I am passing a variable using the command line to the Jmeter. How can I read this variable and set it to the enabled attribute. Is there a way to do it. Based on the value passed from the command line (either true or false) i want to enable or disable the test.
I am using
You can add an "If controller" to the begining of your "Thread group", set its condition to ${__P(MY_TEST_CASE_ENABLED)} (where MY_TEST_CASE_ENABLED is passed to JMeter process using -D option) and inside that controller add "Test Action" sampler with "Stop now" action.
I'm new to JMeter, I want to validate a JMeter test input variables defined as part of "User Defined Parameters". Let's say I have a variable "sessions" and my tester should pass input values in between 0 to 30 for sessions, if tester passes other than this range the test should not go further and should throw an error with appropriate message.
Is it possible with any kind of JMeter controllers/assertions/... without writing code for validation?
I am not sure is there any efficient/direct way of doing this. but I achieved your requirement as follows:
Add Setup Thread Group (before any other ThreadGroup). select radio button Stop Test Now in Action to be taken after a Sample error
Add Debug Sampler to the Setup Thread Group.
Add Response Assertion (RA) to the Debug Sampler.
In RA, Select JMeter Variable in Apply to section.
In RA, select Matches in Pattern Matching Rules section.
In RA, add the regex ^[0-9]$|^0[1-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^2[0-9]$|^30$ in Pattern to test text area.
Test will be stopped if you provide sessions value other than 0-30 in User Defined Variables, as Setup Thread Group is configured to Stop Test Now on Sample error.
Note1: Added View Results Tree Listener for confirmation whether the test is continued and also to check the error message. View Results Tree is added only for visual confirmation, must be removed during the load test, does not effect the actual logic.
Note2: I am not aware of any component, which can show custom message/alert to the user. so, used View Results Tree. We should remove this command during load testing. I added here for visual confirmation purpose. If not present also, Test will be stopped on wrong value for sessions, i.e., other than 0-30
Note3: We need a Sampler component in order to apply an Assertion. so, added Debug Sampler. Debug Sampler just reports all the JMeter variable values at the point of its execution.
Image references:
Setup Thread Group:
Response Assertion:
View Results Tree:
You cannot achieve such validation in GUI without amending JMeter source code but you can check the variable range using scripting.
For example, add a JSR223 Sampler as a child of the first request and put the following code into "Script" area:
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range;
int sessions = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("sessions"));
String errorMessage = "Provided sessions number is not between 1 and 30, stopping test";
if (!Range.between(1, 30).contains(sessions)) {
Make sure you are using Groovy as a language (the option should be default as per JMeter 3.1, if you are using earlier JMeter version for some reason - you will have to choose groovy from the "Language" dropdown)
I am trying to run a single recording in various different ways without copying the recorded pages.
I have created two Property File Readers that look for:
where the ${__P(xxx)} variables are passed on the command line as so:
-Jregion=UK -Jenv=dev -Jttype=isolated
These property files load the following variables (for example):
- usercount=25
- duration=1800
- host.name=server1
- host.port=8546
These are used in the HTTP Request Defaults:
and Thread Group:
This works fine. However, if I want to run the same test in the Gui for a single thread (to check it works), these variables are not populated and the test fails.
I can create a User Defined Variable element but these have the format
so cannot be used interchangeably.
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do here, please?
Option 1: you can pass the same parameters via '-J` arguments as JMeter in the GUI mode respects them as well
Option 2: you can specify your properties values in user.properties file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder) like
The properties values passed over the command-line will override those, which are specified in the user.properties
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on using JMeter properties
By the way, you ain't gonna need this Property File Readers, there is a possibility to add extra properties files in JMeter via -q command line argument.
-q, --addprop
additional JMeter property file(s)
Discovered another way to resolve this issue.
The __P() function can take a second argument that acts as the default if the first value isn't resolved.
This works as well.
1.we can add beanshell pre / post processor, but I want for all request.
2. Also, beanshell / BSF sampler can be used, but while exection, it will be displayed in report.
So what I want is to have a place where i can write code and can use as "config element".
Is there any way for that ?
There's no scriptable "config element", so you have a few options:
Create a new scriptable config element as a JMeter plug-in
Use a script inside one of the fields inside another config element. For example:
Here I defined a User Defined Variables configuration element, and specified a script as a value of a variable.
Use BeanShell/BSF PreProcessor on Thread Group level:
It will run at the beginning of every iteration for every thread. Or similarly BeanShell/BSF PostProcessor on Thread Group level will run after each iteration on each thread.
I want to pass variable to aggregate report to distinguish request .How to print/pass a variable in aggregate report jmeter?
Option 1: you can add variable to Sampler Name so you will be able to figure out the variable value and distinguish samplers basing on their labels in the Aggregate Report as
Option 2: you can use sample_variables JMeter property. JMeter will append variable values to sampler metrics in results .jtl file. It will not be displayed in the Aggregare Report, but it will be possible to analyze .jtl file with Excel or equivalent.
To use "sample_variables" feature add the following line to user.properties file (it is located under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
You can "tell" JMeter to store single or multiple variable values along with request metrics.
JMeter restart is required to pick up amended property from the "user.properties" file. Alternative way is providing property via -J command-line argument as
jmeter -Jsample_variables=foo -n -t /path/to/testplan.jmx
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for advanced information on using, setting and overriding JMeter properties.
How to check Multiuser and single user Autologin Load test in my website..
I have studied the tutorial but I don't understand it. Below are the steps that I follow..
Test->Add->Theard Group ->Recording Controller
Test->Add->Config Element->HTTP Request Default
Test->Add->Config Element->HttpCookie Manager
Workbench->Add->NonTestElement->Http(s)Test Script Recorder
I set Httpdomain name->adda52.org, http sampler settings and add exclude patterns in Step 4 and then start. After that I set the browser setting proxy server and run login our site..
Everything is going fine.
Then I add view result and see that the result of each request is fine. Then I pass a dynamic session value by using the following steps:
under Recording controller->login page->add->Post Processer->Regular expression extractor add under reference
name salt (This is my session id)
Regular Expression name="salt" value="(.*?)" />
Match No 1
Default value = session Not found
and then set this session value is my after login page like this : ${salt} and run our script session value is showing on my post data.
My question is
Is my script is correct? if yes then
After login I cannot see on profile page in Response data in View Result trees they are showng blank page ?
How can I make my script to auto login on multiple users and single user?
How can I check load on my site and where
please provide me step and how to check.?
Follow these steps carefully:
List item
test plan->Add->Thread(user)->Thread group
thread group->Add->config element->HTTP Request Defaults
thread group->logic controller->recording controller
Workspace->Add->non-test element->http test script recorder
start your plan & record it.after successful creating of test plan do the following steps: add the csv data set config in your test plan
Thread group->add->config element->csv data set config
in csv data set config file give the parameter values like : in filename:-give your csv file path & in variable name pass the variable as:username,password
in your test plan check the login file in that file change the static values username as "${username}" & password "${password}"
pass the different values in csv file & before start the test plan change the number of thread you want run