Should I use Glassfish as an open source app server in the Enterprise to use with Spring or look at other options? - spring

What is the best choice for an open source Enterprise-level application server when using Java 6 and Spring 3.1? Glassfish or JBOSS? Looking for good support e.g. online documentation, features, ease of use and set up, good performance, security, scalability, high availability features etc. that an enterprise would require. Enterprise being a large commercial or government client.

Are you using EJBs? If not, I would recommend jetty. jetty is a very light-weight container for doing most of the exploration/testing you would want to do in a project. Another plus that jetty delivers is that it is configured with only the most basic features enabled/configured by default.
Are you using Maven? If so, I would also recommend jetty-maven-plugin. In the past, I've had some success with using the jetty-maven-plugin for local testing on a previous project.


Making a simple invoice web app with Spring but which technologies is advisable?

I am going to teach myself some Java EE and making a simple web portal where people can generate their own invoices(pdf lib is needed). Not asking about any code but can you give advice (examples) which technologies I can make use of through the process? I have decided to use "Spring MVC" as the framework + java/Kotlin as a compiler. Some database + server + email+ some micro services?, are needed but which can it be? Thank you!
If you are trying to implement microservices, i prefer spring boot which has embedded tomcat with additional services, and for database you can use open source mysql
if you are also planning for UI stuff and new to it prefer basic Html,css and Bootstrap
If I am there here are my choices. All these choices are based on my past 4 complete end to end web application project experience.
Spring Boot
Using spring boot create micro services. As it has in built tomcat it will be easy to deploy any environment, either local laptop or on premise server or cloud server.
JPA with Hibernate
If you are looking for free you can choose MYSQL. As it has strong community support
almost all the issues you are going to face would have been asked and answered already under stack overflow or somewhere else in the internet. Another think is as you chose JPA you can switch to any database easily.
As of now the simplest and one of the fastest ui framework. Also it has strong user support. You can find answer to almost all questions you will have on internet.
Apart from all, you can extend any of these technologies. Happy Coding!!!
You may want to consider using Jaspersoft for generating your pdf files:
There may undoubtedly be other solutions out there, but this is the one I'm most used to.

What are the main diference between WAS Liberty Profile and WAS downloaded by Installation Manager

From developer viewpoint, what is diference between WebSphere Application Server(1.5GB) installed by Installation Manager and WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile (65 MB)? I will develop an application based on EJB, JSF and JPA. According to my search, Liberty Profile is an easy way to start develop with Websphere. I would appreciate any comment because I am in charge of preparing the workstations for a team and it is my first time to heard about Liberty Profile. I guess that Liberty Profile must be a smaller Web Server similiar to Tomcat plus EJB support and without Console Administration.
The key difference between WAS Liberty and WAS Classic boil down to the following: Java EE 7 support and Legacy app support
WebSphere Liberty supports Java EE 7 as of, WAS classic does not. WAS 9.0 supports Java EE 7
WAS Liberty does not support some of the older apps that have now been deprecated in the Java EE API such as JAX-RPC.
If you inherited an old application that takes advantage of WebSphere specific extensions you're generally bound to WAS Classic
Existing administrative and deployment scripts would not likely work on WAS Liberty
Network Deployment support is not as robust in WAS Liberty
However, if you are doing a new app it isn't too bad and you can pay for support for it without having to redeploy to something new unlike Glassfish or WildFly. There's a 2GB limit for production on the organization level, but you can have unlimited development instances. From what I can tell this is based on the honor system.
The following article documents at a high level the differences
The white paper also referenced by the article details each difference
The WebSphere Application Server chief architect has a blog post entitled Liberty Archive Install and Installation Manager that compares the two approaches.
There is also a side-by-side comparison on page 9 of the IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Packaging Highlights document.
You can take a look at this Redbook particularly chapter 1 "An introduction to the Liberty profile" to learn more about Liberty Profile.
As for the programming models supported (which you can check on the same chapter), depending on the exact versions of EJB, JSF and JPA you need to work with, Liberty could, our could not be a fit for development. Also, in the same chapter you can read about the compatibility between Liberty Profile and the full Profile.
You can find also this post helpful

Running OSGi Applications on WSO2 platform

My organisation is moving away from traditional EAR/WAR based applications and moving towards OSGi for building our business applications. The WSO2 platform provides a lot of support services (esb, governance, identity, etc) that we would want to leverage in our applications.
Is it possible to deploy our OSGi components directly to the WSO2 application server, or does it make more sense to deploy just to WSO2 carbon? Are there any issues that we should be considering with this approach?
WSO2 Carbon is the Core server for WSO2 platform which includes all common features used as the base for WSO2 products. Application Server is Carbon Server + Service Hosting features and few others which is used for service hosting aspect. You can use Carbon Server directly to deploy OSGi bundles. You can install any of the features you need through configure-->features
by just adding a P2 repository. if you do not need Service hosting features just start from Carbon server and add any features you need to fulfill your need. (feature is a collection of OSGi bundles which cater one aspect). You can build your p2 repository and install your features directly to Carbon Server as it is normally done. There are several methods to drop your OSGi bundle into WSO2 Carbon based servers.
Following link will help you to understand How OSGi is used inside Carbon Server.
WSO2 A.S. is based on a Carbon platform, like every other WSO2 instances, so it should not make much difference, but makes sense to use the Application Server.
I have not tried to deploy OSGI components but I know it is possible. Sorry I can't help more.

Open Source Applications using distributed caching solutions

I am looking for a list of open source Java applications which use the distributed caching solutions like ehcache, infinispan, Hazelcast etc?
For my research I am making changes in locking behavior of these caches and trying to understand the performance changes. To substantiate my results I want to use some production level real world applications, not some dummy cache access pattern generator. Can someone provide a list of 5-6 good open source projects which uses these products in distributed settings?
Otherwise can someone provide a list of open source distributed computing based java projects which require a high level of concurrency?
Here's a list of some open source projects using Infinispan:
JBoss Application Server 7
Hibernate ORM (2LC)
Hibernate OGM
Apache Camel
Here is the list of several open source projects that use Hazelcast
Apache Tuscany
Mozilla metrics: Several projects like baghera, socorro and etc.

Application Server for non-Web Spring/Hibernate Application

We are developing a open source trading platform based on Springframework and Hibernate and The application consists of a trading framework and several strategies that can be started independently. So far, these different parts have been running in separate JVM's communicating through RMI and JMS.
To avoid unnecessary serialization and network overhead we would like to run the entire application within some sort of container (potentially an application server). We do however have the requirement, that the individual parts of the application can be deployed, started and stopped independently.
We have looked into OSGi, but a lot of the libraries that we use are not OSGi ready yet, so this is not currently an option. Also please note, there is no web-GUI in our application.
Any suggestions on this?
If OSGI is not an option then functionality can be broken into smaller units and then deploy them as utility jar, if deployed as utility jar they can be managed independently.
For application server I feel either glassfish or Jboss will be a good option considering they are open source and free.
Though at a later point in time you can check with Weblogic (Dev free).
So in your case you would like to break the static data configuration(Counterparty, Currencies), Dealing(Pricing, Quoting, Booking) as two separate feature.
For your choose of an application server i advise you Jboss and specially in his version 7.1 which is faster and more stable!
