Place opacityMask over panorama background, but not its contents - windows-phone-7

I want to create a mask effect so I place a mask over my panorama page, but this would place a mask on my entire screen. How can I make it so that it would only place on top of my panorama background but under my panoramaitems?

You could retemplate the the Panorama control to add the mask over the background image.
I've found some issues with doing this in Mango though and so have chosen to manipulate the background image directly. This also led to code which was simpler to follow. (In my opinion.)


Highlight selected image in Windows Phone XAML?

I am currently using the Image control in XAML, when the user taps on the image I want to display another image like a tap effect*, so for example I want to make the image a bit darker or lighter once the user taps on it, how can I do this using the image control?
I've managed to fix this with adding a new image to the mousebuttonup, mousebuttondown and mouseleave event of the image control
You could place a collapsed image with the same size at the same position as the first one. If the user taps the image, you show the previously collapsed image.
If you want to make your first image darker, set the background of your hidden image to black and opacity to 0.25 or something like this. When it gets visible your first image will be slightly darker.
Instead that you can try to customize the style of your button. In Visual State>>Pressed>>You can change the Color or you can give some animation as well.

How to resize between 3.5" and 4" screens (dynamic constraints in autolayout?)

I have one view filling the screen with a background image. Other views (text fields) are in exact positions (the background image includes the text field background images). When I change from 3.5" screen to 4", the text fields don't change in the same way that the background resizes. The bg image simply resizes to fill the screen, but the text fields jump out of alignment.
Is there a way to have two sets of constraints, one for each screen size? or is there a way to have views resize proportionally to another view?
Is there a way to have two sets of constraints, one for each screen
Yes, by adding constraints programatically and checking [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] to get the screen size.
or is there a way to have views resize proportionally to another view?
Yes, you could set this up in interface builder. But it will be hard to manage, I would manage the constraints manually in code since you are using a custom background image the textviews need to position exactly
You're going to struggle to get these things to line up properly with the text view backgrounds being part of the background image.
You should amend your image assets and use the background property of UITextField to have an actual background image, and remove the boxes from your main background image. The icons could be separate images as well.
Failing that, it would make more sense to have the image stretch underneath the text boxes rather than on top.
Your layout is doing what it should do based on your description, but the image isn't stretching in the right way. In your screenshots, username is always the same distance from the top, and the others are the same distance from the bottom, but that isn't how image stretching works. I don't know how you've set it up but it would make sense to have a single image the size of the 4 inch screen, which has the bottom cut off for 3.5 inch devices, and constrain everything from the top.

How shadow TextBlock in Wp7 Mango

In windows phone mango, how can i set a shadow on a TextBlock?
There's no a DropShadowEffect I'm afraid.
You could try out something like this though:
With the image you can just simply create a drop shadow in Photoshop/Gimp etc (works well for me) and save it as .png.
With TextBlock it is a bit harder. For instance, create a half-transparent image with the shadow and place both TextBlock and the Image inside the Canvas. Change the Canvas.ZIndex="integer" attached property to place them in a specific order - image has to be underneath. Also shadow should be blurred.
The drawbacks are:
Shadow is static.
Doesn't really suit metro UX.

masking with an image in iOS

I'd like to take an image and use it as a mask for a view on which I add numerous image views. I know of the quartz CGContextClipToMask() call but what would be the best way to approach this? Can I override the drawRect method of a container view, call CGContextClipToMask() within it, and then expect its subviews to adhere to that clipping region? It doesn't seem to work.
Do I need to instead add some blocking mask image over top?
Instead of subclassing or overriding drawing functions, I chose to overlay the images with an image that had transparency in the viewable portion. i.e., if my 'surface' was an image of a parchment, and I aimed to draw a bunch of images on it. I would have the parchment image, then a container UIView for any images to be put on that parchment, then a masking image over top of that which was the original parchment image but with the parchment itself converted instead to full transparency, while the surrounding area is left exactly as the background the parchment is on (then all other UI widgets over top of that).
This seems a viable solution in all cases except if one were to need some image to visually animate around and behind the parchment (not my case).

How to make an image as transparent in BlackBerry?

I am new to BlackBerry Java application development. My scenario is: In my application a gallery list of images will be displayed in a small icons. If I click on any image it will display in a large mode. Here I need to provide controls like front and back buttons. On clicking on those buttons the background image should change. In addition to that those buttons should be highlighted and the back ground large image should be transparent. How to do this?
Please guide me.
You can use Graphics.setGlobalAlpha() on paint() or to modify bitmap before preview.
Don't forget to set back normal global alpha value after bitmap drawing.
