Visio control is resetting to old data when show() is called - controls

I have a project which contains multiple forms that have a microsoft visio activex control in them.
For some reason they keep interfering with one another. Here's a snip it of my code, simplified:
private void OpenRDM()
if (RDMform == null)
// Constructor opens a new form, and populates a Visio control on it
RDMform = new RDM.MainForm();
private void OpenPSM()
if (PSMform == null)
// Constructor opens a new form, and populates a Visio control on it
PSMform = new PSM.MainForm();
PSMform.Show(); // Problem occurs here, PSM Visio control gains contents of RDM's Visio Control
public void main()
I can call one of these functions and it works fine, but if I hide the form, and then call the other one, its Visio control loads with the contents of the first form, instead of the correct new stuff. I traced it, and the second Visio control is populated just fine, until the second Show() method is called, at which point it mysteriously goes back to the contents of the first Visio control.
I can't figure out what is going on here, Visio seems to think that they are the same control.
In response to comment about setting the .src property. The source is a behemoth, so I can't reasonably post everything it does. But here's those lines.
in RDM:
If visioControl.Src <> TemplateFullName Then
visioControl.Src = TemplateFullName
visioControl.Src = ""
visioControl.Src = TemplateFullName
End If
in PSM:
drawingControl.Src = string.Empty;
drawingControl.Src = vstFilepath;
InitializeFlowDiagram(dbFilepath); // updates shapes from database values
Both modules actually use the same visio diagram including page names, they just display it in different ways. So I'd like to be able to back and forth between them without having to reload everything. Maybe the activeWindow is involved in the problem, I'll have to do more research.


Make changes to buttons and labels in an XML Ribbon during run-time

I know there are several topics already on stackoverflow, but nothing that actually solves the problem. Here it is:
Because of some inherent problems with Ribbon Designer I decided to build my next Excel AddIn using XML Ribbon.
However, occasionally I need to make changes to the controls in the ribbon based on user selections. For example I need to change the text of a label, and also make some of the controls disabled in some cases. And here's where I hit a brick wall. It looks like there's no way to do it. I tried to put the logic in the onAction callback as follows:
public void LabelAction(IRibbonControl control)
LabelControl label = (LabelControl)control;
label.Label = "changed text";
But this cast doesn't work because apparently IRibbonControl interface has nothing to do with the RibbonControl class that LabelConrol inherits from.
I was also not able to find any other way to access any of the XML ribbon controls. Is there even a solution to this? Or should I stick to Ribbon Designer?
You need to do this in a routine that sets the item label.
The xml would look like this:
<button id="SkLabelTest1" getLabel="GetLabelTest" onAction="SkLabelTest1"/>
<button id="SkLabelTest2" getLabel="GetLabelTest" onAction="SkLabelTest2"/>
The routine you are interested in is getLabel
I've done a noddy routine to demonstrate this.
First I added a property to ThisAddin.cs for it to read:
public string _labelTest = string.Empty;
public string LabelTest { get { return _labelTest; } set { _labelTest = value; } }
Then in my ribbon handling code I added the getLabel routine:
public string GetLabelTest(Office.IRibbonControl control)
switch (control.Id.ToLower())
case "sklabeltest2":
if (Globals.ThisAddIn.LabelTest != string.Empty)
return Globals.ThisAddIn.LabelTest;
return "Label Test 2";
return "Label Test 1";
This works by the SkLabelTest1 button changing the text of SkLabelTest2 and then invalidating the control to force the ribbon to reload it:
public void SkLabelTest1(Office.IRibbonControl control)
Globals.ThisAddIn._labelTest = "Changed text";
I've tested just in case and it changes the text OK. Hope this helps
I couldn't make a comment because of my reputation. As a comment to Charlie's post, it is a perfect solution but on my side, I had to change one part.
I changed public void SklabelTest1 function to this one below:
public void SkLabelTest1(Office.IRibbonControl control)
Globals.ThisAddIn._labelTest = "Changed text";
And also added this in the beginning of my ribbon class.
private Office.IRibbonUI ribbon;
I hope it helps.

ViewModels and IsolatedStorageSettings

Im working on a MVVM Windows phone app that displays weather info.
When the app loads up it opens MainPage.xaml. It makes a call the the service to get weather info and binds that data to the UI. Both Fahrenheit and Celcius info are returned but only one is displayed.
On the setting page, the user can select to view the temp in either Fahrenheit or Celcius.
The user can change this setting at any time and its stored in IsolatedStorageSettings.
The issue Im having is this:
when the user navigates to the Settings page and changes their preference for either Fahrenheit or Celcius, this change is not reflected on the main page.
This issue started me thinking about this in a broader context. I can see this being an issue in ANY MVVM app where the display depends on some setting in IsolatedStorage. Any time any setting in the IsoStore is updated, how does the ViewModels know this? When I navigate back in the NavigationStack from the settings page back to MainPage how can I force a rebind of the page?
The data in my model hasnt changed, only the data that I want to display has changed.
Am I missing something simple here?
Thanks in advance.
Probably you have code like this:
public double DisplayTemperature
get { return (IsCelsium) ? Celsium : Fahrenheit; }
And IsCelsium is:
public double IsCelsium
get { return (bool)settings["IsCelsium"]; }
set { settings["IsCelsium"] = value; }
So you need to add NotifyPropertyChanged event to notify UI to get new values from DisplayTemperature property:
public double IsCelsium
get { return (bool)settings["IsCelsium"]; }
settings["IsCelsium"] = value;
Take a look at Caliburn Micro. You could implement something similar or use CM itself. When using CM I don't even think about this stuff, CM makes it so simple.
When your ViewModel inherits from Screen there are life-cycle events that fire that you can override. For example, OnInitialize fires the very first time the ViewModel is Activated and OnActivate fires every time the VM is activated. There's also OnViewAttached and OnViewLoaded.
These methods are the perfect place to put logic to populate or re-populate data.
CM also has some special built in features for allowing one to easily tombstone a single property or an entire object graph into Iso or phone state.
ok, so Ive come up with a solution. Before I get to it, let me provide some background. The app that Im working on uses both MVVM Light and WP7Contrib. That being the case, I am using Funq for DI and the MVVMLight Toolkit. After I posted my initial question, I gave the question a bit more thought. I remembered a video that I watched a while back from MIX2011 called Deep Dive MVVM with Laurent Bugnion
In it, he talks about just this problem (view models not living at the same time) on Windows Phone. The part in question starts around the 19 minute mark.
Anyway, after I remembered that and realized that the ViewModel locator is exposed in App.xaml, this became a trivial problem to solve. When the user changes the Fahrenheit/Celcius option on the setting page, I simply get a reference to the MainViewModel via the ViewModelLocator and reset the collection that is bound to the UI thus causing the bindings to update.
public bool AddOrUpdateValue(string Key, Object value)
bool valueChanged = false;
// If the key exists
if (settings.Contains(Key))
// If the value has changed
if (settings[Key] != value)
// Store the new value
settings[Key] = value;
valueChanged = true;
// Otherwise create the key.
settings.Add(Key, value);
valueChanged = true;
return valueChanged;
public bool ImperialSetting
return GetValueOrDefault<bool>(ImperialSettingKeyName, ImperialSettingDefault);
if (AddOrUpdateValue(ImperialSettingKeyName, value))
var vml = new ViewModelLocator();
vml.MainViewModel.Cities = (App.Current as App).Cities;
It was a mistake on my part not to realize that I could get access to the viewModel via the ViewModelLocator. Hopefully this post saves someone else the time I burned on this issue.

Visual Studio 2010 plugin / code to clear "Error List" warnings before each build

VS2010 is driving me nuts: whenever I rebuild, the "Error List" warnings from the previous compilation are persisted and any new warnings are simply added to the end of the list. Over time, this list becomes ridiculously long and unwieldy.
I'm using the Chirpy 2.0 tools to run JSHint and JSLint on my JS files, and these tools generate a lot of false positives.
I've been looking for an easy way to clear the contents of this window, but the only manual mechanism that works 100% of the time is to close and re-open the solution. Not very elegant.
I'd like to write a small VS Plug-In or some code that gets called right before a compilation to clear out this list so I can focus only on new warnings for the currently loaded file(s).
I see a .Clear() method for the Output window but not for the Error List. Is this doable?
Once upon a time I was an Add-In/VSIX Package/MEF developer ...
The answer is shortly no, but I have to do it on the long way:
Add-Ins, packages (Managed or not) have access to the VS service level separatedly. Every error belongs to the reporter (If they are manage them as Chirpy do), so you can not handle the errors created by Chirpy 2.0
I take a several look to it's source code and it is persist it's erros gained by the tools in a Singleton collection called TaskList.
The deletion of the collection elements is happening in several point of code in the latest release through the RemoveAll method:
First: after the soulution is closed.
by this:
private static string[] buildCommands = new[] { "Build.BuildSelection", "Build.BuildSolution", "ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.Build" };
private void CommandEvents_BeforeExecute(string guid, int id, object customIn, object customOut, ref bool cancelDefault) {
EnvDTE.Command objCommand = default(EnvDTE.Command);
string commandName = null;
try {
objCommand = this.App.Commands.Item(guid, id);
} catch (System.ArgumentException) {
if (objCommand != null) {
commandName = objCommand.Name;
var settings = new Settings();
if (settings.T4RunAsBuild) {
if (buildCommands.Contains(commandName)) {
if (this.tasks != null) {
Engines.T4Engine.RunT4Template(this.App, settings.T4RunAsBuildTemplate);
As you may see, clear of results depends on many thigs.
First on a setting (which I don't know where to set on GUI or configs, but seems to get its value form a check box).
Second the array of names which are not contains every build commands name.
So I see a solution, but only on the way to modify and rebuild/redepeloy your own version from Chirpy (and make a Pull request):
The code souldn't depend on the commands, and their names. (rebuilds are missing for example)
You could change the method above something like this:
this.eventsOnBuild.OnBuildBegin += ( scope, action ) =>
if (action != vsBuildAction.vsBuildActionDeploy)
if (this.tasks != null)
if (settings.T4RunAsBuild && action != vsBuildAction.vsBuildActionClean)
Engines.T4Engine.RunT4Template(this.App, settings.T4RunAsBuildTemplate);
Or with something equivalent handler method instead of lambda expression.
You shold place it into the subscription OnStartupComplete method of Chirp class.
The unsubscription have to placed into OnDisconnection method in the same class. (As for all other subscribed handlers...)
When an Add-In disconneced, it isn't means the Studio will be closed immediately. The Add-In could be unloaded. So you should call the RemoveAll from OnDisconneconnection too. (Or Remove and Dispose the TaskList...)
You can also make a custom command, and bind it to a hotkey.

Serializing data by GameStateManagment on Windows phone

I am trying to serialize my game data. In case the user presses the Windows button, everything should be saved. I know that we should override the OnExiting event in the game class. but am using the Game State Management , I want to serialize game data in my GamePlayScreen class. I did override the Serialize and DeSerialize methods, but they didnt work.
hers my code:
public override void Serialize(Stream stream)
gameState.HumanPlayer = HumanPlayer;
gameState.Player1 = AIPlayer1;
gameState.Player2 = AIPlayer2;
gameState.Player3 = AIPlayer3;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameState));
serializer.Serialize(stream, gameState);
public override void Deserialize(Stream stream)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameState));
gameState = (GameState)serializer.Deserialize(stream);
if (gameState.HumanPlayer != null)
HumanPlayer = gameState.HumanPlayer;
if (gameState.Player1 != null)
AIPlayer1 = gameState.Player1;
if (gameState.Player2 != null)
AIPlayer2 = gameState.Player2;
if (gameState.Player3 != null)
AIPlayer3 = gameState.Player3;
I tried to create my own IsolatedStorageFile instead of the provided stream object, but it didnt work.
I tried to write the same code in the Load and Unload event. it works fine there, but in case of pressing the back button. i need to serialize if the user pressed the windows button or the search button.
It looks like you need to handle the OnDeactivated and OnActivated events. Just do the same thing as is done in the OnExiting event and the Constructor. I would have thought the sample would do this as proper handling of tombstone/rehydrate is such a big thing for WP7, however it seems it has been neglected. Note that OnActivated is NOT called when the app is launched and OnDeactivated is NOT called when the app is closed manually or exited using the Back button.
Note that Activated and Deactivated area also available as events on PhonApplicationServices.Current, along with Launching and Closing, which are ONLY called on actual open and exit situations.
Ok, I take it back. OnDeactivated and OnActivated are not required. It seems that OnExiting is fired for both Deactivate and Exit scenarios. I downloaded the sample you linked (XNA4 WP7, not Mango version) and put this code into the GameplayScreen:
public override void Serialize(System.IO.Stream stream)
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(string));
serializer.Serialize(stream, "Blah de blah blah");
public override void Deserialize(System.IO.Stream stream)
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(string));
string testStr = (string)serializer.Deserialize(stream);
A break point shows that the Deserialize method is being hit functioning correctly, so your problem must be in how you apply your loaded data, or perhaps you've edited other code that has broken it.

C# - Is there any OnShapeMoved or OnShapeDeleted event in Visio?

I think the title or the question is clear enough. I saw something about the EventSink, but I found it difficult to use. Any hint?
The Visio Primary Interop Assembly exposes these events as C# events therefore you can simply hook the event with a delegate.
See this simple example:
namespace VisioEventsExample
using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio;
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application app = new Application();
Document doc = app.Documents.Add("");
Page page = doc.Pages[1];
// Setup event handles for the events you are intrested in.
// Shape deleted is easy.
page.BeforeShapeDelete +=
new EPage_BeforeShapeDeleteEventHandler(onBeforeShapeDelete);
// To find out if a shape has moved hook the cell changed event
// and then check to see if PinX or PinY changed.
page.CellChanged +=
new EPage_CellChangedEventHandler(onCellChanged);
// In C# 4 for you can simply do this:
// page.BeforeShapeDelete += onBeforeShapeDelete;
// page.CellChanged += onCellChanged;
// Now wait for the events.
Console.WriteLine("Wait for events. Press any key to stop.");
// This will be called when a shape sheet cell for a
// shape on the page is changed. To know if the shape
// was moved see of the pin was changed. This will
// fire twice if the shape is moved horizontally and
// vertically.
private static void onCellChanged(Cell cell)
if (cell.Name == "PinX" || cell.Name == "PinY")
string.Format("Shape {0} moved", cell.Shape.Name));
// This will be called when a shape is deleted from the page.
private static void onBeforeShapeDelete(Shape shape)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Shape deleted {0}", shape.Name));
If you haven't already downloaded the Visio SDK you should do so. Recent versions of the SDK it contains many useful examples include one called "Shape Add\Delete Event". If you have the 2010 version can browse the examples by going to Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Resources\Microsoft Visio 2010 SDK\Microsoft Visio Code Samples Library.
I believe that you have to implement EvenSink to get access to "ShapesDeleted", i.e.
the code above will help you if you are looking for the event "BeforeShapeDelete" not the "after"ShapeDelete ;)
