One data store. Multiple processes. Will this SQL prevent race conditions? - ruby

I'm trying to create a Ruby script that spawns several concurrent child processes, each of which needs to access the same data store (a queue of some type) and do something with the data. The problem is that each row of data should be processed only once, and a child process has no way of knowing whether another child process might be operating on the same data at the same instant.
I haven't picked a data store yet, but I'm leaning toward PostgreSQL simply because it's what I'm used to. I've seen the following SQL fragment suggested as a way to avoid race conditions, because the UPDATE clause supposedly locks the table row before the SELECT takes place:
SET status = 'processed'
WHERE id = (
SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE status = 'pending' LIMIT 1
) RETURNING id, data_to_process;
But will this really work? It doesn't seem intuitive the Postgres (or any other database) could lock the table row before performing the SELECT, since the SELECT has to be executed to determine which table row needs to be locked for updating. In other words, I'm concerned that this SQL fragment won't really prevent two separate processes from select and operating on the same table row.
Am I being paranoid? And are there better options than traditional RDBMSs to handle concurrency situations like this?

As you said, use a queue. The standard solution for this in PostgreSQL is PgQ. It has all these concurrency problems worked out for you.

Do you really want many concurrent child processes that must operate serially on a single data store? I suggest that you create one writer process who has sole access to the database (whatever you use) and accepts requests from the other processes to do the database operations you want. Then do the appropriate queue management in that thread rather than making your database do it, and you are assured that only one process accesses the database at any time.

The situation you are describing is called "Non-repeatable read". There are two ways to solve this.
The preferred way would be to set the transaction isolation level to at least REPEATABLE READ. This will mean that any row that concurrent updates of the nature you described will fail. if two processes update the same rows in overlapping transactions one of them will be canceled, its changes ignored, and will return an error. That transaction will have to be retried. This is achieved by calling
At the start of the transaction. I can't seem to find documentation that explains an idiomatic way of doing this for ruby; you may have to emit that sql explicitly.
The other option is to manage the locking of tables explicitly, which can cause a transaction to block (and possibly deadlock) until the table is free. Transactions won't fail in the same way as they do above, but contention will be much higher, and so I won't describe the details.

That's pretty close to the approach I took when I wrote pg_message_queue, which is a simple queue implementation for PostgreSQL. Unlike PgQ, it requires no components outside of PostgreSQL to use.
It will work just fine. MVCC will come to the rescue.


Dynamically List contents of a table in database that continously updates

It's kinda real-world problem and I believe the solution exists but couldn't find one.
So We, have a Database called Transactions that contains tables such as Positions, Securities, Bogies, Accounts, Commodities and so on being updated continuously every second whenever a new transaction happens. For the time being, We have replicated master database Transaction to a new database with name TRN on which we do all the querying and updating stuff.
We want a sort of monitoring system ( like htop process viewer in Linux) for Database that dynamically lists updated rows in tables of the database at any time.
TL;DR Is there any way to get a continuous updating list of rows in any table in the database?
Currently we are working on Sybase & Oracle DBMS on Linux (Ubuntu) platform but we would like to receive generic answers that concern most of the platform as well as DBMS's(including MySQL) and any tools, utilities or scripts that can do so that It can help us in future to easily migrate to other platforms and or DBMS as well.
To list updated rows, you conceptually need either of the two things:
The updating statement's effect on the table.
A previous version of the table to compare with.
How you get them and in what form is completely up to you.
The 1st option allows you to list updates with statement granularity while the 2nd is more suitable for time-based granularity.
Some options from the top of my head:
Write to a temporary table
Add a field with transaction id/timestamp
Make clones of the table regularly
AFAICS, Oracle doesn't have built-in facilities to get the affected rows, only their count.
Not a lot of details in the question so not sure how much of this will be of use ...
'Sybase' is mentioned but nothing is said about which Sybase RDBMS product (ASE? SQLAnywhere? IQ? Advantage?)
by 'replicated master database transaction' I'm assuming this means the primary database is being replicated (as opposed to the database called 'master' in a Sybase ASE instance)
no mention is made of what products/tools are being used to 'replicate' the transactions to the 'new database' named 'TRN'
So, assuming part of your environment includes Sybase(SAP) ASE ...
MDA tables can be used to capture counters of DML operations (eg, insert/update/delete) over a given time period
MDA tables can capture some SQL text, though the volume/quality could be in doubt if a) MDA is not configured properly and/or b) the DML operations are wrapped up in prepared statements, stored procs and triggers
auditing could be enabled to capture some commands but again, volume/quality could be in doubt based on how the DML commands are executed
also keep in mind that there's a performance hit for using MDA tables and/or auditing, with the level of performance degradation based on individual config settings and the volume of DML activity
Assuming you're using the Sybase(SAP) Replication Server product, those replicated transactions sent through repserver likely have all the info you need to know which tables/rows are being affected; so you have a couple options:
route a copy of the transactions to another database where you can capture the transactions in whatever format you need [you'll need to design the database and/or any customized repserver function strings]
consider using the Sybase(SAP) Real Time Data Streaming product (yeah, additional li$ence is required) which is specifically designed for scenarios like yours, ie, pull transactions off the repserver queues and format for use in downstream systems (eg, tibco/mqs, custom apps)
I'm not aware of any 'generic' products that work, out of the box, as per your (limited) requirements. You're likely looking at some different solutions and/or customized code to cover your particular situation.

Oracle database as a single synchronization point for two separate web applications

I am considering using an Oracle database to synchronize concurrent operations from two or more web applications on separate servers. The database is the single infrastructure element in common for those applications.
There is a good chance that two or more applications will attempt to perform the same operation at the exact same moment (cron invoked). I want to use the database to let one application decide that it will be the one which will do the work, and that the others will not do it at all.
The general idea is to perform a somehow-atomic and visible to all connections select/insert with node's ID. Only node which has the same id as the first inserted node ID returned by select would be do the work.
It was suggested to me that a merge statement can be of use here. However, after doing some research, I found a discussion which states that the merge statement is not designed to be called
Another option is to lock a table. By definition, only one node will be able to lock the server and do the insert, then select. After the lock is removed, other instances will see the inserted value and will not perform work.
What other solutions would you consider? I frown on workarounds with random delays, or even using oracle exceptions to notify a node that it should not do the work. I'd prefer a clean solution.
I ended up going with SELECT FOR UPDATE. It works as intended. It is important to remember to commit the transaction as soon as the needed update is made, so that other nodes don't hang waiting for the value.

Event-driven programming in PL/SQL

I have two PL/SQL systems, residing in two separate databases. SystemA will need to populate SystemB's tables. This will probably be done over a datalink. Everytime a set of records is inserted in SystemB's tables, a process in SystemB must run. I could wait for SystemA to complete and then run a script to start processing in SystemB, but since SystemA could spend many hours processing and then populating SystemB, I'd rather that SystemB handle each set of records as soon as they become available (each set can be processed indpendently of the others so this should work OK).
What I'm not sure of is how I can do even-driven programming in PL/SQL. I'd need SystemA to notify SystemB that a set is ready for processing. My first idea was to have a special "event" table in SystemB and then when SystemA finishes a set, it inserts into the "event" table and there is a trigger on insert that starts the process (and the process could be a long one, possibly 5-10 minutes per process) in SystemB. I don't have enough experience with triggers in Oracle to know if this is an established way of doing it, OR if there's a better mechanism. Suggestions? Tips? Advice?
Use Oracle Advanced Queuing; it's designed for this. I believe you'll still have to set up a database link between the two systems (from B to A in this case, to consume the queue on A).
Yes, Oracle Advance Queues or even having A submit a venerable Oracle Job to B would be a better idea.
And, if your process is going to be needing complete replication of the data from A to B, then you might want to look something like an Oracle Streams process to copy over the data and then do the processing.

Can I substitute savepoints for starting new transactions in Oracle?

Right now the process that we're using for inserting sets of records is something like this:
(and note that "set of records" means something like a person's record along with their addresses, phone numbers, or any other joined tables).
Start a transaction.
Insert a set of records that are related.
Commit if everything was successful, roll back otherwise.
Go back to step 1 for the next set of records.
Should we be doing something more like this?
Start a transaction at the beginning of the script
Start a save point for each set of records.
Insert a set of related records.
Roll back to the savepoint if there is an error, go on if everything is successful.
Commit the transaction at the beginning of the script.
After having some issues with ORA-01555 and reading a few Ask Tom articles (like this one), I'm thinking about trying out the second process. Of course, as Tom points out, starting a new transaction is something that should be defined by business needs. Is the second process worth trying out, or is it a bad idea?
A transaction should be a meaningful Unit Of Work. But what constitutes a Unit Of Work depends upon context. In an OLTP system a Unit Of Work would be a single Person, along with their address information, etc. But it sounds as if you are implementing some form of batch processing, which is loading lots of Persons.
If you are having problems with ORA-1555 it is almost certainly because you are have a long running query supplying data which is being updated by other transactions. Committing inside your loop contributes to the cyclical use of UNDO segments, and so will tend to increase the likelihood that the segments you are relying on to provide read consistency will have been reused. So, not doing that is probably a good idea.
Whether using SAVEPOINTs is the solution is a different matter. I'm not sure what advantage that would give you in your situation. As you are working with Oracle10g perhaps you should consider using bulk DML error logging instead.
Alternatively you might wish to rewrite the driving query so that it works with smaller chunks of data. Without knowing more about the specifics of your process I can't give specific advice. But in general, instead of opening one cursor for 10000 records it might be better to open it twenty times for 500 rows a pop. The other thing to consider is whether the insertion process can be made more efficient, say by using bulk collection and FORALL.
Some thoughts...
Seems to me one of the points of the asktom link was to size your rollback/undo appropriately to avoid the 1555's. Is there some reason this is not possible? As he points out, it's far cheaper to buy disk than it is to write/maintain code to handle getting around rollback limitations (although I had to do a double-take after reading the $250 pricetag for a 36Gb drive - that thread started in 2002! Good illustration of Moore's Law!)
This link (Burleson) shows one possible issue with savepoints.
Is your transaction in actuality steps 2,3, and 5 in your second scenario? If so, that's what I'd do - commit each transaction. Sounds a bit to me like scenario 1 is a collection of transactions rolled into one?

Exclusive table (read) lock on Oracle 10g?

Is there a way to exclusively lock a table for reading in Oracle (10g) ? I am not very familiar with Oracle, so I asked the DBA and he said it's impossible to lock a table for reading in Oracle?
I am actually looking for something like the SQL Server (TABLOCKX HOLDLOCK) hints.
In response to some of the answers: the reason I need to lock a table for reading is to implement a queue that can be read by multiple clients, but it should be impossible for 2 clients to read the same record. So what actually happens is:
Lock table
Read next item in queue
Remove item from the queue
Remove table lock
Maybe there's another way of doing this (more efficiently)?
If you just want to prevent any other session from modifying the data you can issue
LOCK TABLE whatever
This blocks other sessions from updating the data but we cannot block other peple from reading it.
Note that in Oracle such table locking is rarely required, because Oracle operates a policy of read consistency. Which means if we run a query that takes fifteen minutes to run the last row returned will be consistent with the first row; in other words, if the result set had been sorted in reverse order we would still see exactly the same rows.
If you want to implement a queue (without actually using Oracle's built-in Advanced Queueing functionality) then SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is the way to go. This construct allows one session to select and lock one or more rows. Other sessions can update the unlocked rows. However, implementing a genuine queue is quite cumbersome, unless you are using 11g. It is only in the latest version that Oracle have supported the SKIP LOCKED clause. Find out more.
1. Lock table
2. Read next item in queue
3. Remove item from the queue
4. Remove table lock
Under this model a lot of sessions are going to be doing nothing but waiting for the lock, which seems a waste. Advanced Queuing would be a better solution.
If you want a 'roll-your-own' solution, you can look into SKIP LOCKED. It wasn't documented until 11g, but it is present in 10g. In this algorithm you would do
2. Process item
3. Delete the item from the queue
That would allow multiple processes to consume items off the queue.
The TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK hints you mentioned appear to be used for writes, not reads (based on If that's what you're after, would a SELECT FOR UPDATE fit your need?
UPDATE: Based on your update, SELECT FOR UPDATE should work, assuming all clients use it.
UPDATE 2: You may not be in a position to do anything about it right now, but this sort of problem is actually an ideal fit for something other than a relational database, such as AMQP.
If you mean, lock a table so that no other session can read from the table, then no, you can't. Why would you want to do that anyway?
