How to view location services settings in windows phone 7 emulator - windows-phone-7

I am new in Windows Phone 7,How to view location services settings in windows phone 7 emulator

The default emulator image that is shipped with the development tools is not as full featured as the real OS. You can't for example, setup email accounts, turn on airplane mode or edit location settings. This does cause a problem when you wish to test your app without location services available or data connection, for example. In the case of a data connection you can achieve this by turning off the network connection on your host operating system (Windows) but this is inconvenient.
An alternative is to install an unlocked ROM for the emulator. You can, in fact, have multiple emulators installed which can be super convenient. Check out Justin Angels blog post for more details.


Windows Phone SDK Paradox: "Xde couldn't find an IPv4 address.." and "The emulator couldn't determine the host's IP address..."

A few useful pieces of information: I'm running Windows 8 Professional on a custom-built rig, and I am using a 'WiFi dongle' to connect my computer to the local router. I am using a home network, not a public/work/school network.
I installed the Windows Phone SDK. Piece of strawberry cheesecake so far. Coded my first simple browser app (as detailed on the Windows Phone Dev site) and hit the Run button, expecting my app to come to life and breathe in links and breathe out websites!
But instead, I got this:
Something happened while creating a switch:
Xde couldn't find an IPv4 address for the host machine.
In this case, the emulator wouldn't run at all. And so, I did my research and found out that the solution was this:
Remove all the switches from Hyper-V Manager's "Virtual Switch Manager", and make a new Internal one called Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch.
I did, and the error did NOT show up again but it did screw up my WiFi and Bluetooth adapters (which I had to do a system restore to solve) and now both WiFi and Bluetooth peripherals are working again.
However, I got this error instead when running the emulator again:
The Windows Phone Emulator wasn't able to connect to the Windows
Phone operating system:
The emulator couldn't determine the host IP address, which is used to
communicate with the guest virtual machine.
Some functionality may be disabled.
In this case, the emulator did run, but I couldn't find my app anywhere. I did some research again and found that the solution to this was:
Delete the Windows Phone Emulator Internal Switch from Hyper-V Manager's Virtual Switch Manager.
Now, I created the switch to solve the problem in the first place. But I did delete it, for the heck of trying everything out. And no surprise there but, it went back to the first error.
I am now stuck in this paradox and have no idea how to escape it.
Thank you in advance!
follow the following steps to solve this problem
1.go to network and sharing center
2.go to change adapter setting
3.go to v Ethernet (internal Ethernet port windows phone emulator internal switch)
4.right click it and enable it(if already enabled then disable and enable it again).
Remove any Cisco VPN's or similar connections. I have found this VPN client works as a replacement to Cisco
For me shrew soft version 2.1.7 was the only version that worked.

Network Sharing Win 8 mobile

I found Network Sharing on Win8 mobile. (nokia Lumia)...I am trying to write similar application for Win8. But could not find any support on windows website. On Nokia website also, all I could find is how to turn on, but nothing else.
So, I have a lot of questions in my mind:
Is Network sharing is even supported by Windows or is it Nokia that has their own app to do this?
How this network sharing works? Are we tethering WLAN or something else?
Is it possible to write a similar app with the existing Win8 mobile APIs provided?
Does it use DNSMasq? ( I am assuming it is)
Is there any possible way to find the installed apps and the app structures in Win8 phone, like we have in android phones.
Network sharing is fully implemented by WP8 OS but it is under tight control from your cellular operator. You need to pay extra to enable "tethering" (here in USA). The cellular connection (4G, LTE) is then shared and your phone turns into Wi-Fi access point for other devices. When I try to enable network sharing on my HTC 8X (I am not paying for tethering), the screen flics with Wi-Fi details - tells me Wi-Fi broadcast name, password and number of guests connected - and then one second later I get a dialog from T-Mobile to go online and add tethering to my phone plan.
See above.
No, I don't think it is possible. As an app you don't have any control over network configuration.
I'd assume it provides NAT, DHCP and DNS forwarding. I don't think it uses DNSMasq code directly though. :-)
For privacy reasons you can't get a list of installed apps. Only when you are writing apps for enterprises (that don't go through Microsoft Store), you can list other apps signed with the same enterprise key. See

Windows Phone 8 device management

I am asked to come up with a solution for remotely locking and blocking the camera of Windows Phone 8 devices. Also, I have to remotely wipe the data. I am new to Windows Phone development.
In addition, I have to get some device information and send this to a server periodically for tracking purposes.
Could you please provide some inputs?
Sorry, but there's no way lock or block the camera on a Windows Phone.
Also, an application can only access its own data, so there's no way to wipe all data on the phone. But you don't need an app for this specific need, as you can already do that using the integrated Find my phone service:
Windows Phone 8 also has management functions that can be controlled from a server, one of those functions is to wipe / block the phone. Watch the BUILD videos on Channel 9, its somewhere in there, may have been this video:
I would look into a Mobile Device Management provider such as Silverback (, or Zenprise ( Microsoft is also releasing an extension to Intune services in 2013 for MDM too.
The MDM providers allow the enforcement of device security policies, including thins such as remote wipe, password enforcement, etc. It's a great way to manage BYOD policies.

desktop app (windows app) connect windows phone

is there a assembly or API to get isolated storage in windows phone using WPF or win form while connecting the windows phone device via USB?
please note the devise will be running offline so cannot use web service or WCF
Check out this article on emulator automation. It includes details of adding and removing files from isolated storage and should also work on an actual device as well as the emulator.
This isn't really a supported activity. I too have been thinking about what to do when you want a desktop version with extended features and you want the two to share data.
I think the key here is to think about how Microsoft achieves this with email and calendaring. There's no shared filesystem, rather Outlook on the desktop and Outlook on the phone both function as clients for the same Exchange server.
At one point I considered running a webservice in a desktop app so that the phone app could push data to the desktop app, but that would be a very manual process. The common-server model will provide a much better UX.
It's not an exact match to your situation, but a good tool is the Windows Phone 7 IsolatedStorage Explorer.
The reason I say it may not be the best match is this note from the documentation:
The WP7 Isolated Storage Explorer
supports connections from the emulator
or actual devices. For applications
running on devices a data connection
must be enabled (WiFi or the mobile
data connection).
It's at least a great start and keeps you from having to do the heavy lifting. Is there any reason you have to be offline and check the contents of IsolatedStorage? If you elaborate on why you have that requirement, we might be able to offer some work arounds.

Windows Mobile Device Emulator - how to save config permanently?

I am working at a client site where there is a proxy server (HTTP) in place. If I do a hard reset of the emulator it forgets network connection settings for the emulator and settings in the hosted Windows Mobile OS. If I 'save state and exit' it will lose all of these settings. I need to do hard resets regularly which means that I lose this information and spend a lot of time setting:
The emulators associated network card
DNS servers for network card in the WM OS.
Proxy servers in connection settings of WM OS.
How can I make my life easier? Can I save this as defaults in the emulator, or create an installer easily?
There is a way you can programmatically provision your devices. If you're using managed code, you can use Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Configuration.dll to do most of the work for you. If you're using unmanaged code, you have to use DMProcessConfigXML native function.
There's more details in this blog post by Andrew Arnott.
The problem with these devices is everything is stored in the RAM and ROM. So you need a second alternate device storage for these settings, just like a real device. So that when a real device, or your device is reset, it has a statically stored configuration file outside of the RAM that can be loaded on start up. The alternative is to do soft-resets if possible.
