Gamesalad actor image mask with wiping mouse input - image

I've tried searching for 'actor mask with gamesalad', 'actor image mask with game salad', and 'image mask with gamesalad', but can't seem to even find the fundamentals for creating a mask on game salad.
Basically, I would like my final result to look like something splats on the screen, and then the player wipes it off with their finger which is where the mask part comes in.

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking but I think i know what you're getting at. Do you mean that you want to erase the part of a picture where a users finger has been? Abit like some sort of finger eraser tool?
If so I hate to say that Gamesalad doesn't do this at the moment. I had a quick play to see if it could be done with image modes but didn't have any luck. The only way I could think that you could do it is by having a solid colour background (which may not be in favour of you app design) and then spawning a 1x1pixel sized actor every 0.01 second when the touch is pressed on location of the finger. This would create the illusion that an item is being erased.
Hope that helps.


Create pop menu Sims's style when click on Character in Unity3D

I'm trying to build a game that uses a concept from the known game "The Sims". Right now I'm building the AI for a 3d Character, and I need the player to be able to tell where the character should go or do. I want to know the best ways to create a pop up menu with animations, kind of to show some choices, so that when the player clicks over the 3d Character he can pick wherever he wants to do. I know this must be using UI elements under a Canvas that's placed over the player. However I can not have 2 Canvas in a Scene and I don't know how to fix them to the character so that it moves with him. Thanks in advance.
Here you can see what I mean, this is the Sims Game
You have two main approaches here:
1) Use a world space UI.
2) Use a screen space UI and position it in real time using a worldspace to screen space transformation.
Both of these topics will expand substantially when you approach them, so it's not possible to give any more specifics from here.
Having played the Sims a bit before though, I would suggest you use a world space UI system if you're chasing the same style as them.
You can have as many canvases as you want. To control levels of canvases (which one is on top) you use "Order in Layer" parameter in "Canvas" component of your chosen Canvas. The lower the number is the higher interactivity and visibility your canvas has.
You can create one canvas ant parent it to you character. AS the canvas will be smaller your should play with these parameters to get the resolution you want (don't over do it):
To make canvas always facing the camera you should give Canvas a new script, with a command:
To control canvas' visibility you may use this code line:
canvas.enabled = bool;
Where bool is false when you want to hide it and bool is true when you want to show it.
In the "Sims" the visibility comes with animation which you may do also, but I would leave it after I did all the functionality.

How to make a sort of scratchboard in flash?

I was wondering if someone could teach me how to make a scene in flash where you have an image on top of the other, and you can scratch the top one off to show what's below.
Kinda like those prize cards where you have to scratch the silver thing to see if there's a prize below.
Anyone has any idea if this is even possible in flash?
Yes it's possible, here is one example. I'm sure there are others.
The concept is that you use a mask to hide the image. Then use a mouse move event listener to draw on the mask as the user mouses over the object. Parts of the mask that have something on them (ie: the stuff you're drawing in the mouse move listener) will then reveal the underlying object that was being masked.

Xcode image/pixel manipulation realtime

Hi I'm looking to do the following:
For a game, Create some effects based on the current view.
The code needs to grab part of a view then manipulate it.
One I need is "glass", so when the character walks behind the glass(or where the glass should be), the code will grab the image behind the glass and stretch it and reprint it where the glass should be, to give the effect of walking behind a lens.
What is the best way to do this?
I've never tried any thing like this before, so any help will be great!
I think you're asking about the image manipulation capabilities of the cocoa framework, in which case I reccomend looking into CoreImage:
The NSBox draws on top of the player view, the resulting composition gets a CIFilter (distortion) applied to it before drawing.

Achieving rolling image effect?

I am a newbie in designing flash content. I am designing a flash movie to put up in my website. I need clouds to roll in the background. I have a cloud image, but I want it to roll in the background as below.
Is it possible to achieve this kind of effect in flash. I am using swish max to develop flash. Give me some ideas to achieve this effect smoothly.
The easiest way to achieve that is to make your image doubled horizontally, and then simply scroll it from left to right. When you reach the rightmost position (whole right image is showing), reset the position to the display the whole left image. Rinse. Repeat.
You might want to apply a single-image wide mask to the movieclip/sprite/image, so the extras don't show in the display.

Creating a quick look style zooming effect

I would like to create an effect than an image zooms up from a thumbnail size to full screen.
I am not sure what's the right steps to achieve this. Should I create a transparent full screen window and animate a layer on top of it?
Take a look at this CoreGraphics example. Specifically, take a look at the "grow" and "shrink" animations. That's how Apple does it, and that's what you'll want to do too.
Your solution of a transparent window with a CALayer inside is probably the best supported way to do it.
One thing that seems like it should be a good solution (at least it's the first thing I thought of when I wanted to do this) but isn't is NSView's enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:. If memory serves, it was originally meant to do what you're talking about here, but the animation was taken out and it generally doesn't work that well now.
