't just shelve my changes. After doing some reading on shelving, it looks like this is preferred solution to situations like mine. My question is what situations, if any, would you create multiple workspaces and what situations should you use shelving? There are some posts about shelving, but I don't see very much on the subject of workspaces.
By the way, I got the idea for creating a second workspace here.
A new branch would probably be the best way to go. But, to answer your question, one of the key differences between shelving and just using a differnet workspace is that when you shelve, you push your code back to TFS, so it is backed up. Whatever is in your workspace is just what you have on your machine -- if you lose it, it's gone.
We use branching a lot in my shop, and as a result, I haven't seen many uses for shelving.
However, I have found one case where it has been very useful to me:
I often bounce between 2 different development machines (one at the office, one at home, connected via VPN). If I am working on something, and I want to transfer it from home to work, or vice-versa, I often use shelving. I can shelve it from one machine and un-shelve it from the other. I do this when I am in the middle of a change, and checking in would break the build or otherwise interrupt other developers.
You are talking about two completely different concepts here. When you shelve code, you are saving it to TFS, but not checking it in to any particular branch. Creating a different workspace just sets up a new local folder on your development machines and saves the files in your branch there. When you do a check-in, you still could have conflicts.
Why not create a new branch of your code. You can work on that branch and check in without stepping on anyone else's changes, because you are checking in to your own branch of the code. Then, when you have completed your changes, and others have completed their's on the main branch, you can merge your changes into the main branch.
Shelving is the ideal option. Shelving allows you to make changes en masse in TFS outside the regular build, and retrieve them later by name. Multiple workspaces is not a solution for what you're doing. Multiple workspaces are good if you're maintaining different versions of a product and need to work on them, e.g. let's say you have a 4.0 and a 5.0 product and need to apply a security fix to both versions. Shelving is great when you want to make changes but not commit them immediately.

How do you handle sln and proj files in source control?

I hope this qualifies as programming related since it involves how to structure a project.
Because I've always used the web site model with I never had solution and project files and putting everything into source control worked great. I knew that everything I had in my web site directory was all I needed for the web site.
Now I'm using MVC and it only has a project model so now I have these solution and project files. If I work on it alone it's fine but once other people start to add/delete files from the project our solution file gets messed up and people end up having to grab the latest solution file, see what got changed and then add back/remove their files and check in the solution file again. It's become sort of a problem because sometimes people don't realize the solution file was changed, they make other changes and then when they check in everything other people do an update on their files they find that their files are gone from the project (although still physically on disk).
Is this normal? Is there a way to structure a project so that we don't need to check in solution and project files?
Your developers are not using TFS correctly. You should have multiple check-outs turned on, and everyone needs to be careful to merge their changes correctly when checking in. TFS will prompt you to do this, and accepting the defaults is nearly always the right thing to do.
It's not uncommon to have one or two developers who never get it, and you might have to help them now and then. But every programmer who works on a team needs to learn how to use source control tools correctly. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be writing software.
[edit] It occurs to me that you might run into these problems if you check in the *.sln file directly, rather than choosing to "Add Solution to Source Control".
I don't think it's normal - what are you using for source control? It sounds like developers aren't respecting changes that others a making - checking in without merging first.
I know that early on in a project, when lots of files are being added & deleted, it can be a problem to keep up - you need to check out the project file, add your files, then check in the new file & project so other developers can also update it. You'll probably have multiple project files in a solution - perhaps one interim solution would be to have one "holding" project for each developer, then clean them up periodically - though these types of temporary fixes do have a tendency to become permanent.
I don't know of a way to set up a project file that's not in source control, though I suppose you could create a script that would generate them.
Having been through this, the key is respect & good communication between the developers.
This tends to happen with TFS multiple check outs. It can be hard to grasp coming from VSS to TFS as VSS allowed one person to check a file out at one time. Auto-merge should work most of the time for you but a couple of rules should ease the pain:
Check in early and often (if you add remove or rename a file check it in straight away even if it is a blank holder)
Before you check in do a get latest, this will ask you to resolve conflicts locally
Try to get continuous integration set up so that developers always know the state of the buidl and whether it is OK to check in\out.
We had a bit fo pain at the start of our current project but it soon settled down when we followed the rules above.
Personally, I think making changes to project and solution files requires discipline and clear (well understood) rules throughout your development team. These files (.sln, .*proj) are the bottlenecks of your project, and any errors or inconsistencies can cost you in team downtime. Changes need to be well thought out, planned and then executed.
They must be secured by source control (which you're already using, excellent) and your team members should work on the basis of only making the changes they need, and not leaving project or solution files checked out for an extended period.
If you are allowing multiple (shared) checkouts, this could become problematic in terms of overwriting another user's changes. Depending on your source control mechanism, people may be required to manually merge changes. Personally, I'd ask people to negotiate their project/solution changes with each other over merging (this can't always be achieved).
A third option if you are using TFS is the shelve feature. If someone needs to make changes locally, they can shelve the changes and merge later.
Lastly, another strategy is to try to architect your solution to be as modularized as possible - so people are distributed, working on separate projects and do not (ideally) have to overlap on too many common areas.
I'm not sure if you are using TFS, as people have mentioned, but if you are (or if you are using source control with similar capabilities) you can set it such that sln and csproj files are exclusive lockouts and are not able to be merged.
We have done this with quite large teams and while it causes some initial issues as people get used to it in the long run it has resolved many issues that were previously causing problems. Essentially you trade longer term merge issues/complexity for short term compile/checkin issues which we have found to be a good trade off.
Once you have set it to forced exclusive checkout and no merge you then get your dev teams used to the fact they should keep locks on the sln and proj files for as shorter time as possible.
Always check them in.
Always check out latest (merge if possible), make sure your change is there, before checking in a new version.
If your source control doesn't require a special action to check in from an old version, GET A DIFFERENT SOURCE CONTROL.
