Highlight Data Points in Birt Reports - birt

creating simple charts with BIRT is easy, but now I would like to bring some more life to them...
imagine a simple line chart. Let's define as a requirement, that the maximum value should be highlighted. A further requirement would be that if the user clicks on this data point, something happens.
How can I solve this?
I can imagine that I could created a second value series which consists only of the highlighted data points.
But it would be nicer if there was a JavaScript API (or even a server side java api) with which I could loop through the data points and add a highlight on the fly. Is this possible?

I think I've found a good starting point:
Now I have to find a way to add on click events to certain data points...


Vaadin 23 Excel like grid

I'm in the need of an Excel like grid in an attempt to convert an "application" written in Google Calc to a real application. I've got one implementation using Vaadin, but it (also) suffers from a long page construction. The screenshot below uses a CSS flex grid with individual divs, and given 6 weeks, there are over 5000 individual divs.
Constructing this page takes over 20 seconds, not something users will be happy about. I'm working on a version based on a table, but it does not seem to improve much. In the end the same amount of cells need to be constructed, whether they are DIVs or TDs does not seem to matter much.
Is there a way to construct such a grid in a more speedy way? I'm more than happy to solve "where did the user click?" on the server side. To be aware of: besides the number of cells themselves, each also has specific content, so just getting a grid shown is not enough.
Each component (div, or something else) is managed by the server. So when you have 5000 of them it's quite slow. You need to reduce the number of components managed by the server.
I can't give you a better answer since I don't know the requirements. But the idea is to try to combine some elements.
You have an example of a table generated ( instead of each element one by one) here: https://cookbook.vaadin.com/grid-details-table.
You can also create or own component. There is also a paid add-on: spreadsheet which seems to fit your needs. It's still in preview: https://vaadin.com/roadmap
The problem here is the complexity of the UI itself. Rendering 5000+ cells will be slow what ever method you use and what ever framework you use. There will be big amount of elements in the DOM and you need to load also lot of data upfront. And as you see the result is huge, and it wont fit most screens. So I would recommend further design of the UI. Is it really necessary to show all the weeks at once? Your UI's complexity will already reduce a lot if you show only one week at the time and add buttons to browse the weeks forwards and backwards. But even with that optimization you will have lot of columns. I would consider adding another browsing direction by day. Further knowledge of the actual purpose of the UI will naturally give more insight how to develop it further.

How to annotate the area of a polyline in autocad command / macro

Does anyone know of macro or custom command I can make to quickly annotate the area of a polyline in autocad?
I'm doing a project where I need to measure the lot and house size of several city blocks. I've got a drawing going but I don't want to measure and write out the area of each site, that will take to long. I've seen custom commands in the past that quickly do this kind of thing but I don't know how to make my own.
And I'm desperately avoiding doing it by hand one at a time as most likely I will need to make adjustments to my design later on.
The best method I can think of is to utilize the MTEXT command and use a FIELD to link the Area of the Polyline to the MTEXT box.
Type FIELD at the command line, choose Object, select your Polyline and you will see the Area property.
Here is a link on the CADTutor site that covers it a bit more in depth along with a link to a forum post that has this automated via a Lisp routine.

How to add a tooltip that shows a bar chart onto a d3.js map

I have a map of the US with markers for stores in each state and currently when you hover over each marker, the name and address of that store shows up. I used a json file (us.json) to get the states coordinates and boundaries. The second json file (newstorelocations.json) contains information about each store and it's location which I used to display the markers. I used a tooltip for this.
What I currently have is at:
I have a third json file (newstorespend.json) that contains products and amount spent for each store. The variable StoreDescription exists in both the second and third json file. Any clue how can I make a simple vertical bar chart displaying amount and product for each store location when you hover over each marker? I am totally new to d3.js so I am guessing I would have to write a separate function creating the chart in a separate file, and then pass it into that variable d in the mouseover function but that's purely a guess. I did make a bar chart out of the data from the third file but how do I make individual bar charts for each store and show it when the mouse hovers over the corresponding store marker.
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
There's basically no difference between adding a chart to a tooltip vs doing it normally, you'll just need to grab the data and filter it so that it only applies to the data point that you're hovering over and then create/update the chart based on that data at the correct DOM element.
I've forked your gist and done just that. I just used the data that you had for Anchorage in your newstorespend.json file in your gist. Hover over the data point for the store in Anchorage to see what shows up.
You can take a look at http://bl.ocks.org/benlyall/37e757a1e6922dccb077
The onHover and offHover functions do all the work that you're probably interested in.
Note: this is only one way to do it, and possibly not even the best.

dc.js heatmap expanding data

I am trying to show machine states over time. Part of this is to reproduce/automate a report that used to be done by hand. It consists of coloring 2minute 'time slices' in Excel based on what the machine is doing.
(Sorry, not enough reputation to post a picture, but it is a classic heatmap where the state drives the color. Some non DC-JS fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ww6Lbnc5/4/)
I was able to generate most of what I want in the following jsfiddle:
See fiddle for code.
The total state duration (for selected time frame) is shown in the pieChart, followed by the individual state lines and then the heatmap that people are used to. (the ZOOM and date selection buttons do not work in the fiddle but are there to select specific data ranges or zoom in if you like).
The line charts uses the original representation of the states, which consists of a time the state is entered and a duration.
In order to make the heat map work, I had to (I think) take the original data and convert it into individual minute chunks and mark them with a state. So for instance the original data specifying:
RUN state starting 14:30 for 300 seconds
14:30=RUN, 14:31=RUN, 14:32=RUN, 14:33=RUN and 14:34=RUN
The code in lines 233-297 loops through the original data and generates a new one that does this. In cases where there is more than one state within a given minute, the last state survives.
This works okay but it seems that this code is exactly what is normally done in group().reduce(add,remove,init). But in this case I need to add multiple timeslots depending on the duration of a state.
Also, because it is now using a different crossfilter, maps do not update each other.
Here are my questions related to this:
Can I display a heatmap without supplying information for all individual
'cells'? (i.e. straddle cells based on a value, similar to rowspan in a table)
Can I add multiple values at once inside group().reduce()?
Is there an easy way to invert the yAxis so 0 is at the top?
When clicking a row in the heatmap, it selects a column and vice-versa?
I'm not sure if this should be in the crossfilter group. If so please ignore my rambling. If someone knows how to keep the charts linked by grouping better, please let me know.
Concerning Question 3:
DC.js heatmaps currently do not support custom order functions on axis but there is a pull request that has been merged into the developing branch and should be accessible to the public soon.
You could manually edit the dc.js file to set the sorting in heatmaps to a custom function. In the latest (2.0.0-beta10) version it is the following line:
and accordingly

D3 Brushing reusable

I tried to make Mike Bostocks example of focus + context via brushing (http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1667367) make reusable following his convention: bost.ocks. org/mike/chart/ [sorry, I'm not allowed to post more than 2 links yet]
I modified his brushing example a little bit, worked perfect, but I'm failing on making that reusable now. Whenever I try to select something on the context chart, the focus chart zooms in - but never out again.
The code is here: http://plnkr.co/edit/VoEL1eFJI1Xnajzf82Zq?p=preview
Can anyone give me a hint what I'm doing wrong here?
You are using the wrong scale for the brush -- it should be the one assigned to the context chart, xScaleTimeLine in your case. Fixed example here.
On a general note, including data processing (such as parsing dates and formatting numbers) in your reusable chart component is not best practice. I would first process the data itself and then pass it to the chart component such that no further processing needs to be done. A chart component like this can be used even if the data processing required is quite complex (e.g. nesting).
